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25 Commits
master ... dev

Author SHA1 Message Date
orbifx e922b9bc5b Move text-parse in submodule 2022-12-20 16:53:40 +00:00
orbifx b3769a1c02 Relation dates, with conversion condition upon it 2022-12-18 14:49:25 +00:00
orbifx 92631b5954 Preliminary support for cross-domain references 2022-12-15 21:25:18 +00:00
orbifx ab366b4078 In-Reply-To header field. Note extra list.rev in convert 2022-12-13 23:04:19 +00:00
orbifx fc28447f58 Swap tgz filename fields 2022-12-13 12:26:20 +00:00
orbifx 28d5f69a42 Read References field; referred by listing; test & tidy documentation 2022-12-12 22:52:55 +00:00
orbifx 8fe548fd5f Support References field 2022-12-04 19:18:52 +00:00
orbifx aae83be27a Partially matching ID queries 2022-11-26 11:16:50 +00:00
orbifx b91b556b79 txt.conf wizard 2022-11-25 16:27:51 +00:00
orbifx cad9479a30 Improve txt.conf:ID documentation 2022-11-25 13:10:41 +00:00
orbifx c982c60e95 Revise makefile 2022-11-21 21:18:33 +00:00
orbifx 5ca96ec393 Txt guides 2022-11-20 13:55:01 +00:00
orbifx ae2a76a6b3 Use txt.conf:Authors for txt-new. Don't use Draft in filename 2022-11-19 11:37:52 +00:00
orbifx e1558b349a Introduce 'peers' subcommand, refactor in pull 2022-11-18 13:41:55 +00:00
orbifx 79ec24530d Check index ID characters before making a dir with them 2022-11-17 20:53:00 +00:00
orbifx ccec104c5e Skip indices with empty ID 2022-11-17 20:15:26 +00:00
orbifx 1fa25c766b Show URL when title is missing during pull 2022-11-17 19:56:15 +00:00
orbifx 45a653d949 Improve pubdir parameter reporting 2022-11-17 19:22:23 +00:00
orbifx e62ec11140 New optional pubdir parameter for txt publish
- Inform about pubdir value and txt.conf
2022-11-16 22:02:07 +00:00
orbifx 561478ac81 New `edit <ID>` command and updated readme 2022-11-13 13:15:27 +00:00
orbifx 671f5b5390 Fix non-empty authors in HTML conversion 2022-11-06 12:48:40 +00:00
orbifx cc7515bfac Directory parameter for listing, defaults to txtdir 2022-11-06 11:44:56 +00:00
orbifx 4ea44dd16c Use txt.conf to generate index.pck meta; fix double load while indexing 2022-11-02 21:47:20 +00:00
orbifx a8e7281118 Moved conversion file, conf -> pack, fixes
- Configuration sought in: txt.conf, ~/.config/txt/txt.conf
- logarion.conf to produce index and target formats

- `publish <ids>`: copies txt with ID into Pubdir/public_{html,gemini,gopher} (Pubdir fromtxt.conf), if dirs exist, and runs `convert <pubdir>`

- Feed <nav> regression
2022-11-01 17:11:09 +00:00
orbifx 1587fa83f1 Begin unifying conf and pck code; inline CSS; optional CSS & Atom 2022-10-30 14:48:02 +00:00
38 changed files with 622 additions and 217 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -6,4 +6,5 @@

.gitmodules vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[submodule "text-parse-ml"]
path = text-parse
url =

View File

@ -10,9 +10,16 @@ clean:
dune subst
dune build
cp _build/default/cli/txt.exe txt
strip txt
tar czvf "logarion-$(shell date -r _build/default/cli/cli.exe "+%y-%m-%d")-$(shell uname -s)-$(shell uname -m)-$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD).tar.gz" txt readme
rm txt
cp _build/default/cli/txt.exe txt.exe
strip txt.exe
tar czvf "logarion-$(shell uname -s)-$(shell uname -m)-$(shell date -r _build/default/cli/txt.exe "+%y%m%d")-$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD).tgz" txt.exe readme.txt
rm txt.exe
rm -f {3sqd84,hvhhwf,ka4wtj,h1a9tg}.htm
txt convert readme.txt -t htm
txt convert txt/3sqd84.txt -t htm
txt convert txt/hvhhwf.txt -t htm
txt convert txt/h1a9tg.txt -t htm
.PHONY: cli

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ let base_url kv protocol = try
let locs = Logarion.Store.KV.find "Locations" kv in
let _i = Str.(search_forward (regexp (protocol ^ "://[^;]*")) locs 0) in
Str.(matched_string locs)
with Not_found -> Printf.eprintf "Missing location for %s" protocol; ""
with Not_found -> Printf.eprintf "Missing location for %s, add it to txt.conf\n" protocol; ""
let indices alternate_type c =
let file name = Logarion.File_store.file (Filename.concat c.Conversion.dir name) in
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ let indices alternate_type c =
let base_url = base_url c.kv protocol_regexp in
let self = Filename.concat base_url fname in
file fname @@
file fname @@ (*TODO: alternate & self per url*)
{|<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><feed xmlns="" xml:base="|} ^ base_url ^ {|"><title>|}
^ title ^ {|</title><link rel="alternate" type="|} ^ alternate_type ^ {|" href="|}
^ base_url ^ {|/" /><link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="|}

View File

@ -1,9 +1,60 @@
open Logarion
module Rel = struct
module Rel_set = Set.Make(String)
module Id_map = Map.Make(String)
type t = { last_rel: string; ref_set: String_set.t; rep_set: String_set.t }
type map_t = t Id_map.t
let empty = { last_rel = ""; ref_set = Rel_set.empty; rep_set = Rel_set.empty }
let empty_map = Id_map.empty
let acc_ref date source target = Id_map.update target (function
| None -> Some { last_rel = date;
ref_set = Rel_set.singleton source;
rep_set = Rel_set.empty }
| Some rel -> Some { rel with
last_rel = if date rel.last_rel > 0 then date else rel.last_rel;
ref_set = Rel_set.add source rel.ref_set })
let acc_rep date source target = Id_map.update target (function
| None -> Some { last_rel = date;
rep_set = Rel_set.singleton source;
ref_set = Rel_set.empty }
| Some rel -> Some { rel with
last_rel = if date rel.last_rel > 0 then date else rel.last_rel;
rep_set = Rel_set.add source rel.rep_set })
let acc_txt rels (text, _paths) =
let acc_ref = acc_ref (Date.listing in
let acc_rep = acc_rep (Date.listing in
let rels = String_set.fold acc_ref (Text.set "references" text) rels in
let rels = String_set.fold acc_rep (Text.set "in-reply-to" text) rels in
let acc_pck rels peer =
let path = try List.hd with Failure _->"" in
try Header_pack.fold
(fun rels id t _title _authors _topics refs_ls reps_ls ->
let acc_ref = acc_ref (Date.of_secs @@ Int32.to_int t) (Filename.concat path id) in
let acc_rep = acc_rep (Date.of_secs @@ Int32.to_int t) (Filename.concat path id) in
let rels = String_set.fold acc_ref (String_set.of_list refs_ls) rels in
let rels = String_set.fold acc_rep (String_set.of_list reps_ls) rels in
rels peer.Peers.pack
with e -> prerr_endline "acc_pck"; raise e
type t = {
id: string; dir: string;
id: string;
dir: string;
kv: string Store.KV.t;
topic_roots: string list;
topics: (String_set.t * String_set.t) Topic_set.Map.t;
relations: Rel.map_t;
texts: Text.t list
@ -12,3 +63,12 @@ type fn_t = {
page: (t -> Logarion.Text.t -> string) option;
indices: (t -> unit) option;
let empty () = {
id = ""; dir = "";
kv = Store.KV.empty;
topic_roots = [];
topics = Topic_set.Map.empty;
relations = Rel.Id_map.empty;
texts = []

