
90 lines
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module Id = Meta.Id
type alias_t = string
module Configuration = struct
type t = {
repository : Lpath.repo_t;
title : string;
owner : string;
email : string;
id : Id.t;
let of_config config =
let open Confix in
let open Confix.Config in
let str k = ConfixToml.(string config ("archive" / k)) in
Ok {
repository =
(try Lpath.repo_of_string (str "repository" |> with_default ".")
| Invalid_argument s -> failwith ("Invalid repository: " ^ s)
| Failure s -> failwith ("Missing repository value: " ^ s));
title = str "title" |> with_default "";
owner = str "owner" |> with_default "";
email = str "email" |> with_default "";
id = match Id.of_string (str "uuid" |> mandatory) with Some id -> id | None -> failwith "Invalid UUID in config";
with Failure str -> Error str
let validity config =
let repo = Lpath.fpath_of_repo config.repository in
let open Confix.Config.Validation in
&> is_directory repo
module AliasMap = Meta.AliasMap
module Make (Store : Store.T) = struct
type t = {
config : Configuration.t;
store : Store.t;
let note_lens note = note
let meta_lens note = note.Note.meta
let recency_order a b = Meta.(Date.compare a.date b.date)
let latest archive =
Store.to_list ~order:recency_order meta_lens archive.store
let listed archive =
let notes = Store.to_list meta_lens archive.store in
List.filter Meta.(fun e -> CategorySet.listed e.categories) notes
let published archive =
let notes = Store.to_list meta_lens archive.store in
List.filter Meta.(fun e -> CategorySet.published e.categories) notes
let latest_listed archive =
let notes = Store.to_list ~order:recency_order meta_lens archive.store in
List.filter Meta.(fun e -> CategorySet.listed e.categories) notes
let with_topic archive topic =
let notes = Store.to_list ~order:recency_order meta_lens archive.store in
List.filter Meta.(fun e -> StringSet.exists (fun t -> t = topic) e.topics) notes
let topics archive =
let notes = Store.to_list meta_lens archive.store in
List.fold_left Meta.(fun a e -> unique_topics a e) Meta.StringSet.empty notes
let latest_entry archive fragment =
let notes = Store.to_list ~order:recency_order meta_lens archive.store in
let containing_fragment e = Re.Str.(string_match (regexp fragment)) (e.Meta.title) 0 in
try Some (List.find containing_fragment notes)
with Not_found -> None
let note_with_id archive id = Store.note_with_id archive.store id
let note_with_alias archive alias = Store.note_with_alias archive.store alias
let with_note archive note = Store.with_note archive.store note
let sublist ~from ~n list =
let aggregate_subrange (i, elms) e = succ i, if i >= from && i <= n then e::elms else elms in
List.fold_left aggregate_subrange (0, []) list |> snd