Note: atom must be called separately now because of the separation. Example txt convert -t htm,atom xyz
100 lines
3.7 KiB
100 lines
3.7 KiB
let ext = ".gmi"
module GeminiConverter = struct
include Converter.Gemini
let angled_uri u a = if String.sub u 0 10 <> "urn:txtid:" then
angled_uri u a else angled_uri (String.(sub u 10 (length u - 10)) ^ ext) a
let page _conversion text =
let open Logarion.Text in
"# " ^ text.title
^ "\nAuthors: " ^ Logarion.Person.Set.to_string text.authors
^ "\nDate: " ^ Logarion.Date.(pretty_date @@ listing text.date)
^ let module T = Parsers.Plain_text.Make (GeminiConverter) in
"\n" ^ T.of_string text.body ""
let date_index title meta_list =
(fun a m ->
a ^ "=> " ^ Logarion.Text.short_id m ^ ".gmi " ^
Logarion.(Date.(pretty_date (listing m.date)) ^ " " ^ m.title) ^ "\n")
("# " ^ title ^ "\n\n## Posts by date\n\n") meta_list
let to_dated_links ?(limit) meta_list =
let meta_list = match limit with
| None -> meta_list
| Some limit->
let rec reduced acc i = function
| [] -> acc
| h::t -> if i < limit then reduced (h::acc) (i+1) t else acc in
List.rev @@ reduced [] 0 meta_list
(fun a m ->
^ "=> " ^ Logarion.Text.short_id m ^ ".gmi "
^ Logarion.(Date.(pretty_date (listing m.Text.date))) ^ " "
^ m.Logarion.Text.title ^ "\n")
"" meta_list
let topic_link root topic =
let replaced_space = String.map (function ' '->'+' | x->x) in
"=> index." ^ replaced_space root ^ ".gmi " ^ String.capitalize_ascii topic ^ "\n"
let text_item path meta =
let open Logarion in
"=> " ^ path ^ Text.short_id meta ^ ".gmi "
^ Date.(pretty_date (listing meta.Text.date)) ^ " "
^ meta.Text.title ^ "\n"
let listing_index topic_map topic_roots path metas =
let rec item_group topics =
List.fold_left (fun acc topic -> acc ^ sub_groups topic ^ items topic) "" topics
and sub_groups topic = match Logarion.Topic_set.Map.find_opt topic topic_map with
| None -> ""
| Some (_, subtopics) -> item_group (Logarion.String_set.elements subtopics)
and items topic =
let items =
let open Logarion in
(fun a e ->
if String_set.mem topic (String_set.map (Logarion.Topic_set.topic) (Text.set "Topics" e))
then text_item path e ^ a else a) "" metas in
match items with
| "" -> ""
| x -> "## " ^ String.capitalize_ascii topic ^ "\n\n" ^ x
item_group topic_roots
let fold_topic_roots topic_roots =
let list_item root t = topic_link root t in
List.fold_left (fun a x -> a ^ list_item x x) "" (List.rev topic_roots)
let topic_main_index r title topic_roots metas =
"# " ^ title ^ "\n\n"
^ (if topic_roots <> [] then ("## Main topics\n\n" ^ fold_topic_roots topic_roots) else "")
^ "\n## Latest\n\n" ^ to_dated_links ~limit:10 metas
^ "\n=> index.date.gmi More by date\n\n"
^ let peers = Logarion.Store.KV.find "Peers" r.Conversion.kv in
if peers = "" then "" else
List.fold_left (fun a s -> Printf.sprintf "%s=> %s\n" a s) "## Peers\n\n"
(Str.split (Str.regexp ";\n") peers)
let topic_sub_index title topic_map topic_root metas =
"# " ^ title ^ "\n\n"
^ listing_index topic_map [topic_root] "" metas
let indices r =
let open Logarion in
let file name = File_store.file (Filename.concat r.Conversion.dir name) in
let index_name = try Store.KV.find "Gemini-index" r.kv with Not_found -> "index.gmi" in
let title = try Store.KV.find "Title" r.Conversion.kv with Not_found -> "" in
if index_name <> "" then file index_name (topic_main_index r title r.topic_roots r.texts);
file "index.date.gmi" (date_index title r.texts);
(fun topic -> file ("index." ^ topic ^ ".gmi")
(topic_sub_index title r.topics topic r.texts))
let converter = Conversion.{ ext; page = Some page; indices = Some indices}