
148 lines
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#pragma once
#include <llarp/net/sock_addr.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <ngtcp2/ngtcp2.h>
#include <llarp/net/sock_addr.hpp>
#include <llarp/service/convotag.hpp>
namespace llarp::quic
// Wrapper around a sockaddr; ngtcp2 requires more intrusive access that llarp::SockAddr is meant
// to deal with, hence this wrapper (rather than trying to abuse llarp::SockAddr).
class Address
sockaddr_in6 saddr{};
ngtcp2_addr a{sizeof(saddr), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&saddr)};
Address() = default;
Address(const SockAddr& addr);
Address(const Address& other)
*this = other;
operator=(const Address&);
// Implicit conversion to sockaddr* and ngtcp2_addr& so that an Address can be passed wherever
// one of those is expected.
operator sockaddr*()
return reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&saddr);
operator const sockaddr*() const
return reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr*>(&saddr);
operator ngtcp2_addr&()
return a;
operator const ngtcp2_addr&() const
return a;
sockaddr_size() const
return sizeof(sockaddr_in6);
// Implicit conversion to a convo tag so you can pass an Address to things taking a ConvoTag
operator service::ConvoTag() const;
// Returns the lokinet pseudo-port for the quic connection (which routes this quic packet to the
// correct waiting quic instance on the remote).
port() const
return nuint16_t{saddr.sin6_port};
// Sets the address port
port(nuint16_t port)
saddr.sin6_port = port.n;
// Implicit conversion to SockAddr for going back to general llarp code
// FIXME: see if this is still needed, I think it may have been refactored away with the
// ConvoTag operator
operator SockAddr() const
return SockAddr(saddr);
to_string() const;
// Wraps an ngtcp2_path (which is basically just and address pair) with remote/local components.
// Implicitly convertable to a ngtcp2_path* so that this can be passed wherever a ngtcp2_path* is
// taken in the ngtcp2 API.
struct Path
Address local_, remote_;
ngtcp2_path path{{local_.sockaddr_size(), local_}, {remote_.sockaddr_size(), remote_}, nullptr};
// Public accessors are const:
const Address& local = local_;
const Address& remote = remote_;
Path() = default;
Path(const Address& laddr, const Address& raddr) : local_{laddr}, remote_{raddr}
Path(const Path& p) : Path{p.local, p.remote}
operator=(const Path& p)
local_ = p.local_;
remote_ = p.remote_;
return *this;
// Equivalent to `&obj.path`, but slightly more convenient for passing into ngtcp2 functions
// taking a ngtcp2_path pointer.
operator ngtcp2_path*()
return &path;
operator const ngtcp2_path*() const
return &path;
to_string() const;
operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Address& a);
operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Path& p);
} // namespace llarp::quic