module Date = struct type t = { created: Ptime.t option; published: Ptime.t option; edited: Ptime.t option; } [@@deriving lens { submodule = true }] let rfc_string date = match date with Some t -> Ptime.to_rfc3339 t | None -> "" let of_string (rfc : string) = match Ptime.of_rfc3339 rfc with Ok (t,_,_) -> Some t | Error _ -> None let listing date = match date.published, date.created with | Some _, _ -> date.published | None, Some _ -> date.created | None, None -> None let compare = compare let pretty_date = function | Some t -> Ptime.to_date t |> fun (y, m, d) -> Printf.sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d" y m d | None -> "" end module Id = struct let random_state = Random.State.make_self_init () type t = Uuidm.t let compare = let to_string = Uuidm.to_string let of_string = Uuidm.of_string let generate ?(random_state=random_state) = Uuidm.v4_gen random_state end module Author = struct type name_t = string type address_t = Uri.t type t = { name: name_t; address: address_t; } [@@deriving lens { submodule = true } ] let empty = { name = ""; address = Uri.empty } let compare = end module AuthorSet = struct include Set.Make(Author) let to_string authors = let to_string a = ^ " <" ^ Uri.to_string a.Author.address ^ ">" in let f elt acc = if String.length acc > 1 then acc ^ ", " ^ to_string elt else to_string elt in fold f authors "" let of_string s = match Emile.List.of_string s with | Error _ -> prerr_endline @@ "Error parsing: " ^ s; empty | Ok emails -> let to_author = let module L = List in let open Emile in function | `Group _ -> prerr_endline @@ "Can't deal with groups in author: " ^ s; Author.empty | `Mailbox { name; local; _ } -> let s_of_phrase = function `Dot -> "" | `Word w -> (match w with `Atom a -> a | `String s -> s) | `Encoded _ -> "" in let name = match name with None -> "" | Some phrase -> L.fold_left (fun a e -> a ^ s_of_phrase e) "" phrase in let address = L.fold_left (fun a e -> a ^ match e with `Atom a -> a | `String s -> s) "" local ^ "@" (* TODO: Author address unimplemented *) in Author.{ name; address = Uri.of_string address } in of_list @@ to_author emails end module Category = struct type t = Draft | Unlisted | Published | Custom of string let compare = let of_string = function | "draft" -> Draft | "unlisted" -> Unlisted | "published" -> Published | c -> Custom c let to_string = function | Draft -> "draft" | Unlisted -> "unlisted" | Published -> "published" | Custom c -> c end module CategorySet = struct include Set.Make(Category) let to_csv set = let f elt a = let s = Category.to_string elt in if a <> "" then a ^ ", " ^ s else s in fold f set "" let categorised categs cs = of_list categs |> (fun s -> subset s cs) let published = categorised [Category.Published] let listed cs = not @@ categorised [Category.Unlisted] cs end module StringSet = Set.Make(String) let stringset_csv set = let f elt a = if a <> "" then a ^ ", " ^ elt else elt in StringSet.fold f set "" let string_alias t = let is_reserved = function | '!' | '*' | '\'' | '(' | ')' | ';' | ':' | '@' | '&' | '=' | '+' | '$' | ',' | '/' | '?' | '#' | '[' | ']' | ' ' | '\t' | '\x00' -> true | _ -> false in let b = Buffer.create (String.length t) in let filter char = let open Buffer in if is_reserved char then (try (if nth b (pred (length b)) <> '-' then add_char b '-') with Invalid_argument _ -> prerr_endline "reserved") else add_char b char in String.(iter filter (lowercase_ascii t)); Buffer.contents b type t = { title: string; authors: AuthorSet.t; date: Date.t; categories: CategorySet.t; topics: StringSet.t; keywords: StringSet.t; series: StringSet.t; abstract: string; uuid: Id.t; alias: string; } [@@deriving lens { submodule = true }] let blank ?(uuid=(Id.generate ())) () = { title = ""; authors = AuthorSet.empty; date = Date.({ created = None; edited = None; published = None }); categories = CategorySet.empty; topics = StringSet.empty; keywords = StringSet.empty; series = StringSet.empty; abstract = ""; uuid; alias = ""; } let listed e = CategorySet.listed e.categories let published e = CategorySet.published e.categories let unique_topics ts x = StringSet.union ts x.topics module AliasMap = Map.Make(String) module IdMap = Map.Make(Id) let alias meta = if meta.alias = "" then string_alias meta.title else meta.alias let value_with_name (_meta as m) = function | "Title" -> m.title | "Abstract" -> m.abstract | "Authors" -> AuthorSet.to_string m.authors | "Date" -> Date.(rfc_string | "Edited" -> Date.(rfc_string | "Published"-> Date.(rfc_string | "Human" -> Date.(pretty_date @@ listing | "Topics" -> stringset_csv m.topics; | "Categories" -> CategorySet.to_csv m.categories; | "Keywords" -> stringset_csv m.keywords; | "Series" -> stringset_csv m.series; | "ID" -> Id.to_string m.uuid | "Alias" -> alias m | e -> invalid_arg e let with_kv meta (k,v) = let list_of_csv = Re.Str.(split (regexp " *, *")) in let trim = String.trim in match k with | "Title" -> { meta with title = trim v } | "Author" | "Authors" -> { meta with authors = AuthorSet.of_string (trim v)} | "Abstract" -> { meta with abstract = trim v } | "Date" -> { meta with date = Date.{ with created = Date.of_string v }} | "Published" -> { meta with date = Date.{ with published = Date.of_string v }} | "Edited" -> { meta with date = Date.{ with edited = Date.of_string v }} | "Topics" -> { meta with topics = trim v |> list_of_csv |> StringSet.of_list } | "Keywords" -> { meta with keywords = trim v |> list_of_csv |> StringSet.of_list } | "Categories"-> let categories = trim v |> list_of_csv |> Category.of_string |> CategorySet.of_list in { meta with categories } | "Series" -> { meta with series = trim v |> list_of_csv |> StringSet.of_list } | "ID" -> (match Id.of_string v with Some id -> { meta with uuid = id } | None -> meta) | "Alias" -> { meta with alias = v } | k -> prerr_endline ("Unknown key: " ^ k ^ ", with value: " ^ v ); meta let to_string (_meta as m) = let has_len v = String.length v > 0 in let s field value = if has_len value then field ^ ": " ^ value ^ "\n" else "" in let a value = if AuthorSet.is_empty value then "" else "Authors: " ^ AuthorSet.to_string value ^ "\n" in let d field value = match value with | Some _ -> field ^ ": " ^ Date.rfc_string value ^ "\n" | None -> "" in let rows = [ s "Title" m.title; a m.authors; d "Date"; d "Edited"; d "Published"; s "Topics" (stringset_csv m.topics); s "Categories" (CategorySet.to_csv m.categories); s "Keywords" (stringset_csv m.keywords); s "Series" (stringset_csv m.series); s "Abstract" m.abstract; s "ID" (Uuidm.to_string m.uuid); s "Alias" m.alias ] in String.concat "" rows