Implement author & topic filter for txt pull

This commit is contained in:
orbifx 2022-06-18 00:47:52 +01:00
parent d978b5fc3a
commit 939087ccf7
2 changed files with 48 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -49,42 +49,44 @@ let print_peers p =
| ps -> print_endline @@
List.fold_left (fun a x -> Printf.sprintf "%s %s" a (Msgpck.to_string x)) "peers: " ps
let parse_index _is_selected fn url dir p =
let open Logarion.Header_pack in
match Msgpck.to_list p.texts with
| [] -> Printf.printf "%s => %s, has empty index\n" dir; false
| texts ->
let numof_texts = string_of_int @@ List.length texts in
let text_num_len = String.length numof_texts in
Printf.printf "%*d/%s %s => %s\r" text_num_len 0 numof_texts dir;
let of_pck i x =
Printf.printf "\r%*d/%s %!" text_num_len (i+1) numof_texts;
match x with
| Msgpck.List (id::time::title::_authors::_topics) ->
(match Logarion.Header_pack.to_id id with
| "" -> Printf.eprintf "Invalid id for%s " (Msgpck.to_string title)
| id ->
let t = match time with Msgpck.Int i -> Int32.of_int i | Msgpck.Uint32 i -> i | x -> Msgpck.to_uint32 x in
if newer t id dir then fn url dir id)
| _ -> prerr_endline ("Invalid record structure") in
List.iteri of_pck texts;
print_newline ();
type filter_t = { authors: Logarion.Person.Set.t; topics: Logarion.String_set.t }
let print_pull_start width total title dir =
Printf.printf "%*d/%s %s => %s %!" width 0 total title dir
let print_pull width total i =
Printf.printf "\r%*d/%s %!" width (i+1) total
let printers total title dir =
let width = String.length total in
print_pull_start width total title dir;
print_pull width total
let fname dir text = Filename.concat dir (Logarion.Text.short_id text ^ ".txt")
let pull_text url dir id =
let u = Filename.concat url ((Logarion.Id.short id) ^ ".txt") in
match curl_pull u with
| Error msg -> Printf.eprintf "Failed getting %s: %s" u msg
| Ok txt ->
let txt = Buffer.contents txt in
| Ok txt -> let txt = Buffer.contents txt in
match Logarion.Text.of_string txt with
| Error s -> prerr_endline s
| Ok text ->
let file = open_out_gen [Open_creat; Open_trunc; Open_wronly] 0o640 (fname dir text) in
output_string file txt; close_out file
let pull_index url _authors _topics =
let per_text url dir filter print i id time title authors topics = match id with
| "" -> Printf.eprintf "\nInvalid id for %s\n" title
| id -> let open Logarion in
print i;
if newer time id dir
&& (String_set.empty = filter.topics
|| String_set.exists (fun t -> List.mem t topics) filter.topics)
&& (Person.Set.empty = filter.authors
|| Person.Set.exists (fun t -> List.mem (Person.to_string t) authors) filter.authors)
then pull_text url dir id
let pull_index url authors_opt topics_opt =
let index_url = url ^ "/index.pck" in
match curl_pull index_url with
| Error s -> prerr_endline s; false
@ -94,15 +96,18 @@ let pull_index url _authors _topics =
| Ok pk ->
let dir = Filename.concat Logarion.Peers.text_dir in
Logarion.File_store.with_dir dir;
let file = open_out_gen [Open_creat; Open_trunc; Open_wronly] 0o640 (Filename.concat dir "index.pck") in
let file = open_out_gen [Open_creat; Open_trunc; Open_wronly] 0o640
(Filename.concat dir "index.pck") in
output_string file ( Logarion.Header_pack.string {
pk with info = { with locations = }});
close_out file;
(* let predicates = A.predicate A.authored authors_opt*)
(* @ A.predicate A.topics topics_opt in*)
let is_selected text = List.fold_left (fun a e -> a && e text) true [](*predicates*) in
try parse_index is_selected pull_text url dir pk with
Invalid_argument msg -> Printf.eprintf "Failed to parse: %s\n%!" msg; false
let filter = let open Logarion in {
authors = (match authors_opt with Some s -> Person.Set.of_string s | None -> Person.Set.empty);
topics =( match topics_opt with Some s -> String_set.of_string s | None -> String_set.empty);
} in
let print = printers (string_of_int @@ Logarion.Header_pack.numof_texts pk) dir in
try Logarion.Header_pack.iteri (per_text url dir filter print) pk; print_newline (); true
with Invalid_argument msg -> Printf.eprintf "\nFailed to parse %s: %s\n%!" url msg; false
let pull_list auths topics =
Curl.global_init Curl.CURLINIT_GLOBALALL;

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@ -68,6 +68,19 @@ let contains text = function
| id -> = id)
| _ -> prerr_endline ("Invalid record pattern"); false
let numof_texts pack = List.length (Msgpck.to_list pack.texts)
let iteri fn pack =
let of_pck i = function Msgpck.List (id::time::title::authors::topics::[]) ->
let t = match time with Msgpck.Int i -> Int32.of_int i | Msgpck.Uint32 i -> i
| x -> Msgpck.to_uint32 x in
let id = to_id id in
let title = Msgpck.to_string title in
let topics = to_str_list topics in
let authors = to_str_list authors in
fn i id t title authors topics
| _ -> prerr_endline ("\n\nInvalid record structure\n\n")
in List.iteri of_pck (Msgpck.to_list pack.texts);
(*let pack_filename ?(filename="index.pck") archive =*)
(* let dir = Store.KV.find "Export-Dir" archive.File_store.kv in (*raises Not_found*)*)