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module Validation = struct
let empty = []
let (&>) report = function None -> report | Some msg -> msg :: report
let (&&>) report = function [] -> report | msgs -> msgs @ report
let check ok msg = if ok then None else Some msg
let file_exists ?(msg=(fun s -> (s ^ " is not a file"))) ?(parent_dir=Fpath.v ".") file =
let str = Fpath.(to_string (parent_dir // file)) in
check (Sys.file_exists str) (msg str)
let is_directory ?(msg=(fun s -> (s ^ " is not a directory"))) dir =
let str = Fpath.to_string dir in
check (Sys.file_exists str && Sys.is_directory str) (msg str)
let files_exist ?(msg=(fun s -> (s ^ " is not a file"))) ?(parent_dir=Fpath.v ".") files =
let f report file = report &> file_exists ~msg ~parent_dir file in
List.fold_left f empty files
let terminate_when_invalid ?(print_error=true) =
let error i msg = prerr_endline ("Error " ^ string_of_int i ^ ": " ^ msg) in
| [] -> ()
| msgs -> if print_error then List.iteri error (List.rev msgs); exit 1
module Path = struct
let of_string str =
if Sys.file_exists str then
match Fpath.v str with
| path -> Ok path
| exception (Invalid_argument msg) -> Error ("Invalid path " ^ msg)
else Error (str ^ " not found")
let path_exists x = Fpath.to_string x |> Sys.file_exists
let conventional_paths =
let paths =
try [ ".logarion"; Sys.getenv "HOME" ^ "/.config/logarion"; "/etc/logarion" ]
with Not_found -> [ ".logarion"; "/etc/logarion" ]
List.map Fpath.v paths
let with_file ?(conventional_paths=conventional_paths) config_file =
let (//) = Fpath.(//) in
let basepath = Fpath.v config_file in
let existing dir = path_exists (dir // basepath) in
try Ok (List.find existing conventional_paths // basepath)
with Not_found -> Error (config_file ^ " not found in: " ^ String.concat ", " (List.map Fpath.to_string conventional_paths))
let with_default default = function Some x -> x | None -> default
let with_default_paths default =
function Some ss -> List.map Fpath.v ss | None -> default
let mandatory = function Some x -> x | None -> failwith "undefined mandatory setting"
let (&>) a b = match a with Ok x -> b x | Error e -> Error e
module type Store = sig
type t
val from_path : Fpath.t -> (t, string) result
module Make (S : Store) = struct
include S
let of_path path = S.from_path path
let (&>) = (&>)
let to_record converter = function
| Ok store -> converter store
| Error s -> Error s
let to_record_or_exit ?(print_error=true) ?(validator=(fun _cfg -> [])) converter store_result =
match to_record converter store_result with
| Ok cfg -> Validation.terminate_when_invalid (validator cfg); cfg
| Error s -> if print_error then prerr_endline s; exit 1