
37 lines
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let predicate fn opt = Option.(to_list @@ map fn opt)
let authored query_string =
let q = Person.Set.of_query @@ String_set.query query_string in
fun n -> Person.Set.predicate q n.Text.authors
let ided query_string =
let len = String.length query_string in
fun n ->
try String.sub n.Text.id 0 len = query_string
with Invalid_argument _ -> false
let keyworded query_string =
let q = String_set.query query_string in
fun n -> String_set.(predicate q (Text.set "Keywords" n))
let topics query_string =
let q = String_set.query query_string in
fun n -> String_set.(predicate q (Text.set "Topics" n))
let apply_sys_util env def_env r order_opt reverse_opt number_opt authors_opt topics_opt id_opt =
let predicates = if id_opt <> "" then [ ided id_opt ] else []
@ predicate authored authors_opt
@ predicate topics topics_opt in
let predicate text = List.fold_left (fun a e -> a && e text) true predicates in
let util = try Sys.getenv env with Not_found -> def_env in
let print_text acc (_t, fnames) = Printf.sprintf "%s %s" acc (List.hd fnames) in
let paths = match order_opt with
| false -> File_store.fold ~r ~predicate print_text ""
| true ->
let order = match reverse_opt with true -> File_store.newest | false -> File_store.oldest in
match number_opt with
| Some number -> File_store.fold ~r ~predicate ~order ~number print_text ""
| None -> File_store.fold ~r ~predicate ~order print_text ""
in if paths = "" then ()
else (ignore @@ Sys.command @@ Printf.sprintf "%s %s" util paths)