2021-03-13 19:40:07 +01:00
module String_map = Map.Make (String)
type t = {
- Removed 'txt init'
- New B32 ID
- New option: txt index --print
- Move scheme to peers
- Replace peer.*.conf files with index packed locations
Instead of adding a URL to peers.*.conf, run `txt pull <url>`
- Rewritten converters
- txt-convert looks for a .convert.conf containing `key: value` lines.
- Specifiable topic-roots from .convert.conf.
- Added `Topics:` key, with comma seperated topics.
If set only those topics will appear in the main index and used as topic roots.
Other topics will have sub-indices generated, but won't be listed in the main index.
- HTML converter header & footer options
- HTML-index renamed to HTM-index
- Change types: uuid:Uuid -> id:string
- File_store merges identical texts
- Use peer ID for store path, store peers' texts in .local/share/texts
- Simple URN resolution for converter
Continue to next feed if parsing one fails
- Phasing-out Archive, replaced by improved packs
- Eliminate Bos, Cohttp, lwt, uri, tls, Re, Ptime, dependencies
- Lock version for Cmdliner, fix dune-project
- Optional resursive store
- Improve header_pack
- Fix recursive mkdir
2022-04-01 17:35:56 +02:00
id: Id.t;
title: string;
authors: Person.Set.t;
date: Date.t;
string_map: string String_map.t;
stringset_map: String_set.t String_map.t;
body: string;
2021-03-13 19:40:07 +01:00
- Removed 'txt init'
- New B32 ID
- New option: txt index --print
- Move scheme to peers
- Replace peer.*.conf files with index packed locations
Instead of adding a URL to peers.*.conf, run `txt pull <url>`
- Rewritten converters
- txt-convert looks for a .convert.conf containing `key: value` lines.
- Specifiable topic-roots from .convert.conf.
- Added `Topics:` key, with comma seperated topics.
If set only those topics will appear in the main index and used as topic roots.
Other topics will have sub-indices generated, but won't be listed in the main index.
- HTML converter header & footer options
- HTML-index renamed to HTM-index
- Change types: uuid:Uuid -> id:string
- File_store merges identical texts
- Use peer ID for store path, store peers' texts in .local/share/texts
- Simple URN resolution for converter
Continue to next feed if parsing one fails
- Phasing-out Archive, replaced by improved packs
- Eliminate Bos, Cohttp, lwt, uri, tls, Re, Ptime, dependencies
- Lock version for Cmdliner, fix dune-project
- Optional resursive store
- Improve header_pack
- Fix recursive mkdir
2022-04-01 17:35:56 +02:00
let blank ?(id=(Id.generate ())) () = {
title = "";
authors = Person.Set.empty;
date = Date.({ created = now (); edited = ""});
string_map = String_map.empty;
stringset_map = String_map.empty;
body = "";
2021-03-13 19:40:07 +01:00
let compare = Stdlib.compare
let newest a b = Date.(compare a.date b.date)
let oldest a b = Date.(compare b.date a.date)
let str key m = try String_map.find (String.lowercase_ascii key) m.string_map with Not_found -> ""
let set key m = try String_map.find (String.lowercase_ascii key) m.stringset_map with Not_found -> String_set.empty
let str_set key m = String_set.to_string @@ set key m
let with_str_set m key str = { m with stringset_map = String_map.add (String.lowercase_ascii key) (String_set.of_string str) m.stringset_map }
let with_kv x (k,v) =
- Removed 'txt init'
- New B32 ID
- New option: txt index --print
- Move scheme to peers
- Replace peer.*.conf files with index packed locations
Instead of adding a URL to peers.*.conf, run `txt pull <url>`
- Rewritten converters
- txt-convert looks for a .convert.conf containing `key: value` lines.
- Specifiable topic-roots from .convert.conf.
- Added `Topics:` key, with comma seperated topics.
If set only those topics will appear in the main index and used as topic roots.
Other topics will have sub-indices generated, but won't be listed in the main index.
