orbifx c15e8e2a0d Applicative text parser
TODO: markdown & gemini coming
2021-02-25 23:22:35 +00:00

23 lines
903 B

type t = { text : string; pos : int; right_boundary : int }
let overran cursor = cursor.pos >= cursor.right_boundary
let next_char cursor = { cursor with pos = cursor.pos + 1 }
let char_at cur offset = String.get cur.text (cur.pos + offset)
let char cur = String.get cur.text cur.pos
let distance a b = b.pos - a.pos
let sub ?left ?right cur = { cur with
pos = Option.value left ~default:cur.pos;
right_boundary = Option.value right ~default:cur.right_boundary }
let unwrap num cur = sub ~left:(cur.pos+num) ~right:(cur.right_boundary-num) cur
let segment_string cur = String.sub cur.text cur.pos (cur.right_boundary - cur.pos)
(*todo: reconsider +1 result and type cursor*)
let rec find_end e = function
| cur when cur.pos + 1 = String.length cur.text -> Some cur.pos
| cur when overran cur -> None
| cur when e cur (char cur) -> Some (cur.pos + 1)
| cur -> find_end e (next_char cur)