Omit bullet in empty title conversions, tidy

This commit is contained in:
orbifx 2022-10-22 21:55:08 +01:00
parent 93be78f7c9
commit 4c32abf03b

View file

@ -7,12 +7,11 @@ let default_opts = { templates = empty_templates }
let init kv =
let open Logarion in
let header = match Store.KV.find "HTM-header" kv with
| fname -> Some (File_store.to_string fname)
| exception Not_found -> None in
let footer = match Store.KV.find "HTM-footer" kv with
let to_string key kv = match Store.KV.find key kv with
| fname -> Some (File_store.to_string fname)
| exception Not_found -> None in
let header = to_string "HTM-header" kv in
let footer = to_string "HTM-footer" kv in
{ templates = { header; footer} }
let wrap c htm text_title body =
@ -27,17 +26,19 @@ let wrap c htm text_title body =
| None -> "<header><a href='.'>" ^ site_title ^
"</a><nav><a href='feed.atom' id='feed'>feed</a></nav></header>"
let footer = match htm.templates.footer with None -> "" | Some x -> replace x in
"<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>" ^ text_title ^ "" ^ site_title ^ "</title>\n\
<link rel='stylesheet' href='main.css'>\
<link rel='alternate' href='feed.atom' type='application/atom+xml'>\
<meta charset='utf-8'/><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>\
</head><body>\n" ^ header ^ body ^ footer ^ "</body></html>"
let footer = match htm.templates.footer with None -> "" | Some x -> replace x in
Printf.sprintf "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>%s%s</title>\n\
<link rel='stylesheet' href='main.css'>\
<link rel='alternate' href='feed.atom' type='application/atom+xml'>\
<meta charset='utf-8'/><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>\
text_title (if site_title <> "" then ("" ^ site_title) else "")
header body footer
let topic_link root topic =
let replaced_space = (function ' '->'+' | x->x) in
"<a href='index." ^ root ^ ".htm#" ^ replaced_space topic ^ "'>"
^ String.capitalize_ascii topic ^ "</a>"
let replaced_space = (function ' '->'+' | x->x) in
"<a href='index." ^ root ^ ".htm#" ^ replaced_space topic ^ "'>"
^ String.capitalize_ascii topic ^ "</a>"
module HtmlConverter = struct
include Converter.Html
@ -46,119 +47,119 @@ module HtmlConverter = struct
let page htm conversion text =
let open Logarion in
let open Text in
let module T = Parsers.Plain_text.Make (HtmlConverter) in
let sep_append ?(sep=", ") a x = match a,x with "",_ -> x | _, "" -> a | _ -> a ^ sep ^ x in
let opt_kv key value = if String.length value > 0
then "<dt>" ^ key ^ "<dd>" ^ value else "" in
(* let author acc auth = sep_append acc Person.( ^ " ") in*)
let authors = (Person.Set.to_string text.authors ^ " ") in
let keywords = str_set "keywords" text in
let header =
let time x = {|<time datetime="|} ^ x ^ {|">|} ^ x ^ "</time>" in
let topic_links x =
let to_linked t a =
let ts = Topic_set.of_string t in
sep_append a (List.fold_left (fun a t -> sep_append ~sep:" > " a (topic_link (List.hd ts) t)) "" ts) in
String_set.fold to_linked x "" in
^ opt_kv "Title:" text.title
^ opt_kv "Authors:" authors
^ opt_kv "Date: " (time (Date.(pretty_date @@ listing
^ opt_kv "Series: " (str_set "series" text)
^ opt_kv "Topics: " (topic_links (set "topics" text))
^ opt_kv "Keywords: " keywords
^ opt_kv "Id: "
^ {|</dl></header><pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">|} in
wrap conversion htm text.title ((T.of_string text.body header) ^ "</pre></article>")
let open Logarion in
let open Text in
