
212 lines
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import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import Qt.labs.platform 1.0
import ApiPoller 1.0
import LokinetApiClient 1.0
import PlatformDetails 1.0
import "."
ApplicationWindow {
id: window
title: qsTr("Lokinet Control Panel")
visible: true
flags: nohide ? Qt.Window : Qt.FramelessWindowHint
maximumHeight: minimumHeight
maximumWidth: minimumWidth
color: Style.panelSeparatorColor
// crude way to dismiss main window when it loses focus.
// this isn't going to work well on a "sloppy focus" window managers, but
// probably works well on the most common OSes
onActiveChanged: {
if (!active && !nohide) {
window.visible = false;
onClosing: {
ControlPanel {
id: controlPanel
BootstrapDownloadDialog {
id: bootstrapDialog
visible: false
function exitApp() {
if (! platformDetails.isDebug()) {
function openSysTray() {
var rect = platformDetails.getAbsoluteCursorPosition();
console.log("mouse cursor at: "+ rect.x +", "+ rect.y);
// attempt to determine what quadrant the systray is positioned in
// and anchor the window to the opposite corner of the systray icon
// TODO: this technique is flawed -- it often leaves the window partially obscured
// by the taskbar (esp. when the taskbar is oriented horizontally)
var right = false;
if ((rect.x / Screen.width) >= 0.5) {
right = true;
var bottom = false;
if ((rect.y / Screen.height) >= 0.5) {
bottom = true;
console.log("right: "+ right);
console.log("bottom: "+ bottom);
console.log("window size: "+ window.width +"x"+ window.height);
// on the right side, shift left by (window width)
// on the left side, shift right by (systray icon width)
// on the bottom side, shift up by (window height)
// on the top side, shift down by systray icon height)
var winX = (right ? (rect.x - window.width) : rect.x);
var winY = (bottom ? (rect.y - window.height) : rect.y);
// systrayMenu.x = winX;
// systrayMenu.y = winY;
systrayMenu.visible = true;
function display() {
SystemTrayIcon {
id: systray
tooltip: qsTr("Loki Network")
visible: platformDetails.hasSysTray();
iconSource: "qrc:/res/images/icon.svg"
menu: Menu {
id: systrayMenu
enabled: true
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Show")
onTriggered: {
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Hide")
// visible: (platformDetails.isDebug() || platformDetails.isLinux())
onTriggered: {
window.visible = false;
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Exit")
onTriggered: {
MenuSeparator { }
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Start lokinet")
onTriggered: {
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Stop lokinet")
onTriggered: {
MenuSeparator { }
MenuItem {
visible: !isSystemd
text: qsTr("Bootstrap Client from Web")
onTriggered: {
bootstrapDialog.visible = true;
// under some Linux window managers, intercepting left click (or even any click in some
// cases) is not possible. in these cases, the context menu seems to be reliably shown,
// so interaction with the system tray icon will have to be through the context menu in
// these cases.
// this leaves our behavior as:
// - left/double click: show main window (if we get these events)
// - right click: show context menu (if we get these events)
// - fallback: hope the OS/WM at least gives us the context menu automatically
onActivated: {
switch(reason) {
// right click
case SystemTrayIcon.Context:
// left click
case SystemTrayIcon.Trigger:
case SystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick:
// Qt on MacOS only gives us one event to work with, namely
// onActivated() where action == Trigger. It will also try to
// show the context menu at the same time.
// We don't want both, and we only get one, so we let Qt show
// the context menu.
if (! platformDetails.isMacOS()) {
console.log("systray icon 'activated', but ignoring. reason: "+ reason);
ApiPoller {
id: stateApiPoller
Component.onCompleted: {
ApiPoller {
id: statusApiPoller
Component.onCompleted: {
LokinetApiClient {
id: apiClient
PlatformDetails {
id: platformDetails