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2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
#include "oxen_name_system.h"
#include <oxenc/base32z.h>
#include <oxenc/base64.h>
#include <oxenc/hex.h>
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <iterator>
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
#include "common/fs-format.h"
#include "common/hex.h"
2021-01-04 01:09:45 +01:00
#include "common/oxen.h"
#include "common/string_util.h"
#include "crypto/hash.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_basic.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_basic_impl.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_format_utils.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/tx_extra.h"
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
#include "cryptonote_config.h"
#include "cryptonote_core/blockchain.h"
2021-01-04 01:09:45 +01:00
#include "oxen_economy.h"
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
extern "C" {
#include <sodium/crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_generichash.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_generichash_blake2b.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_pwhash.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_secretbox.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_sign.h>
LNS: Lighter and newer encryption The replaces the LNS encryption starting in HF16 with libsodium's XChaCha20-Poly1305 (which is recommended over the default encryption nowadays), and replaces the encryption key with a keyed blake2b hash rather than argon2. This also adds a nonce because, after reading the libsodium documentation, I'm concerned that using a fixed nonce means we are potentially leaking the name on updates. This complicates things a bit -- if doing external signing you need to generate an encrypted value and sign that, rather than being able to regenerate the encrypted value. So we have: name_hash -- blake2b(name), same as before enc_key -- blake2b(name, key=name_hash), instead of argon2 nonce -- randomly generated, and tacked on the end of the encryption value (previously nonce was all-0s). This requires changing the encryption so that you generate an encrypted value for the update, rather than just using the update parameters, then you provided this encrypted value when submitting an update with external signature. Code-related changes (aside from implementation the above): this moves the encryption/decryption functions into the mapping_value itself, and adds an encrypted state (so that you can encrypt/decrypt a mapping_value in-place without needing to copy data around). (Also note that this commit is almost certainly not "clean" -- I think some of it leaked into the following commit, and some of that commit may have leaked here, but this separated most of it).
2020-09-15 03:43:59 +02:00
#include <sodium/randombytes.h>
using cryptonote::hf;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
namespace ons {
C++17 Switch loki dev branch to C++17 compilation, and update the code with various C++17 niceties. - stop including the (deprecated) lokimq/string_view.h header and instead switch everything to use std::string_view and `""sv` instead of `""_sv`. - std::string_view is much nicer than epee::span, so updated various loki-specific code to use it instead. - made epee "portable storage" serialization accept a std::string_view instead of const lvalue std::string so that we can avoid copying. - switched from mapbox::variant to std::variant - use `auto [a, b] = whatever()` instead of `T1 a; T2 b; std::tie(a, b) = whatever()` in a couple places (in the wallet code). - switch to std::lock(...) instead of boost::lock(...) for simultaneous lock acquisition. boost::lock() won't compile in C++17 mode when given locks of different types. - removed various pre-C++17 workarounds, e.g. for fold expressions, unused argument attributes, and byte-spannable object detection. - class template deduction means lock types no longer have to specify the mutex, so `std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{mutex}` can become `std::unique_lock lock{mutex}`. This will make switching any mutex types (e.g. from boost to std mutexes) far easier as you just have to update the type in the header and everything should work. This also makes the tools::unique_lock and tools::shared_lock methods redundant (which were a sort of poor-mans-pre-C++17 way to eliminate the redundancy) so they are now gone and replaced with direct unique_lock or shared_lock constructions. - Redid the LNS validation using a string_view; instead of using raw char pointers the code now uses a string view and chops off parts of the view as it validates. So, for instance, it starts with "abcd.loki", validates the ".loki" and chops the view to "abcd", then validates the first character and chops to "bcd", validates the last and chops to "bc", then can just check everything remaining for is-valid-middle-char. - LNS validation gained a couple minor validation checks in the process: - slightly tightened the requirement on lokinet addresses to require that the last character of the mapped address is 'y' or 'o' (the last base32z char holds only one significant bit). - In parse_owner_to_generic_owner made sure that the owner value has the correct size (otherwise we could up end not filling or overfilling the pubkey buffer). - Replaced base32z/base64/hex conversions with lokimq's versions which have a nicer interface, are better optimized, and don't depend on epee.
2020-05-13 20:12:49 +02:00
namespace log = oxen::log;
static auto logcat = log::Cat("ons");
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
enum struct ons_sql_type {
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
enum struct ons_db_setting_column {
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
enum struct owner_record_column {
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
enum struct mapping_record_column {
LNS: Lighter and newer encryption The replaces the LNS encryption starting in HF16 with libsodium's XChaCha20-Poly1305 (which is recommended over the default encryption nowadays), and replaces the encryption key with a keyed blake2b hash rather than argon2. This also adds a nonce because, after reading the libsodium documentation, I'm concerned that using a fixed nonce means we are potentially leaking the name on updates. This complicates things a bit -- if doing external signing you need to generate an encrypted value and sign that, rather than being able to regenerate the encrypted value. So we have: name_hash -- blake2b(name), same as before enc_key -- blake2b(name, key=name_hash), instead of argon2 nonce -- randomly generated, and tacked on the end of the encryption value (previously nonce was all-0s). This requires changing the encryption so that you generate an encrypted value for the update, rather than just using the update parameters, then you provided this encrypted value when submitting an update with external signature. Code-related changes (aside from implementation the above): this moves the encryption/decryption functions into the mapping_value itself, and adds an encrypted state (so that you can encrypt/decrypt a mapping_value in-place without needing to copy data around). (Also note that this commit is almost certainly not "clean" -- I think some of it leaked into the following commit, and some of that commit may have leaked here, but this separated most of it).
2020-09-15 03:43:59 +02:00
static constexpr unsigned char OLD_ENCRYPTION_NONCE[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES] = {};
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::pair<std::basic_string_view<unsigned char>, std::basic_string_view<unsigned char>>
ons::mapping_value::value_nonce(mapping_type type) const {
std::pair<std::basic_string_view<unsigned char>, std::basic_string_view<unsigned char>> result;
auto& [head, tail] = result;
head = {buffer.data(), len};
if ((type == mapping_type::session &&
len != SESSION_PUBLIC_KEY_BINARY_LENGTH + crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_ABYTES +
crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_NPUBBYTES) ||
len < crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_NPUBBYTES /* shouldn't occur, but just in case */)
else {
tail = head.substr(len - crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_NPUBBYTES);
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::string ons::mapping_value::to_readable_value(
cryptonote::network_type nettype, ons::mapping_type type) const {
std::string result;
if (is_lokinet_type(type)) {
result = oxenc::to_base32z(to_view()) + ".loki";
} else if (type == ons::mapping_type::wallet) {
std::optional<cryptonote::address_parse_info> addr = get_wallet_address_info();
if (addr) {
result = cryptonote::get_account_address_as_str(
nettype, (*addr).is_subaddress, (*addr).address);
} else {
result = oxenc::to_hex(to_view());
2021-04-14 08:27:23 +02:00
} else {
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
result = oxenc::to_hex(to_view());
2021-04-14 04:00:32 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return result;
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
namespace {
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::string ons_extra_string(
cryptonote::network_type nettype, cryptonote::tx_extra_oxen_name_system const& data) {
std::string extra = "ONS Extra={";
auto append = std::back_inserter(extra);
if (data.is_buying())
"owner={}, backup_owner={}",
(data.backup_owner ? data.backup_owner.to_string(nettype) : "(none)"));
else if (data.is_renewing())
extra += "renewal";
fmt::format_to(append, "signature={}", tools::type_to_hex(data.signature.data));
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
fmt::format_to(append, ", type={}, name_hash={}}}", data.type, data.name_hash);
return extra;
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
/// Clears any existing bindings
bool clear_bindings(sql_compiled_statement& s) {
return SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_clear_bindings(s.statement);
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
/// Resets
bool reset(sql_compiled_statement& s) {
return SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_reset(s.statement);
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
int step(sql_compiled_statement& s) {
return sqlite3_step(s.statement);
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
/// `bind()` binds a particular parameter to a statement by index. The bind type is inferred
/// from the argument.
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Small (<=32 bits) integers
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T> && (sizeof(T) <= 4), int> = 0>
bool bind(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index, const T& val) {
return SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int(s.statement, index, val);
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Big (>32 bits) integers
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T> && (sizeof(T) > 4), int> = 0>
bool bind(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index, const T& val) {
return SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_int64(s.statement, index, val);
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Floats/doubles
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point_v<T>, int> = 0>
bool bind(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index, const T& val) {
return SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_double(s.statement, index, val);
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Binds null
bool bind(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index, std::nullptr_t) {
return SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_null(s.statement, index);
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Binds a std::optional<T>: binds a T if set, otherwise binds a NULL
template <typename T>
bool bind(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index, const std::optional<T>& val) {
if (val)
return bind(s, index, *val);
return bind(s, index, nullptr);
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// text, from a referenced string (which must be kept alive)
bool bind(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index, std::string_view text) {
return SQLITE_OK ==
sqlite3_bind_text(s.statement, index, text.data(), text.size(), nullptr /*dtor*/);
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
/* Currently unused; comment out until needed to avoid a compiler warning
// text, from a temporary std::string; ownership of the string data is transferred to sqlite3
bool bind(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index, std::string&& text)
// Assume ownership and let sqlite3 destroy when finished
auto local_text = new std::string{std::move(text)};
if (SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_bind_text(s.statement, index, local_text->data(), local_text->size(),
[](void* local) { delete reinterpret_cast<std::string*>(local); }))
return true;
delete local_text;
return false;
// Simple decorator around a string_view so that you can pass a blob into `bind` by wrapping it
// with a `blob_view` such as:
// bind(s, 123, blob_view{data, size});
// auto data = get<blob_view>(s, 2);
struct blob_view {
std::string_view data;
/// Constructor that simply forwards anything to the `data` (string_view) member constructor
template <typename... T>
explicit blob_view(T&&... args) : data{std::forward<T>(args)...} {}
blob_view(const unsigned char* data, size_t size) :
blob_view{reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), size} {}
// Binds a blob wrapped in a blob_view decorator
bool bind(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index, blob_view blob) {
return SQLITE_OK ==
s.statement, index, blob.data.data(), blob.data.size(), nullptr /*dtor*/);
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Binds a variant of bindable types; calls one of the above according to the contained type
template <typename... T>
bool bind(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index, const std::variant<T...>& v) {
return var::visit([&](const auto& val) { return ons::bind(s, index, val); }, v);
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_int_enum_impl() {
if constexpr (std::is_enum_v<T>)
return std::is_same_v<std::underlying_type_t<T>, int>;
return false;
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_int_enum = is_int_enum_impl<T>();
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Binds, but gives index as an enum class
template <typename T, typename I, std::enable_if_t<is_int_enum<I>, int> = 0>
bool bind(sql_compiled_statement& s, I index, T&& val) {
return ons::bind(s, static_cast<int>(index), std::forward<T>(val));
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
template <int... I, typename... T>
bool bind_all_impl(sql_compiled_statement& s, std::integer_sequence<int, I...>, T&&... args) {
for (bool r : {ons::bind(s, I + 1, std::forward<T>(args))...})
if (!r)
return false;
return true;
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Full statement binding; this lets you do something like:
// bind_all(st, 1, "hi", 123);
// which is equivalent to:
// clear_bindings(st);
// st.bind(st, 1, 1);
// st.bind(st, 2, "hi");
// st.bind(st, 3, 123);
// (Binding of blobs through this interface is not supported).
template <typename... T>
bool bind_all(sql_compiled_statement& s, T&&... args) {
return bind_all_impl(
s, std::make_integer_sequence<int, sizeof...(T)>{}, std::forward<T>(args)...);
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Full statement binding from a container of bind()-able values; clears existing bindings, then
// binds the contained values.
template <typename Container>
bool bind_container(sql_compiled_statement& s, const Container& c) {
int bind_pos = 1;
for (const auto& v : c)
if (!ons::bind(s, bind_pos++, v))
return false;
return true;
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
/// Retrieve a type from an executed statement.
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Small (<=32 bits) integers
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T> && (sizeof(T) <= 32), int> = 0>
T get(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index) {
return static_cast<T>(sqlite3_column_int(s.statement, index));
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Big (>32 bits) integers
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T> && (sizeof(T) > 32), int> = 0>
T get(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index) {
return static_cast<T>(sqlite3_column_int64(s.statement, index));
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Floats/doubles
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point_v<T>, int> = 0>
T get(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index) {
return static_cast<T>(sqlite3_column_double(s.statement, index));
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// text, via a string_view pointing at the text data
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, std::string_view>, int> = 0>
std::string_view get(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index) {
return {reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text(s.statement, index)),
static_cast<size_t>(sqlite3_column_bytes(s.statement, index))};
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// text, copied into a std::string
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, std::string>, int> = 0>
std::string get(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index) {
return {reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text(s.statement, index)),
static_cast<size_t>(sqlite3_column_bytes(s.statement, index))};
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// blob_view pointing at the blob data
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, blob_view>, int> = 0>
blob_view get(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index) {
return blob_view{
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_blob(s.statement, index)),
static_cast<size_t>(sqlite3_column_bytes(s.statement, index))};
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_optional = false;
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_optional<std::optional<T>> = true;
// Gets a potentially null value; returns a std::nullopt if the column contains NULL, otherwise
// return a value via get<T>(...).
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<is_optional<T>, int> = 0>
T get(sql_compiled_statement& s, int index) {
if (sqlite3_column_type(s.statement, index) == SQLITE_NULL)
return std::nullopt;
return get<typename T::value_type>(s, index);
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Forwards to any of the above, but takes an enum class instead of an int
template <typename T, typename I, std::enable_if_t<is_int_enum<I>, int> = 0>
T get(sql_compiled_statement& s, I index) {
return get<T>(s, static_cast<int>(index));
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Wrapper around get that assigns to the given reference.
