
38 lines
1.3 KiB

let print_peers_of_peer p =
let open Logarion.Header_pack in
match Msgpck.to_list p.peers with [] -> ()
| ps -> print_endline @@
List.fold_left (fun a x -> Printf.sprintf "%s %s" a (Msgpck.to_string x)) "peers: " ps
type filter_t = { authors: Logarion.Person.Set.t; topics: Logarion.String_set.t }
let print_peer () peer =
let open Logarion.Peers in
Printf.printf "%s" peer.path;
List.iter (Printf.printf "\t%s\n") peer.pack.info.locations
let remove_repo id =
let repopath = Filename.concat Logarion.Peers.text_dir id in
match Sys.is_directory repopath with
| false -> Printf.eprintf "No repository %s in %s" id Logarion.Peers.text_dir
| true ->
let cmd = Printf.sprintf "rm -r %s" repopath in
Printf.printf "Run: %s ? (y/N) %!" cmd;
match input_char stdin with
|'y'-> if Sys.command cmd = 0 then print_endline "Removed" else prerr_endline "Failed"
| _ -> ()
let peers = function
| Some id -> remove_repo id
| None ->
Printf.printf "Peers in %s\n" Logarion.Peers.text_dir;
Logarion.Peers.fold print_peer ()
open Cmdliner
let term =
let remove = Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ["remove"]
~docv:"repository ID" ~doc:"remove repository texts & from future pulling") in
Term.(const peers $ remove),
Term.info "peers" ~doc:"list current peers" ~man:[ `S "DESCRIPTION";
`P "Lists current peers and associated information"]