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mirror of https://github.com/oxen-io/lokinet synced 2023-12-14 06:53:00 +01:00
2018-12-13 16:28:50 -05:00

202 lines
5.4 KiB

#include <aligned.hpp>
#include <mem.h>
#include <router_id.hpp>
#include <threadpool.h>
#include <buffer.h>
#include <common.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
* crypto.h
* libsodium abstraction layer
* potentially allow libssl support in the future
static constexpr uint32_t PUBKEYSIZE = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t SECKEYSIZE = 64;
static constexpr uint32_t NONCESIZE = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t SHAREDKEYSIZE = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t HASHSIZE = 64;
static constexpr uint32_t SHORTHASHSIZE = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t HMACSECSIZE = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t SIGSIZE = 64;
static constexpr uint32_t TUNNONCESIZE = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t HMACSIZE = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t PATHIDSIZE = 16;
#include <libntrup/ntru.h>
namespace llarp
/// label functors
/// PKE(result, publickey, secretkey, nonce)
using path_dh_func = std::function< bool(byte_t *, const byte_t *,
const byte_t *, const byte_t *) >;
/// TKE(result, publickey, secretkey, nonce)
using transport_dh_func = std::function< bool(
byte_t *, const byte_t *, const byte_t *, const byte_t *) >;
/// SD/SE(buffer, key, nonce)
using sym_cipher_func =
std::function< bool(llarp_buffer_t, const byte_t *, const byte_t *) >;
/// H(result, body)
using hash_func = std::function< bool(byte_t *, llarp_buffer_t) >;
/// SH(result, body)
using shorthash_func = std::function< bool(byte_t *, llarp_buffer_t) >;
/// MDS(result, body, shared_secret)
using hmac_func =
std::function< bool(byte_t *, llarp_buffer_t, const byte_t *) >;
/// S(sig, secretkey, body)
using sign_func =
std::function< bool(byte_t *, const byte_t *, llarp_buffer_t) >;
/// V(pubkey, body, sig)
using verify_func =
std::function< bool(const byte_t *, llarp_buffer_t, const byte_t *) >;
/// library crypto configuration
struct Crypto
/// xchacha symettric cipher
sym_cipher_func xchacha20;
/// path dh creator's side
path_dh_func dh_client;
/// path dh relay side
path_dh_func dh_server;
/// transport dh client side
transport_dh_func transport_dh_client;
/// transport dh server side
transport_dh_func transport_dh_server;
/// blake2b 512 bit
hash_func hash;
/// blake2b 256 bit
shorthash_func shorthash;
/// blake2s 256 bit hmac
hmac_func hmac;
/// ed25519 sign
sign_func sign;
/// ed25519 verify
verify_func verify;
/// randomize buffer
std::function< void(llarp_buffer_t) > randomize;
/// randomizer memory
std::function< void(void *, size_t) > randbytes;
/// generate signing keypair
std::function< void(byte_t *) > identity_keygen;
/// generate encryption keypair
std::function< void(byte_t *) > encryption_keygen;
/// generate post quantum encrytion key
std::function< void(byte_t *) > pqe_keygen;
/// post quantum decrypt (buffer, sharedkey_dst, sec)
std::function< bool(const byte_t *, byte_t *, const byte_t *) > pqe_decrypt;
/// post quantum encrypt (buffer, sharedkey_dst, pub)
std::function< bool(byte_t *, byte_t *, const byte_t *) > pqe_encrypt;
// Give a basic type tag for the constructor to pick libsodium
struct sodium
Crypto(Crypto::sodium tag);
/// return random 64bit unsigned interger
const byte_t *
seckey_topublic(const byte_t *secret);
const byte_t *
pq_keypair_to_public(const byte_t *keypair);
const byte_t *
pq_keypair_to_secret(const byte_t *keypair);
using SharedSecret = AlignedBuffer< SHAREDKEYSIZE >;
using KeyExchangeNonce = AlignedBuffer< 32 >;
struct PubKey final : public AlignedBuffer< PUBKEYSIZE >
PubKey() : AlignedBuffer< PUBKEYSIZE >(){};
PubKey(const byte_t *ptr) : AlignedBuffer< PUBKEYSIZE >(ptr){};
ToString() const;
FromString(const std::string &str);
friend std::ostream &
operator<<(std::ostream &out, const PubKey &k)
return out << k.ToString();
operator RouterID() const
return RouterID(data());
PubKey &
operator=(const byte_t *ptr)
memcpy(data(), ptr, size());
return *this;
struct SecretKey final : public AlignedBuffer< SECKEYSIZE >
friend std::ostream &
operator<<(std::ostream &out, const SecretKey &)
// make sure we never print out secret keys
return out << "[secretkey]";
LoadFromFile(const char *fname);
SaveToFile(const char *fname) const;
SecretKey &
operator=(const byte_t *ptr)
memcpy(data(), ptr, size());
return *this;
using ShortHash = AlignedBuffer< SHORTHASHSIZE >;
using Signature = AlignedBuffer< SIGSIZE >;
using TunnelNonce = AlignedBuffer< TUNNONCESIZE >;
using SymmNonce = AlignedBuffer< NONCESIZE >;
using SymmKey = AlignedBuffer< 32 >;
using PQCipherBlock = AlignedBuffer< PQ_CIPHERTEXTSIZE + 1 >;
using PQPubKey = AlignedBuffer< PQ_PUBKEYSIZE >;
using PQKeyPair = AlignedBuffer< PQ_KEYPAIRSIZE >;
} // namespace llarp