
1472 lines
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#include <array>
#include <mutex>
#include <chrono>
#include "wipeable_string.h"
#include "memwipe.h"
#include "misc_log_ex.h"
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
#include "common/random.h"
#include "cryptonote_core.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/hardfork.h"
#include "service_node_list.h"
#include "service_node_quorum_cop.h"
#include "service_node_rules.h"
enum struct round_state
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
constexpr std::string_view round_state_string(round_state state)
case round_state::null_state: return "XX Null State"sv;
case round_state::wait_for_next_block: return "Wait For Next Block"sv;
case round_state::prepare_for_round: return "Prepare For Round"sv;
case round_state::wait_for_round: return "Wait For Round"sv;
case round_state::send_and_wait_for_handshakes: return "Send & Wait For Handshakes"sv;
case round_state::send_handshake_bitsets: return "Send Validator Handshake Bitsets"sv;
case round_state::wait_for_handshake_bitsets: return "Wait For Validator Handshake Bitsets"sv;
case round_state::send_block_template: return "Send Block Template"sv;
case round_state::wait_for_block_template: return "Wait For Block Template"sv;
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
case round_state::send_and_wait_for_random_value_hashes: return "Send & Wait For Random Value Hash"sv;
case round_state::send_and_wait_for_random_value: return "Send & Wait For Random Value"sv;
case round_state::send_and_wait_for_signed_blocks: return "Send & Wait For Signed Blocks"sv;
return "Invalid2"sv;
enum struct sn_type
enum struct queueing_state
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
template <typename T>
using quorum_array = std::array<T, service_nodes::PULSE_QUORUM_NUM_VALIDATORS>;
// Stores message for quorumnet per stage. Some validators may reach later
// stages before we arrive at that stage. To properly validate messages we also
// need to wait until we arrive at the same stage such that we have received all
// the necessary information to do so on Quorumnet.
struct message_queue
quorum_array<std::pair<pulse::message, queueing_state>> buffer;
size_t count;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
struct pulse_wait_stage
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
message_queue queue; // For messages from later stages that arrived before we reached that stage
uint16_t bitset; // Bitset of validators that we received a message from for this stage
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
uint16_t msgs_received; // Number of unique messages received in the stage
pulse::time_point end_time; // Time at which the stage ends
template <typename T>
struct pulse_send_stage
T data; // Data that must be sent to Nodes via Quorumnet
bool sent; // When true, data has been sent via Quorumnet once already.
bool one_time_only()
if (sent) return false;
sent = true;
return true;
struct round_context
uint64_t height; // Current blockchain height that Pulse wants to generate a block for
crypto::hash top_hash; // Latest block hash included in signatures for rejecting out of date nodes
uint64_t top_block_timestamp; // Latest block timestamp for setting the ideal block target time
pulse::time_point round_0_start_time; // When round 0 should start and subsequent round timings are derived from.
} wait_for_next_block;
bool queue_for_next_round; // When set to true, invoking prepare_for_round(...) will wait for (round + 1)
uint8_t round; // The next round the Pulse ceremony will generate a block for
service_nodes::quorum quorum; // The block producer/validator participating in the next round
sn_type participant; // Is this daemon a block producer, validator or non participant.
size_t my_quorum_position; // Position in the quorum, 0 if producer or neither, or [0, PULSE_QUORUM_NUM_VALIDATORS) if a validator
std::string node_name; // Short-hand string for describing the node in logs, i.e. V[0] for validator 0 or W[0] for the producer.
pulse::time_point start_time; // When the round starts
} prepare_for_round;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
bool sent; // When true, handshake sent and waiting for other handshakes
quorum_array<bool> data; // Received data from messages from Quorumnet
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
pulse_wait_stage stage;
} send_and_wait_for_handshakes;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
quorum_array<std::optional<uint16_t>> data;
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
pulse_wait_stage stage;
uint16_t best_bitset; // The most agreed upon validators for participating in rounds. Value is set when all handshake bitsets are received.
uint16_t best_count; // How many validators agreed upon the best bitset.