- HTML converter header & footer options
- HTML-index renamed to HTM-index
- Change types: uuid:Uuid -> id:string
- File_store merges identical texts
- Use peer ID for store path, store peers' texts in .local/share/texts
- Simple URN resolution for converter
Continue to next feed if parsing one fails
- Phasing-out Archive, replaced by improved packs
- Eliminate Bos, Cohttp, lwt, uri, tls, Re, Ptime, dependencies
- Lock version for Cmdliner, fix dune-project
- Optional resursive store
- Improve header_pack
- Fix recursive mkdir
2022-04-01 17:35:56 +02:00
let trim = String.trim in
match String.lowercase_ascii k with
| "body" -> { x with body = String.trim v }
| "title"-> { x with title = trim v }
| "id" -> (match v with "" -> x | s -> { x with id = s })
| "author"
| "authors" -> { x with authors = Person.Set.of_string (trim v)}
| "date" -> { x with date = Date.{ x.date with created = Date.of_string v }}
| "date-edited"-> { x with date = Date.{ x.date with edited = Date.of_string v }}
| "licences" | "topics" | "keywords" | "series" as k -> with_str_set x k v
| k -> { x with string_map = String_map.add k (trim v) x.string_map }
2021-03-13 19:40:07 +01:00
- Removed 'txt init'
- New B32 ID
- New option: txt index --print
- Move scheme to peers
- Replace peer.*.conf files with index packed locations
Instead of adding a URL to peers.*.conf, run `txt pull <url>`
- Rewritten converters
- txt-convert looks for a .convert.conf containing `key: value` lines.
- Specifiable topic-roots from .convert.conf.
- Added `Topics:` key, with comma seperated topics.
If set only those topics will appear in the main index and used as topic roots.
Other topics will have sub-indices generated, but won't be listed in the main index.
- HTML converter header & footer options
- HTML-index renamed to HTM-index
- Change types: uuid:Uuid -> id:string
- File_store merges identical texts
- Use peer ID for store path, store peers' texts in .local/share/texts
- Simple URN resolution for converter
Continue to next feed if parsing one fails
- Phasing-out Archive, replaced by improved packs
- Eliminate Bos, Cohttp, lwt, uri, tls, Re, Ptime, dependencies
- Lock version for Cmdliner, fix dune-project
- Optional resursive store
- Improve header_pack
- Fix recursive mkdir
2022-04-01 17:35:56 +02:00
let kv_of_string line = match Str.(bounded_split (regexp ": *")) line 2 with
| [ key; value ] -> Str.(replace_first (regexp "^#\\+") "" key), value
| [ key ] -> Str.(replace_first (regexp "^#\\+") "" key), ""
| _ -> "",""
2021-03-13 19:40:07 +01:00
let of_header front_matter =
- Removed 'txt init'
- New B32 ID
- New option: txt index --print
- Move scheme to peers
- Replace peer.*.conf files with index packed locations
Instead of adding a URL to peers.*.conf, run `txt pull <url>`
- Rewritten converters
- txt-convert looks for a .convert.conf containing `key: value` lines.
- Specifiable topic-roots from .convert.conf.
- Added `Topics:` key, with comma seperated topics.
If set only those topics will appear in the main index and used as topic roots.
Other topics will have sub-indices generated, but won't be listed in the main index.
- HTML converter header & footer options
- HTML-index renamed to HTM-index
- Change types: uuid:Uuid -> id:string
- File_store merges identical texts
- Use peer ID for store path, store peers' texts in .local/share/texts
- Simple URN resolution for converter
Continue to next feed if parsing one fails
- Phasing-out Archive, replaced by improved packs
- Eliminate Bos, Cohttp, lwt, uri, tls, Re, Ptime, dependencies
- Lock version for Cmdliner, fix dune-project
- Optional resursive store
- Improve header_pack
- Fix recursive mkdir
2022-04-01 17:35:56 +02:00
let fields = List.map kv_of_string (Str.(split (regexp "\n")) front_matter) in
List.fold_left with_kv (blank ~id:Id.nil ()) fields
2021-03-13 19:40:07 +01:00
let front_matter_body_split s =
- Removed 'txt init'
- New B32 ID
- New option: txt index --print
- Move scheme to peers
- Replace peer.*.conf files with index packed locations
Instead of adding a URL to peers.*.conf, run `txt pull <url>`
- Rewritten converters
- txt-convert looks for a .convert.conf containing `key: value` lines.