// get(st, 3, myvar);
// is equivalent to:
// myvar = get<decltype(myvar)>(st, 3)
template <typename T, typename I>
void get(sql_compiled_statement& s, I index, T& val) {
val = get<T>(s, index);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
template <typename I>
bool sql_copy_blob(sql_compiled_statement& statement, I column, void* dest, size_t dest_size) {
auto blob = get<blob_view>(statement, column);
if (blob.data.size() != dest_size) {
"Unexpected blob size={}, in ONS DB does not match expected size={}",
assert(blob.data.size() == dest_size);
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::memcpy(dest, blob.data.data(), blob.data.size());
return true;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
mapping_record sql_get_mapping_from_statement(sql_compiled_statement& statement) {
mapping_record result = {};
auto type_int = get<uint16_t>(statement, mapping_record_column::type);
if (type_int >= tools::enum_count<mapping_type>)
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
result.type = static_cast<mapping_type>(type_int);
get(statement, mapping_record_column::id, result.id);
get(statement, mapping_record_column::update_height, result.update_height);
get(statement, mapping_record_column::expiration_height, result.expiration_height);
get(statement, mapping_record_column::owner_id, result.owner_id);
get(statement, mapping_record_column::backup_owner_id, result.backup_owner_id);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Copy encrypted_value
auto value = get<std::string_view>(statement, mapping_record_column::encrypted_value);
if (value.size() > result.encrypted_value.buffer.size()) {
"Unexpected encrypted value blob with size={}, in ONS db larger than the "
"available size={}",
return result;
result.encrypted_value.len = value.size();
result.encrypted_value.encrypted = true;
std::memcpy(&result.encrypted_value.buffer[0], value.data(), value.size());
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Copy name hash
auto value = get<std::string_view>(statement, mapping_record_column::name_hash);
result.name_hash.append(value.data(), value.size());
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (!sql_copy_blob(
statement, mapping_record_column::txid, result.txid.data(), result.txid.size()))
return result;
int owner_column = tools::enum_count<mapping_record_column>;
if (!sql_copy_blob(statement, owner_column, &result.owner, sizeof(result.owner)))
return result;
if (result.backup_owner_id > 0) {
if (!sql_copy_blob(
owner_column + 1,
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
result.loaded = true;
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool sql_run_statement(ons_sql_type type, sql_compiled_statement& statement, void* context) {
bool data_loaded = false;
bool result = false;
for (bool infinite_loop = true; infinite_loop;) {
int step_result = step(statement);
switch (step_result) {
case SQLITE_ROW: {
switch (type) {
"Unhandled ons type enum with value: {}, in: {}",
case ons_sql_type::internal_cmd: break;
case ons_sql_type::get_owner: {
auto* entry = reinterpret_cast<owner_record*>(context);
get(statement, owner_record_column::id, entry->id);
if (!sql_copy_blob(
return false;
data_loaded = true;
} break;
case ons_sql_type::get_setting: {
auto* entry = reinterpret_cast<settings_record*>(context);
get(statement, ons_db_setting_column::top_height, entry->top_height);
if (!sql_copy_blob(
return false;
get(statement, ons_db_setting_column::version, entry->version);
data_loaded = true;
} break;
case ons_sql_type::get_mappings_by_owners: [[fallthrough]];
case ons_sql_type::get_mappings_by_owner: [[fallthrough]];
case ons_sql_type::get_mappings: [[fallthrough]];
case ons_sql_type::get_mapping: {
if (mapping_record tmp_entry =
sql_get_mapping_from_statement(statement)) {
data_loaded = true;
if (type == ons_sql_type::get_mapping)
*static_cast<mapping_record*>(context) = std::move(tmp_entry);
} break;
case ons_sql_type::get_mapping_counts: {
auto& counts = *static_cast<std::map<mapping_type, int>*>(context);
std::underlying_type_t<mapping_type> type_val;
int count;
get(statement, 0, type_val);
get(statement, 1, count);
counts.emplace(static_cast<mapping_type>(type_val), count);
data_loaded = true;
} break;
case SQLITE_BUSY: break;
infinite_loop = false;
result = (type > ons_sql_type::get_sentinel_start &&
type < ons_sql_type::get_sentinel_end)
? data_loaded
: true;
default: {
"Failed to execute statement: {}, reason: {}",
infinite_loop = false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return result;
/// Does a clear_bindings, bind_all, and then sql_run_statement. First three arguments go to
/// sql_run_statement, the rest go to bind_all(statement, ...) (which does the clear_bindings).
template <typename... T>
bool bind_and_run(
ons_sql_type type, sql_compiled_statement& statement, void* context, T&&... bind_args) {
bind_all(statement, std::forward<T>(bind_args)...);
return sql_run_statement(type, statement, context);
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
} // end anonymous namespace
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-02-27 22:56:41 +01:00
using namespace std::literals;
using stringtypemap = std::pair<std::string_view, mapping_type>;
static constexpr std::array ons_str_type_mappings = {
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
stringtypemap{"5"sv, mapping_type::lokinet_10years},
stringtypemap{"4"sv, mapping_type::lokinet_5years},
stringtypemap{"3"sv, mapping_type::lokinet_2years},
stringtypemap{"2"sv, mapping_type::lokinet},
stringtypemap{"1"sv, mapping_type::wallet},
stringtypemap{"0"sv, mapping_type::session},
stringtypemap{"session"sv, mapping_type::session},
stringtypemap{"wallet"sv, mapping_type::wallet},
stringtypemap{"lokinet"sv, mapping_type::lokinet},
stringtypemap{"lokinet_2years"sv, mapping_type::lokinet_2years},
stringtypemap{"lokinet_5years"sv, mapping_type::lokinet_5years},
stringtypemap{"lokinet_10years"sv, mapping_type::lokinet_10years}};
std::optional<mapping_type> parse_ons_type(std::string input) {
// Lower-case the input:
for (auto& c : input)
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
c += ('A' - 'a');
for (const auto& [str, map] : ons_str_type_mappings)
if (str == input)
return map;
2023-02-27 22:56:41 +01:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return std::nullopt;
2023-02-27 22:56:41 +01:00
using inttypemap = std::pair<uint16_t, mapping_type>;
static constexpr std::array ons_int_type_mappings = {
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
inttypemap{5, mapping_type::lokinet_10years},
inttypemap{4, mapping_type::lokinet_5years},
inttypemap{3, mapping_type::lokinet_2years},
inttypemap{2, mapping_type::lokinet},
inttypemap{1, mapping_type::wallet},
inttypemap{0, mapping_type::session}};
std::optional<mapping_type> parse_ons_type(uint16_t input) {
for (const auto& [inttype, map] : ons_int_type_mappings)
if (inttype == input)
return map;
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return std::nullopt;
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool mapping_record::active(uint64_t blockchain_height) const {
if (!loaded)
return false;
return !expiration_height || blockchain_height <= *expiration_height;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool sql_compiled_statement::compile(std::string_view query, bool optimise_for_multiple_usage) {
sqlite3_stmt* st;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
int prepare_result = sqlite3_prepare_v3(
optimise_for_multiple_usage ? SQLITE_PREPARE_PERSISTENT : 0,
nullptr /*pzTail*/);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
int prepare_result =
sqlite3_prepare_v2(nsdb.db, query.data(), query.size(), &st, nullptr /*pzTail*/);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (prepare_result != SQLITE_OK) {
"Can not compile SQL statement:\n{}\nReason: {}",
return false;
statement = st;
return true;
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
sql_compiled_statement& sql_compiled_statement::operator=(sql_compiled_statement&& from) {
statement = from.statement;
from.statement = nullptr;
return *this;
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
sql_compiled_statement::~sql_compiled_statement() {
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
sqlite3* init_oxen_name_system(const fs::path& file_path, bool read_only) {
sqlite3* result = nullptr;
int sql_init = sqlite3_initialize();
if (sql_init != SQLITE_OK) {
log::error(logcat, "Failed to initialize sqlite3: {}", sqlite3_errstr(sql_init));
return nullptr;
int sql_open = sqlite3_open_v2(file_path.u8string().c_str(), &result, flags, nullptr);
if (sql_open != SQLITE_OK) {
"Failed to open ONS db at: {}, reason: {}",
return nullptr;
(DB) Changes are appended into a separate WAL (Write Ahead Logging) file.
A COMMIT occurs when a special record indicating a commit is appended to
the WAL. Thus a COMMIT can happen without ever writing to the original
database, which allows readers to continue operating from the original
unaltered database while changes are simultaneously being committed into the
WAL. Multiple transactions can be appended to the end of a single WAL file.
int exec = sqlite3_exec(result, "PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
if (exec != SQLITE_OK) {
log::error(logcat, "Failed to set journal mode to WAL: {}", sqlite3_errstr(exec));
return nullptr;
In WAL mode when synchronous is NORMAL (1), the WAL file is synchronized
before each checkpoint and the database file is synchronized after each
completed checkpoint and the WAL file header is synchronized when a WAL file
begins to be reused after a checkpoint, but no sync operations occur during
most transactions.
exec = sqlite3_exec(result, "PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
if (exec != SQLITE_OK) {
log::error(logcat, "Failed to set synchronous mode to NORMAL: {}", sqlite3_errstr(exec));
return nullptr;
return result;
std::vector<mapping_type> all_mapping_types(hf hf_version) {
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::vector<mapping_type> result;
if (hf_version >= hf::hf15_ons)
if (hf_version >= hf::hf16_pulse)
if (hf_version >= hf::hf18)
return result;
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::optional<uint64_t> expiry_blocks(cryptonote::network_type nettype, mapping_type type) {
std::optional<uint64_t> result;
if (is_lokinet_type(type)) {
// For testnet we shorten 1-, 2-, and 5-year renewals to 1/2/5 days with 1-day renewal, but
// leave 10 years alone to allow long-term registrations on testnet.
const bool testnet_short = nettype == cryptonote::network_type::TESTNET &&
type != mapping_type::lokinet_10years;
(type == mapping_type::lokinet ? 1
: type == mapping_type::lokinet_2years ? 2
: type == mapping_type::lokinet_5years ? 5
: type == mapping_type::lokinet_10years ? 10
: 0);
assert(result && *result);
if (testnet_short)
else if (nettype == cryptonote::network_type::FAKECHAIN) // For fakenet testing we shorten
// 1/2/5/10 years to 2/4/10/20
// blocks
*result /= (cryptonote::BLOCKS_PER_DAY * REGISTRATION_YEAR_DAYS / 2);
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
static void append_owner(std::string& buffer, const ons::generic_owner* owner) {
if (owner) {
buffer += static_cast<char>(owner->type);
buffer += owner->type == ons::generic_owner_sig_type::ed25519
? tools::view_guts(owner->ed25519)
: tools::view_guts(owner->wallet.address);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::string tx_extra_signature(
std::string_view value,
ons::generic_owner const* owner,
ons::generic_owner const* backup_owner,
crypto::hash const& prev_txid) {
sizeof(crypto::hash) == crypto_generichash_BYTES,
"Using libsodium generichash for signature hash, require we fit into crypto::hash");
if (value.size() > mapping_value::BUFFER_SIZE) {
"Unexpected value len={} greater than the expected capacity={}",
return ""s;
std::string result;
mapping_value::BUFFER_SIZE + sizeof(*owner) + sizeof(*backup_owner) +
result += value;
append_owner(result, owner);
append_owner(result, backup_owner);
result += tools::view_guts(prev_txid);
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
ons::generic_signature make_ed25519_signature(
crypto::hash const& hash, crypto::ed25519_secret_key const& skey) {
ons::generic_signature result = {};
result.type = ons::generic_owner_sig_type::ed25519;
crypto_sign_detached(result.ed25519.data(), NULL, hash.data(), hash.size(), skey.data());
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
ons::generic_owner make_monero_owner(
cryptonote::account_public_address const& owner, bool is_subaddress) {
ons::generic_owner result = {};
result.type = ons::generic_owner_sig_type::monero;
result.wallet.address = owner;
result.wallet.is_subaddress = is_subaddress;
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
ons::generic_owner make_ed25519_owner(crypto::ed25519_public_key const& pkey) {
ons::generic_owner result = {};
result.type = ons::generic_owner_sig_type::ed25519;
result.ed25519 = pkey;
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool parse_owner_to_generic_owner(
cryptonote::network_type nettype,
std::string_view owner,
generic_owner& result,
std::string* reason) {
cryptonote::address_parse_info parsed_addr;
crypto::ed25519_public_key ed_owner;
if (cryptonote::get_account_address_from_str(parsed_addr, nettype, owner)) {
result = ons::make_monero_owner(parsed_addr.address, parsed_addr.is_subaddress);
} else if (owner.size() == 2 * ed_owner.size() && oxenc::is_hex(owner)) {
oxenc::from_hex(owner.begin(), owner.end(), ed_owner.data());
result = ons::make_ed25519_owner(ed_owner);
} else {
if (reason) {
char const* type_heuristic = (owner.size() == sizeof(crypto::ed25519_public_key) * 2)
? "ED25519 Key"
: "Wallet address";
*reason = type_heuristic;
*reason += " provided could not be parsed owner=";
*reason += owner;
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return true;
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
// Returns true if the character is numeric, *lower-case* a-z, or any of the template char values.
template <char... Extra>
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
static constexpr bool char_is_alphanum_or(char c) {
bool result = (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (... || (c == Extra));
return result;
2019-12-12 07:20:33 +01:00
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
// Same as above with no extra char values.
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
static constexpr bool char_is_alphanum(char c) {
return char_is_alphanum_or<>(c);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
template <typename... T>
static bool check_condition(
bool condition, std::string* reason, std::string_view format, T&&... args) {
if (condition && reason)
*reason = fmt::format(format, std::forward<T>(args)...);
return condition;
bool validate_ons_name(mapping_type type, std::string name, std::string* reason) {
bool const is_lokinet = is_lokinet_type(type);
size_t max_name_len = 0;
if (is_lokinet)
max_name_len = name.find('-') != std::string::npos ? LOKINET_DOMAIN_NAME_MAX
else if (type == mapping_type::session)
max_name_len = ons::SESSION_DISPLAY_NAME_MAX;
else if (type == mapping_type::wallet)
max_name_len = ons::WALLET_NAME_MAX;
else {
if (reason)
*reason =
"ONS type={} specifies unhandled mapping type in name validation"_format(type);
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// NOTE: Validate name length
name = tools::lowercase_ascii_string(name);
if (check_condition(
(name.empty() || name.size() > max_name_len),
"ONS type={} specifies mapping from name->value where the name's length={} is 0 or "
"exceeds the maximum length={}, given name={}",
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::string_view name_view{name}; // Will chop this down as we validate each part
// NOTE: Validate domain specific requirements
if (is_lokinet) {
// Domain has to start with an alphanumeric, and can have (alphanumeric or hyphens) in
// between, the character before the suffix <char>'.loki' must be alphanumeric followed by
// the suffix '.loki' It's *approximately* this regex, but there are some extra restrictions
// below
// ^[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.loki$
// Reserved names:
// - localhost.loki has special meaning within lokinet (it is always a CNAME to the local
// address)
// - loki.loki and snode.loki are prohibited in case someone added .loki or .snode as search
// domains (in which case the user looking up "foo.loki" would try end up trying to
// resolve "foo.loki.loki").
for (auto& reserved : {"localhost.loki"sv, "loki.loki"sv, "snode.loki"sv})
if (check_condition(
name == reserved,
"ONS type={} specifies mapping from name->value using protocol reserved "
return false;
auto constexpr SHORTEST_DOMAIN = "a.loki"sv;
if (check_condition(
name.size() < SHORTEST_DOMAIN.size(),
"ONS type={} specifies mapping from name->value where the name is shorter than "
"the shortest possible name={}, given name={}",
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Must end with .loki
auto constexpr SUFFIX = ".loki"sv;
if (check_condition(
!tools::ends_with(name_view, SUFFIX),
"ONS type={} specifies mapping from name->value where the name does not end "
"with the domain .loki, name={}",
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// All domains containing '--' as 3rd/4th letter are reserved except for xn-- punycode
// domains
if (check_condition(
name_view.size() >= 4 && name_view.substr(2, 2) == "--"sv &&
!tools::starts_with(name_view, "xn--"sv),
"ONS type={} specifies reserved name `?\?--*.loki': {}",
return false;
C++17 Switch loki dev branch to C++17 compilation, and update the code with various C++17 niceties. - stop including the (deprecated) lokimq/string_view.h header and instead switch everything to use std::string_view and `""sv` instead of `""_sv`. - std::string_view is much nicer than epee::span, so updated various loki-specific code to use it instead. - made epee "portable storage" serialization accept a std::string_view instead of const lvalue std::string so that we can avoid copying. - switched from mapbox::variant to std::variant - use `auto [a, b] = whatever()` instead of `T1 a; T2 b; std::tie(a, b) = whatever()` in a couple places (in the wallet code). - switch to std::lock(...) instead of boost::lock(...) for simultaneous lock acquisition. boost::lock() won't compile in C++17 mode when given locks of different types. - removed various pre-C++17 workarounds, e.g. for fold expressions, unused argument attributes, and byte-spannable object detection. - class template deduction means lock types no longer have to specify the mutex, so `std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{mutex}` can become `std::unique_lock lock{mutex}`. This will make switching any mutex types (e.g. from boost to std mutexes) far easier as you just have to update the type in the header and everything should work. This also makes the tools::unique_lock and tools::shared_lock methods redundant (which were a sort of poor-mans-pre-C++17 way to eliminate the redundancy) so they are now gone and replaced with direct unique_lock or shared_lock constructions. - Redid the LNS validation using a string_view; instead of using raw char pointers the code now uses a string view and chops off parts of the view as it validates. So, for instance, it starts with "abcd.loki", validates the ".loki" and chops the view to "abcd", then validates the first character and chops to "bcd", validates the last and chops to "bc", then can just check everything remaining for is-valid-middle-char. - LNS validation gained a couple minor validation checks in the process: - slightly tightened the requirement on lokinet addresses to require that the last character of the mapped address is 'y' or 'o' (the last base32z char holds only one significant bit). - In parse_owner_to_generic_owner made sure that the owner value has the correct size (otherwise we could up end not filling or overfilling the pubkey buffer). - Replaced base32z/base64/hex conversions with lokimq's versions which have a nicer interface, are better optimized, and don't depend on epee.