} wait_for_handshake_bitsets;
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
cryptonote::block block; // The block template with the best validator bitset and Pulse round applied to it.
pulse_wait_stage stage;
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
} wait_for_block_template;
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
pulse_send_stage<crypto::hash> send;
quorum_array<std::optional<crypto::hash>> data;
pulse_wait_stage stage;
} wait;
} random_value_hashes;
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
pulse_send_stage<cryptonote::pulse_random_value> send;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
quorum_array<std::optional<cryptonote::pulse_random_value>> data;
pulse_wait_stage stage;
} wait;
} random_value;
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
pulse_send_stage<cryptonote::block> send;
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
quorum_array<std::optional<crypto::signature>> data;
pulse_wait_stage stage;
} wait;
} signed_block;
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
} transient;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
round_state state;
static round_context context;
std::string log_prefix(round_context const &context)
std::stringstream result;
result << "Pulse B" << context.wait_for_next_block.height << " R";
if (context.state >= round_state::prepare_for_round)
result << +context.prepare_for_round.round;
result << "0";
result << ": ";
if (context.prepare_for_round.node_name.size()) result << context.prepare_for_round.node_name << " ";
result << "'" << round_state_string(context.state) << "' ";
return result.str();
std::bitset<sizeof(uint16_t) * 8> bitset_view16(uint16_t val)
std::bitset<sizeof(uint16_t) * 8> result = val;
return result;
// NOTE: pulse::message Utiliities
pulse::message msg_init_from_context(round_context const &context)
pulse::message result = {};
result.quorum_position = context.prepare_for_round.my_quorum_position;
result.round = context.prepare_for_round.round;
return result;
// Generate the hash necessary for signing a message. All fields of the message
// must have been set for that message type except the signature.
crypto::hash msg_signature_hash(round_context const &context, pulse::message const &msg)
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
assert(context.state >= round_state::wait_for_next_block);
crypto::hash result = {};
case pulse::message_type::invalid:
assert("Invalid Code Path" == nullptr);
case pulse::message_type::handshake:
auto buf = tools::memcpy_le(context.wait_for_next_block.top_hash.data, msg.quorum_position, msg.round);
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
result = crypto::cn_fast_hash(buf.data(), buf.size());
case pulse::message_type::handshake_bitset:
auto buf = tools::memcpy_le(msg.handshakes.validator_bitset, context.wait_for_next_block.top_hash.data, msg.quorum_position, msg.round);
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
result = crypto::cn_fast_hash(buf.data(), buf.size());
case pulse::message_type::block_template:
result = crypto::cn_fast_hash(msg.block_template.blob.data(), msg.block_template.blob.size());
case pulse::message_type::random_value_hash:
auto buf = tools::memcpy_le(context.wait_for_next_block.top_hash.data, msg.quorum_position, msg.round, msg.random_value_hash.hash.data);
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
result = crypto::cn_fast_hash(buf.data(), buf.size());
case pulse::message_type::random_value:
auto buf = tools::memcpy_le(context.wait_for_next_block.top_hash.data, msg.quorum_position, msg.round, msg.random_value.value.data);
result = crypto::cn_fast_hash(buf.data(), buf.size());
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
case pulse::message_type::signed_block:
result = cryptonote::get_block_hash(context.transient.signed_block.send.data);
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
return result;
// Generate a helper string that describes the origin of the message, i.e.