- Specifiable topic-roots from .convert.conf.
- Added `Topics:` key, with comma seperated topics.
If set only those topics will appear in the main index and used as topic roots.
Other topics will have sub-indices generated, but won't be listed in the main index.
- HTML converter header & footer options
- HTML-index renamed to HTM-index
- Change types: uuid:Uuid -> id:string
- File_store merges identical texts
- Use peer ID for store path, store peers' texts in .local/share/texts
- Simple URN resolution for converter
Continue to next feed if parsing one fails
- Phasing-out Archive, replaced by improved packs
- Eliminate Bos, Cohttp, lwt, uri, tls, Re, Ptime, dependencies
- Lock version for Cmdliner, fix dune-project
- Optional resursive store
- Improve header_pack
- Fix recursive mkdir
2022-04-01 17:35:56 +02:00
if Str.(string_match (regexp ".*:.*")) s 0
then match Str.(bounded_split (regexp "^$")) s 2 with
| front::body::[] -> (front, body)
| _ -> ("", s)
else ("", s)
2021-03-13 19:40:07 +01:00
let of_string s =
- Removed 'txt init'
- New B32 ID
- New option: txt index --print
- Move scheme to peers
- Replace peer.*.conf files with index packed locations
Instead of adding a URL to peers.*.conf, run `txt pull <url>`
- Rewritten converters
- txt-convert looks for a .convert.conf containing `key: value` lines.
- Specifiable topic-roots from .convert.conf.
- Added `Topics:` key, with comma seperated topics.
If set only those topics will appear in the main index and used as topic roots.
Other topics will have sub-indices generated, but won't be listed in the main index.
- HTML converter header & footer options
- HTML-index renamed to HTM-index
- Change types: uuid:Uuid -> id:string
- File_store merges identical texts
- Use peer ID for store path, store peers' texts in .local/share/texts
- Simple URN resolution for converter
Continue to next feed if parsing one fails
- Phasing-out Archive, replaced by improved packs
- Eliminate Bos, Cohttp, lwt, uri, tls, Re, Ptime, dependencies
- Lock version for Cmdliner, fix dune-project
- Optional resursive store
- Improve header_pack
- Fix recursive mkdir
2022-04-01 17:35:56 +02:00
let front_matter, body = front_matter_body_split s in
let note = { (of_header front_matter) with body } in
if note.id <> Id.nil then Ok note else Error "Missing ID header"
with _ -> Error ("Failed parsing" ^ s)
2021-03-13 19:40:07 +01:00
let to_string x =
- Removed 'txt init'
- New B32 ID
- New option: txt index --print
- Move scheme to peers
- Replace peer.*.conf files with index packed locations
Instead of adding a URL to peers.*.conf, run `txt pull <url>`
- Rewritten converters
- txt-convert looks for a .convert.conf containing `key: value` lines.
- Specifiable topic-roots from .convert.conf.
- Added `Topics:` key, with comma seperated topics.
If set only those topics will appear in the main index and used as topic roots.
Other topics will have sub-indices generated, but won't be listed in the main index.