2020-05-13 20:12:49 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Must start with alphanumeric
if (check_condition(
"ONS type={} specifies mapping from name->value where the name does not start "
"with an alphanumeric character, name={}",
return false;
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (!name_view.empty()) {
// Character preceding .loki must be alphanumeric
if (check_condition(
"ONS type={} specifies mapping from name->value where the character "
"preceding the .loki is not alphanumeric, char={}, name={}",
return false;
C++17 Switch loki dev branch to C++17 compilation, and update the code with various C++17 niceties. - stop including the (deprecated) lokimq/string_view.h header and instead switch everything to use std::string_view and `""sv` instead of `""_sv`. - std::string_view is much nicer than epee::span, so updated various loki-specific code to use it instead. - made epee "portable storage" serialization accept a std::string_view instead of const lvalue std::string so that we can avoid copying. - switched from mapbox::variant to std::variant - use `auto [a, b] = whatever()` instead of `T1 a; T2 b; std::tie(a, b) = whatever()` in a couple places (in the wallet code). - switch to std::lock(...) instead of boost::lock(...) for simultaneous lock acquisition. boost::lock() won't compile in C++17 mode when given locks of different types. - removed various pre-C++17 workarounds, e.g. for fold expressions, unused argument attributes, and byte-spannable object detection. - class template deduction means lock types no longer have to specify the mutex, so `std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{mutex}` can become `std::unique_lock lock{mutex}`. This will make switching any mutex types (e.g. from boost to std mutexes) far easier as you just have to update the type in the header and everything should work. This also makes the tools::unique_lock and tools::shared_lock methods redundant (which were a sort of poor-mans-pre-C++17 way to eliminate the redundancy) so they are now gone and replaced with direct unique_lock or shared_lock constructions. - Redid the LNS validation using a string_view; instead of using raw char pointers the code now uses a string view and chops off parts of the view as it validates. So, for instance, it starts with "abcd.loki", validates the ".loki" and chops the view to "abcd", then validates the first character and chops to "bcd", validates the last and chops to "bc", then can just check everything remaining for is-valid-middle-char. - LNS validation gained a couple minor validation checks in the process: - slightly tightened the requirement on lokinet addresses to require that the last character of the mapped address is 'y' or 'o' (the last base32z char holds only one significant bit). - In parse_owner_to_generic_owner made sure that the owner value has the correct size (otherwise we could up end not filling or overfilling the pubkey buffer). - Replaced base32z/base64/hex conversions with lokimq's versions which have a nicer interface, are better optimized, and don't depend on epee.
2020-05-13 20:12:49 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Inbetween start and preceding suffix, (alphanumeric or hyphen) characters permitted
if (check_condition(
!std::all_of(name_view.begin(), name_view.end(), char_is_alphanum_or<'-'>),
"ONS type={} specifies mapping from name->value where the domain name contains "
"more than the permitted alphanumeric or hyphen characters, name={}",
return false;
} else if (type == mapping_type::session || type == mapping_type::wallet) {
// Name has to start with a (alphanumeric or underscore), and can have (alphanumeric,
// hyphens or underscores) in between and must end with a (alphanumeric or underscore)
// ^[a-z0-9_]([a-z0-9-_]*[a-z0-9_])?$
// Must start with (alphanumeric or underscore)
if (check_condition(
"ONS type={} specifies mapping from name->value where the name does not start "
"with an alphanumeric or underscore character, name={}",
return false;
C++17 Switch loki dev branch to C++17 compilation, and update the code with various C++17 niceties. - stop including the (deprecated) lokimq/string_view.h header and instead switch everything to use std::string_view and `""sv` instead of `""_sv`. - std::string_view is much nicer than epee::span, so updated various loki-specific code to use it instead. - made epee "portable storage" serialization accept a std::string_view instead of const lvalue std::string so that we can avoid copying. - switched from mapbox::variant to std::variant - use `auto [a, b] = whatever()` instead of `T1 a; T2 b; std::tie(a, b) = whatever()` in a couple places (in the wallet code). - switch to std::lock(...) instead of boost::lock(...) for simultaneous lock acquisition. boost::lock() won't compile in C++17 mode when given locks of different types. - removed various pre-C++17 workarounds, e.g. for fold expressions, unused argument attributes, and byte-spannable object detection. - class template deduction means lock types no longer have to specify the mutex, so `std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{mutex}` can become `std::unique_lock lock{mutex}`. This will make switching any mutex types (e.g. from boost to std mutexes) far easier as you just have to update the type in the header and everything should work. This also makes the tools::unique_lock and tools::shared_lock methods redundant (which were a sort of poor-mans-pre-C++17 way to eliminate the redundancy) so they are now gone and replaced with direct unique_lock or shared_lock constructions. - Redid the LNS validation using a string_view; instead of using raw char pointers the code now uses a string view and chops off parts of the view as it validates. So, for instance, it starts with "abcd.loki", validates the ".loki" and chops the view to "abcd", then validates the first character and chops to "bcd", validates the last and chops to "bc", then can just check everything remaining for is-valid-middle-char. - LNS validation gained a couple minor validation checks in the process: - slightly tightened the requirement on lokinet addresses to require that the last character of the mapped address is 'y' or 'o' (the last base32z char holds only one significant bit). - In parse_owner_to_generic_owner made sure that the owner value has the correct size (otherwise we could up end not filling or overfilling the pubkey buffer). - Replaced base32z/base64/hex conversions with lokimq's versions which have a nicer interface, are better optimized, and don't depend on epee.
2020-05-13 20:12:49 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (!name_view.empty()) {
// Must NOT end with a hyphen '-'
if (check_condition(
"ONS type={} specifies mapping from name->value where the last character "
"is a hyphen '-' which is disallowed, name={}",
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Inbetween start and preceding suffix, (alphanumeric, hyphen or underscore) characters
// permitted
if (check_condition(
!std::all_of(name_view.begin(), name_view.end(), char_is_alphanum_or<'-', '_'>),
"ONS type={} specifies mapping from name->value where the name contains more "
"than the permitted alphanumeric, underscore or hyphen characters, name={}",
return false;
} else {
log::error(logcat, "Type not implemented");
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return true;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::optional<cryptonote::address_parse_info> encrypted_wallet_value_to_info(
std::string name, std::string encrypted_value, std::string nonce) {
std::string lower_name = tools::lowercase_ascii_string(std::move(name));
mapping_value record(oxenc::from_hex(encrypted_value), oxenc::from_hex(nonce));
record.decrypt(lower_name, mapping_type::wallet);
return record.get_wallet_address_info();
static bool check_lengths(
mapping_type type,
std::string_view value,
size_t max,
bool binary_val,
std::string* reason) {
bool result;
if (type == mapping_type::wallet) {
result =
} else {
result = (value.size() == max);
if (!result) {
if (reason) {
*reason =
"ONS type={} specifies mapping from name_hash->encrypted_value where the value's length={} does not equal the required length={}, given value={}"_format(
type, value.size(), max, binary_val ? oxenc::to_hex(value) : value);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// This function checks that the value is valid but it also will copy the value into the
// mapping_value buffer ready for mapping_value::encrypt()
bool mapping_value::validate(
cryptonote::network_type nettype,
mapping_type type,
std::string_view value,
mapping_value* blob,
std::string* reason) {
if (blob)
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
*blob = {};
// Check length of the value
cryptonote::address_parse_info addr_info = {};
if (type == mapping_type::wallet) {
if (value.empty() || !get_account_address_from_str(addr_info, nettype, value)) {
if (reason) {
if (value.empty())
*reason =
"The value={}, mapping into the wallet address, specifies a wallet address of 0 length"_format(
*reason =
"Could not convert the wallet address string, check it is correct, value={}"_format(
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Validate blob contents and generate the binary form if possible
if (blob) {
auto iter = blob->buffer.begin();
uint8_t identifier = 0;
if (addr_info.is_subaddress) {
} else if (addr_info.has_payment_id) {
iter = std::copy_n(&identifier, 1, iter);
iter = std::copy_n(
iter = std::copy_n(
size_t counter = 65;
assert(std::distance(blob->buffer.begin(), iter) == static_cast<int>(counter));
if (addr_info.has_payment_id) {
std::copy_n(addr_info.payment_id.data(), addr_info.payment_id.size(), iter);
counter += sizeof(addr_info.payment_id);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
blob->len = counter;
} else if (is_lokinet_type(type)) {
// We need a 52 char base32z string that decodes to a 32-byte value, which really means we
// need 51 base32z chars (=255 bits) followed by a 1-bit value ('y'=0, or 'o'=0b10000);
// anything else in the last spot isn't a valid lokinet address.
if (check_condition(
value.size() != 57 || !tools::ends_with(value, ".loki") ||
!oxenc::is_base32z(value.substr(0, 52)) ||
!(value[51] == 'y' || value[51] == 'o'),
"'{}' is not a valid lokinet address",
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (blob) {
blob->len = sizeof(crypto::ed25519_public_key);
oxenc::from_base32z(value.begin(), value.begin() + 52, blob->buffer.begin());
} else {
assert(type == mapping_type::session);
// NOTE: Check value is hex of the right size
if (check_condition(
"The value={} is not the required {}-character hex string session public key, "
return false;
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (check_condition(
"value={} specifies name -> value mapping where the value is not a hex string",
return false;
// NOTE: Session public keys are 33 bytes, with the first byte being 0x05 and the remaining
// 32 being the public key.
if (check_condition(
!tools::starts_with(value, "05"),
"ONS type=session specifies mapping from name -> ed25519 key where the key is "
"not prefixed with 05, given ed25519={}",
return false;
2019-12-12 07:20:33 +01:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (blob) // NOTE: Given blob, write the binary output
blob->len = value.size() / 2;
assert(blob->len <= blob->buffer.size());
oxenc::from_hex(value.begin(), value.end(), blob->buffer.begin());
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2020-02-14 01:44:15 +01:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return true;
2019-12-12 07:20:33 +01:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_ABYTES + crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_NPUBBYTES);
LNS: Lighter and newer encryption The replaces the LNS encryption starting in HF16 with libsodium's XChaCha20-Poly1305 (which is recommended over the default encryption nowadays), and replaces the encryption key with a keyed blake2b hash rather than argon2. This also adds a nonce because, after reading the libsodium documentation, I'm concerned that using a fixed nonce means we are potentially leaking the name on updates. This complicates things a bit -- if doing external signing you need to generate an encrypted value and sign that, rather than being able to regenerate the encrypted value. So we have: name_hash -- blake2b(name), same as before enc_key -- blake2b(name, key=name_hash), instead of argon2 nonce -- randomly generated, and tacked on the end of the encryption value (previously nonce was all-0s). This requires changing the encryption so that you generate an encrypted value for the update, rather than just using the update parameters, then you provided this encrypted value when submitting an update with external signature. Code-related changes (aside from implementation the above): this moves the encryption/decryption functions into the mapping_value itself, and adds an encrypted state (so that you can encrypt/decrypt a mapping_value in-place without needing to copy data around). (Also note that this commit is almost certainly not "clean" -- I think some of it leaked into the following commit, and some of that commit may have leaked here, but this separated most of it).