// 'Signed Block' from 6:f9337ffc8bc30baf3fca92a13fa5a3a7ab7c93e69acb7136906e7feae9d3e769
// or
// <Message Type> from <Validator Index>:<Validator Public Key>
std::string msg_source_string(round_context const &context, pulse::message const &msg)
if (msg.quorum_position >= context.prepare_for_round.quorum.validators.size()) return "XX";
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "'" << message_type_string(msg.type) << "' from " << msg.quorum_position;
if (context.state >= round_state::prepare_for_round)
if (msg.quorum_position < context.prepare_for_round.quorum.validators.size())
crypto::public_key const &key = context.prepare_for_round.quorum.validators[msg.quorum_position];
stream << ":" << key;
return stream.str();
bool msg_signature_check(pulse::message const &msg, service_nodes::quorum const &quorum)
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
// Get Service Node Key
crypto::public_key const *key = nullptr;
switch (msg.type)
case pulse::message_type::invalid:
assert("Invalid Code Path" == nullptr);
MERROR(log_prefix(context) << "Unhandled message type '" << pulse::message_type_string(msg.type) << "' can not verify signature.");
return false;
2020-08-18 02:53:34 +02:00
case pulse::message_type::handshake: [[fallthrough]];
case pulse::message_type::handshake_bitset: [[fallthrough]];
case pulse::message_type::random_value_hash: [[fallthrough]];
case pulse::message_type::random_value: [[fallthrough]];
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
case pulse::message_type::signed_block:
if (msg.quorum_position >= static_cast<int>(quorum.validators.size()))
MERROR(log_prefix(context) << "Quorum position " << msg.quorum_position << " in Pulse message indexes oob");
return false;
key = &quorum.validators[msg.quorum_position];
case pulse::message_type::block_template:
if (msg.quorum_position != 0)
MERROR(log_prefix(context) << "Quorum position " << msg.quorum_position << " in Pulse message indexes oob");
return false;
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
key = &context.prepare_for_round.quorum.workers[0];
if (!crypto::check_signature(msg_signature_hash(context, msg), *key, msg.signature))
MERROR(log_prefix(context) << "Signature for " << msg_source_string(context, msg) << " at height " << context.wait_for_next_block.height << "; is invalid");
return false;
return true;
// NOTE: round_context Utilities
// Construct a pulse::message for sending the handshake bit or bitset.
void relay_validator_handshake_bit_or_bitset(round_context const &context, void *quorumnet_state, service_nodes::service_node_keys const &key, bool sending_bitset)
assert(context.prepare_for_round.participant == sn_type::validator);
// Message
pulse::message msg = msg_init_from_context(context);
if (sending_bitset)
msg.type = pulse::message_type::handshake_bitset;
// Generate the bitset from our received handshakes.
auto const &quorum = context.transient.send_and_wait_for_handshakes.data;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
for (size_t quorum_index = 0; quorum_index < quorum.size(); quorum_index++)
if (bool received = quorum[quorum_index]; received)
msg.handshakes.validator_bitset |= (1 << quorum_index);
msg.type = pulse::message_type::handshake;
crypto::generate_signature(msg_signature_hash(context, msg), key.pub, key.key, msg.signature);
handle_message(quorumnet_state, msg); // Add our own. We receive our own msg for the first time which also triggers us to relay.
// Check the stage's queue for any messages that we received early and process
// them if any. Any messages in the queue that we haven't received yet will also
// be relayed to the quorum.
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void handle_messages_received_early_for(pulse_wait_stage &stage, void *quorumnet_state)
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
if (!stage.queue.count)
for (auto &[msg, queued] : stage.queue.buffer)
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
if (queued == queueing_state::received)
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
pulse::handle_message(quorumnet_state, msg);
queued = queueing_state::processed;
// In Pulse, after the block template and validators are locked in, enforce that
// all participating validators are doing their job in the stage.
bool enforce_validator_participation_and_timeouts(round_context const &context,
pulse_wait_stage const &stage,
bool timed_out,
bool all_received)
assert(context.state > round_state::wait_for_handshake_bitsets);
uint16_t const validator_bitset = context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.best_bitset;
if (timed_out && !all_received)
MDEBUG(log_prefix(context) << "We timed out and there were insufficient hashes, required "
<< service_nodes::PULSE_BLOCK_REQUIRED_SIGNATURES << ", received " << stage.msgs_received
<< " from " << bitset_view16(stage.bitset));
return false;
// NOTE: This is not technically meant to hit, internal invariant checking
// that should have been triggered earlier.
bool unexpected_items = (stage.bitset | validator_bitset) != validator_bitset;
if (stage.msgs_received == 0 || unexpected_items)
if (unexpected_items)
MERROR(log_prefix(context) << "Internal error, unexpected block validator bitset is " << bitset_view16(validator_bitset) << ", our bitset was " << bitset_view16(stage.bitset));
MERROR(log_prefix(context) << "Internal error, unexpected empty bitset received, we expected " << bitset_view16(validator_bitset));
return false;
return true;
} // anonymous namespace
void pulse::handle_message(void *quorumnet_state, pulse::message const &msg)
if (msg.type == pulse::message_type::signed_block)
// Signed Block is the last message in the Pulse stage. This message
// signs the final block blob, with the final random value inserted in
// it.