let module T = Parsers.Plain_text.Make (HtmlConverter) in
let sep_append ?(sep=", ") a x = match a,x with "",_ -> x | _, "" -> a | _ -> a ^ sep ^ x in
let opt_kv key value = if String.length value > 0
then "<dt>" ^ key ^ "<dd>" ^ value else "" in
(* let author acc auth = sep_append acc Person.( ^ " ") in*)
let authors = (Person.Set.to_string text.authors ^ " ") in
let keywords = str_set "keywords" text in
let header =
let time x = {|<time datetime="|} ^ x ^ {|">|} ^ x ^ "</time>" in
let topic_links x =
let to_linked t a =
let ts = Topic_set.of_string t in
sep_append a (List.fold_left (fun a t -> sep_append ~sep:" > " a (topic_link (List.hd ts) t)) "" ts) in
String_set.fold to_linked x "" in
^ opt_kv "Title:" text.title
^ opt_kv "Authors:" authors
^ opt_kv "Date: " (time (Date.(pretty_date @@ listing
^ opt_kv "Series: " (str_set "series" text)
^ opt_kv "Topics: " (topic_links (set "topics" text))
^ opt_kv "Keywords: " keywords
^ opt_kv "Id: "
^ {|</dl></header><pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">|} in
wrap conversion htm text.title ((T.of_string text.body header) ^ "</pre></article>")
let to_dated_links ?(limit) meta_list =
let meta_list = match limit with
| None -> meta_list
| Some limit->
let rec reduced acc i = function
| [] -> acc
| h::t -> if i < limit then reduced (h::acc) (i+1) t else acc in
List.rev @@ reduced [] 0 meta_list
(fun a m -> Printf.sprintf "%s<li> %s <a href=\"%s.htm\">%s</a>" a
Logarion.(Date.(pretty_date (listing
(Logarion.Text.short_id m) m.Logarion.Text.title)
"" meta_list
let meta_list = match limit with
| None -> meta_list
| Some limit->
let rec reduced acc i = function
| [] -> acc
| h::t -> if i < limit then reduced (h::acc) (i+1) t else acc in
List.rev @@ reduced [] 0 meta_list
(fun a m -> Printf.sprintf "%s<li> %s <a href=\"%s.htm\">%s</a>" a
Logarion.(Date.(pretty_date (listing
(Logarion.Text.short_id m) m.Logarion.Text.title)
"" meta_list
let date_index ?(limit) conv htm meta_list =
match limit with
| Some limit -> wrap conv htm "Index" (to_dated_links ~limit meta_list)
| None -> wrap conv htm "Index" (to_dated_links meta_list)
match limit with
| Some limit -> wrap conv htm "Index" (to_dated_links ~limit meta_list)
| None -> wrap conv htm "Index" (to_dated_links meta_list)
let fold_topic_roots topic_roots =
let list_item root t = "<li>" ^ topic_link root t in
"<nav><h2>Main topics</h2>"
^ List.fold_left (fun a x -> a ^ list_item x x) "<ul>" (List.rev topic_roots)
^ "</ul></nav>"
let list_item root t = "<li>" ^ topic_link root t in
"<nav><h2>Main topics</h2>"
^ List.fold_left (fun a x -> a ^ list_item x x) "<ul>" (List.rev topic_roots)
^ "</ul></nav>"
let fold_topics topic_map topic_roots metas =
let open Logarion in
let rec unordered_list root topic =
List.fold_left (fun a x -> a ^ list_item root x) "<ul>" topic
^ "</ul>"
and sub_items root topic = match Topic_set.Map.find_opt topic topic_map with
| None -> ""
| Some (_, subtopics) -> unordered_list root (String_set.elements subtopics)
and list_item root t =
let item =
if List.exists (fun x -> String_set.mem t ( Topic_set.topic (Text.set "topics" x))) metas
then topic_link root t else String.capitalize_ascii t
"<li>" ^ item ^ sub_items root t
^ List.fold_left (fun a x -> a ^ list_item x x) "<ul>" (List.rev topic_roots)
^ "</ul></nav>"
let open Logarion in
let rec unordered_list root topic =
List.fold_left (fun a x -> a ^ list_item root x) "<ul>" topic
^ "</ul>"
and sub_items root topic = match Topic_set.Map.find_opt topic topic_map with
