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let of_string x = Str.(split (regexp " *> *")) (String.trim x)
let topic x =
let path = of_string x in
try List.nth path (List.length path - 1) with _ -> ""
module Map = Map.Make(String)
let edges x map = try Map.find x map with Not_found -> (String_set.empty, String_set.empty)
let edges_with_context context (contexts, subtopics) = (String_set.add context contexts, subtopics)
let edges_with_subtopic subtopic (contexts, subtopics) = (contexts, String_set.add subtopic subtopics)
let rec list_to_map map = function
| [] -> map
| [topic] ->
let edges = edges topic map in
Map.add topic edges map
| context :: topic :: tail ->
let context_edges = edges context map in
let topic_edges = edges topic map in
let map =
|> Map.add context (edges_with_subtopic topic context_edges)
|> Map.add topic (edges_with_context context topic_edges)
list_to_map map (topic :: tail)
let to_map map set =
List.fold_left (fun acc elt -> list_to_map acc (of_string elt)) map @@ String_set.elements set
let roots map =
let root_keys acc (key, (contexts, _topics)) = if String_set.is_empty contexts then key :: acc else acc in
List.fold_left root_keys [] @@ Map.bindings map