View File

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
open Logarion
let is_older source dest = try
Unix.((stat dest).st_mtime < (stat source).st_mtime) with _-> true
(*TODO: move to converters (style, feed checks)*)
let is_older s d = try Unix.((stat d).st_mtime < (stat s).st_mtime) with _-> true
let convert cs r (text, files) = match Text.str "Content-Type" text with
| "" | "text/plain" ->
let source = List.hd files in
let dest = Filename.concat r.Conversion.dir (Text.short_id text) in
(fun a f ->
match with None -> false || a
| Some page ->
let dest = dest ^ f.Conversion.ext in
(if is_older source dest then (File_store.file dest (page r text); true) else false)
|| a)
List.fold_left (fun a f ->
match with None -> false || a
| Some page ->
let dest = dest ^ f.Conversion.ext in
(if is_older source dest || Conversion.Rel.Id_map.mem r.relations
then (File_store.file dest (page r text); true) else false)
|| a)
false cs
| x -> Printf.eprintf "Can't convert Content-Type: %s file: %s" x text.Text.title; false
@ -26,47 +26,60 @@ let converters types kv =
let t = if List.(mem "all" n || mem "gmi-atom" n) then (Atom.converter "text/gemini")::t else t in
let directory converters noindex dir id kv =
let empty = Topic_set.Map.empty in
let repo = Conversion.{ id; dir; kv; topic_roots = []; topics = empty; texts = [] } in
let fn (ts,ls,acc) ((elt,_) as r) =
(Topic_set.to_map ts (Text.set "topics" elt)), elt::ls,
let directory converters noindex repo =
let order = File_store.oldest in
let repo =
let open Conversion in
let rels = File_store.fold ~dir:repo.dir ~order Rel.acc_txt Rel.empty_map in
let relations = Peers.fold Rel.acc_pck rels in
{ repo with relations } in
let acc (ts,ls,acc) ((elt,_) as r) = Topic_set.to_map ts (Text.set "topics" elt), elt::ls,
if convert converters repo r then acc+1 else acc in
let topics, texts, count = File_store.(fold ~dir ~order:newest fn (empty,[],0)) in
let topic_roots = try List.rev @@ String_set.list_of_csv (Store.KV.find "Topics" kv)
let topics, texts, count =
File_store.fold ~dir:repo.Conversion.dir ~order acc (Topic_set.Map.empty, [], 0) in
let topic_roots = try List.rev @@ String_set.list_of_csv (Store.KV.find "Topics" repo.kv)
with Not_found -> Topic_set.roots topics in
let repo = Conversion.{ repo with topic_roots; topics; texts } in
if not noindex then List.iter (fun c -> match c.Conversion.indices with None -> () | Some f -> f repo) converters;
let repo = Conversion.{ repo with topic_roots; topics; texts = List.rev texts } in
if not noindex then
List.iter (fun c -> match c.Conversion.indices with None -> () | Some f -> f repo) converters;
Printf.printf "Converted: %d Indexed: %d\n" count (List.length texts)
let at_path types noindex path =
match path with "" -> prerr_endline "unspecified text file or directory"
| dir when Sys.file_exists dir && Sys.is_directory dir ->
let fname = Filename.concat dir "index.pck" in
(match Header_pack.of_string @@ File_store.to_string fname with
| Error s -> prerr_endline s
let load_kv dir =
let kv = File_store.of_kv_file () in
let idx = Filename.concat dir "index.pck" in
if not (Sys.file_exists idx) then kv else
match Header_pack.of_string @@ File_store.to_string (idx) with
| Error s -> prerr_endline s; kv
| Ok { info; peers; _ } ->
let kv = let f = Filename.concat dir ".convert.conf" in (* TODO: better place to store convert conf? *)
if Sys.file_exists f then File_store.of_kv_file f else Store.KV.empty in
let kv = if Store.KV.mem "Id" kv then kv else Store.KV.add "Id" kv in
let kv = if Store.KV.mem "Title" kv then kv else Store.KV.add "Title" info.Header_pack.title kv in
let kv = Store.KV.add "Locations" (String.concat ";\n" info.Header_pack.locations) kv in
let kv = if Store.KV.mem "Locations" kv then kv else Store.KV.add "Locations" (String.concat ";\n" info.Header_pack.locations) kv in
let kv = Store.KV.add "Peers" (String.concat ";\n" Header_pack.(to_str_list peers)) kv in
let cs = converters types kv in
directory cs noindex dir kv)
let at_path types noindex path = match path with
| "" -> prerr_endline "unspecified text file or directory"
| path when Sys.file_exists path ->
let repo = Conversion.{
id = ""; dir = ""; kv = Store.KV.empty; topic_roots = [];
topics = Topic_set.Map.empty; texts = [] } in
let cs = converters types repo.kv in
(match File_store.to_text path with
| Ok text -> ignore @@ convert cs repo (text, [path])
| Error s -> prerr_endline s)
if Sys.is_directory path then (
let kv = load_kv path in
let repo = { (Conversion.empty ()) with dir = path; kv } in
directory (converters types kv) noindex repo
) else (
match File_store.to_text path with
| Error s -> prerr_endline s
| Ok text ->
let dir = "." in
let open Conversion in
let relations = File_store.(fold ~dir ~order:newest Rel.acc_txt Rel.empty_map) in
let repo = { (Conversion.empty ()) with dir; kv = load_kv ""; relations } in
ignore @@ convert (converters types repo.kv) repo (text, [path])
| path -> Printf.eprintf "Path doesn't exist: %s" path
open Cmdliner
let term =
let path = Arg.(value & pos 0 string "" & info [] ~docv:"path"
~doc:"Text file or directory to convert. Ff directory is provided, it must contain an index.pck (see: txt index)") in
~doc:"Text file or directory to convert. If directory is provided, it must contain an index.pck (see: txt index)") in
let types = Arg.(value & opt string "all" & info ["t"; "type"] ~docv:"output type"
~doc:"Convert to file type") in
let noindex = Arg.(value & flag & info ["noindex"]

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(name txt)
(public_name txt)
(modules txt authors convert conversion file index last listing new topics html atom gemini publish pull read recent)
(modules txt authors convert conversion edit file index last listing
new topics html atom gemini peers publish pull read recent)
(libraries text_parse.converter text_parse.parsers logarion msgpck curl str cmdliner))

cli/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
open Cmdliner
let term =
let id = Arg.(value & pos 0 string "" & info [] ~docv:"text ID") in
let recurse = Arg.(value & flag & info ["R"] ~doc:"recurse, include subdirs") in
let reverse = Arg.(value & flag & info ["r"] ~doc:"reverse order") in
let time = Arg.(value & flag & info ["t"] ~doc:"sort by time, newest first") in
let number = Arg.(value & opt (some int) None & info ["n"]
~docv:"number" ~doc:"number of entries to list") in
let authed = Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ["authored"]
~docv:"comma-separated names" ~doc:"texts by authors") in
let topics = Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ["topics"]
~docv:"comma-separated topics" ~doc:"texts with topics") in
Term.(const (Logarion.Archive.apply_sys_util "EDITOR" "nano") $ recurse $ time $ reverse $ number $ authed $ topics $ id), "edit" ~doc: "edit a text" ~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION";
`P "Launches $EDITOR with text path as parameter. If -R is used, the ID search space
includes texts found in subdirectories too" ]