- HTML converter header & footer options
- HTML-index renamed to HTM-index
- Change types: uuid:Uuid -> id:string
- File_store merges identical texts
- Use peer ID for store path, store peers' texts in .local/share/texts
- Simple URN resolution for converter
Continue to next feed if parsing one fails
- Phasing-out Archive, replaced by improved packs
- Eliminate Bos, Cohttp, lwt, uri, tls, Re, Ptime, dependencies
- Lock version for Cmdliner, fix dune-project
- Optional resursive store
- Improve header_pack
- Fix recursive mkdir
2022-04-01 17:35:56 +02:00
let has_len v = String.length v > 0 in
let s field value = if has_len value then field ^ ": " ^ value ^ "\n" else "" in
let a value = if Person.Set.is_empty value then "" else "Authors: " ^ Person.Set.to_string value ^ "\n" in
let d field value = match value with "" -> "" | s -> field ^ ": " ^ Date.rfc_string s ^ "\n" in
let rows = [
s "ID" x.id;
d "Date" x.date.Date.created;
d "Edited" x.date.Date.edited;
s "Title" x.title;
a x.authors;
s "Licences" (str_set "licences" x);
s "Topics" (str_set "topics" x);
s "Keywords" (str_set "keywords" x);
s "Series" (str_set "series" x);
s "Abstract" (str "abstract" x);
s "Alias" (str "Alias" x)
] in
String.concat "" rows ^ "\n" ^ x.body
2021-03-13 19:40:07 +01:00
let string_alias t =
- Removed 'txt init'
- New B32 ID
- New option: txt index --print
- Move scheme to peers
- Replace peer.*.conf files with index packed locations
Instead of adding a URL to peers.*.conf, run `txt pull <url>`
- Rewritten converters
- txt-convert looks for a .convert.conf containing `key: value` lines.
- Specifiable topic-roots from .convert.conf.
- Added `Topics:` key, with comma seperated topics.
If set only those topics will appear in the main index and used as topic roots.
Other topics will have sub-indices generated, but won't be listed in the main index.
- HTML converter header & footer options
- HTML-index renamed to HTM-index
- Change types: uuid:Uuid -> id:string
- File_store merges identical texts
- Use peer ID for store path, store peers' texts in .local/share/texts
- Simple URN resolution for converter
Continue to next feed if parsing one fails
- Phasing-out Archive, replaced by improved packs
- Eliminate Bos, Cohttp, lwt, uri, tls, Re, Ptime, dependencies
- Lock version for Cmdliner, fix dune-project
- Optional resursive store
- Improve header_pack
- Fix recursive mkdir
2022-04-01 17:35:56 +02:00
let is_reserved = function
| '!' | '*' | '\'' | '(' | ')' | ';' | ':' | '@' | '&' | '=' | '+' | '$'
| ',' | '/' | '?' | '#' | '[' | ']' | ' ' | '\t' | '\x00' -> true
| _ -> false
let b = Buffer.create (String.length t) in
let filter char =
let open Buffer in
if is_reserved char then (try (if nth b (pred (length b)) <> '-' then add_char b '-') with Invalid_argument _ -> prerr_endline "reserved")
else add_char b char
String.(iter filter (lowercase_ascii t));
Buffer.contents b
2021-03-13 19:40:07 +01:00
let alias t = match str "alias" t with "" -> string_alias t.title | x -> x
- Removed 'txt init'
- New B32 ID
- New option: txt index --print
- Move scheme to peers
- Replace peer.*.conf files with index packed locations
Instead of adding a URL to peers.*.conf, run `txt pull <url>`
- Rewritten converters
- txt-convert looks for a .convert.conf containing `key: value` lines.
- Specifiable topic-roots from .convert.conf.
- Added `Topics:` key, with comma seperated topics.
If set only those topics will appear in the main index and used as topic roots.
Other topics will have sub-indices generated, but won't be listed in the main index.
- HTML converter header & footer options
- HTML-index renamed to HTM-index
- Change types: uuid:Uuid -> id:string
- File_store merges identical texts
- Use peer ID for store path, store peers' texts in .local/share/texts
- Simple URN resolution for converter
Continue to next feed if parsing one fails
- Phasing-out Archive, replaced by improved packs
- Eliminate Bos, Cohttp, lwt, uri, tls, Re, Ptime, dependencies
- Lock version for Cmdliner, fix dune-project
- Optional resursive store
- Improve header_pack
- Fix recursive mkdir
2022-04-01 17:35:56 +02:00
let short_id t = Id.short t.id