#include #include std::string const default_chars = "abcdefghijklmnaoqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"; #include std::string random_string(size_t len = 15, std::string const &allowed_chars = default_chars) { std::mt19937_64 gen{std::random_device()()}; std::uniform_int_distribution< size_t > dist{0, allowed_chars.length() - 1}; std::string ret; std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(ret), len, [&] { return allowed_chars[dist(gen)]; }); return ret; } struct check_query_simple_request { const struct sockaddr *from; // source dnsd_question_request *request; }; std::unordered_map< std::string, struct dnsd_query_hook_response * > loki_tld_lookup_cache; void llarp_dotlokilookup_checkQuery(void *u, uint64_t orig, uint64_t left) { if(left) return; // struct check_query_request *request = static_cast< struct // check_query_request * >(u); struct check_query_simple_request *qr = static_cast< struct check_query_simple_request * >(u); dotLokiLookup *dll = (dotLokiLookup *)qr->request->context->user; if(!dll) { llarp::LogError("DNSd dotLokiLookup is not configured"); return; } // we do have result // if so send that // else // if we have a free private ip, send that struct dns_pointer *free_private = dns_iptracker_get_free(dll->ip_tracker); if(free_private) { // do mapping llarp::service::Address addr; if(!addr.FromString(qr->request->question.name)) { llarp::LogWarn("Could not base32 decode address: ", qr->request->question.name); delete qr; return; } in_addr ip_address = ((sockaddr_in *)free_private->hostResult)->sin_addr; llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint *tunEndpoint = (llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint *)dll->user; bool mapResult = tunEndpoint->MapAddress(addr, ntohl(ip_address.s_addr)); /* bool mapResult = main_router_mapAddress( ctx, addr, ntohl(ip_address.s_addr)); // maybe ntohl on the s_addr */ if(!mapResult) { delete qr; return; } // make a dnsd_query_hook_response for the cache dnsd_query_hook_response *response = new dnsd_query_hook_response; response->dontLookUp = true; response->dontSendResponse = false; response->returnThis = free_private->hostResult; llarp::LogInfo("Saving ", qr->request->question.name); loki_tld_lookup_cache[qr->request->question.name] = response; // FIXME: flush cache to disk // on crash we'll need to bring up all the same IPs we assigned before... writesend_dnss_response(free_private->hostResult, qr->from, qr->request); delete qr; return; } // else llarp::LogInfo("Sending cname to delay"); writecname_dnss_response( random_string(49, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") + "bob.loki", qr->from, qr->request); delete qr; } dnsd_query_hook_response * llarp_dotlokilookup_handler(std::string name, const struct sockaddr *from, struct dnsd_question_request *request) { dnsd_query_hook_response *response = new dnsd_query_hook_response; // dotLokiLookup *dll = (dotLokiLookup // *)request->context->user; response->dontLookUp = false; response->dontSendResponse = false; response->returnThis = nullptr; llarp::LogDebug("Hooked ", name); std::string lName = name; std::transform(lName.begin(), lName.end(), lName.begin(), ::tolower); // FIXME: probably should just read the last 5 bytes if(lName.find(".loki") != std::string::npos) { llarp::LogInfo("Detect Loki Lookup for ", lName); auto cache_check = loki_tld_lookup_cache.find(lName); if(cache_check != loki_tld_lookup_cache.end()) { // was in cache llarp::LogInfo("Reused address from LokiLookupCache"); // FIXME: avoid the allocation if you could delete response; return cache_check->second; } // decode string into HS addr llarp::service::Address addr; if(!addr.FromString(lName)) { llarp::LogWarn("Could not base32 decode address"); response->dontSendResponse = true; return response; } llarp::LogInfo("Got address ", addr); // start path build early (if you're looking it up, you're probably going to // use it) // main_router_prefetch(ctx, addr); // schedule future response check_query_simple_request *qr = new check_query_simple_request; qr->from = from; qr->request = request; // nslookup on osx is about 5 sec before a retry, 2s on linux llarp_logic_call_later(request->context->client.logic, {2000, qr, &llarp_dotlokilookup_checkQuery}); response->dontSendResponse = true; } return response; }