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
type templates_t = { header: string option; footer: string option }
type t = { templates : templates_t }
type t = { templates : templates_t; style : string }
let ext = ".htm"
let empty_templates = { header = None; footer = None }
let default_opts = { templates = empty_templates }
let default_opts = { templates = empty_templates; style = "" }
let init kv =
let open Logarion in
@ -12,38 +12,44 @@ let init kv =
| exception Not_found -> None in
let header = to_string "HTM-header" kv in
let footer = to_string "HTM-footer" kv in
{ templates = { header; footer} }
let style = match to_string "HTM-style" kv with
| Some s -> Printf.sprintf "<style>%s</style>" s | None -> "" in
{ templates = { header; footer}; style }
let wrap conv htm text_title body =
let site_title = try Logarion.Store.KV.find "Title" conv.Conversion.kv
with Not_found -> "" in
let site_title = try Logarion.Store.KV.find "Title" conv.Conversion.kv with Not_found -> "" in
let replace x = let open Str in
global_replace (regexp "{{archive-title}}") site_title x
global_replace (regexp "{{archive-title}}") site_title x
|> global_replace (regexp "{{text-title}}") text_title
let header = match htm.templates.header with
| Some x -> replace x
| None -> "<header><a href='.'>" ^ site_title ^
"</a><nav><a href='feed.atom' id='feed'>feed</a></nav></header>"
let feed = try Logarion.Store.KV.find "HTM-feed" conv.Conversion.kv
with Not_found -> if Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat conv.Conversion.dir "feed.atom")
then "feed.atom" else "" in
let header = match htm.templates.header with
| Some x -> replace x
| None -> Printf.(sprintf "<header><a href='.'>%s</a>%s</header>" site_title
(if feed <> "" then sprintf "<nav><a href='%s' id='feed'>feed</a></nav>" feed else ""))
let footer = match htm.templates.footer with None -> "" | Some x -> replace x in
Printf.sprintf "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>%s%s</title>\n\
<link rel='stylesheet' href='main.css'>\
<link rel='alternate' href='feed.atom' type='application/atom+xml'>\
Printf.sprintf "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>%s%s</title>\n%s\n%s\
<meta charset='utf-8'/><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>\
text_title (if site_title <> "" then ("" ^ site_title) else "")
(if feed <> "" then Printf.sprintf "<link rel='alternate' href='%s' type='application/atom+xml'>" feed else "")
header body footer
let topic_link root topic =
let topic_link root topic =
let replaced_space = (function ' '->'+' | x->x) in
"<a href='index." ^ root ^ ".htm#" ^ replaced_space topic ^ "'>"
^ String.capitalize_ascii topic ^ "</a>"
module HtmlConverter = struct
include Converter.Html
let angled_uri u a = if String.sub u 0 10 <> "urn:txtid:" then
angled_uri u a else angled_uri (String.(sub u 10 (length u - 10)) ^ ext) a
let uid_uri u a = Printf.sprintf "%s<a href='%s%s'>&lt;%s&gt;</a>" a u ext u
let angled_uri u a =
if try String.sub u 0 10 = "urn:txtid:" with Invalid_argument _ -> false
then angled_uri (String.(sub u 10 (length u - 10)) ^ ext) a else angled_uri u a
let page htm conversion text =
@ -54,8 +60,7 @@ let page htm conversion text =
let opt_kv key value = if String.length value > 0
then "<dt>" ^ key ^ "<dd>" ^ value else "" in
(* let author acc auth = sep_append acc Person.( ^ " ") in*)
let authors = (Person.Set.to_string text.authors ^ " ") in
let keywords = str_set "keywords" text in
let authors = Person.Set.to_string text.authors in
let header =
let time x = Printf.sprintf {|<time datetime="%s">%s</time>|}
(Date.rfc_string x) (Date.pretty_date x) in
@ -64,14 +69,27 @@ let page htm conversion text =
let ts = Topic_set.of_string t in
sep_append a (List.fold_left (fun a t -> sep_append ~sep:" > " a (topic_link (List.hd ts) t)) "" ts) in
String_set.fold to_linked x "" in
let ref_links x =
let link l = HtmlConverter.uid_uri l "" in
String_set.fold (fun r a -> sep_append a (link r)) x ""
let references, replies = let open Conversion in
let Rel.{ref_set; rep_set; _} =
try Rel.Id_map.find conversion.relations
with Not_found -> Rel.empty in
ref_links ref_set, ref_links rep_set
^ opt_kv "Title:" text.title
^ opt_kv "Authors:" authors
^ opt_kv "Date: " (time (Date.listing
^ opt_kv "Series: " (str_set "series" text)
^ opt_kv "Topics: " (topic_links (set "topics" text))
^ opt_kv "Keywords: " keywords
^ opt_kv "Id: "
^ opt_kv "Date:" (time (Date.listing
^ opt_kv "Series:" (str_set "series" text)
^ opt_kv "Topics:" (topic_links (set "topics" text))
^ opt_kv "Id:"
^ opt_kv "Refers:" (ref_links (set "references" text))
^ opt_kv "In reply to:" (ref_links (set "in-reply-to" text))
^ opt_kv "Referred by:" references
^ opt_kv "Replies:" replies
^ {|</dl></header><pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">|} in
wrap conversion htm text.title ((T.of_string text.body header) ^ "</pre></article>")
@ -150,7 +168,7 @@ let topic_main_index conv htm topic_roots metas =
(fold_topic_roots topic_roots
^ "<nav><h1>Latest</h1><ul>" ^ to_dated_links ~limit:8 metas
^ {|</ul><a href="">More by date</a>|}
^ let peers = Logarion.Store.KV.find "Peers" conv.kv in
^ let peers = try Logarion.Store.KV.find "Peers" conv.kv with Not_found -> "" in
(if peers = "" then "" else
List.fold_left (fun a s -> Printf.sprintf {|%s<li><a href="%s">%s</a>|} a s s) "<h1>Peers</h1><ul>"
(Str.split (Str.regexp ";\n") (Logarion.Store.KV.find "Peers" conv.kv))

View File

@ -63,17 +63,9 @@ let index r print title auth locs peers =
else (File_store.file r.index_path (Header_pack.string pack))
let load dir =
let kv = File_store.of_kv_file () in
let index_path = Filename.concat dir "index.pck" in
let pck = match Header_pack.of_string @@ File_store.to_string index_path with
| Error s -> failwith s | Ok pck -> pck
| exception (Sys_error _) -> Header_pack.{
info = { version = version; id = Id.generate (); title = ""; people = []; locations = [] };
texts = of_text_list @@ File_store.fold ~dir
(fun a (t,_) -> of_text a t) [];
peers = Msgpck.of_list [];
} in
index { dir; index_path; pck }
index { dir; index_path; pck = Header_pack.of_kv kv }
open Cmdliner
let term =