2020-09-15 03:43:59 +02:00
static_assert(SODIUM_ENCRYPTION_EXTRA_BYTES >= crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool mapping_value::validate_encrypted(
mapping_type type, std::string_view value, mapping_value* blob, std::string* reason) {
if (blob)
*blob = {};
int value_len = crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_ABYTES +
if (is_lokinet_type(type))
else if (type == mapping_type::wallet) {
value_len = crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_ABYTES +
crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_NPUBBYTES; // Add the length in check_length
} else if (type == mapping_type::session) {
// Allow an HF15 argon2 encrypted value which doesn't contain a nonce:
if (value.size() == value_len - crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_NPUBBYTES)
value_len -= crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_NPUBBYTES;
} else {
if (reason)
*reason = "Unhandled type passed into {}"_format(__func__);
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (!check_lengths(type, value, value_len, true /*binary_val*/, reason))
return false;
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (blob) {
blob->len = value.size();
std::memcpy(blob->buffer.data(), value.data(), value.size());
blob->encrypted = true;
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return true;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
mapping_value::mapping_value(std::string encrypted_value, std::string nonce) : buffer{0} {
auto it = std::copy(encrypted_value.begin(), encrypted_value.end(), buffer.begin());
std::copy(nonce.begin(), nonce.end(), it);
len = encrypted_value.size() + nonce.size();
encrypted = true;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
mapping_value::mapping_value() : buffer{0}, encrypted(false), len(0) {}
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::string name_hash_bytes_to_base64(std::string_view bytes) {
if (bytes.size() != NAME_HASH_SIZE)
throw std::runtime_error{"Invalid name hash: expected exactly 32 bytes"};
return oxenc::to_base64(bytes);
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::optional<std::string> name_hash_input_to_base64(std::string_view input) {
if (input.size() == NAME_HASH_SIZE)
return name_hash_bytes_to_base64(input);
if (input.size() == 2 * NAME_HASH_SIZE && oxenc::is_hex(input))
return name_hash_bytes_to_base64(oxenc::from_hex(input));
if (input.size() >= NAME_HASH_SIZE_B64_MIN && input.size() <= NAME_HASH_SIZE_B64_MAX &&
oxenc::is_base64(input)) {
std::string tmp = oxenc::from_base64(input);
if (tmp.size() == NAME_HASH_SIZE) // Could still be off from too much/too little padding
return name_hash_bytes_to_base64(tmp);
return std::nullopt;
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
static std::string hash_to_base64(crypto::hash const& hash) {
return name_hash_bytes_to_base64(tools::view_guts(hash));
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
static bool verify_ons_signature(
crypto::hash const& hash,
ons::generic_signature const& signature,
ons::generic_owner const& owner) {
if (!owner || !signature)
return false;
if (owner.type != signature.type)
return false;
if (signature.type == ons::generic_owner_sig_type::monero) {
return crypto::check_signature(
hash, owner.wallet.address.m_spend_public_key, signature.monero);
} else {
return (crypto_sign_verify_detached(
signature.data, hash.data(), hash.size(), owner.ed25519.data()) == 0);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
static bool validate_against_previous_mapping(
ons::name_system_db& ons_db,
uint64_t blockchain_height,
cryptonote::transaction const& tx,
cryptonote::tx_extra_oxen_name_system const& ons_extra,
std::string* reason) {
crypto::hash expected_prev_txid{};
std::string name_hash = hash_to_base64(ons_extra.name_hash);
ons::mapping_record mapping = ons_db.get_mapping(ons_extra.type, name_hash);
if (ons_extra.is_updating()) {
// Updating: the mapping must exist and be active, the updated fields must actually change
// from the current value, and a valid signature over the updated values must be present.
if (check_condition(
"{}, {} update requested but mapping does not exist.",
ons_extra_string(ons_db.network_type(), ons_extra)))
return false;
if (check_condition(
"{}, {} TX requested to update mapping that has already expired",
ons_extra_string(ons_db.network_type(), ons_extra)))
return false;
expected_prev_txid = mapping.txid;
"{}, {} field to update is specifying the same mapping {}"sv;
if (check_condition(
ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::encrypted_value) &&
ons_extra.encrypted_value == mapping.encrypted_value.to_view(),
ons_extra_string(ons_db.network_type(), ons_extra),
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (check_condition(
ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::owner) &&
ons_extra.owner == mapping.owner,
ons_extra_string(ons_db.network_type(), ons_extra),
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (check_condition(
ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::backup_owner) &&
ons_extra.backup_owner == mapping.backup_owner,
ons_extra_string(ons_db.network_type(), ons_extra),
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Validate signature
auto data = tx_extra_signature(
ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::owner) ? &ons_extra.owner : nullptr,
ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::backup_owner) ? &ons_extra.backup_owner
: nullptr,
if (check_condition(
"{}, {} unexpectedly failed to generate signature, please inform the Oxen "
ons_extra_string(ons_db.network_type(), ons_extra)))
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
crypto::hash hash;
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(data.data()),
nullptr /*key*/,
0 /*key_len*/);
if (check_condition(
!verify_ons_signature(hash, ons_extra.signature, mapping.owner) &&
!verify_ons_signature(hash, ons_extra.signature, mapping.backup_owner),
"{}, {} failed to verify signature for ONS update, current owner={}, backup "
ons_extra_string(ons_db.network_type(), ons_extra),
return false;
} else if (ons_extra.is_buying()) {
// If buying a new name then the existing name must not be active
if (check_condition(
"Cannot buy an ONS name that is already registered: name_hash={}, type={}; TX: "
"{}; {}",
ons_extra_string(ons_db.network_type(), ons_extra)))
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// If buying a new wallet name then the existing session name must not be active and vice
// versa The owner of an existing name but different type is allowed to register but the
// owner and backup owners of the new mapping must be from the same owners and backup owners
// of the previous mapping ie no new addresses are allowed to be added as owner or backup
// owner.
if (ons_extra.type == mapping_type::wallet || ons_extra.type == mapping_type::session) {
auto buy_type_name = ons_extra.type == mapping_type::wallet ? "wallet"sv : "session"sv;
auto alt_type_name = ons_extra.type == mapping_type::wallet ? "session"sv : "wallet"sv;
auto alt_type = ons_extra.type == mapping_type::wallet ? mapping_type::session
: mapping_type::wallet;
ons::mapping_record alt_mapping = ons_db.get_mapping(alt_type, name_hash);
auto is_alt_record_owner = [&alt_mapping](const auto& new_owner) {
return new_owner == alt_mapping.owner || new_owner == alt_mapping.backup_owner;
if (check_condition(
alt_mapping.active(blockchain_height) && // alternative mapping exists
(!is_alt_record_owner(ons_extra.owner) ||
(ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::backup_owner) &&
"Cannot buy an ONS {} name that has an already registered {} name: "
"name_hash={}, type={}; TX: {}; {}",
ons_extra_string(ons_db.network_type(), ons_extra)))
return false;
} else if (ons_extra.is_renewing()) {
// We allow anyone to renew a name, but it has to exist and be currently active
if (check_condition(
"{}, {} renewal requested but mapping does not exist.",
ons_extra_string(ons_db.network_type(), ons_extra)))
return false;
if (check_condition(
"{}, {} TX requested to renew mapping that has already expired",
ons_extra_string(ons_db.network_type(), ons_extra)))
return false;
expected_prev_txid = mapping.txid;
} else {
"{}, {} is not a valid buy, update, or renew ONS tx",
ons_extra_string(ons_db.network_type(), ons_extra));
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (check_condition(
ons_extra.prev_txid != expected_prev_txid,
"{}, {} specified prior txid {} but expected {}; perhaps a competing ONS TX was "
"submitted and accepted before this ONS update TX was processed?",
ons_extra_string(ons_db.network_type(), ons_extra),
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return true;
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
// Sanity check value to disallow the empty name hash
static const crypto::hash null_name_hash = name_to_hash("");
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool name_system_db::validate_ons_tx(
hf hf_version,
uint64_t blockchain_height,
cryptonote::transaction const& tx,
cryptonote::tx_extra_oxen_name_system& ons_extra,
std::string* reason) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pull out ONS Extra from TX
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (check_condition(
tx.type != cryptonote::txtype::oxen_name_system,
"{} uses wrong tx type, expected={}",
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (check_condition(
!cryptonote::get_field_from_tx_extra(tx.extra, ons_extra),
"{} didn't have oxen name service in the tx_extra",
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check TX ONS Serialized Fields are NULL if they are not specified
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"{}, {} given field {} but field is not requested to be serialised"sv;
if (check_condition(
!ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::encrypted_value) &&
ons_extra_string(nettype, ons_extra),
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (check_condition(
!ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::owner) && ons_extra.owner,
ons_extra_string(nettype, ons_extra),
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (check_condition(
!ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::backup_owner) &&
ons_extra_string(nettype, ons_extra),
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (check_condition(
!ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::signature) && ons_extra.signature,
ons_extra_string(nettype, ons_extra),
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Simple ONS Extra Validation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (check_condition(
ons_extra.version != 0,
"{}, {} unexpected version={:d}, expected 0",
ons_extra_string(nettype, ons_extra),
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (check_condition(
!ons::mapping_type_allowed(hf_version, ons_extra.type),
"{}, {} specifying type={} is disallowed in HF{:d}",
ons_extra_string(nettype, ons_extra),
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Serialized Values Check
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (check_condition(
!ons_extra.is_buying() && !ons_extra.is_updating() && !ons_extra.is_renewing(),
"{}, {} TX extra does not specify valid combination of bits for serialized "
ons_extra_string(nettype, ons_extra),
std::bitset<sizeof(ons_extra.fields) * 8>(static_cast<size_t>(ons_extra.fields))
return false;
if (check_condition(
ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::owner) &&
ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::backup_owner) &&
ons_extra.owner == ons_extra.backup_owner,
"{}, {} specifying owner the same as the backup owner={}",
ons_extra_string(nettype, ons_extra),
ons_extra.backup_owner.to_string(nettype))) {
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// ONS Field(s) Validation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (check_condition(
(ons_extra.name_hash == null_name_hash || !ons_extra.name_hash),
"{}, {} specified the null name hash",
ons_extra_string(nettype, ons_extra)))
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::encrypted_value)) {
if (!mapping_value::validate_encrypted(
ons_extra.type, ons_extra.encrypted_value, nullptr, reason))
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (!validate_against_previous_mapping(*this, blockchain_height, tx, ons_extra, reason))
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Burn Validation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint64_t burn = cryptonote::get_burned_amount_from_tx_extra(tx.extra);
uint64_t const burn_required = (ons_extra.is_buying() || ons_extra.is_renewing())
? burn_needed(hf_version, ons_extra.type)
: 0;
if (hf_version == hf::hf18 && burn > burn_required && blockchain_height < 524'000) {
// Testnet sync fix: PR #1433 merged that lowered fees for HF18 while testnet was
// already on HF18, but broke syncing because earlier HF18 blocks have ONS txes at the
// higher fees, so this allows them to pass by pretending the tx burned the right
// amount.
burn = burn_required;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (check_condition(
burn != burn_required,
"{}, {} burned {} OXEN={}, required={}",
ons_extra_string(nettype, ons_extra),
burn > burn_required ? "too much" : "insufficient",
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return true;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool validate_mapping_type(
std::string_view mapping_type_str,
hf hf_version,
ons_tx_type txtype,
ons::mapping_type* mapping_type,
std::string* reason) {
std::string mapping = tools::lowercase_ascii_string(mapping_type_str);
std::optional<ons::mapping_type> mapping_type_;
if (txtype != ons_tx_type::renew && tools::string_iequal(mapping, "session"))
mapping_type_ = ons::mapping_type::session;
else if (hf_version >= hf::hf16_pulse) {
if (tools::string_iequal(mapping, "lokinet"))
mapping_type_ = ons::mapping_type::lokinet;
else if (txtype == ons_tx_type::buy || txtype == ons_tx_type::renew) {
if (tools::string_iequal_any(
mapping, "lokinet_1y", "lokinet_1years")) // Can also specify "lokinet"
mapping_type_ = ons::mapping_type::lokinet;
else if (tools::string_iequal_any(mapping, "lokinet_2y", "lokinet_2years"))
mapping_type_ = ons::mapping_type::lokinet_2years;
else if (tools::string_iequal_any(mapping, "lokinet_5y", "lokinet_5years"))
mapping_type_ = ons::mapping_type::lokinet_5years;
else if (tools::string_iequal_any(mapping, "lokinet_10y", "lokinet_10years"))
mapping_type_ = ons::mapping_type::lokinet_10years;
if (hf_version >= hf::hf18) {
if (tools::string_iequal(mapping, "wallet"))
mapping_type_ = ons::mapping_type::wallet;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (!mapping_type_) {
if (reason)
*reason = "Unsupported ONS type \"" + std::string{mapping_type_str} + "\"; supported " +
(txtype == ons_tx_type::update ? "update types are: session, lokinet, wallet"
: txtype == ons_tx_type::renew ? "renew types are: lokinet_1y, lokinet_2y, "
"lokinet_5y, lokinet_10y"
: txtype == ons_tx_type::buy ? "buy types are session, lokinet_1y, "
"lokinet_2y, lokinet_5y, lokinet_10y"
: "lookup types are session, lokinet, wallet");
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (mapping_type)
*mapping_type = *mapping_type_;
return true;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
crypto::hash name_to_hash(std::string_view name, const std::optional<crypto::hash>& key) {
assert(std::none_of(name.begin(), name.end(), [](char c) { return std::isupper(c); }));
crypto::hash result = {};
sizeof(result) >= crypto_generichash_BYTES,
"Sodium can generate arbitrary length hashes, but recommend the minimum size for a "
"secure hash must be >= crypto_generichash_BYTES");
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(name.data()),
static_cast<unsigned long long>(name.size()),
key ? key->data() : nullptr,
key ? key->size() : 0);
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::string name_to_base64_hash(std::string_view name) {
crypto::hash hash = name_to_hash(name);
std::string result = hash_to_base64(hash);
return result;
LNS: Lighter and newer encryption The replaces the LNS encryption starting in HF16 with libsodium's XChaCha20-Poly1305 (which is recommended over the default encryption nowadays), and replaces the encryption key with a keyed blake2b hash rather than argon2. This also adds a nonce because, after reading the libsodium documentation, I'm concerned that using a fixed nonce means we are potentially leaking the name on updates. This complicates things a bit -- if doing external signing you need to generate an encrypted value and sign that, rather than being able to regenerate the encrypted value. So we have: name_hash -- blake2b(name), same as before enc_key -- blake2b(name, key=name_hash), instead of argon2 nonce -- randomly generated, and tacked on the end of the encryption value (previously nonce was all-0s). This requires changing the encryption so that you generate an encrypted value for the update, rather than just using the update parameters, then you provided this encrypted value when submitting an update with external signature. Code-related changes (aside from implementation the above): this moves the encryption/decryption functions into the mapping_value itself, and adds an encrypted state (so that you can encrypt/decrypt a mapping_value in-place without needing to copy data around). (Also note that this commit is almost certainly not "clean" -- I think some of it leaked into the following commit, and some of that commit may have leaked here, but this separated most of it).
2020-09-15 03:43:59 +02:00
struct alignas(size_t) secretbox_secret_key {
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
unsigned char data[crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_KEYBYTES];
secretbox_secret_key& operator=(const crypto::hash& h) {
sizeof(secretbox_secret_key::data) == crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_KEYBYTES);
static_assert(sizeof(secretbox_secret_key::data) == crypto::hash::size());
std::memcpy(data, h.data(), sizeof(data));
return *this;
LNS: Lighter and newer encryption The replaces the LNS encryption starting in HF16 with libsodium's XChaCha20-Poly1305 (which is recommended over the default encryption nowadays), and replaces the encryption key with a keyed blake2b hash rather than argon2. This also adds a nonce because, after reading the libsodium documentation, I'm concerned that using a fixed nonce means we are potentially leaking the name on updates. This complicates things a bit -- if doing external signing you need to generate an encrypted value and sign that, rather than being able to regenerate the encrypted value. So we have: name_hash -- blake2b(name), same as before enc_key -- blake2b(name, key=name_hash), instead of argon2 nonce -- randomly generated, and tacked on the end of the encryption value (previously nonce was all-0s). This requires changing the encryption so that you generate an encrypted value for the update, rather than just using the update parameters, then you provided this encrypted value when submitting an update with external signature. Code-related changes (aside from implementation the above): this moves the encryption/decryption functions into the mapping_value itself, and adds an encrypted state (so that you can encrypt/decrypt a mapping_value in-place without needing to copy data around). (Also note that this commit is almost certainly not "clean" -- I think some of it leaked into the following commit, and some of that commit may have leaked here, but this separated most of it).
2020-09-15 03:43:59 +02:00
// New (8.x):
// We encrypt using xchacha20-poly1305; for the encryption key we use the (secret) keyed hash:
// H(name, key=H(name)). Note that H(name) is public info but this keyed hash is known only to the
// resolver.
// Note that the name must *already* be lower-cased (we do not transform or validate that here).
// If the name hash is already available then it can be passed by pointer as the second argument,
// otherwise pass nullptr to calculate the hash when needed. (Note that name_hash is not used when
// heavy=true).
