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mirror of https://github.com/oxen-io/lokinet synced 2023-12-14 06:53:00 +01:00
Jason Rhinelander ab11a8128d
lokinet-vpn: misc cleanups
- Add a function to extract a value from parsed options, to DRY out the
  code a little bit.
- Add a exit_error function to format a message to stdout and then
  return the code, to simplify the repeated print-and-return code used
  when errors occur.
- Use fmt for output formatting
- Add an error if multiple modes are specified at once
- Add error printing around unmap
2022-09-21 13:38:18 -03:00

259 lines
7.1 KiB

#include <oxenmq/oxenmq.h>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <cxxopts.hpp>
#include <future>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <llarp/net/net.hpp>
#ifdef _WIN32
// add the unholy windows headers for iphlpapi
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#include <iphlpapi.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
/// do a oxenmq request on an omq instance blocking style
/// returns a json object parsed from the result
oxenmq::OxenMQ& omq,
const oxenmq::ConnectionID& id,
std::string_view method,
std::optional<nlohmann::json> args = std::nullopt)
std::promise<std::optional<std::string>> result_promise;
auto handleRequest = [&result_promise](bool success, std::vector<std::string> result) {
if ((not success) or result.empty())
if (args.has_value())
omq.request(id, method, handleRequest, args->dump());
omq.request(id, method, handleRequest);
auto ftr = result_promise.get_future();
const auto str = ftr.get();
if (str.has_value())
return nlohmann::json::parse(*str);
return std::nullopt;
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_optional = false;
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_optional<std::optional<T>> = true;
// Extracts a value from a cxxopts result and assigns it into `value` if present. The value can
// either be a plain value or a std::optional. If not present, `value` is not touched.
template <typename T>
extract_option(const cxxopts::ParseResult& r, const std::string& name, T& value)
if (r.count(name))
if constexpr (is_optional<T>)
value = r[name].as<typename T::value_type>();
value = r[name].as<T>();
// Takes a code, prints a message, and returns the code. Intended use is:
// return exit_error(1, "blah: {}", 42);
// from within main().
template <typename... T>
[[nodiscard]] int
exit_error(int code, const std::string& format, T&&... args)
fmt::print(format, std::forward<T>(args)...);
return code;
// Same as above, but with code omitted (uses exit code 1)
template <typename... T>
[[nodiscard]] int
exit_error(const std::string& format, T&&... args)
return exit_error(1, format, std::forward<T>(args)...);
} // namespace
main(int argc, char* argv[])
cxxopts::Options opts("lokinet-vpn", "LokiNET vpn control utility");
// clang-format off
("v,verbose", "Verbose", cxxopts::value<bool>())
("h,help", "help", cxxopts::value<bool>())
("kill", "kill the daemon", cxxopts::value<bool>())
("up", "put vpn up", cxxopts::value<bool>())
("down", "put vpn down", cxxopts::value<bool>())
("exit", "specify exit node address", cxxopts::value<std::string>())
("rpc", "rpc url for lokinet", cxxopts::value<std::string>())
("endpoint", "endpoint to use", cxxopts::value<std::string>())
("token", "exit auth token to use", cxxopts::value<std::string>())
("auth", "exit auth token to use", cxxopts::value<std::string>())
("status", "print status and exit", cxxopts::value<bool>())
("range", "ip range to map", cxxopts::value<std::string>())
// clang-format on
oxenmq::address rpcURL("tcp://");
std::string exitAddress;
std::string endpoint = "default";
std::string token;
std::optional<std::string> range;
oxenmq::LogLevel logLevel = oxenmq::LogLevel::warn;
bool goUp = false;
bool goDown = false;
bool printStatus = false;
bool killDaemon = false;
const auto result = opts.parse(argc, argv);
if (result.count("help") > 0)
std::cout << opts.help() << std::endl;
return 0;
if (result.count("verbose") > 0)
logLevel = oxenmq::LogLevel::debug;
goUp = result.count("up") > 0;
goDown = result.count("down") > 0;
printStatus = result.count("status") > 0;
killDaemon = result.count("kill") > 0;
extract_option(result, "rpc", rpcURL);
extract_option(result, "exit", exitAddress);
extract_option(result, "endpoint", endpoint);
extract_option(result, "token", token);
extract_option(result, "auth", token);
extract_option(result, "range", range);
catch (const cxxopts::option_not_exists_exception& ex)
return exit_error(2, "{}\n{}", ex.what(), opts.help());
catch (std::exception& ex)
return exit_error(2, "{}", ex.what());
int num_commands = goUp + goDown + printStatus + killDaemon;
if (num_commands == 0)
return exit_error(3, "One of --up/--down/--status/--kill must be specified");
if (num_commands != 1)
return exit_error(3, "Only one of --up/--down/--status/--kill may be specified");
if (goUp and exitAddress.empty())
return exit_error("no exit address provided");
oxenmq::OxenMQ omq{
[](oxenmq::LogLevel lvl, const char* file, int line, std::string msg) {
std::cout << lvl << " [" << file << ":" << line << "] " << msg << std::endl;
std::promise<bool> connectPromise;
const auto connID = omq.connect_remote(
[&connectPromise](auto) { connectPromise.set_value(true); },
[&connectPromise](auto, std::string_view msg) {
std::cout << "failed to connect to lokinet RPC: " << msg << std::endl;
auto ftr = connectPromise.get_future();
if (not ftr.get())
return 1;
if (killDaemon)
if (not OMQ_Request(omq, connID, "llarp.halt"))
return exit_error("call to llarp.halt failed");
return 0;
if (printStatus)
const auto maybe_status = OMQ_Request(omq, connID, "llarp.status");
if (not maybe_status)
return exit_error("call to llarp.status failed");
const auto& ep = maybe_status->at("result").at("services").at(endpoint);
const auto exitMap = ep.at("exitMap");
if (exitMap.empty())
std::cout << "no exits" << std::endl;
for (const auto& [range, exit] : exitMap.items())
std::cout << range << " via " << exit.get<std::string>() << std::endl;
catch (std::exception& ex)
return exit_error("failed to parse result: {}", ex.what());
return 0;
if (goUp)
nlohmann::json opts{{"exit", exitAddress}, {"token", token}};
if (range)
opts["range"] = *range;
auto maybe_result = OMQ_Request(omq, connID, "llarp.exit", std::move(opts));
if (not maybe_result)
return exit_error("could not add exit");
if (auto err_it = maybe_result->find("error"); err_it != maybe_result->end())
return exit_error("{}", err_it->get<std::string_view>());
if (goDown)
nlohmann::json opts{{"unmap", true}};
if (range)
opts["range"] = *range;
if (not OMQ_Request(omq, connID, "llarp.exit", std::move(opts)))
return exit_error("failed to unmap exit");
return 0;