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ open Logarion
module FS = File_store
module A = Archive
let listing r order_opt reverse_opt number_opt paths_opt authors_opt topics_opt =
let listing r order_opt reverse_opt number_opt paths_opt authors_opt topics_opt dir =
let dir = if dir = "" then FS.txtdir () else dir in
let predicates = A.predicate A.authored authors_opt @ A.predicate A.topics topics_opt in
let predicate text = List.fold_left (fun a e -> a && e text) true predicates in
let list_text (t, fnames) = Printf.printf "%s %s %s 𐄁 %s%s\n"
@ -11,12 +12,12 @@ let listing r order_opt reverse_opt number_opt paths_opt authors_opt topics_opt
t.Text.title (if paths_opt then (List.fold_left (Printf.sprintf "%s\n@ %s") "" fnames) else "")
match order_opt with
| false -> FS.iter ~r ~predicate list_text
| false -> FS.iter ~r ~dir ~predicate list_text
| true ->
let order = match reverse_opt with true -> FS.newest | false -> FS.oldest in
match number_opt with
| Some number -> FS.iter ~r ~predicate ~order ~number list_text
| None -> FS.iter ~r ~predicate ~order list_text
| Some number -> FS.iter ~r ~dir ~predicate ~order ~number list_text
| None -> FS.iter ~r ~dir ~predicate ~order list_text
open Cmdliner
let term =
@ -30,7 +31,10 @@ let term =
~docv:"comma-separated names" ~doc:"texts by authors") in
let topics = Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ["topics"]
~docv:"comma-separated topics" ~doc:"texts with topics") in
Term.(const listing $ recurse $ time $ reverse $ number $ paths $ authed $ topics),
let dir = Arg.(value & pos 0 string "" & info []
~docv:"directory to index") in
Term.(const listing $ recurse $ time $ reverse $ number $ paths $ authed $ topics $ dir), "list" ~doc:"list texts" ~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION";
`P "List header information for current directory. If -R is used, list header
information for texts found in subdirectories too, along with their filepaths" ]
`P "Diplays text id, date, author, title for a directory.
If directory argument is ommitted, $txtdir is used, where empty value defaults to ~/.local/share/texts.
If -R is used, list header information for texts found in subdirectories too." ]

View File

@ -2,18 +2,16 @@ open Logarion
open Cmdliner
let new_txt title topics_opt interactive =
let t = match title with "" -> "Draft" | _ -> title in
let authors = Person.Set.of_string (Sys.getenv "USER") in
let text = { (Text.blank ()) with title = t; authors } in
let text = try Text.with_str_set text "Topics" (Option.get topics_opt)
with _ -> text in
let kv = Logarion.File_store.of_kv_file () in
let authors = Person.Set.of_string (try Logarion.Store.KV.find "Authors" kv
with Not_found -> Sys.getenv "USER") in
let text = { (Text.blank ()) with title; authors } in
let text = try Text.with_str_set text "Topics" (Option.get topics_opt) with _->text in
match File_store.with_text text with
| Error s -> prerr_endline s
| Ok (filepath, _note) ->
if not interactive then print_endline filepath
(print_endline @@ "Created: " ^ filepath;
Sys.command ("$EDITOR " ^ filepath) |> ignore)
if interactive then (Sys.command ("$EDITOR " ^ filepath) |> ignore);
print_endline filepath
let term =
let title = Arg.(value & pos 0 string "" & info []

cli/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
let print_peers_of_peer p =
let open Logarion.Header_pack in
match Msgpck.to_list p.peers with [] -> ()
| ps -> print_endline @@
List.fold_left (fun a x -> Printf.sprintf "%s %s" a (Msgpck.to_string x)) "peers: " ps
type filter_t = { authors: Logarion.Person.Set.t; topics: Logarion.String_set.t }
let print_peer () peer =
let open Logarion.Peers in
Printf.printf "%s" peer.path;
List.iter (Printf.printf "\t%s\n")
let remove_repo id =
let repopath = Filename.concat Logarion.Peers.text_dir id in
match Sys.is_directory repopath with
| false -> Printf.eprintf "No repository %s in %s" id Logarion.Peers.text_dir
| true ->
let cmd = Printf.sprintf "rm -r %s" repopath in
Printf.printf "Run: %s ? (y/N) %!" cmd;
match input_char stdin with
|'y'-> if Sys.command cmd = 0 then print_endline "Removed" else prerr_endline "Failed"
| _ -> ()
let peers = function
| Some id -> remove_repo id
| None ->
Printf.printf "Peers in %s\n" Logarion.Peers.text_dir;
Logarion.Peers.fold print_peer ()
open Cmdliner
let term =
let remove = Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ["remove"]
~docv:"repository ID" ~doc:"remove repository texts & from future pulling") in
Term.(const peers $ remove), "peers" ~doc:"list current peers" ~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION";
`P "Lists current peers and associated information"]

View File

@ -1,30 +1,54 @@
let targets () =
let home =
try Sys.getenv "txtpubdir" with Not_found ->
try Sys.getenv "HOME" with Not_found -> ""
(fun x -> try Sys.is_directory (snd x) with Sys_error _ -> false)
"htm", home ^ "/public_html/txt";
"gmi", home ^ "/public_gemini/txt";
"", home ^ "/public_gopher/txt";
let targets pubdir = List.fold_left
(fun a x ->
let path = Filename.concat pubdir (snd x) in
try if Sys.is_directory path then (fst x, path)::a else a with Sys_error _ -> a)
["htm,atom", "public_html/"; "gmi,gmi-atom", "public_gemini/"; "", "public_gopher/"]
let wizard () =
print_endline "No txt.conf found. It's required for the repository name & id. Create one? (y/N)";
match input_line stdin with
let title =
print_endline "Title for repository: ";
input_line stdin in
let authors =
print_endline "Authors (format: name <name@email> <http://website>): ";
input_line stdin in
Logarion.File_store.file "txt.conf"
(Printf.sprintf "Id: %s\nTitle: %s\nAuthors: %s\n" (Logarion.Id.generate ()) title authors);
Logarion.File_store.of_kv_file ()
| _ -> print_endline "Create a txt.conf and run publish again"; exit 1
open Logarion
let publish ids =
let publish pubdir ids =
let kv =
match Logarion.File_store.of_kv_file ()
with x when x = Logarion.Store.KV.empty -> wizard () | x -> x in
let predicate t = List.mem ids in
let targets = targets () in
let pub_dirs = (fun x -> snd x) targets in
try File_store.iter ~predicate (fun (_t, p) -> File.file ((List.hd p)::pub_dirs))
with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EEXIST, _, _) -> ();
List.iter (fun t ->
Index.((load (snd t)) false None None None None);
Convert.at_path (fst t) false (snd t))
let pubdir_source, pubdir = match pubdir with Some d -> "--pubdir ", d | None ->
try "txt.conf:Pubdir", Logarion.Store.KV.find "Pubdir" kv with Not_found ->
try "$txtpubdir", Sys.getenv "txtpubdir" with Not_found -> "$txtpubdir", ""
let targets = targets pubdir in
if targets = [] then
Printf.eprintf "No target directories in %s='%s' (for example %s)\n"
pubdir_source pubdir (Filename.concat pubdir "public_html")
else begin
let pub_dirs = (fun x -> snd x) targets in
File_store.iter ~predicate (fun (_t, p) ->
try File.file ((List.hd p)::pub_dirs)
with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EEXIST, _, _) -> ());
List.iter (fun t -> Printf.eprintf "%s %s\n" (fst t) (snd t);
Index.((load (snd t)) false None None None None);
Convert.at_path (fst t) false (snd t))
open Cmdliner
let term =
let ids = Arg.(value & pos_all string [] & info [] ~docv:"text ids") in
let doc = "convert texts into standard public dirs public_{html,gemini,gopher} if they exist" in
Term.(const publish $ ids), "publish" ~doc ~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION"; `P doc ]
let pubdir = Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ["p"; "pubdir"] ~docv:"directory path"
~doc:"set top directory for publishing files") in
let doc = "convert texts into standard public dirs pubdir/public_{html,gemini,gopher} if they exist" in
Term.(const publish $ pubdir $ ids), "publish" ~doc ~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION"; `P doc ]