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
static void name_to_encryption_key(
std::string_view name, const crypto::hash* name_hash, secretbox_secret_key& out) {
sizeof(out) == crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_KEYBYTES,
"Encrypting key needs to have sufficient space for running encryption functions via "
LNS: Lighter and newer encryption The replaces the LNS encryption starting in HF16 with libsodium's XChaCha20-Poly1305 (which is recommended over the default encryption nowadays), and replaces the encryption key with a keyed blake2b hash rather than argon2. This also adds a nonce because, after reading the libsodium documentation, I'm concerned that using a fixed nonce means we are potentially leaking the name on updates. This complicates things a bit -- if doing external signing you need to generate an encrypted value and sign that, rather than being able to regenerate the encrypted value. So we have: name_hash -- blake2b(name), same as before enc_key -- blake2b(name, key=name_hash), instead of argon2 nonce -- randomly generated, and tacked on the end of the encryption value (previously nonce was all-0s). This requires changing the encryption so that you generate an encrypted value for the update, rather than just using the update parameters, then you provided this encrypted value when submitting an update with external signature. Code-related changes (aside from implementation the above): this moves the encryption/decryption functions into the mapping_value itself, and adds an encrypted state (so that you can encrypt/decrypt a mapping_value in-place without needing to copy data around). (Also note that this commit is almost certainly not "clean" -- I think some of it leaked into the following commit, and some of that commit may have leaked here, but this separated most of it).
2020-09-15 03:43:59 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
crypto::hash name_hash_;
if (!name_hash)
name_hash = &(name_hash_ = name_to_hash(name));
LNS: Lighter and newer encryption The replaces the LNS encryption starting in HF16 with libsodium's XChaCha20-Poly1305 (which is recommended over the default encryption nowadays), and replaces the encryption key with a keyed blake2b hash rather than argon2. This also adds a nonce because, after reading the libsodium documentation, I'm concerned that using a fixed nonce means we are potentially leaking the name on updates. This complicates things a bit -- if doing external signing you need to generate an encrypted value and sign that, rather than being able to regenerate the encrypted value. So we have: name_hash -- blake2b(name), same as before enc_key -- blake2b(name, key=name_hash), instead of argon2 nonce -- randomly generated, and tacked on the end of the encryption value (previously nonce was all-0s). This requires changing the encryption so that you generate an encrypted value for the update, rather than just using the update parameters, then you provided this encrypted value when submitting an update with external signature. Code-related changes (aside from implementation the above): this moves the encryption/decryption functions into the mapping_value itself, and adds an encrypted state (so that you can encrypt/decrypt a mapping_value in-place without needing to copy data around). (Also note that this commit is almost certainly not "clean" -- I think some of it leaked into the following commit, and some of that commit may have leaked here, but this separated most of it).
2020-09-15 03:43:59 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
out = name_to_hash(name, *name_hash);
LNS: Lighter and newer encryption The replaces the LNS encryption starting in HF16 with libsodium's XChaCha20-Poly1305 (which is recommended over the default encryption nowadays), and replaces the encryption key with a keyed blake2b hash rather than argon2. This also adds a nonce because, after reading the libsodium documentation, I'm concerned that using a fixed nonce means we are potentially leaking the name on updates. This complicates things a bit -- if doing external signing you need to generate an encrypted value and sign that, rather than being able to regenerate the encrypted value. So we have: name_hash -- blake2b(name), same as before enc_key -- blake2b(name, key=name_hash), instead of argon2 nonce -- randomly generated, and tacked on the end of the encryption value (previously nonce was all-0s). This requires changing the encryption so that you generate an encrypted value for the update, rather than just using the update parameters, then you provided this encrypted value when submitting an update with external signature. Code-related changes (aside from implementation the above): this moves the encryption/decryption functions into the mapping_value itself, and adds an encrypted state (so that you can encrypt/decrypt a mapping_value in-place without needing to copy data around). (Also note that this commit is almost certainly not "clean" -- I think some of it leaked into the following commit, and some of that commit may have leaked here, but this separated most of it).
2020-09-15 03:43:59 +02:00
// Old (7.x) "heavy" encryption:
// We encrypt using the older xsalsa20-poly1305 encryption scheme, and for encryption key we use an
// expensive argon2 "moderate" hash of the name (with null salt).
static constexpr unsigned char OLD_ENC_SALT[crypto_pwhash_SALTBYTES] = {};
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
static bool name_to_encryption_key_argon2(std::string_view name, secretbox_secret_key& out) {
sizeof(out) == crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES,
"Encrypting key needs to have sufficient space for running encryption functions via "
return 0 == crypto_pwhash(
bool mapping_value::encrypt(
std::string_view name, const crypto::hash* name_hash, bool deprecated_heavy) {
if (encrypted)
return false;
2020-02-14 01:44:15 +01:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
assert(std::none_of(name.begin(), name.end(), [](char c) { return std::isupper(c); }));
LNS: Lighter and newer encryption The replaces the LNS encryption starting in HF16 with libsodium's XChaCha20-Poly1305 (which is recommended over the default encryption nowadays), and replaces the encryption key with a keyed blake2b hash rather than argon2. This also adds a nonce because, after reading the libsodium documentation, I'm concerned that using a fixed nonce means we are potentially leaking the name on updates. This complicates things a bit -- if doing external signing you need to generate an encrypted value and sign that, rather than being able to regenerate the encrypted value. So we have: name_hash -- blake2b(name), same as before enc_key -- blake2b(name, key=name_hash), instead of argon2 nonce -- randomly generated, and tacked on the end of the encryption value (previously nonce was all-0s). This requires changing the encryption so that you generate an encrypted value for the update, rather than just using the update parameters, then you provided this encrypted value when submitting an update with external signature. Code-related changes (aside from implementation the above): this moves the encryption/decryption functions into the mapping_value itself, and adds an encrypted state (so that you can encrypt/decrypt a mapping_value in-place without needing to copy data around). (Also note that this commit is almost certainly not "clean" -- I think some of it leaked into the following commit, and some of that commit may have leaked here, but this separated most of it).
2020-09-15 03:43:59 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
size_t const encryption_len =
len + (deprecated_heavy ? crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES
: crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_ABYTES +
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (encryption_len > buffer.size()) {
"Encrypted value pre-allocated buffer too small={}, required={}",
return false;
LNS: Lighter and newer encryption The replaces the LNS encryption starting in HF16 with libsodium's XChaCha20-Poly1305 (which is recommended over the default encryption nowadays), and replaces the encryption key with a keyed blake2b hash rather than argon2. This also adds a nonce because, after reading the libsodium documentation, I'm concerned that using a fixed nonce means we are potentially leaking the name on updates. This complicates things a bit -- if doing external signing you need to generate an encrypted value and sign that, rather than being able to regenerate the encrypted value. So we have: name_hash -- blake2b(name), same as before enc_key -- blake2b(name, key=name_hash), instead of argon2 nonce -- randomly generated, and tacked on the end of the encryption value (previously nonce was all-0s). This requires changing the encryption so that you generate an encrypted value for the update, rather than just using the update parameters, then you provided this encrypted value when submitting an update with external signature. Code-related changes (aside from implementation the above): this moves the encryption/decryption functions into the mapping_value itself, and adds an encrypted state (so that you can encrypt/decrypt a mapping_value in-place without needing to copy data around). (Also note that this commit is almost certainly not "clean" -- I think some of it leaked into the following commit, and some of that commit may have leaked here, but this separated most of it).
2020-09-15 03:43:59 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
decltype(buffer) enc_buffer;
secretbox_secret_key skey;
if (deprecated_heavy) {
if (name_to_encryption_key_argon2(name, skey))
encrypted =
skey.data) == 0);
} else {
name_to_encryption_key(name, name_hash, skey);
unsigned long long actual_length;
// Create a random nonce:
auto* nonce = &enc_buffer[encryption_len - crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_NPUBBYTES];
randombytes_buf(nonce, crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_NPUBBYTES);
encrypted = 0 == crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(
0, // additional data
nullptr, // nsec, always nullptr according to libsodium docs (just
// here for API compat)
if (encrypted)
assert(actual_length == encryption_len - crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_NPUBBYTES);
if (encrypted) {
len = encryption_len;
buffer = enc_buffer;
return encrypted;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool mapping_value::decrypt(
std::string_view name, mapping_type type, const crypto::hash* name_hash) {
if (!encrypted)
return false;
assert(std::none_of(name.begin(), name.end(), [](char c) { return std::isupper(c); }));
size_t dec_length;
decltype(buffer) dec_buffer;
secretbox_secret_key skey;
// Check for an old-style, argon2-based encryption, used before HF16. (After HF16 we use a much
// faster blake2b-hashed key, and a random nonce appended to the end.)
if (type == mapping_type::session &&
encrypted =
!(name_to_encryption_key_argon2(name, skey) && 0 == crypto_secretbox_open_easy(
} else {
switch (type) {
case mapping_type::session: dec_length = SESSION_PUBLIC_KEY_BINARY_LENGTH; break;
case mapping_type::lokinet: dec_length = LOKINET_ADDRESS_BINARY_LENGTH; break;
case mapping_type::wallet: // Wallet type has variable type, check performed in
// check_length
if (auto plain_len = len - crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_ABYTES -
dec_length = plain_len;
} else {
"Invalid wallet mapping_type length passed to mapping_value::decrypt");
return false;
log::error(logcat, "Invalid mapping_type passed to mapping_value::decrypt");
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
auto expected_len = dec_length + crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_ABYTES +
if (len != expected_len) {
logcat, "Encrypted value size is invalid={}, expected={}", len, expected_len);
return false;
const auto& [enc, nonce] = value_nonce(type);
name_to_encryption_key(name, name_hash, skey);
unsigned long long actual_length;
encrypted =
!(0 == crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(
nullptr, // nsec (always null for this algo)
0, // additional data
if (!encrypted)
assert(actual_length == dec_length);
LNS: Lighter and newer encryption The replaces the LNS encryption starting in HF16 with libsodium's XChaCha20-Poly1305 (which is recommended over the default encryption nowadays), and replaces the encryption key with a keyed blake2b hash rather than argon2. This also adds a nonce because, after reading the libsodium documentation, I'm concerned that using a fixed nonce means we are potentially leaking the name on updates. This complicates things a bit -- if doing external signing you need to generate an encrypted value and sign that, rather than being able to regenerate the encrypted value. So we have: name_hash -- blake2b(name), same as before enc_key -- blake2b(name, key=name_hash), instead of argon2 nonce -- randomly generated, and tacked on the end of the encryption value (previously nonce was all-0s). This requires changing the encryption so that you generate an encrypted value for the update, rather than just using the update parameters, then you provided this encrypted value when submitting an update with external signature. Code-related changes (aside from implementation the above): this moves the encryption/decryption functions into the mapping_value itself, and adds an encrypted state (so that you can encrypt/decrypt a mapping_value in-place without needing to copy data around). (Also note that this commit is almost certainly not "clean" -- I think some of it leaked into the following commit, and some of that commit may have leaked here, but this separated most of it).
2020-09-15 03:43:59 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (!encrypted) // i.e. decryption success
LNS: Lighter and newer encryption The replaces the LNS encryption starting in HF16 with libsodium's XChaCha20-Poly1305 (which is recommended over the default encryption nowadays), and replaces the encryption key with a keyed blake2b hash rather than argon2. This also adds a nonce because, after reading the libsodium documentation, I'm concerned that using a fixed nonce means we are potentially leaking the name on updates. This complicates things a bit -- if doing external signing you need to generate an encrypted value and sign that, rather than being able to regenerate the encrypted value. So we have: name_hash -- blake2b(name), same as before enc_key -- blake2b(name, key=name_hash), instead of argon2 nonce -- randomly generated, and tacked on the end of the encryption value (previously nonce was all-0s). This requires changing the encryption so that you generate an encrypted value for the update, rather than just using the update parameters, then you provided this encrypted value when submitting an update with external signature. Code-related changes (aside from implementation the above): this moves the encryption/decryption functions into the mapping_value itself, and adds an encrypted state (so that you can encrypt/decrypt a mapping_value in-place without needing to copy data around). (Also note that this commit is almost certainly not "clean" -- I think some of it leaked into the following commit, and some of that commit may have leaked here, but this separated most of it).
2020-09-15 03:43:59 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
len = dec_length;
buffer = dec_buffer;
LNS: Lighter and newer encryption The replaces the LNS encryption starting in HF16 with libsodium's XChaCha20-Poly1305 (which is recommended over the default encryption nowadays), and replaces the encryption key with a keyed blake2b hash rather than argon2. This also adds a nonce because, after reading the libsodium documentation, I'm concerned that using a fixed nonce means we are potentially leaking the name on updates. This complicates things a bit -- if doing external signing you need to generate an encrypted value and sign that, rather than being able to regenerate the encrypted value. So we have: name_hash -- blake2b(name), same as before enc_key -- blake2b(name, key=name_hash), instead of argon2 nonce -- randomly generated, and tacked on the end of the encryption value (previously nonce was all-0s). This requires changing the encryption so that you generate an encrypted value for the update, rather than just using the update parameters, then you provided this encrypted value when submitting an update with external signature. Code-related changes (aside from implementation the above): this moves the encryption/decryption functions into the mapping_value itself, and adds an encrypted state (so that you can encrypt/decrypt a mapping_value in-place without needing to copy data around). (Also note that this commit is almost certainly not "clean" -- I think some of it leaked into the following commit, and some of that commit may have leaked here, but this separated most of it).
2020-09-15 03:43:59 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return !encrypted;
LNS: Lighter and newer encryption The replaces the LNS encryption starting in HF16 with libsodium's XChaCha20-Poly1305 (which is recommended over the default encryption nowadays), and replaces the encryption key with a keyed blake2b hash rather than argon2. This also adds a nonce because, after reading the libsodium documentation, I'm concerned that using a fixed nonce means we are potentially leaking the name on updates. This complicates things a bit -- if doing external signing you need to generate an encrypted value and sign that, rather than being able to regenerate the encrypted value. So we have: name_hash -- blake2b(name), same as before enc_key -- blake2b(name, key=name_hash), instead of argon2 nonce -- randomly generated, and tacked on the end of the encryption value (previously nonce was all-0s). This requires changing the encryption so that you generate an encrypted value for the update, rather than just using the update parameters, then you provided this encrypted value when submitting an update with external signature. Code-related changes (aside from implementation the above): this moves the encryption/decryption functions into the mapping_value itself, and adds an encrypted state (so that you can encrypt/decrypt a mapping_value in-place without needing to copy data around). (Also note that this commit is almost certainly not "clean" -- I think some of it leaked into the following commit, and some of that commit may have leaked here, but this separated most of it).
