
165 lines
6.2 KiB

let writer accum data =
Buffer.add_string accum data;
String.length data
let showContent content =
Printf.printf "%s" (Buffer.contents content);
flush stdout
let showInfo connection =
Printf.printf "Time: %f for: %s\n"
(Curl.get_totaltime connection)
(Curl.get_effectiveurl connection)
let getContent connection url =
Curl.set_url connection url;
Curl.perform connection
let curl_pull url =
let result = Buffer.create 4069
and errorBuffer = ref "" in
let connection = Curl.init () in
Curl.set_errorbuffer connection errorBuffer;
Curl.set_writefunction connection (writer result);
Curl.set_followlocation connection true;
Curl.set_url connection url;
Curl.perform connection;
(* showContent result;*)
(* showInfo connection;*)
Curl.cleanup connection;
Ok result
| Curl.CurlException (_reason, _code, _str) ->
Curl.cleanup connection;
Error (Printf.sprintf "Error: %s %s" url !errorBuffer)
| Failure s ->
Curl.cleanup connection;
Error (Printf.sprintf "Caught exception: %s" s)
let newer time id dir =
match Logarion.File_store.to_text @@ Filename.(concat dir (Logarion.Id.short id) ^ ".txt") with
| Error x -> prerr_endline x; true
| Ok txt -> time > (Logarion.(Header_pack.date (Date.listing txt.date)))
| exception (Sys_error _) -> true
let print_peers p =
let open Logarion.Header_pack in
match Msgpck.to_list p.peers with [] -> ()
| ps -> print_endline @@
List.fold_left (fun a x -> Printf.sprintf "%s %s" a (Msgpck.to_string x)) "peers: " ps
type filter_t = { authors: Logarion.Person.Set.t; topics: Logarion.String_set.t }
let print_pull_start width total title dir =
Printf.printf "%*d/%s %s => %s %!" width 0 total title dir
let print_pull width total i =
Printf.printf "\r%*d/%s %!" width (i+1) total
let printers total title dir =
let width = String.length total in
print_pull_start width total title dir;
print_pull width total
let fname dir text = Filename.concat dir (Logarion.Text.short_id text ^ ".txt")
let pull_text url dir id =
let u = Filename.concat url ((Logarion.Id.short id) ^ ".txt") in
match curl_pull u with
| Error msg -> Printf.eprintf "Failed getting %s: %s" u msg
| Ok txt -> let txt = Buffer.contents txt in
match Logarion.Text.of_string txt with
| Error s -> prerr_endline s
| Ok text ->
let file = open_out_gen [Open_creat; Open_trunc; Open_wronly] 0o640 (fname dir text) in
output_string file txt; close_out file
let per_text url dir filter print i id time title authors topics = match id with
| "" -> Printf.eprintf "\nInvalid id for %s\n" title
| id -> let open Logarion in
print i;
if newer time id dir
&& (String_set.empty = filter.topics
|| String_set.exists (fun t -> List.mem t topics) filter.topics)
&& (Person.Set.empty = filter.authors
|| Person.Set.exists (fun t -> List.mem (Person.to_string t) authors) filter.authors)
then pull_text url dir id
let pull_index url authors_opt topics_opt =
let index_url = url ^ "/index.pck" in
match curl_pull index_url with
| Error s -> prerr_endline s; false
| Ok body ->
match Logarion.Header_pack.of_string (Buffer.contents body) with
| Error s -> Printf.printf "Error with %s: %s\n" url s; false
| Ok pk ->
let dir = Filename.concat Logarion.Peers.text_dir pk.info.id in
Logarion.File_store.with_dir dir;
let file = open_out_gen [Open_creat; Open_trunc; Open_wronly] 0o640
(Filename.concat dir "index.pck") in
output_string file ( Logarion.Header_pack.string {
pk with info = { pk.info with locations = url::pk.info.locations }});
close_out file;
let filter = let open Logarion in {
authors = (match authors_opt with Some s -> Person.Set.of_string s | None -> Person.Set.empty);
topics =( match topics_opt with Some s -> String_set.of_string s | None -> String_set.empty);
} in
let print = printers (string_of_int @@ Logarion.Header_pack.numof_texts pk) pk.info.title dir in
try Logarion.Header_pack.iteri (per_text url dir filter print) pk; print_newline (); true
with Invalid_argument msg -> Printf.eprintf "\nFailed to parse %s: %s\n%!" url msg; false
let pull_list auths topics =
Curl.global_init Curl.CURLINIT_GLOBALALL;
let pull got_one peer_url = if got_one then got_one else
(pull_index peer_url auths topics) in
Logarion.Peers.fold pull false;
Curl.global_cleanup ()
let pull url auths topics = match url with
| "" -> pull_list auths topics | x -> ignore (pull_index x auths topics)
open Cmdliner
let term =
let authors = Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ["a"; "authors"]
~docv:"comma-separated names" ~doc:"filter by authors") in
let topics = Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ["t"; "topics"]
~docv:"comma-separated topics" ~doc:"filter by topics") in
let url = Arg.(value & pos 0 string "" & info [] ~docv:"URL"
~doc:"Repository location") in
Term.(const pull $ url $ authors $ topics),
Term.info "pull" ~doc:"pull listed texts" ~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION";
`P "Pull texts from known repositories. To add a new repository use:";
`P "txt pull [url]";
`P ("This creates a directory in " ^ Logarion.Peers.text_dir
^ " and downloads the text index.pck file in it")]
(*module Msg = struct*)
(* type t = string * string*)
(* let compare (x0,y0) (x1,y1) =*)
(* match compare x1 x0 with 0 -> String.compare y0 y1 | c -> c*)
(*module MsgSet = Set.Make(Msg)*)
(*let pull_msgs url _authors _topics =*)
(* match http_apply response url with*)
(* | Error msg ->*)
(* Printf.eprintf "Failed index request for %s %s" url msg*)
(* | Ok body ->*)
(* let rec fold_msgs s a fn =*)
(* let t, msg = Scanf.bscanf s "%s %s@\n" (fun t m -> t, m) in*)
(* if t <> "" then fold_msgs s (fn a t msg) fn else a*)
(* in*)
(* let s = Scanf.Scanning.from_string body in*)
(* let msgs = MsgSet.empty in*)
(* let date_string t = Ptime.to_date t |>*)
(* fun (y, m, d) -> Printf.sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d" y m d in*)
(* let msgs = fold_msgs s msgs*)
(* (fun msgs t m -> match Ptime.of_rfc3339 t with*)
(* | Ok (v,_,_) -> let open MsgSet in*)
(* let msgs = if cardinal msgs > 1 then remove (max_elt msgs) msgs else msgs in*)
(* add (v,m) msgs*)
(* | _ -> msgs) in*)
(* let msg_string = MsgSet.fold*)
(* (fun (t,m) a -> a ^ Printf.sprintf " %s 𐄁 %s\n" (date_string t) m)*)
(* msgs "" in*)
(* Printf.printf "┌───{ %s }───┐\n%s" url msg_string*)