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ let pull_text url dir id =
let file = open_out_gen [Open_creat; Open_trunc; Open_wronly] 0o640 (fname dir text) in
output_string file txt; close_out file
let per_text url dir filter print i id time title authors topics = match id with
let per_text url dir filter print i id time title authors topics _refs _reps = match id with
| "" -> Printf.eprintf "\nInvalid id for %s\n" title
| id -> let open Logarion in
print i;
@ -86,13 +86,26 @@ let per_text url dir filter print i id time title authors topics = match id with
|| Person.Set.exists (fun t -> List.mem (Person.to_string t) authors) filter.authors)
then pull_text url dir id
(*TODO: integrate in lib*)
let validate_id_length s = String.length s <= 32
let validate_id_chars s = try
String.iter (function 'a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'-> () | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "")) s;
with Invalid_argument _ -> false
let pull_index url authors_opt topics_opt =
let index_url = url ^ "/index.pck" in
let index_url = Filename.concat url "index.pck" in
match curl_pull index_url with
| Error s -> prerr_endline s; false
| Ok body ->
match Logarion.Header_pack.of_string (Buffer.contents body) with
| Error s -> Printf.printf "Error with %s: %s\n" url s; false
| Ok pk when = "" ->
Printf.printf "Empty ID index.pck, skipping %s\n" url; false
| Ok pk when not (validate_id_length ->
Printf.printf "Index pack ID longer than 32 characters, skipping %s\n" url; false
| Ok pk when not (validate_id_chars ->
Printf.printf "Index pack contains invalid ID characters, skipping %s\n" url; false
| Ok pk ->
let dir = Filename.concat Logarion.Peers.text_dir in
Logarion.File_store.with_dir dir;
@ -105,15 +118,21 @@ let pull_index url authors_opt topics_opt =
authors = (match authors_opt with Some s -> Person.Set.of_string s | None -> Person.Set.empty);
topics =( match topics_opt with Some s -> String_set.of_string s | None -> String_set.empty);
} in
let print = printers (string_of_int @@ Logarion.Header_pack.numof_texts pk) dir in
let name = match with "" -> url | title -> title in
let print = printers (string_of_int @@ Logarion.Header_pack.numof_texts pk) name dir in
try Logarion.Header_pack.iteri (per_text url dir filter print) pk; print_newline (); true
with Invalid_argument msg -> Printf.eprintf "\nFailed to parse %s: %s\n%!" url msg; false
with Invalid_argument msg -> Printf.printf "\nFailed to parse %s: %s\n%!" url msg; false
let pull_list auths topics =
Curl.global_init Curl.CURLINIT_GLOBALALL;
let pull got_one peer_url = if got_one then got_one else
(pull_index peer_url auths topics) in
Logarion.Peers.fold pull false;
let open Logarion in
let fold_locations init peer =
ignore @@ List.fold_left pull init;
ignore @@ Peers.fold fold_locations false;
Curl.global_cleanup ()
let pull url auths topics = match url with

View File

@ -1,24 +1,4 @@
open Logarion
module FS = File_store
module A = Archive
let print r order_opt reverse_opt number_opt authors_opt topics_opt id_opt =
let predicates = if id_opt <> "" then [ A.ided id_opt ] else []
@ A.predicate A.authored authors_opt
@ A.predicate A.topics topics_opt in
let predicate text = List.fold_left (fun a e -> a && e text) true predicates in
let pager = try Sys.getenv "PAGER" with Not_found -> "less" in
let print_text acc (_t, fnames) = Printf.sprintf "%s %s" acc (List.hd fnames) in
let paths = match order_opt with
| false -> FS.fold ~r ~predicate print_text ""
| true ->
let order = match reverse_opt with true -> FS.newest | false -> FS.oldest in
match number_opt with
| Some number -> FS.fold ~r ~predicate ~order ~number print_text ""
| None -> FS.fold ~r ~predicate ~order print_text ""
in if paths = "" then ()
else (ignore @@ Sys.command @@ Printf.sprintf "%s %s" pager paths)
open Cmdliner
let term =
@ -32,7 +12,7 @@ let term =
~docv:"comma-separated names" ~doc:"texts by authors") in
let topics = Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ["topics"]
~docv:"comma-separated topics" ~doc:"texts with topics") in
Term.(const print $ recurse $ time $ reverse $ number $ authed $ topics $ id),
Term.(const (Archive.apply_sys_util "PAGER" "less") $ recurse $ time $ reverse $ number $ authed $ topics $ id), "read" ~doc: "read a text" ~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION";
`P "List header information for current directory. If -R is used, list header
information for texts found in subdirectories too, along with their filepaths" ]

View File

@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ let term =
~docv:"comma-separated names" ~doc:"texts by authors") in
let topics = Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ["topics"]
~docv:"comma-separated topics" ~doc:"texts with topics") in
Term.(const Listing.listing $ recurse $ (const true) $ reverse $ number $ paths $ authed $ topics),
let dir = Arg.(value & pos 0 string "" & info []
~docv:"directory to index") in
Term.(const Listing.listing $ recurse $ (const true) $ reverse $ number $ paths $ authed $ topics $ dir), "recent" ~doc:"list recent texts" ~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION";
`P "List header information of most recent texts. If -R is used, list header
information for texts found in subdirectories too, along with their filepaths" ]

View File

@ -3,17 +3,19 @@ let version = "%%VERSION%%"
open Cmdliner
let default_cmd =
let doc = "Discover, collect & exchange texts" in
let man = [ `S "Contact"; `P "<>" ] in
let man = [ `S "Contact"; `P "<>" ] in
Term.(ret (const (`Help (`Pager, None)))), "txt" ~version ~doc ~man
let () = match Term.eval_choice default_cmd [
File.term; File.unfile_term;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(lang dune 2.0)
(name logarion)
(license EUPL-1.2)
(maintainers "orbifx <>")
(maintainers "orbifx <>")
(homepage "")
(source (uri git+
@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
(name logarion)
(synopsis "Texts archival and exchange")
(depends text_parse (cmdliner (<= 1.0.4)) msgpck ocurl))
(depends (cmdliner (<= 1.0.4)) msgpck ocurl))

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Topics: Comma seperated list of topic names & phrases
Title: A title for the text, ideally less than 70 characters
Authors: List of name with optional set of <address>
Date-edited: ISO8601, use only when text edited
References: list of text ID links
A blank line must follow the last header field.