| None -> ""
| Some (_, subtopics) -> unordered_list root (String_set.elements subtopics)
and list_item root t =
let item =
if List.exists (fun x -> String_set.mem t ( Topic_set.topic (Text.set "topics" x))) metas
then topic_link root t else String.capitalize_ascii t
"<li>" ^ item ^ sub_items root t
^ List.fold_left (fun a x -> a ^ list_item x x) "<ul>" (List.rev topic_roots)
^ "</ul></nav>"
let text_item path meta =
let open Logarion in
"<time>" ^ Date.(pretty_date (listing
^ {|</time> <a href="|} ^ path ^ Text.short_id meta ^ {|.htm">|} ^ meta.Text.title
^ "</a><br>"
let open Logarion in
"<time>" ^ Date.(pretty_date (listing
^ {|</time> <a href="|} ^ path ^ Text.short_id meta ^ {|.htm">|} ^ meta.Text.title
^ "</a><br>"
let listing_index topic_map topic_roots path metas =
let rec item_group topics =
List.fold_left (fun acc topic -> acc ^ sub_groups topic ^ items topic) "" topics
and sub_groups topic = match Logarion.Topic_set.Map.find_opt topic topic_map with
| None -> ""
| Some (_, subtopics) -> item_group (Logarion.String_set.elements subtopics)
and items topic =
let items =
let open Logarion in
(fun a e ->
if String_set.mem topic ( (Logarion.Topic_set.topic) (Text.set "Topics" e))
then text_item path e ^ a else a) "" metas in
match items with
| "" -> ""
| x -> {|<h2 id="|} ^ topic ^ {|">|} ^ String.capitalize_ascii topic ^ "</h2>" ^ x
"<nav><h1>Texts</h1>" ^ item_group topic_roots ^ "</nav>"
let rec item_group topics =
List.fold_left (fun acc topic -> acc ^ sub_groups topic ^ items topic) "" topics
and sub_groups topic = match Logarion.Topic_set.Map.find_opt topic topic_map with
| None -> ""
| Some (_, subtopics) -> item_group (Logarion.String_set.elements subtopics)
and items topic =
let items =
let open Logarion in
(fun a e ->
if String_set.mem topic ( (Logarion.Topic_set.topic) (Text.set "Topics" e))
then text_item path e ^ a else a) "" metas in
match items with
| "" -> ""
| x -> {|<h2 id="|} ^ topic ^ {|">|} ^ String.capitalize_ascii topic ^ "</h2>" ^ x
"<nav><h1>Texts</h1>" ^ item_group topic_roots ^ "</nav>"
let topic_main_index conv htm topic_roots metas =
wrap conv htm "Topics"
(fold_topic_roots topic_roots
^ "<nav><h1>Latest</h1><ul>" ^ to_dated_links ~limit:8 metas
^ {|</ul><a href="">More by date</a>|}
^ let peers = Logarion.Store.KV.find "Peers" conv.kv in
(if peers = "" then "" else
List.fold_left (fun a s -> Printf.sprintf {|%s<li><a href="%s">%s</a>|} a s s) "<h1>Peers</h1><ul>"
(Str.split (Str.regexp ";\n") (Logarion.Store.KV.find "Peers" conv.kv))
^ "</ul>"))
wrap conv htm "Topics"
(fold_topic_roots topic_roots
^ "<nav><h1>Latest</h1><ul>" ^ to_dated_links ~limit:8 metas
^ {|</ul><a href="">More by date</a>|}
^ let peers = Logarion.Store.KV.find "Peers" conv.kv in
(if peers = "" then "" else
List.fold_left (fun a s -> Printf.sprintf {|%s<li><a href="%s">%s</a>|} a s s) "<h1>Peers</h1><ul>"
(Str.split (Str.regexp ";\n") (Logarion.Store.KV.find "Peers" conv.kv))
^ "</ul>"))
let topic_sub_index conv htm topic_map topic_root metas =
wrap conv htm topic_root
(fold_topics topic_map [topic_root] metas
(* ^ {|<a href=".atom" id="feed">|}^ String.capitalize_ascii topic_root ^{| feed </a>|}*)
^ listing_index topic_map [topic_root] "" metas)
wrap conv htm topic_root
(fold_topics topic_map [topic_root] metas
(* ^ {|<a href=".atom" id="feed">|}^ String.capitalize_ascii topic_root ^{| feed </a>|}*)
^ listing_index topic_map [topic_root] "" metas)
open Logarion
let indices htm c =