orbifx e878dedbb6 - Removed 'txt init'

- New B32 ID


- New option: txt index --print
- Move scheme to peers
- Replace peer.*.conf files with index packed locations
  Instead of adding a URL to peers.*.conf, run `txt pull <url>`


- Rewritten converters
- txt-convert looks for a .convert.conf containing `key: value` lines.
- Specifiable topic-roots from .convert.conf.
- Added `Topics:` key, with comma seperated topics.
	If set only those topics will appear in the main index and used as topic roots.
	Other topics will have sub-indices generated, but won't be listed in the main index.
- HTML converter header & footer options
- HTML-index renamed to HTM-index


- Change types: uuid:Uuid -> id:string
- File_store merges identical texts
- Use peer ID for store path, store peers' texts in .local/share/texts
- Simple URN resolution for converter
	Continue to next feed if parsing one fails
- Phasing-out Archive, replaced by improved packs
- Eliminate Bos, Cohttp, lwt, uri, tls, Re, Ptime, dependencies
- Lock version for Cmdliner, fix dune-project
- Optional resursive store
- Improve header_pack
- Fix recursive mkdir
2022-04-15 14:17:01 +01:00

17 lines
779 B

open Logarion
let authors r topics_opt =
let predicates = Archive.(predicate topics topics_opt) in
let predicate text = List.fold_left (fun a e -> a && e text) true predicates in
let author_union a (e, _) = Person.Set.union a e.Text.authors in
let s = File_store.fold ~r ~predicate author_union Person.Set.empty in
Person.Set.iter (fun x -> print_endline (Person.to_string x)) s
open Cmdliner
let term =
let recurse = Arg.(value & flag & info ["R"]
~doc:"include texts in subdirectories too") in
let topics = Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ["topics"]
~docv:"TOPICS" ~doc:"display authors who have written on topics") in
Term.(const authors $ recurse $ topics),
Term.info "authors" ~doc:"list authors"
~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION"; `P "List author names" ]