View File

@ -2,6 +2,5 @@ Install development version
Requirements are ocaml (the compiler) and opam (the package manager). Then run:
opam pin add text_parse
opam pin add logarion
opam install logarion

View File

@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ let authored query_string =
fun n -> Person.Set.predicate q n.Text.authors
let ided query_string =
fun n -> = query_string
let len = String.length query_string in
fun n ->
try String.sub 0 len = query_string
with Invalid_argument _ -> false
let keyworded query_string =
let q = String_set.query query_string in
@ -14,3 +17,20 @@ let keyworded query_string =
let topics query_string =
let q = String_set.query query_string in
fun n -> String_set.(predicate q (Text.set "Topics" n))
let apply_sys_util env def_env r order_opt reverse_opt number_opt authors_opt topics_opt id_opt =
let predicates = if id_opt <> "" then [ ided id_opt ] else []
@ predicate authored authors_opt
@ predicate topics topics_opt in
let predicate text = List.fold_left (fun a e -> a && e text) true predicates in
let util = try Sys.getenv env with Not_found -> def_env in
let print_text acc (_t, fnames) = Printf.sprintf "%s %s" acc (List.hd fnames) in
let paths = match order_opt with
| false -> File_store.fold ~r ~predicate print_text ""
| true ->
let order = match reverse_opt with true -> File_store.newest | false -> File_store.oldest in
match number_opt with
| Some number -> File_store.fold ~r ~predicate ~order ~number print_text ""
| None -> File_store.fold ~r ~predicate ~order print_text ""
in if paths = "" then ()
else (ignore @@ Sys.command @@ Printf.sprintf "%s %s" util paths)

View File

@ -15,3 +15,8 @@ let now () = Unix.time () |> Unix.gmtime |>
let to_secs date =
Scanf.sscanf date "%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d"
(fun y mo d h mi s -> (y-1970)*31557600 + mo*2629800 + d*86400 + h*3600 + mi*60 + s)
let of_secs s =
let { Unix.tm_sec=seconds; tm_min=minutes; tm_hour=hours;
tm_mday=day; tm_mon=month; tm_year=year; _ } = Unix.localtime (float_of_int s) in
Printf.sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d"
(year+1900) (month+1) day hours minutes seconds

View File

@ -3,11 +3,18 @@ type item_t = t list
type record_t = Text.t * item_t
let extension = ".txt"
let def_dir () = try Sys.getenv "txtdir" with Not_found ->
let txtdir () = try Sys.getenv "txtdir" with Not_found ->
let share = Filename.concat (Sys.getenv "HOME") ".local/share/texts/" in
match Sys.is_directory share with true -> share
| false | exception (Sys_error _) -> "."
let cfgpath () = match "txt.conf" with
| filepath when Sys.file_exists filepath -> filepath
| _ -> match Filename.concat (Sys.getenv "HOME") ".config/txt/txt.conf" with
| filepath when Sys.file_exists filepath -> filepath
| _ -> ""
let to_string f =
let ic = open_in f in
let s = really_input_string ic (in_channel_length ic) in
@ -62,7 +69,7 @@ let list_fs ?(r=false) dir =
let valid_dir f = r && String.get f 0 <> '.' && Sys.is_directory f in
let expand_dir d = Array.(to_list @@ map (Filename.concat d) (Sys.readdir d)) in
let rec loop result = function
| f::fs when valid_dir f -> expand_dir f |> List.append fs |> loop result
| f::fs when valid_dir f -> prerr_endline f; expand_dir f |> List.append fs |> loop result
| f::fs -> loop (f::result) fs
| [] -> result in
let dirs = if dir = "." then Array.to_list (Sys.readdir dir) else
@ -80,13 +87,13 @@ let fold_sort_take ?(predicate=fun _ -> true) ?(number=None) comp flist =
@@ List.fast_sort comp @@ TextMap.bindings
@@ List.fold_left (fold_valid_text predicate) new_iteration flist
let iter ?(r=false) ?(dir=def_dir ()) ?(predicate=fun _ -> true) ?order ?number fn =
let iter ?(r=false) ?(dir=txtdir ()) ?(predicate=fun _ -> true) ?order ?number fn =
let flist = list_fs ~r dir in match order with
| Some comp -> List.iter fn @@ fold_sort_take ~predicate ~number comp flist
| None -> List.iter fn @@ TextMap.bindings @@
List.fold_left (fold_valid_text predicate) new_iteration flist
let fold ?(r=false) ?(dir=def_dir ()) ?(predicate=fun _ -> true) ?order ?number fn acc =
let fold ?(r=false) ?(dir=txtdir ()) ?(predicate=fun _ -> true) ?order ?number fn acc =
let flist = list_fs ~r dir in match order with
| Some comp -> List.fold_left fn acc @@ fold_sort_take ~predicate ~number comp flist
| None -> List.fold_left fn acc @@ TextMap.bindings @@
@ -117,11 +124,11 @@ let versioned_basename_of_title ?(version=0) repo extension (title : string) =
next version
let id_filename repo extension text =
let basename = Text.alias text in
let candidate = Filename.concat repo ( ^ "." ^ basename ^ extension) in
let description = match Text.alias text with "" -> "" | x -> "." ^ x in
let candidate = Filename.concat repo ( ^ description ^ extension) in
if Sys.file_exists candidate then Error "Name clash, try again" else Ok candidate
let with_text ?(dir=def_dir ()) new_text =
let with_text ?(dir=txtdir ()) new_text =
match id_filename dir extension new_text with
| Error _ as e -> e
| Ok path ->
@ -133,10 +140,11 @@ module Config = struct
let key_value k v a = Store.KV.add k (String.trim v) a
let of_kv_file path =
let of_kv_file ?(path=cfgpath ()) () =
let open Text_parse in
let subsyntaxes = Parsers.Key_value.[|
(module Make (Config) : Parser.S with type t = Config.t); (module Make (Config)); |] in
let of_string text acc =
Parser.parse subsyntaxes { text; pos = 0; right_boundary = String.length text - 1 } acc in
of_string (to_string @@ path) Store.KV.empty
if path <> "" then of_string (to_string @@ path) Store.KV.empty
else Store.KV.empty

