Use of text editor when value for index field omitted

This commit is contained in:
orbifx 2022-05-01 18:05:16 +01:00
parent e878dedbb6
commit bf031ac6ae

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@ -1,55 +1,95 @@
open Logarion open Logarion
let index print title authors locations peers dir = let text_editor name x =
let fname = Filename.concat dir "index.pck" in let fname, out = Filename.open_temp_file name "" in
let pck = match Header_pack.of_string @@ File_store.to_string fname with output_string out x; flush out;
| Error s -> failwith s let r = match Unix.system ("$EDITOR " ^ fname) with
| Ok pck -> let info = Header_pack.{ with | Unix.WEXITED 0 ->
title = if title <> "" then title else; let inp = open_in fname in
people = if authors <> "" let line = input_line inp in
then (String_set.list_of_csv authors) else; close_in inp; line
locations = if locations <> "" | _ -> failwith "Failed launching editor to edit value" in
then (String_set.list_of_csv locations) else; close_out out;
Unix.unlink fname;
let text_editor_lines name x =
let fname, out = Filename.open_temp_file name "" in
List.iter (fun s -> output_string out (s ^ "\n")) x; flush out;
let r = match Unix.system ("$EDITOR " ^ fname) with
| Unix.WEXITED 0 ->
let inp = open_in fname in
let lines =
let rec acc a =
try let a = String.trim (input_line inp) :: a in acc a
with End_of_file -> a in
acc [] in
close_in inp; lines
| _ -> failwith "Failed launching editor to edit value" in
close_out out;
Unix.unlink fname;
let print_pack pck =
let s ss = String.concat "\n\t" ss in
let open Header_pack in
Printf.printf "Id: %s\nTitle: %s\nAuthors: %s\nLocations:\n\t%s\nPeers:\n\t%s\n" (String.concat ","
(s (s (to_str_list pck.peers))
type t = { dir : string; index_path: string; pck : Header_pack.t }
let index r print title auth locs peers =
let edit name index param = if print then index else match param with
| Some "$" -> text_editor name index | Some p -> p
| None -> index in
let edits name index param = if print then index else match param with
| Some "$" -> text_editor_lines name index | Some p -> String_set.list_of_csv p
| None -> index in
let edits_mp name index param = if print then index else match param with
| Some "$" -> Header_pack.str_list (text_editor_lines name (Header_pack.to_str_list index))
| Some p -> Header_pack.str_list (String_set.list_of_csv p)
| None -> index in
let info = Header_pack.{ with
title = edit "Title" title;
people = edits "People" auth;
locations = edits "Locations" locs;
} in } in
Header_pack.{ info; fields; let pack = Header_pack.{ info; fields;
texts = of_text_list @@ File_store.fold ~dir texts = of_text_list @@ File_store.fold ~dir:r.dir (fun a (t,_) -> of_text a t) [];
(fun a (t,_) -> of_text a t) []; peers = edits_mp "Peers" r.pck.peers peers;
peers = if peers <> "" } in
then (str_list @@ String_set.list_of_csv peers) else pck.peers; if print then print_pack pack
} else (File_store.file r.index_path (Header_pack.string pack))
let load dir =
let index_path = Filename.concat dir "index.pck" in
let pck = match Header_pack.of_string @@ File_store.to_string index_path with
| Error s -> failwith s | Ok pck -> pck
| exception (Sys_error _) -> Header_pack.{ | exception (Sys_error _) -> Header_pack.{
info = { info = { version = version; id = Id.generate (); title = ""; people = []; locations = [] };
version = version; id = Id.generate (); title;
people = String_set.list_of_csv authors;
locations = String_set.list_of_csv locations };
fields; fields;
texts = of_text_list @@ File_store.fold ~dir texts = of_text_list @@ File_store.fold ~dir
(fun a (t,_) -> of_text a t) []; (fun a (t,_) -> of_text a t) [];
peers = str_list @@ String_set.list_of_csv peers; peers = Msgpck.of_list [];
} in } in
File_store.file fname (Header_pack.string pck); index { dir; index_path; pck }
let open Header_pack in
let s ss = String.concat "\n\t" ss in
if print then
Printf.printf "Title: %s\nAuthors: %s\nLocations:\n\t%s\nPeers:\n\t%s\n" (String.concat ","
(s (s (to_str_list pck.peers))
open Cmdliner open Cmdliner
let term = let term =
let print= Arg.(value & flag & info ["print"] ~doc:"print info") in let print= Arg.(value & flag & info ["print"] ~doc:"print info") in
let title= Arg.(value & opt string "" & info ["t"; "title"] let title= Arg.(value & opt ~vopt:(Some "$") (some string) None & info ["t"; "title"]
~docv:"string" ~doc:"Title for index") in ~docv:"string" ~doc:"Title for index") in
let auth = Arg.(value & opt string "" & info ["a"; "authors"] let auth = Arg.(value & opt ~vopt:(Some "$") (some string) None & info ["a"; "authors"]
~docv:"comma-separated names" ~doc:"Index authors") in ~docv:"comma-separated names" ~doc:"Index authors") in
let locs = Arg.(value & opt string "" & info ["l"; "locations"] let locs = Arg.(value & opt ~vopt:(Some "$") (some string) None & info ["l"; "locations"]
~docv:"comma-separated URLs" ~doc:"repository URLs") in ~docv:"comma-separated URLs" ~doc:"repository URLs") in
let peers= Arg.(value & opt string "" & info ["p"; "peers"] let peers= Arg.(value & opt ~vopt:(Some "$") (some string) None & info ["p"; "peers"]
~docv:"comma-separated URLs" ~doc:"URLs to other known text repositories") in ~docv:"comma-separated URLs" ~doc:"URLs to other known text repositories") in
let dir = Arg.(value & pos 0 string "." & info [] let dir = Arg.(value & pos 0 string "." & info []
~docv:"directory to index") in ~docv:"directory to index") in
let doc = "Generate an index.pck for texts in a directory" in let doc = "Generate an index.pck for texts in a directory" in
Term.(const index $ print $ title $ auth $ locs $ peers $ dir), Term.(const load $ dir $ print $ title $ auth $ locs $ peers), "index" ~doc "index" ~doc
~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION"; `Pre "An index contains:\n ~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION"; `Pre "An index contains:\n
* an info section with: title for the index, the authors, locations (URLs) the texts can be access\n * an info section with: title for the index, the authors, locations (URLs) the texts can be access\n