New optional pubdir parameter for txt publish

- Inform about pubdir value and txt.conf
This commit is contained in:
orbifx 2022-11-16 22:01:58 +00:00
parent 561478ac81
commit e62ec11140
2 changed files with 31 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ let base_url kv protocol = try
let locs = Logarion.Store.KV.find "Locations" kv in
let _i = Str.(search_forward (regexp (protocol ^ "://[^;]*")) locs 0) in
Str.(matched_string locs)
with Not_found -> Printf.eprintf "Missing location for %s" protocol; ""
with Not_found -> Printf.eprintf "Missing location for %s, add it to txt.conf\n" protocol; ""
let indices alternate_type c =
let file name = Logarion.File_store.file (Filename.concat c.Conversion.dir name) in
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ let indices alternate_type c =
let base_url = base_url c.kv protocol_regexp in
let self = Filename.concat base_url fname in
file fname @@
file fname @@ (*TODO: alternate & self per url*)
{|<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><feed xmlns="" xml:base="|} ^ base_url ^ {|"><title>|}
^ title ^ {|</title><link rel="alternate" type="|} ^ alternate_type ^ {|" href="|}
^ base_url ^ {|/" /><link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="|}

View File

@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
let targets kv =
let pub_dir =
let targets pubdir = List.fold_left
(fun a x ->
let path = Filename.concat pubdir (snd x) in
try if Sys.is_directory path then (fst x, path)::a else a with Sys_error _ -> a)
["htm,atom", "public_html/"; "gmi,gmi-atom", "public_gemini/"; "", "public_gopher/"]
open Logarion
let publish pubdir ids =
let kv = Logarion.File_store.of_kv_file () in
let predicate t = List.mem ids in
let pubdir = match pubdir with Some d -> d | None ->
try Logarion.Store.KV.find "Pubdir" kv with Not_found ->
try Sys.getenv "txtpubdir" with Not_found -> ""
let exists_dir dir = Sys.is_directory (Filename.concat pub_dir dir) in
List.filter (fun x -> try exists_dir (snd x) with Sys_error _ -> false) [
"htm,atom", "public_html/";
"gmi,gmi-atom", "public_gemini/";
"", "public_gopher/";
open Logarion
let publish ids =
let kv = Logarion.File_store.of_kv_file () in
let predicate t = List.mem ids in
let targets = targets kv in
let pub_dirs = (fun x -> snd x) targets in
File_store.iter ~predicate (fun (_t, p) ->
try File.file ((List.hd p)::pub_dirs)
with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EEXIST, _, _) -> ());
List.iter (fun t -> Printf.eprintf "%s %s\n" (fst t) (snd t);
Index.((load (snd t)) false None None None None);
Convert.at_path (fst t) false (snd t);
prerr_endline (snd t))
let targets = targets pubdir in
if targets = [] then
Printf.eprintf "No target directories in $pubdir='%s'\n" pubdir
else begin
let pub_dirs = (fun x -> snd x) targets in
File_store.iter ~predicate (fun (_t, p) ->
try File.file ((List.hd p)::pub_dirs)
with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EEXIST, _, _) -> ());
List.iter (fun t -> Printf.eprintf "%s %s\n" (fst t) (snd t);
Index.((load (snd t)) false None None None None);
Convert.at_path (fst t) false (snd t))
open Cmdliner
let term =
let ids = Arg.(value & pos_all string [] & info [] ~docv:"text ids") in
let doc = "convert texts into standard public dirs public_{html,gemini,gopher} if they exist" in
Term.(const publish $ ids), "publish" ~doc ~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION"; `P doc ]
let pubdir = Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ["p"; "pubdir"] ~docv:"directory path"
~doc:"set top directory for publishing files") in
let doc = "convert texts into standard public dirs pubdir/public_{html,gemini,gopher} if they exist" in
Term.(const publish $ pubdir $ ids), "publish" ~doc ~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION"; `P doc ]