View File

@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ let persons ps = Msgpck.of_list @@ List.rev @@ Person.Set.fold (fun p a -> perso
let str = Msgpck.of_string
let str_list ls = Msgpck.of_list @@ str ls
let to_str_list x = Msgpck.to_string (Msgpck.to_list x)
let to_str_list x = Msgpck.to_string
(try Msgpck.to_list x with e -> prerr_endline "to_str_list"; raise e)
let of_set field t =
List.rev @@ String_set.fold (fun s a -> Msgpck.String s :: a) (Text.set field t) []
@ -19,7 +20,10 @@ let date = function "" -> | date -> Int32.of_int (Date.to_secs date)
let to_sec = function Msgpck.Int i -> Int32.of_int i | Msgpck.Uint32 i -> i | x -> Msgpck.to_uint32 x
let fields = Msgpck.(List [String "id"; String "time"; String "title"; String "authors"; String "topics"])
let fields = Msgpck.(List [
String "id"; String "time"; String "title"; String "authors"; String "topics";
String "references"; String "replies";
let to_fields fieldpack = Msgpck.to_string (Msgpck.to_list fieldpack)
let to_info = function
@ -35,8 +39,13 @@ let of_info i = let open Msgpck in
let of_text a t =
let open Text in
Msgpck.(List [
of_id; of_uint32 (date (Date.listing;
String t.title; persons t.authors; List (of_set "topics" t)
of_uint32 (date (Date.listing;
String t.title;
persons t.authors;
List (of_set "topics" t);
List (of_set "references" t);
List (of_set "in-reply-to" t);
]) :: a
let of_text_list l = Msgpck.List l
@ -53,6 +62,17 @@ let unpack = function
let of_string s = unpack @@ snd @@ s
let of_kv kv =
let find k kv = try Store.KV.find k kv with Not_found -> "" in
let find_ls k kv = try String_set.list_of_csv (Store.KV.find k kv) with Not_found -> [] in
info = { version = version; id = find "Id" kv; title = find "Title" kv;
people = find_ls "Authors" kv; locations = find_ls "Locations" kv };
texts = Msgpck.List [];
peers = str_list (find_ls "Peers" kv);
let list filename = try
let texts_list = function
| Msgpck.List (_info :: _fields :: [texts]) -> Msgpck.to_list texts
@ -64,34 +84,50 @@ let list filename = try
let contains text = function
| Msgpck.List (id::_time::title::_authors::_topics::[]) ->
(match to_id id with
| "" -> prerr_endline ("Invalid id for " ^ Msgpck.to_string title); false
| "" -> Printf.eprintf "Invalid id for %s" (Msgpck.to_string title); false
| id -> = id)
| _ -> prerr_endline ("Invalid record pattern"); false
let numof_texts pack = List.length (Msgpck.to_list pack.texts)
let iteri fn pack =
let of_pck i = function Msgpck.List (id::time::title::authors::topics::[]) ->
let txt_iter_apply fn i = function
| Msgpck.List (id::time::title::authors::topics::extra) ->
let t = match time with Msgpck.Int i -> Int32.of_int i | Msgpck.Uint32 i -> i
| x -> Msgpck.to_uint32 x in
let id = to_id id in
let title = Msgpck.to_string title in
let topics = to_str_list topics in
let authors = to_str_list authors in
fn i id t title authors topics
| _ -> prerr_endline ("\n\nInvalid record structure\n\n")
in List.iteri of_pck (Msgpck.to_list pack.texts);
let references, replies =
try begin match extra with [] -> [], []
| refs::[] -> to_str_list refs, []
| refs::replies::_xs -> to_str_list refs, to_str_list replies
end with e -> prerr_endline "iter ref reps"; raise e
fn i id t title authors topics references replies
| x -> Printf.eprintf "Invalid record structure: %s\n%!" ( x)
(*let pack_filename ?(filename="index.pck") archive =*)
(* let dir = Store.KV.find "Export-Dir" archive.File_store.kv in (*raises Not_found*)*)
(* dir ^ "/" ^ filename*)
let txt_fold_apply fn i = function
| Msgpck.List (id::time::title::authors::topics::extra) ->
let t = match time with Msgpck.Int i -> Int32.of_int i | Msgpck.Uint32 i -> i
| x -> Msgpck.to_uint32 x in
let id = to_id id in
let title = Msgpck.to_string title in
let topics = to_str_list topics in
let authors = to_str_list authors in
let references, replies = begin match extra with
| [] -> [], []
| refs::[] -> to_str_list refs, []
| refs::replies::_xs -> to_str_list refs, to_str_list replies
fn i id t title authors topics references replies
| x -> Printf.eprintf "Invalid record structure: %s\n%!" ( x); i
(*let add archive records =*)
(* let fname = pack_filename archive in*)
(* let append published (t, _f) = if List.exists (contains t) published then published else to_pack published t in*)
(* match list fname with Error e -> prerr_endline e | Ok published_list ->*)
(* let header_pack = List.fold_left append published_list records in*)
(* let archive = Msgpck.(List [*)
(* Int 0; String; persons archive.people]) in*)
(* File_store.file fname @@ Bytes.to_string*)
(* @@ Msgpck.Bytes.to_string (List [archive; fields; Msgpck.List header_pack])*)
let iteri fn pack = List.iteri
(txt_iter_apply fn)
(Msgpck.to_list pack.texts)
let fold fn init pack = List.fold_left
(fun acc m -> try txt_fold_apply fn acc m with Invalid_argument x -> prerr_endline x; acc) init
(try Msgpck.to_list pack.texts with e -> prerr_string "Invalid pack.texts"; raise e)

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ let random_state = Random.State.make_self_init
type t = string
let compare =
let compare =
let nil = ""
let short ?(len) id =

View File

@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
let text_dir = Filename.concat (File_store.def_dir ()) "peers"
let text_dir = Filename.concat (File_store.txtdir ()) "peers"
type t = { path: string; pack: Header_pack.t }
let fold fn init = match Sys.readdir text_dir with
| exception (Sys_error msg) -> prerr_endline msg
| exception (Sys_error msg) -> prerr_endline msg; init
| dirs ->
let read_pack path =
let pack_path = Filename.(concat text_dir @@ concat path "index.pck") in
match Sys.file_exists pack_path with false -> () | true ->
match Header_pack.of_string (File_store.to_string pack_path) with
| Error s -> Printf.eprintf "%s %s\n" s pack_path
| Ok p -> ignore @@ List.fold_left fn init Header_pack.(
let read_pack init path =
let fullpath = Filename.concat text_dir path in
if Sys.is_directory fullpath then begin
let pack_path = Filename.concat fullpath "index.pck" in
match Sys.file_exists pack_path with
| false -> Printf.eprintf "Missing index.pck for %s\n" path; init
| true -> match Header_pack.of_string (File_store.to_string pack_path) with
| Error s -> Printf.eprintf "%s %s\n" s pack_path; init
| Ok pack -> fn init { path; pack }
end else init
Array.iter read_pack dirs
Array.fold_left read_pack init dirs
let scheme url =
let colon_idx = String.index_from url 0 ':' in

lib/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
module Map = Map.Make(String)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
include Set.Make(String)
let list_of_csv x = Str.(split (regexp " *, *")) (String.trim x)
let of_string x = of_list (list_of_csv x)
let list_of_ssv x = Str.(split (regexp " +")) (String.trim x)
let of_string ?(separator=list_of_csv) x = of_list (separator x)
let of_csv_string x = of_string ~separator:list_of_csv x
let of_ssv_string x = of_string ~separator:list_of_ssv x
let to_string ?(pre="") ?(sep=", ") s =
let j a x = match a, x with "", _ -> x | _, "" -> a | _ -> a ^ sep ^ x in
fold (fun x acc -> j acc x) s pre

