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Cross Compile

Currently supported targets:

Tier 1:

These builds are fully automated using Drone CI. Guaranteed to be fully reproducible.

  • Linux (arm/x86)
  • Windows 8+ (32 and 64 bit x86)

Tier 2:

These targets have no build automation available, but do not require patches to build or run.

  • Mac OSX (> 10.10)
  • Android (arm/x86)
  • Apple IOS
  • Linux PPC64 (little endian)
  • FreeBSD (amd64)

Tier 3:

These targets are somewhat obscure or possibly obsolete, and may require some patching to fix target specific issues.

Unsupported (feel free to support this yourself)

we are completely unable to test these targets at all, proceed at your own risk

  • AIX
  • zOS

For Windows

To cross compile for windows on non windows platforms run:

$ make windows

For Other Linux


this setup assumes ubuntu

first you need to cross compile and install libuv:

$ git clone https://github.com/libuv/libuv
$ mkdir -p build && cd build
$ export TOOLCHAIN=arm-linux-gnueabihf # or whatever your compiler is
$ make
$ sudo make install


To cross compile on linux for another archietecture:

for rpi 3

$ make CROSS=ON TOOLCHAIN=contrib/armhf.toolchain.cmake

for ppc64le

$ make CROSS=ON TOOLCHAIN=contrib/ppc64le.toolchain.cmake