2020-09-15 03:43:59 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
mapping_value mapping_value::make_encrypted(
std::string_view name, const crypto::hash* name_hash, bool deprecated_heavy) const {
mapping_value result{*this};
result.encrypt(name, name_hash, deprecated_heavy);
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
mapping_value mapping_value::make_decrypted(
std::string_view name, const crypto::hash* name_hash) const {
mapping_value result{*this};
result.encrypt(name, name_hash);
return result;
LNS: Lighter and newer encryption The replaces the LNS encryption starting in HF16 with libsodium's XChaCha20-Poly1305 (which is recommended over the default encryption nowadays), and replaces the encryption key with a keyed blake2b hash rather than argon2. This also adds a nonce because, after reading the libsodium documentation, I'm concerned that using a fixed nonce means we are potentially leaking the name on updates. This complicates things a bit -- if doing external signing you need to generate an encrypted value and sign that, rather than being able to regenerate the encrypted value. So we have: name_hash -- blake2b(name), same as before enc_key -- blake2b(name, key=name_hash), instead of argon2 nonce -- randomly generated, and tacked on the end of the encryption value (previously nonce was all-0s). This requires changing the encryption so that you generate an encrypted value for the update, rather than just using the update parameters, then you provided this encrypted value when submitting an update with external signature. Code-related changes (aside from implementation the above): this moves the encryption/decryption functions into the mapping_value itself, and adds an encrypted state (so that you can encrypt/decrypt a mapping_value in-place without needing to copy data around). (Also note that this commit is almost certainly not "clean" -- I think some of it leaked into the following commit, and some of that commit may have leaked here, but this separated most of it).
2020-09-15 03:43:59 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::optional<cryptonote::address_parse_info> mapping_value::get_wallet_address_info() const {
if (encrypted)
return std::nullopt;
cryptonote::address_parse_info addr_info{};
auto* bufpos = &buffer[1];
std::memcpy(addr_info.address.m_spend_public_key.data(), bufpos, 32);
2021-04-14 08:27:23 +02:00
bufpos += 32;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::memcpy(addr_info.address.m_view_public_key.data(), bufpos, 32);
if (buffer[0] == ONS_WALLET_TYPE_INTEGRATED) {
bufpos += 32;
std::copy_n(bufpos, 8, addr_info.payment_id.data());
addr_info.has_payment_id = true;
} else if (buffer[0] == ONS_WALLET_TYPE_SUBADDRESS) {
addr_info.is_subaddress = true;
} else
assert(buffer[0] == ONS_WALLET_TYPE_PRIMARY);
return addr_info;
2021-04-14 08:27:23 +02:00
namespace {
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool build_default_tables(name_system_db& ons_db) {
std::string mappings_columns = R"(
encrypted_value BLOB NOT NULL,
backup_owner_id INTEGER REFERENCES owner(id),
update_height INTEGER NOT NULL,
expiration_height INTEGER
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
const std::string BUILD_TABLE_SQL = R"(
top_height INTEGER NOT NULL,
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mappings ()" + mappings_columns +
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS owner_id_index ON mappings(owner_id);
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS backup_owner_id_index;
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS backup_owner_index ON mappings(backup_owner_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS name_type_update ON mappings (name_hash, type, update_height DESC);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mapping_type_name_exp ON mappings (type, name_hash, expiration_height DESC);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
char* table_err_msg = nullptr;
int table_created = sqlite3_exec(
nullptr /*callback*/,
nullptr /*callback context*/,
if (table_created != SQLITE_OK) {
"Can not generate SQL table for ONS: {}",
(table_err_msg ? table_err_msg : "??"));
return false;
// In Loki 8 we dropped some columns that are no longer needed, but SQLite can't do this
// easily: instead we have to manually recreate the table, so check it and see if the
// prev_txid or register_height columns still exist: if so, we need to recreate.
bool need_mappings_migration = false;
sql_compiled_statement mappings_info{ons_db};
mappings_info.compile("PRAGMA table_info(mappings)", false);
while (step(mappings_info) == SQLITE_ROW) {
auto name = get<std::string_view>(mappings_info, 1);
if (name == "prev_txid" || name == "register_height") {
need_mappings_migration = true;
if (need_mappings_migration) {
// Earlier version migration: we need "update_height" to exist (if this fails it's
// fine).
nullptr /*callback*/,
nullptr /*callback ctx*/,
nullptr /*errstr*/);
log::info(logcat, "Migrating ONS mappings database to new format");
const std::string migrate = R"(
ALTER TABLE mappings RENAME TO mappings_old;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
CREATE TABLE mappings ()" + mappings_columns +
INSERT INTO mappings
SELECT id, type, name_hash, encrypted_value, txid, owner_id, backup_owner_id, update_height, NULL
FROM mappings_old;
DROP TABLE mappings_old;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX name_type_update ON mappings(name_hash, type, update_height DESC);
CREATE INDEX owner_id_index ON mappings(owner_id);
CREATE INDEX backup_owner_index ON mappings(backup_owner_id);
CREATE INDEX mapping_type_name_exp ON mappings(type, name_hash, expiration_height DESC);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
int migrated = sqlite3_exec(
nullptr /*callback*/,
nullptr /*callback context*/,
if (migrated != SQLITE_OK) {
"Can not migrate SQL mappings table for ONS: {}",
(table_err_msg ? table_err_msg : "??"));
return false;
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Updates to add columns; we ignore errors on these since they will fail if the column
// already exists
for (const auto& upgrade : {
}) {
nullptr /*callback*/,
nullptr /*callback ctx*/,
nullptr /*errstr*/);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return true;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
const std::string sql_select_mappings_and_owners_prefix = R"(
SELECT mappings.*, o1.address, o2.address, MAX(update_height)
FROM mappings
JOIN owner o1 ON mappings.owner_id = o1.id
LEFT JOIN owner o2 ON mappings.backup_owner_id = o2.id
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
const std::string sql_select_mappings_and_owners_suffix = " GROUP BY name_hash, type";
struct scoped_db_transaction {
scoped_db_transaction(name_system_db& ons_db);
operator bool() const { return initialised; }
name_system_db& ons_db;
bool commit = false; // If true, on destruction- END the transaction otherwise ROLLBACK all
// SQLite events prior for the ons_db
bool initialised = false;
scoped_db_transaction::scoped_db_transaction(name_system_db& ons_db) : ons_db(ons_db) {
if (ons_db.transaction_begun) {
"Failed to begin transaction, transaction exists previously that was not "
"closed properly");
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
char* sql_err = nullptr;
if (sqlite3_exec(ons_db.db, "BEGIN;", nullptr, nullptr, &sql_err) != SQLITE_OK) {
logcat, "Failed to begin transaction , reason={}", (sql_err ? sql_err : "??"));
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
initialised = true;
ons_db.transaction_begun = true;
scoped_db_transaction::~scoped_db_transaction() {
if (!initialised)
if (!ons_db.transaction_begun) {
"Trying to apply non-existent transaction (no prior history of a db "
"transaction beginning) to the ONS DB");
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
char* sql_err = nullptr;
if (sqlite3_exec(ons_db.db, commit ? "END;" : "ROLLBACK;", NULL, NULL, &sql_err) !=
"Failed to {} transaction to ONS DB, reason={}",
(commit ? "end " : "rollback "),
(sql_err ? sql_err : "??"));
ons_db.transaction_begun = false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
enum struct db_version { v0, v1_track_updates, v2_full_rows };
auto constexpr DB_VERSION = db_version::v2_full_rows;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
constexpr auto EXPIRATION = " (expiration_height IS NULL OR expiration_height >= ?) "sv;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
} // namespace
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool name_system_db::init(
cryptonote::Blockchain const* blockchain, cryptonote::network_type nettype, sqlite3* db) {
if (!db)
return false;
this->db = db;
this->nettype = nettype;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::string const GET_MAPPINGS_BY_OWNER_STR = sql_select_mappings_and_owners_prefix +
"WHERE ? IN (o1.address, o2.address)" +
std::string const GET_MAPPING_STR = sql_select_mappings_and_owners_prefix +
"WHERE type = ? AND name_hash = ?" +
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
const std::string GET_MAPPING_COUNTS_STR = R"(
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
SELECT DISTINCT type, name_hash FROM mappings WHERE )" +
std::string{EXPIRATION} + R"(
GROUP BY type)";
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::string const RESOLVE_STR = R"(
SELECT encrypted_value, MAX(update_height)
FROM mappings
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
WHERE type = ? AND name_hash = ? AND)" +
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
constexpr auto GET_SETTINGS_STR = "SELECT * FROM settings WHERE id = 1"sv;
constexpr auto GET_OWNER_BY_ID_STR = "SELECT * FROM owner WHERE id = ?"sv;
constexpr auto GET_OWNER_BY_KEY_STR = "SELECT * FROM owner WHERE address = ?"sv;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Prune queries used when we need to rollback to remove records added after the detach point:
constexpr auto PRUNE_MAPPINGS_STR = "DELETE FROM mappings WHERE update_height >= ?"sv;
constexpr auto PRUNE_OWNERS_STR = R"(
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mappings WHERE owner.id = mappings.owner_id)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mappings WHERE owner.id = mappings.backup_owner_id))"sv;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
constexpr auto SAVE_MAPPING_STR =
"INSERT INTO mappings (type, name_hash, encrypted_value, txid, owner_id, backup_owner_id, update_height, expiration_height) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"sv;
constexpr auto SAVE_OWNER_STR = "INSERT INTO owner (address) VALUES (?)"sv;
constexpr auto SAVE_SETTINGS_STR =
"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO settings (id, top_height, top_hash, version) VALUES (1,?,?,?)"sv;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (!build_default_tables(*this))
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (!get_settings_sql.compile(GET_SETTINGS_STR) ||
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Migrate DB
// No statements (aside from settings) have been prepared yet, since the prepared statements we
// need may require migration. This code must thus take care to locally execute or prepare
// whatever statements it needs.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (settings_record settings = get_settings()) {
if (settings.version != static_cast<decltype(settings.version)>(DB_VERSION)) {
if (!blockchain) {
log::error(logcat, "Migration required, blockchain can not be nullptr");
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (blockchain->get_db().is_read_only()) {
log::error(logcat, "DB is opened in read-only mode, unable to migrate ONS DB");
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
scoped_db_transaction db_transaction(*this);
if (!db_transaction)
return false;
if (settings.version <
static_cast<decltype(settings.version)>(db_version::v1_track_updates)) {
std::vector<mapping_record> all_mappings = {};
sql_compiled_statement st{*this};
if (!st.compile(
sql_select_mappings_and_owners_prefix +
return false;
sql_run_statement(ons_sql_type::get_mappings, st, &all_mappings);
std::vector<crypto::hash> hashes;
for (mapping_record const& record : all_mappings)
constexpr auto UPDATE_MAPPING_HEIGHT =
"UPDATE mappings SET update_height = ? WHERE id = ?"sv;
sql_compiled_statement update_mapping_height{*this};
if (!update_mapping_height.compile(UPDATE_MAPPING_HEIGHT, false))
return false;
std::vector<uint64_t> heights = blockchain->get_transactions_heights(hashes);
for (size_t i = 0; i < all_mappings.size(); i++) {
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (settings.version <
static_cast<decltype(settings.version)>(db_version::v2_full_rows)) {
sql_compiled_statement prune_height{*this};
if (!prune_height.compile(
"UPDATE settings SET pruned_height = (SELECT MAX(update_height) FROM "
return false;
if (step(prune_height) != SQLITE_DONE)
return false;
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
db_transaction.commit = true;
2020-03-27 08:05:55 +01:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Prepare commonly executed sql statements
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!get_mappings_by_owner_sql.compile(GET_MAPPINGS_BY_OWNER_STR) ||
!get_mapping_sql.compile(GET_MAPPING_STR) ||
!get_mapping_counts_sql.compile(GET_MAPPING_COUNTS_STR) ||
!resolve_sql.compile(RESOLVE_STR) || !get_owner_by_id_sql.compile(GET_OWNER_BY_ID_STR) ||
!get_owner_by_key_sql.compile(GET_OWNER_BY_KEY_STR) ||
!prune_mappings_sql.compile(PRUNE_MAPPINGS_STR) ||
!prune_owners_sql.compile(PRUNE_OWNERS_STR) ||
!save_mapping_sql.compile(SAVE_MAPPING_STR) || !save_owner_sql.compile(SAVE_OWNER_STR)) {
return false;
2020-03-27 08:05:55 +01:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check settings
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (settings_record settings = get_settings()) {
if (!blockchain) {
assert(nettype == cryptonote::network_type::FAKECHAIN);
return nettype == cryptonote::network_type::FAKECHAIN;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
uint64_t ons_height = 0;
crypto::hash ons_hash = blockchain->get_tail_id(ons_height);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Try support out of date ONS databases by checking if the stored
// settings->[top_hash|top_height] match what we expect. If they match, we
// don't drop the DB but will load the missing blocks in a later step.
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
cryptonote::block ons_blk = {};
bool orphan = false;
if (blockchain->get_block_by_hash(settings.top_hash, ons_blk, &orphan)) {
bool ons_height_matches = settings.top_height == cryptonote::get_block_height(ons_blk);
if (ons_height_matches && !orphan) {
ons_height = settings.top_height;
ons_hash = settings.top_hash;
2020-06-02 04:09:22 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (settings.top_height == ons_height && settings.top_hash == ons_hash) {
this->last_processed_height = settings.top_height;
this->last_processed_hash = settings.top_hash;
assert(settings.version == static_cast<int>(DB_VERSION));
} else {
// Otherwise we've got something unrecoverable: a top_hash + top_height that are
// different from what we have in the blockchain, which means the ons db and blockchain
// are out of sync. This likely means something external changed the lmdb and/or the
// ons.db, and we can't recover from it: so just drop and recreate the tables completely
// and rescan from scratch.
char constexpr DROP_TABLE_SQL[] =
"EXISTS mappings";
nullptr /*callback*/,
nullptr /*callback context*/,
if (!build_default_tables(*this))
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return true;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
name_system_db::~name_system_db() {
if (!db)
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
scoped_db_transaction db_transaction(*this);
save_settings(last_processed_height, last_processed_hash, static_cast<int>(DB_VERSION));
db_transaction.commit = true;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// close_v2 starts shutting down; the actual shutdown occurs once the last prepared statement is
// finalized (which should happen when the ..._sql members get destructed, right after this).