View File

@ -22,10 +22,20 @@ let blank ?(id=(Id.generate ())) () = {
let compare =
let newest a b = Date.(compare
let oldest a b = Date.(compare
let str key m = try String_map.find (String.lowercase_ascii key) m.string_map with Not_found -> ""
let set key m = try String_map.find (String.lowercase_ascii key) m.stringset_map with Not_found -> String_set.empty
let str_set key m = String_set.to_string @@ set key m
let with_str_set m key str = { m with stringset_map = String_map.add (String.lowercase_ascii key) (String_set.of_string str) m.stringset_map }
let str key m =
try String_map.find (String.lowercase_ascii key) m.string_map
with Not_found -> ""
let set key m =
try String_map.find (String.lowercase_ascii key) m.stringset_map
with Not_found -> String_set.empty
let with_str_set ?(separator=String_set.of_csv_string) m key str =
{ m with
stringset_map = String_map.add (String.lowercase_ascii key) (separator str)
let with_kv x (k,v) =
let trim = String.trim in
@ -35,9 +45,13 @@ let with_kv x (k,v) =
| "id" -> (match v with "" -> x | s -> { x with id = s })
| "author"
| "authors" -> { x with authors = Person.Set.of_string (trim v)}
| "date" -> { x with date = Date.{ with created = Date.of_string v }}
| "date-edited"-> { x with date = Date.{ with edited = Date.of_string v }}
| "date" -> { x with date = Date.{ with created = Date.of_string v }}
| "date-edited"-> { x with date = Date.{ with edited = Date.of_string v }}
| "licences" | "topics" | "keywords" | "series" as k -> with_str_set x k v
| "references" | "in-reply-to" -> with_str_set
~separator:(fun x ->
(fun x -> String.(sub x 1 (length x-2))) (String_set.of_ssv_string x))
x k v
| k -> { x with string_map = String_map.add k (trim v) x.string_map }
let kv_of_string line = match Str.(bounded_split (regexp ": *")) line 2 with
@ -63,20 +77,26 @@ let of_string s =
if <> Id.nil then Ok note else Error "Missing ID header"
with _ -> Error ("Failed parsing" ^ s)
let to_string x =
let str_set key m = String_set.to_string @@ set key m
let to_string x =
let has_len v = String.length v > 0 in
let s field value = if has_len value then field ^ ": " ^ value ^ "\n" else "" in
let a value = if Person.Set.is_empty value then "" else "Authors: " ^ Person.Set.to_string value ^ "\n" in
let d field value = match value with "" -> "" | s -> field ^ ": " ^ Date.rfc_string s ^ "\n" in
let a value = if Person.Set.is_empty value then ""
else "Authors: " ^ Person.Set.to_string value ^ "\n" in
let d field value = match value with "" -> ""
| s -> field ^ ": " ^ Date.rfc_string s ^ "\n" in
let rows = [
s "ID";
d "Date";
d "Edited";
s "Title" x.title;
d "Date";
d "Edited";
s "Title" x.title;
a x.authors;
s "Licences" (str_set "licences" x);
s "Topics" (str_set "topics" x);
s "Keywords" (str_set "keywords" x);
s "References"(str_set "references" x); (*todo: add to output <>*)
s "In-Reply-To"(str_set "in-reply-to" x);
s "Series" (str_set "series" x);
s "Abstract" (str "abstract" x);
s "Alias" (str "Alias" x)

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@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
# This file is generated by dune, edit dune-project instead
opam-version: "2.0"
synopsis: "Texts archival and exchange"
maintainer: ["orbifx <>"]
maintainer: ["orbifx <>"]
license: "EUPL-1.2"
homepage: ""
depends: [
"dune" {>= "2.0"}
"cmdliner" {<= "1.0.4"}

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@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
discover, collect & exchange plain text files
Guide: <>
Header format: <>
Source: <>
Licence: EUPL <>
IRC: <irc://>

readme.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
ID: ka4wtj
Title: Logarion
## Guides
Exploring & pulling texts from Logarion repositories.
Creating texts & publishing on the net.
Txt uniform resource names
## Contacts
Mailing list (anonymous): 📧
Irc: 💬
## References
- Source <>
- Header format <>

text-parse Submodule

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 68b0819b010b8d12925b441eccbb1353cf154a50

txt/3sqd84.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
ID: 3sqd84
Date: 2022-11-06T13:01:19Z
Title: Exploring & pulling texts from Logarion repositories
Authors: orbifx
Logarion repositories are collections of text files, accompanied by a special index file. These collections can exist on any server and accessed by any transport protocol. Logarion's client currently supports a plethora of protocols, HTTP, FTP, Gopher to name a few examples.
A remote repository can be registered and texts copied locally. To add a new remote run: `txt pull <url>`, where <url> is the address of the remote repository. The program will connect to the server, copy the `index.pck` file and use it to download each text file. It will not redownload previous texts, unless their Date or Date-Edited dates are newer than the previous ones.
The text files are by default downloaded to `.local/share/texts/peers/`. A new directory is created for each peer's unique id and the index & texts are stored in it. Running `txt pull` with no URL, will refetch indices from all previously pulled repositories, and new text files will be downloaded automatically.

txt/h1a9tg.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
ID: h1a9tg
Date: 2022-11-20T13:28:57Z
Authors: orbifx <orbifx@orbifx.indy>
Title: Txt uniform resource names
Logarion texts are transport agnostic. URIs should therefore avoid using URLs and use URNs instead. Some definitions of Uniform Resource:
- Locator (URL) <>
- Identifier (URI) <>
- Name (URN) <>
Links enclosed in angled brackets <> of the format:
where `abcdef` is the id of the text are understood by `txt` and handled accordingly. For example when converting to HTML or Gemini, the URNs are converted to relative URLs which browsers can understand.

txt/hvhhwf.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
ID: hvhhwf
Date: 2022-11-06T13:19:57Z
Title: Creating texts & publishing on the net
Authors: orbifx
# New
To create new text files, use "txt new". For example:
txt new "Hello world"
It's important to enclose the title with quotation marks if it contains spaces. The command will return the filename of the new text. The filename starts with a part of the ID and the title of the text. Use the file name to open it with your text editor.
Alternatively add the -i flag to have the text editor launched to edit the newly created file:
txt new -i "Some title"
Text files will be stored in either:
1. The directory pointed at by txtdir if defined
2. $HOME/.local/share/texts, if directory exists
3. The current working directory, if all else fails
The simplest approach is to put all texts in the local-share directory and override that on occasion with
$txtdir. For example:
txtdir=. txt new "Hello world"
# Publish
Texts created with "new" are treated as personal until published. To publish a text, use `txt publish [id]` where [id] is the text of the text to publish. Publication requires a `txt.conf` file which must exist in either:
1. The current working directory
2. $HOME/.config/txt/txt.conf
With the above in place, `txt publish [id]` will add the text file with [id] in the publication-directory and reproduce the `index.pck` in that directory. If Pubdir is not defined in `txt.conf` then the environmental variable `txtpubdir` is used. If that is also undefined, the current working directory is used as a publication directory.
Logarion is protocol agnostic, so publish looks for the existence of directories to copy the files, ready for publication. At the time of writing the three directories are `public_html`, `public_gemini` and `public_gopher`. For each of these directories, `txt publish [id]` will copy the text file, revise the `index.pck` and also convert produce converted files, such .htm for public_html.
## txt.conf keys
A random, unique, alphanumeric string for distinguishing the repository (atleast 6 characters of Crockford's Base32 recommended)
a human-friendly title
comma seperated list of names and, optionally, addresses
topics the repository aims to cover
list of URIs the repositories can be accessed
list of peer URIs
(optional) the directory that contains publication subdirectories
There are some special settings for HTML publication:
path to a CSS style. It will be inserted in every .htm file. To link to a single CSS consider using `@import`
path to a file, inserted in every .htm file, right after the body tag
path to a file, inserted in every .htm file, right before the body tag
if defined, determines the filename for the index files. Left undefined, defaults to `index.html`
if defined, this will overrite the feed URI used in HTML files. If left undefined the default `feed.atom` is used

txt/main.css Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@