
113 lines
3.4 KiB

let extensions = [ ".md"; ".org" ]
open Logarion
let load f =
let ic = open_in (Fpath.to_string f) in
let n = in_channel_length ic in
let s = Bytes.create n in
really_input ic s 0 n;
close_in ic;
Bytes.to_string s
let note path = Lpath.fpath_of_note path |> load |> Note.of_string
type t = { repo_path : Lpath.repo_t }
let note_filetype name =
try Fpath.(mem_ext extensions @@ v name) with
| Invalid_argument _ -> false
let to_list ?(order) lens_fn store =
let repo_path = store.repo_path in
let cons_valid_meta list path =
let note = note (Lpath.note_of_basename repo_path path) in
lens_fn note :: list
with Note.Syntax_error str -> prerr_endline str; list
Lpath.string_of_repo repo_path
|> Sys.readdir
|> Array.to_list
|> List.filter note_filetype
|> List.fold_left cons_valid_meta []
|> match order with
| Some fn -> List.fast_sort fn
| None -> (fun x -> x)
let note_with_id store id =
let repo_path = store.repo_path in
let note_of_path path = note (Lpath.note_of_basename repo_path path) in
let with_id path =
let note = note_of_path path in
note.Note.meta.Meta.uuid = id
with Note.Syntax_error str -> prerr_endline str; false
let notes =
Lpath.string_of_repo repo_path
|> Sys.readdir
|> Array.to_list
|> List.filter note_filetype
try Some (note_of_path (List.find with_id notes))
with Not_found -> None
let note_with_alias store alias =
let repo_path = store.repo_path in
let cons_valid_meta list path =
try (note (Lpath.note_of_basename repo_path path)) :: list
with Note.Syntax_error str -> prerr_endline str; list
let recency_order a b = Meta.(Date.compare b.date a.date) in
let notes =
Lpath.string_of_repo repo_path
|> Sys.readdir
|> Array.to_list
|> List.filter note_filetype
|> List.fold_left cons_valid_meta []
|> List.filter (fun note -> Meta.alias note.Note.meta = alias)
|> List.fast_sort (fun a b -> recency_order a.Note.meta b.Note.meta)
try Some (List.hd notes)
with Failure _ -> None
let notepath_with_id _store _id = None
let store repo_path = { repo_path }
module Lwt = struct
let of_filename f =
let open Lwt in
Lwt_io.(open_file ~mode:(Input) f >|= read_lines)
>|= (fun stream -> Lwt_stream.fold (^) stream "")
let with_note store new_note =
let extension = List.hd extensions in
let open Lwt in
let open Lwt.Infix in
let store =
let write_note out = Lwt_io.write out (Note.to_string new_note) in
match notepath_with_id store new_note.Note.meta.Meta.uuid with
| Some previous_path ->
let filepath =
let open Note in
let open Meta in
if (note previous_path).meta.title <> new_note.meta.title
then Lpath.versioned_basename_of_title store.repo_path extension new_note.meta.title
else previous_path
Lwt_io.with_file ~mode:Lwt_io.output (Lpath.string_of_note filepath) write_note
>>= (fun () ->
if previous_path <> filepath
then Lwt_unix.unlink @@ Lpath.string_of_note previous_path
else Lwt.return_unit
| None ->
let filepath = Lpath.versioned_basename_of_title store.repo_path extension new_note.meta.title in
Lwt_io.with_file ~mode:Lwt_io.output (Lpath.string_of_note filepath) write_note
store >>= (fun () -> return new_note);
let with_note = Lwt.with_note