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
namespace {
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::optional<int64_t> add_or_get_owner_id(
ons::name_system_db& ons_db,
crypto::hash const& tx_hash,
cryptonote::tx_extra_oxen_name_system const& entry,
ons::generic_owner const& key) {
int64_t result = 0;
if (owner_record owner = ons_db.get_owner_by_key(key))
result = owner.id;
if (result == 0) {
if (!ons_db.save_owner(key, &result)) {
"Failed to save ONS owner to DB tx: {}, type: {}, name_hash: {}, owner: {}",
return std::nullopt;
if (result == 0)
return std::nullopt;
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Build a query and bind values that will create a new row at the given height by copying the
// current highest-height row values and/or updating the given update fields.
using update_variant = std::variant<uint16_t, int64_t, uint64_t, blob_view, std::string>;
std::pair<std::string, std::vector<update_variant>> update_record_query(
name_system_db& ons_db,
uint64_t height,
const cryptonote::tx_extra_oxen_name_system& entry,
const crypto::hash& tx_hash) {
assert(entry.is_updating() || entry.is_renewing());
std::pair<std::string, std::vector<update_variant>> result;
auto& [sql, bind] = result;
sql += R"(
INSERT INTO mappings (type, name_hash, txid, update_height, expiration_height, owner_id, backup_owner_id, encrypted_value)
SELECT type, name_hash, ?, ?)";
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bind.emplace_back(blob_view{tx_hash.data(), tx_hash.size()});
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
constexpr auto suffix =
" FROM mappings WHERE type = ? AND name_hash = ? ORDER BY update_height DESC LIMIT 1"sv;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (entry.is_renewing()) {
sql += ", expiration_height + ?, owner_id, backup_owner_id, encrypted_value";
bind.emplace_back(expiry_blocks(ons_db.network_type(), entry.type).value_or(0));
} else {
// Updating
sql += ", expiration_height";
if (entry.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::owner)) {
auto opt_id = add_or_get_owner_id(ons_db, tx_hash, entry, entry.owner);
if (!opt_id) {
"Failed to add or get owner with key={}",
return {};
sql += ", ?";
} else
sql += ", owner_id";
if (entry.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::backup_owner)) {
auto opt_id = add_or_get_owner_id(ons_db, tx_hash, entry, entry.backup_owner);
if (!opt_id) {
"Failed to add or get backup owner with key={}",
return {};
sql += ", ?";
} else
sql += ", backup_owner_id";
if (entry.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::encrypted_value)) {
sql += ", ?";
} else
sql += ", encrypted_value";
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
sql += suffix;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool add_ons_entry(
ons::name_system_db& ons_db,
uint64_t height,
cryptonote::tx_extra_oxen_name_system const& entry,
crypto::hash const& tx_hash) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// New Mapping Insert or Completely Replace
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (entry.is_buying()) {
auto owner_id = add_or_get_owner_id(ons_db, tx_hash, entry, entry.owner);
if (!owner_id) {
"Failed to add or get owner with key={}",
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::optional<int64_t> backup_owner_id;
if (entry.backup_owner) {
backup_owner_id = add_or_get_owner_id(ons_db, tx_hash, entry, entry.backup_owner);
if (!backup_owner_id) {
"Failed to add or get backup owner with key={}",
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
auto expiry = expiry_blocks(ons_db.network_type(), entry.type);
if (expiry)
*expiry += height;
if (!ons_db.save_mapping(tx_hash, entry, height, expiry, *owner_id, backup_owner_id)) {
"Failed to save ONS entry to DB tx: {}, type: {}, name_hash: {}, owner: {}",
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Update mapping or renewal: create a new row copies and updated from the existing top row
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
else {
auto [sql, bind] = update_record_query(ons_db, height, entry, tx_hash);
if (sql.empty())
return false; // already MERROR'd
// Compile sql statement
sql_compiled_statement statement{ons_db};
if (!statement.compile(sql, false /*optimise_for_multiple_usage*/)) {
logcat, "Failed to compile SQL statement for updating ONS record={}", sql);
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Bind statement parameters
bind_container(statement, bind);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (!sql_run_statement(ons_sql_type::save_mapping, statement, nullptr))
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return true;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
} // namespace
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool name_system_db::add_block(
const cryptonote::block& block, const std::vector<cryptonote::transaction>& txs) {
uint64_t height = cryptonote::get_block_height(block);
if (last_processed_height >= height)
return true;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
scoped_db_transaction db_transaction(*this);
if (!db_transaction)
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool ons_parsed_from_block = false;
if (block.major_version >= hf::hf15_ons) {
for (cryptonote::transaction const& tx : txs) {
if (tx.type != cryptonote::txtype::oxen_name_system)
cryptonote::tx_extra_oxen_name_system entry = {};
std::string fail_reason;
if (!validate_ons_tx(block.major_version, height, tx, entry, &fail_reason)) {
"ONS TX: Failed to validate for tx={}. This should have failed validation "
"earlier reason={}",
assert("Failed to validate acquire name service. Should already have failed "
"validation prior" == nullptr);
return false;
crypto::hash const& tx_hash = cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(tx);
if (!add_ons_entry(*this, height, entry, tx_hash))
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
ons_parsed_from_block = true;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
last_processed_height = height;
last_processed_hash = cryptonote::get_block_hash(block);
if (ons_parsed_from_block) {
save_settings(last_processed_height, last_processed_hash, static_cast<int>(DB_VERSION));
db_transaction.commit = ons_parsed_from_block;
return true;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
struct ons_update_history {
uint64_t value_last_update_height = static_cast<uint64_t>(-1);
uint64_t owner_last_update_height = static_cast<uint64_t>(-1);
uint64_t backup_owner_last_update_height = static_cast<uint64_t>(-1);
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
void update(uint64_t height, cryptonote::tx_extra_oxen_name_system const& ons_extra);
uint64_t newest_update_height() const;
Rewrite reorgs to handle LNS TX updates Updates are granular and can update individual fields of a LNS TX, meaning when we reorg- restoring a record to its proper state can potentially require searching further back than the detach height. The following scenario, copied from a comment in loki_name_system.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detach Logic: Simple Case ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNS Buy @ Height 100: LNS Record={field1=a1, field2=b1, field3=c1} LNS Update @ Height 200: LNS Record={field1=a2 } LNS Update @ Height 300: LNS Record={ field2=b2 } LNS Update @ Height 400: LNS Record={ field3=c2} Blockchain detaches to height 301, the target LNS record now looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c1} Our current LNS record looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c3} To rebuild our record, find the closest LNS Update that is earlier than the detach height. If we run out of transactions to run back to, then the LNS entry is just deleted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detach Logic: Advance Case ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNS Buy @ Height 100: LNS Record={field1=a1, field2=b1, field3=c1} LNS Update @ Height 200: LNS Record={field1=a2 } LNS Update @ Height 300: LNS Record={ field2=b2 } LNS Update @ Height 400: LNS Record={ field3=c2} LNS Update @ Height 500: LNS Record={field1=a3, field2=b3, field3=c3} LNS Update @ Height 600: LNS Record={ field3=c4} Blockchain detaches to height 401, the target LNS record now looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c2} Our current LNS record looks like {field1=a3, field2=b3, field3=c4} To get all the fields back, we can't just replay the latest LNS update transactions in reverse chronological order back to the detach height, otherwise we miss the update to field1=a2 and field2=b2. To rebuild our LNS record, we need to iterate back until we find all the TX's that updated the LNS field(s) until all fields have been reverted to a state representative of pre-detach height. i.e. Go back to the closest LNS record to the detach height, at height 300. Next, iterate back until all LNS fields have been updated at a point in time before the detach height (i.e. height 200 with field=a2).
2020-03-03 23:20:30 +01:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
void ons_update_history::update(
uint64_t height, cryptonote::tx_extra_oxen_name_system const& ons_extra) {
if (ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::encrypted_value))
value_last_update_height = height;
Rewrite reorgs to handle LNS TX updates Updates are granular and can update individual fields of a LNS TX, meaning when we reorg- restoring a record to its proper state can potentially require searching further back than the detach height. The following scenario, copied from a comment in loki_name_system.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detach Logic: Simple Case ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNS Buy @ Height 100: LNS Record={field1=a1, field2=b1, field3=c1} LNS Update @ Height 200: LNS Record={field1=a2 } LNS Update @ Height 300: LNS Record={ field2=b2 } LNS Update @ Height 400: LNS Record={ field3=c2} Blockchain detaches to height 301, the target LNS record now looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c1} Our current LNS record looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c3} To rebuild our record, find the closest LNS Update that is earlier than the detach height. If we run out of transactions to run back to, then the LNS entry is just deleted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detach Logic: Advance Case ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNS Buy @ Height 100: LNS Record={field1=a1, field2=b1, field3=c1} LNS Update @ Height 200: LNS Record={field1=a2 } LNS Update @ Height 300: LNS Record={ field2=b2 } LNS Update @ Height 400: LNS Record={ field3=c2} LNS Update @ Height 500: LNS Record={field1=a3, field2=b3, field3=c3} LNS Update @ Height 600: LNS Record={ field3=c4} Blockchain detaches to height 401, the target LNS record now looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c2} Our current LNS record looks like {field1=a3, field2=b3, field3=c4} To get all the fields back, we can't just replay the latest LNS update transactions in reverse chronological order back to the detach height, otherwise we miss the update to field1=a2 and field2=b2. To rebuild our LNS record, we need to iterate back until we find all the TX's that updated the LNS field(s) until all fields have been reverted to a state representative of pre-detach height. i.e. Go back to the closest LNS record to the detach height, at height 300. Next, iterate back until all LNS fields have been updated at a point in time before the detach height (i.e. height 200 with field=a2).
2020-03-03 23:20:30 +01:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::owner))
owner_last_update_height = height;
Rewrite reorgs to handle LNS TX updates Updates are granular and can update individual fields of a LNS TX, meaning when we reorg- restoring a record to its proper state can potentially require searching further back than the detach height. The following scenario, copied from a comment in loki_name_system.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detach Logic: Simple Case ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNS Buy @ Height 100: LNS Record={field1=a1, field2=b1, field3=c1} LNS Update @ Height 200: LNS Record={field1=a2 } LNS Update @ Height 300: LNS Record={ field2=b2 } LNS Update @ Height 400: LNS Record={ field3=c2} Blockchain detaches to height 301, the target LNS record now looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c1} Our current LNS record looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c3} To rebuild our record, find the closest LNS Update that is earlier than the detach height. If we run out of transactions to run back to, then the LNS entry is just deleted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detach Logic: Advance Case ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNS Buy @ Height 100: LNS Record={field1=a1, field2=b1, field3=c1} LNS Update @ Height 200: LNS Record={field1=a2 } LNS Update @ Height 300: LNS Record={ field2=b2 } LNS Update @ Height 400: LNS Record={ field3=c2} LNS Update @ Height 500: LNS Record={field1=a3, field2=b3, field3=c3} LNS Update @ Height 600: LNS Record={ field3=c4} Blockchain detaches to height 401, the target LNS record now looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c2} Our current LNS record looks like {field1=a3, field2=b3, field3=c4} To get all the fields back, we can't just replay the latest LNS update transactions in reverse chronological order back to the detach height, otherwise we miss the update to field1=a2 and field2=b2. To rebuild our LNS record, we need to iterate back until we find all the TX's that updated the LNS field(s) until all fields have been reverted to a state representative of pre-detach height. i.e. Go back to the closest LNS record to the detach height, at height 300. Next, iterate back until all LNS fields have been updated at a point in time before the detach height (i.e. height 200 with field=a2).
2020-03-03 23:20:30 +01:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (ons_extra.field_is_set(ons::extra_field::backup_owner))
backup_owner_last_update_height = height;
Rewrite reorgs to handle LNS TX updates Updates are granular and can update individual fields of a LNS TX, meaning when we reorg- restoring a record to its proper state can potentially require searching further back than the detach height. The following scenario, copied from a comment in loki_name_system.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detach Logic: Simple Case ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNS Buy @ Height 100: LNS Record={field1=a1, field2=b1, field3=c1} LNS Update @ Height 200: LNS Record={field1=a2 } LNS Update @ Height 300: LNS Record={ field2=b2 } LNS Update @ Height 400: LNS Record={ field3=c2} Blockchain detaches to height 301, the target LNS record now looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c1} Our current LNS record looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c3} To rebuild our record, find the closest LNS Update that is earlier than the detach height. If we run out of transactions to run back to, then the LNS entry is just deleted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detach Logic: Advance Case ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNS Buy @ Height 100: LNS Record={field1=a1, field2=b1, field3=c1} LNS Update @ Height 200: LNS Record={field1=a2 } LNS Update @ Height 300: LNS Record={ field2=b2 } LNS Update @ Height 400: LNS Record={ field3=c2} LNS Update @ Height 500: LNS Record={field1=a3, field2=b3, field3=c3} LNS Update @ Height 600: LNS Record={ field3=c4} Blockchain detaches to height 401, the target LNS record now looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c2} Our current LNS record looks like {field1=a3, field2=b3, field3=c4} To get all the fields back, we can't just replay the latest LNS update transactions in reverse chronological order back to the detach height, otherwise we miss the update to field1=a2 and field2=b2. To rebuild our LNS record, we need to iterate back until we find all the TX's that updated the LNS field(s) until all fields have been reverted to a state representative of pre-detach height. i.e. Go back to the closest LNS record to the detach height, at height 300. Next, iterate back until all LNS fields have been updated at a point in time before the detach height (i.e. height 200 with field=a2).
2020-03-03 23:20:30 +01:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
uint64_t ons_update_history::newest_update_height() const {
uint64_t result = std::max(
std::max(value_last_update_height, owner_last_update_height),
return result;
Rewrite reorgs to handle LNS TX updates Updates are granular and can update individual fields of a LNS TX, meaning when we reorg- restoring a record to its proper state can potentially require searching further back than the detach height. The following scenario, copied from a comment in loki_name_system.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detach Logic: Simple Case ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNS Buy @ Height 100: LNS Record={field1=a1, field2=b1, field3=c1} LNS Update @ Height 200: LNS Record={field1=a2 } LNS Update @ Height 300: LNS Record={ field2=b2 } LNS Update @ Height 400: LNS Record={ field3=c2} Blockchain detaches to height 301, the target LNS record now looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c1} Our current LNS record looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c3} To rebuild our record, find the closest LNS Update that is earlier than the detach height. If we run out of transactions to run back to, then the LNS entry is just deleted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detach Logic: Advance Case ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNS Buy @ Height 100: LNS Record={field1=a1, field2=b1, field3=c1} LNS Update @ Height 200: LNS Record={field1=a2 } LNS Update @ Height 300: LNS Record={ field2=b2 } LNS Update @ Height 400: LNS Record={ field3=c2} LNS Update @ Height 500: LNS Record={field1=a3, field2=b3, field3=c3} LNS Update @ Height 600: LNS Record={ field3=c4} Blockchain detaches to height 401, the target LNS record now looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c2} Our current LNS record looks like {field1=a3, field2=b3, field3=c4} To get all the fields back, we can't just replay the latest LNS update transactions in reverse chronological order back to the detach height, otherwise we miss the update to field1=a2 and field2=b2. To rebuild our LNS record, we need to iterate back until we find all the TX's that updated the LNS field(s) until all fields have been reverted to a state representative of pre-detach height. i.e. Go back to the closest LNS record to the detach height, at height 300. Next, iterate back until all LNS fields have been updated at a point in time before the detach height (i.e. height 200 with field=a2).
2020-03-03 23:20:30 +01:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
struct replay_ons_tx {
uint64_t height;
crypto::hash tx_hash;
cryptonote::tx_extra_oxen_name_system entry;
Rewrite reorgs to handle LNS TX updates Updates are granular and can update individual fields of a LNS TX, meaning when we reorg- restoring a record to its proper state can potentially require searching further back than the detach height. The following scenario, copied from a comment in loki_name_system.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detach Logic: Simple Case ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNS Buy @ Height 100: LNS Record={field1=a1, field2=b1, field3=c1} LNS Update @ Height 200: LNS Record={field1=a2 } LNS Update @ Height 300: LNS Record={ field2=b2 } LNS Update @ Height 400: LNS Record={ field3=c2} Blockchain detaches to height 301, the target LNS record now looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c1} Our current LNS record looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c3} To rebuild our record, find the closest LNS Update that is earlier than the detach height. If we run out of transactions to run back to, then the LNS entry is just deleted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detach Logic: Advance Case ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNS Buy @ Height 100: LNS Record={field1=a1, field2=b1, field3=c1} LNS Update @ Height 200: LNS Record={field1=a2 } LNS Update @ Height 300: LNS Record={ field2=b2 } LNS Update @ Height 400: LNS Record={ field3=c2} LNS Update @ Height 500: LNS Record={field1=a3, field2=b3, field3=c3} LNS Update @ Height 600: LNS Record={ field3=c4} Blockchain detaches to height 401, the target LNS record now looks like {field1=a2, field2=b2, field3=c2} Our current LNS record looks like {field1=a3, field2=b3, field3=c4} To get all the fields back, we can't just replay the latest LNS update transactions in reverse chronological order back to the detach height, otherwise we miss the update to field1=a2 and field2=b2. To rebuild our LNS record, we need to iterate back until we find all the TX's that updated the LNS field(s) until all fields have been reverted to a state representative of pre-detach height. i.e. Go back to the closest LNS record to the detach height, at height 300. Next, iterate back until all LNS fields have been updated at a point in time before the detach height (i.e. height 200 with field=a2).
