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ID: hvhhwf
Date: 2022-11-06T13:19:57Z
Title: Creating texts & publishing on the net
Authors: orbifx
# New
To create new text files, use `txt new "<My title>"` where <my title> is the initial title you wish the text to have. It's important to enclose the title with quotation marks if it contains spaces. The command will return the filename of the new text. The filename starts with a part of the ID and the title of the text. Use the file name to open it with your text editor.
Alternatively add the -i flag, `txt new -i "<My title>"` to have the text editor launched to edit the newly created file.
Text files will be stored in either:
1. The directory pointed at by txtdir if defined
2. $HOME/.local/share/texts, if directory exists
3. The current working directory, if all else fails
The simplest approach is to put all texts in the local-share directory and override that on occasion with
`txtdir`. For example:
txtdir=. txt new "Hello world"
# Publish
Texts created with "new" are treated as personal until published. To publish a text, use `txt publish <id>` where <id> is the text of the text to publish. Publication requires a `txt.conf` file which must exist in either:
1. The current working directory
2. $HOME/.config/txt/txt.conf
With the above in place, `txt publish <id>` will add the text file with <id> in the publication-directory and reproduce the `index.pck` in that directory. If Pubdir is not defined in `txt.conf` then the environmental variable `txtpubdir` is used. If that is also undefined, the current working directory is used as a publication directory.
Logarion is protocol agnostic, so publish looks for the existence of directories to copy the files, ready for publication. At the time of writing the three directories are `public_html`, `public_gemini` and `public_gopher`. For each of these directories, `txt publish <id>` will copy the text file, revise the `index.pck` and also convert produce converted files, such .htm for public_html.
## txt.conf keys
Id: A random, unique, alphanumeric string for distinguishing the repository (atleast 6 characters of Crockford's Base32 recommended)
Title: a human-friendly title
Authors: comma seperated list of names and, optionally, addresses
Topics: topics the repository aims to cover
Locations: list of URIs the repositories can be accessed
Peers: list of peer URIs
Pubdir: (optional) the directory that contains publication subdirectories
There are some special settings for HTML publication:
HTM-style: path to a CSS style. It will be inserted in every .htm file. To link to a single CSS consider using `@import`
HTM-header: path to a file, inserted in every .htm file, right after the <body> tag
HTM-footer: path to a file, inserted in every .htm file, right before the </body> tag
HTM-index: if defined, determines the filename for the index files. Left undefined, defaults to `index.html`
HTM-feed: if defined, this will overrite the feed URI used in HTML files. If left undefined the default `feed.atom` is used