2020-03-03 23:20:30 +01:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
void name_system_db::block_detach(
cryptonote::Blockchain const& blockchain, uint64_t new_blockchain_height) {
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool name_system_db::save_owner(ons::generic_owner const& owner, int64_t* row_id) {
bool result = bind_and_run(
blob_view{reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&owner), sizeof(owner)});
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (row_id)
*row_id = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db);
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool name_system_db::save_mapping(
crypto::hash const& tx_hash,
cryptonote::tx_extra_oxen_name_system const& src,
uint64_t height,
std::optional<uint64_t> expiration,
int64_t owner_id,
std::optional<int64_t> backup_owner_id) {
if (!src.is_buying())
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::string name_hash = hash_to_base64(src.name_hash);
auto& statement = save_mapping_sql;
bind(statement, mapping_record_column::type, db_mapping_type(src.type));
bind(statement, mapping_record_column::name_hash, name_hash);
bind(statement, mapping_record_column::encrypted_value, blob_view{src.encrypted_value});
bind(statement, mapping_record_column::txid, blob_view{tx_hash.data(), tx_hash.size()});
bind(statement, mapping_record_column::update_height, height);
bind(statement, mapping_record_column::expiration_height, expiration);
bind(statement, mapping_record_column::owner_id, owner_id);
bind(statement, mapping_record_column::backup_owner_id, backup_owner_id);
bool result = sql_run_statement(ons_sql_type::save_mapping, statement, nullptr);
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool name_system_db::save_settings(uint64_t top_height, crypto::hash const& top_hash, int version) {
auto& statement = save_settings_sql;
bind(statement, ons_db_setting_column::top_height, top_height);
bind(statement, ons_db_setting_column::top_hash, blob_view{top_hash.data(), top_hash.size()});
bind(statement, ons_db_setting_column::version, version);
bool result = sql_run_statement(ons_sql_type::save_setting, statement, nullptr);
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool name_system_db::prune_db(uint64_t height) {
if (!bind_and_run(ons_sql_type::pruning, prune_mappings_sql, nullptr, height))
return false;
if (!sql_run_statement(ons_sql_type::pruning, prune_owners_sql, nullptr))
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
this->last_processed_height = (height - 1);
return true;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
owner_record name_system_db::get_owner_by_key(ons::generic_owner const& owner) {
owner_record result = {};
result.loaded = bind_and_run(
blob_view{reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&owner), sizeof(owner)});
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
owner_record name_system_db::get_owner_by_id(int64_t owner_id) {
owner_record result = {};
result.loaded = bind_and_run(ons_sql_type::get_owner, get_owner_by_id_sql, &result, owner_id);
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
bool name_system_db::get_wallet_mapping(
std::string str, uint64_t blockchain_height, cryptonote::address_parse_info& addr_info) {
std::string name = tools::lowercase_ascii_string(std::move(str));
std::string b64_hashed_name = ons::name_to_base64_hash(name);
if (auto record =
name_system_db::resolve(mapping_type::wallet, b64_hashed_name, blockchain_height)) {
(*record).decrypt(name, mapping_type::wallet);
std::optional<cryptonote::address_parse_info> addr = (*record).get_wallet_address_info();
if (addr) {
addr_info = *addr;
return true;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
return false;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
mapping_record name_system_db::get_mapping(
mapping_type type,
std::string_view name_base64_hash,
std::optional<uint64_t> blockchain_height) {
assert(name_base64_hash.size() == 44 && name_base64_hash.back() == '=' &&
mapping_record result = {};
result.loaded = bind_and_run(
if (blockchain_height && !result.active(*blockchain_height))
result.loaded = false;
return result;
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::optional<mapping_value> name_system_db::resolve(
mapping_type type, std::string_view name_hash_b64, uint64_t blockchain_height) {
assert(name_hash_b64.size() == 44 && name_hash_b64.back() == '=' &&
std::optional<mapping_value> result;
bind_all(resolve_sql, db_mapping_type(type), name_hash_b64, blockchain_height);
if (step(resolve_sql) == SQLITE_ROW) {
if (auto blob = get<std::optional<blob_view>>(resolve_sql, 0)) {
auto& r = result.emplace();
assert(blob->data.size() <= r.buffer.size());
r.len = blob->data.size();
r.encrypted = true;
std::copy(blob->data.begin(), blob->data.end(), r.buffer.begin());
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::vector<mapping_record> name_system_db::get_mappings(
std::vector<mapping_type> const& types,
std::string_view name_base64_hash,
std::optional<uint64_t> blockchain_height) {
assert(name_base64_hash.size() == 44 && name_base64_hash.back() == '=' &&
std::vector<mapping_record> result;
if (types.empty())
return result;
std::string sql_statement;
std::vector<std::variant<uint16_t, uint64_t, std::string_view>> bind;
sql_select_mappings_and_owners_prefix.size() + EXPIRATION.size() + 70 +
sql_statement += sql_select_mappings_and_owners_prefix;
sql_statement += "WHERE name_hash = ?";
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Generate string statement
if (types.size()) {
sql_statement += " AND type IN (";
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
for (size_t i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) {
sql_statement += i > 0 ? ", ?" : "?";
sql_statement += ")";
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (blockchain_height) {
sql_statement += " AND ";
sql_statement += EXPIRATION;
Lokinet LNS Revamps how .loki LNS registrations work: - Enable lokinet registrations beginning at HF16. - rework renewal so that you can renew at any time and it simply adds to the end of the current expiry. Previously there was only a window in which you could renew. - Renewals are a new type of LNS transaction, distinct from buys and updates. (Internally it is an update with no fields, which cannot be produced in the existing code). - Add optional "type=" parameter to lns commands. Commands default to trying to auto-detect (i.e. if the name ends with .loki it is lokinet), but the type allows you to be explicit *and* allows select non-default registration lengths for lokinet buys/renewals. - change .loki naming requirements: we now require <= 32 chars if it doesn't contain a -, and 63 if it does. We also reserve names starting "??--" for any ?? other than xn-- (punycode), as this is a DNS restriction. "loki.loki" and "snode.loki" are also now reserved (just in case someone sticks .loki as a DNS search domain). - Tweak LNS registration times to consider "a year" to be 368 days worth of blocks (to allow for leap years and some minor block time drift). - Overhaul how LNS registrations are displayed in the cli wallet. For example: [wallet L6QPcD]: lns_print_name_to_owners jasonv.loki jason.loki jasonz.loki Error: jasonv.loki not found Name: jason.loki Type: lokinet Value: azfoj73snr9f3neh5c6sf7rtbaeabyxhr1m4un5aydsmsrxo964o.loki Owner: L6QPcDVp6Fu7HwtXrXjtfvWvgBPvvMQ9FiyquMWn2BBEDsk2vydwu1A3BrK2uQcCo94G7HA5xiKvpZ4CMQva6pxW2GXkCG9 Last updated height: 46 Expiration height: 75 Encrypted value: 870e42cd172a(snip) Error: jasonz.loki not found - Add an RPC end-point to do simple LNS resolution; you can get the same info out of names-to-owners, but the new lns_resolve end-point is considerably simpler for doing simple lookups (e.g. for lokinet), and allows for a simpler SQL query + processing. Code changes: - Rename mapping_type::lokinet_1year to mapping_type::lokinet (see next point). - Don't store lokinet_2y, etc. in the database, but instead always store as type=2/::lokinet. The LNS extra data can still specify different lengths, but this now just affects the expiration_height value that we set. - Reworked some binding code to use std::variant's and add a bind_container() to simplify passing in a variable list of bind parameters of different types. - Accept both base64 and hex inputs for binary LNS parameters in the RPC interface. - This commit adds some (incomplete) expiry adjustment code, but ignore it as it all gets replaced with the following commit to overhaul record updating. - Updated a bunch of test suite code, mainly related to lokinet. - Some random C++17 niceties (string_view, variant, structured binding returns) in the related code. - Tweaked the test suite to generate a bit fewer blocks in some cases where we just need to confirm/unlock a transfers rather than a coinbase tx.
2020-09-15 04:52:03 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
sql_statement += sql_select_mappings_and_owners_suffix;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Compile Statement
sql_compiled_statement statement{*this};
if (!statement.compile(sql_statement, false /*optimise_for_multiple_usage*/) ||
!bind_container(statement, bind))
return result;
// Execute
sql_run_statement(ons_sql_type::get_mappings, statement, &result);
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::vector<mapping_record> name_system_db::get_mappings_by_owners(
std::vector<generic_owner> const& owners, std::optional<uint64_t> blockchain_height) {
std::string sql_statement;
std::vector<std::variant<blob_view, uint64_t>> bind;
// Generate string statement
constexpr auto SQL_WHERE_OWNER = "WHERE (o1.address IN ("sv;
constexpr auto SQL_OR_BACKUP_OWNER = ") OR o2.address IN ("sv;
constexpr auto SQL_SUFFIX = "))"sv;
std::string placeholders;
placeholders.reserve(3 * owners.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < owners.size(); i++)
placeholders += "?, ";
if (owners.size() > 0)
placeholders.resize(placeholders.size() - 2);
sql_select_mappings_and_owners_prefix.size() + SQL_WHERE_OWNER.size() +
SQL_OR_BACKUP_OWNER.size() + SQL_SUFFIX.size() + 2 * placeholders.size() + 5 +
EXPIRATION.size() + sql_select_mappings_and_owners_suffix.size());
sql_statement += sql_select_mappings_and_owners_prefix;
sql_statement += SQL_WHERE_OWNER;
sql_statement += placeholders;
sql_statement += SQL_OR_BACKUP_OWNER;
sql_statement += placeholders;
sql_statement += SQL_SUFFIX;
for (int i : {0, 1})
for (auto const& owner : owners)
bind.emplace_back(blob_view{reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&owner), sizeof(owner)});
Fix upgrade, memory leak, abstract sqlite3 interface I started this PR to just fix the upgrades, but when investigating I found some problematic memory leaks as well and ended up adding a bunch of nice abstraction layers to make the code nicer. I'd normally separate these into multiple commits, but they ended up quite interdependent to the point where it isn't really feasible to do so; but here's the details on the changes: - add a `DEFAULT "register_height"` for the new "update_height" field so that the alter table works - reorganized the statement preparation and database migration so that all statement preparation happens *after* migration; otherwise statement preparation fails because some of the statements reference columns that aren't created until the migration. - created a `sql_compiled_statement` class that manages sqlite statement pointers; there were several places that we were leaking them (the main ones were okay, but we also have some dynamically constructed ones for variable size queries). - added a new abstraction layer around sqlite3 binding and value extraction that makes the actual sql interaction code much less verbose. - removed the `nettype` argument from `sql_run_statement` as it wasn't being used. (If something in the future needs it, the compiled statement class has a reference to the db object, so it can be obtained via `statement.nsdb.network_type()`) - `bind(statement, 1, someval)` now does what `sqlite3_bind_whatever(statement, 1, someval, ...)` did before, except that it infers the "whatever" from the type (for everything except blobs), and does whatever "..." needs to happen. - `bind(statement, 1, blob_view{someval.data(), size})` can do the same for a blob. (There is also `bind_blob(statement, 1, someval.data(), size)` which does the same thing but is nicer in some contexts). - `auto x = get<T>(statement, 1)` is the bind counterpart for extracting a known type (and similarly calls the right sqlite function based on `T`). There is also a `get(statement, 1, x);` that does the same thing, but infers the type from whatever `x` is. `get_blob` similarly gets a blob value, though currently this is only used in the existing `sql_copy_blob()` wrapper. - All the `bind` and `get` forms accept an integer enum class as the position argument, so the code can now write just: bind(statement, lns_db_setting_column::top_height, value); instead of: bind(statement, static_cast<int>(lns_db_setting_column::top_height), value); - bind_all lets you bind all the parameters in one go (and also clears existing bindings), letting you write things like: bind_all(statement, 123, "my string", my_u64_int); which previously would have needed: sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement); sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, 123); sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, "my string", 10, nullptr, nullptr); sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 3, my_u64_int); - Also there's a `bind_and_run` which combines this binding with a sql_run_statement. - put all of the new binding code in an anonymous namespace, along with several existing `static` functions (this is equivalent, just easier than having to write static dozens of times). - removed a superfluous extra "OR" clause in get_mappings_by_owners. It was producing queries such as: ... WHERE o1.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) OR o2.address IN (?, ?, ?) also simplified that part of the code down quite a bit with a pre-allocated string for the "?, ?, ?" part. - Simplified some some pointer/size pairs with lokimq::string_view (which, internally, is just a pointer size pair already). - Various methods got de-const'ed in this change. They probably shouldn't have been const before because even though they only access data, they still mutate internal state of the stored statements, and making them all mutable would be a bit gross. (They did this before, too, but since everything was pointers calling into C code I guess they compiler just allowed it).
2020-03-30 20:00:54 +02:00
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
if (blockchain_height) {
sql_statement += " AND ";
sql_statement += EXPIRATION;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
sql_statement += sql_select_mappings_and_owners_suffix;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
// Compile Statement
std::vector<mapping_record> result;
sql_compiled_statement statement{*this};
if (!statement.compile(sql_statement, false /*optimise_for_multiple_usage*/) ||
!bind_container(statement, bind))
return result;
// Execute
sql_run_statement(ons_sql_type::get_mappings_by_owners, statement, &result);
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::vector<mapping_record> name_system_db::get_mappings_by_owner(
generic_owner const& owner, std::optional<uint64_t> blockchain_height) {
std::vector<mapping_record> result = {};
blob_view ownerblob{reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&owner), sizeof(owner)};
if (blockchain_height) {
auto end = std::remove_if(
result.begin(), result.end(), [height = *blockchain_height](auto& r) {
return !r.active(height);
result.erase(end, result.end());
return result;
std::map<mapping_type, int> name_system_db::get_mapping_counts(uint64_t blockchain_height) {
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
std::map<mapping_type, int> result;
ons_sql_type::get_mapping_counts, get_mapping_counts_sql, &result, blockchain_height);
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
settings_record name_system_db::get_settings() {
settings_record result = {};
result.loaded = sql_run_statement(ons_sql_type::get_setting, get_settings_sql, &result);
return result;
2023-04-13 15:50:13 +02:00
} // namespace ons