// To avoid re-sending the blob which we already agreed upon when
// receiving the Block Template from the leader, this message's signature
// signs the sender's Final Block Template blob.
// To verify this signature we verify it against our version of the Final
// Block Template. However, this message could be received by us, before
// we're in the final Pulse stage, so we delay signature verification until
// this is possible.
// The other stages are unaffected by this because they are signing the
// contents of the message itself, of which, these messages are processed
// when we have reached that Pulse stage (where we have all the necessary
// information to validate the contents).
if (!msg_signature_check(msg, context.prepare_for_round.quorum))
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
pulse_wait_stage *stage = nullptr;
case pulse::message_type::invalid: assert("Invalid Code Path" != nullptr); return;
case pulse::message_type::handshake: stage = &context.transient.send_and_wait_for_handshakes.stage; break;
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
case pulse::message_type::handshake_bitset: stage = &context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.stage; break;
case pulse::message_type::block_template: stage = &context.transient.wait_for_block_template.stage; break;
case pulse::message_type::random_value_hash: stage = &context.transient.random_value_hashes.wait.stage; break;
case pulse::message_type::random_value: stage = &context.transient.random_value.wait.stage; break;
case pulse::message_type::signed_block: stage = &context.transient.signed_block.wait.stage; break;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
// TODO(doyle): We need to support potentially receiving messages from the future up to 1 round.
if (msg.round != context.prepare_for_round.round)
MTRACE(log_prefix(context) << "Message received from a future round too early, " << msg_source_string(context, msg) << ", dropping the message.");
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
bool msg_received_early = false;
case pulse::message_type::invalid: assert("Invalid Code Path" != nullptr); return;
case pulse::message_type::handshake: msg_received_early = (context.state < round_state::send_and_wait_for_handshakes); break;
case pulse::message_type::handshake_bitset: msg_received_early = (context.state < round_state::wait_for_handshake_bitsets); break;
case pulse::message_type::block_template: msg_received_early = (context.state < round_state::wait_for_block_template); break;
case pulse::message_type::random_value_hash: msg_received_early = (context.state < round_state::send_and_wait_for_random_value_hashes); break;
case pulse::message_type::random_value: msg_received_early = (context.state < round_state::send_and_wait_for_random_value); break;
case pulse::message_type::signed_block: msg_received_early = (context.state < round_state::send_and_wait_for_signed_blocks); break;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
if (msg_received_early) // Enqueue the message until we're ready to process it
auto &[entry, queued] = stage->queue.buffer[msg.quorum_position];
if (queued == queueing_state::empty)
MTRACE(log_prefix(context) << "Message received early " << msg_source_string(context, msg) << ", queueing until we're ready.");
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
entry = std::move(msg);
queued = queueing_state::received;
uint16_t const validator_bit = (1 << msg.quorum_position);
if (context.state > round_state::wait_for_handshake_bitsets &&
msg.type > pulse::message_type::handshake_bitset)
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// After the validator bitset has been set, the participating validators are
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// locked in. Any stray messages from other validators are rejected.
if ((validator_bit & context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.best_bitset) == 0)
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
auto bitset_view = bitset_view16(context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.best_bitset);
MTRACE(log_prefix(context) << "Dropping " << msg_source_string(context, msg) << ". Not a locked in participant, bitset is " << bitset_view);
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
if (msg.quorum_position >= service_nodes::PULSE_QUORUM_NUM_VALIDATORS)
MTRACE(log_prefix(context) << "Dropping " << msg_source_string(context, msg) << ". Message quorum position indexes oob");
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
// Add Message Data to Pulse Stage
case pulse::message_type::invalid:
assert("Invalid Code Path" != nullptr);
case pulse::message_type::handshake:
auto &quorum = context.transient.send_and_wait_for_handshakes.data;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
if (quorum[msg.quorum_position]) return;
quorum[msg.quorum_position] = true;
MTRACE(log_prefix(context) << "Received handshake with quorum position bit (" << msg.quorum_position << ") "
<< bitset_view16(validator_bit) << " saved to bitset "
<< bitset_view16(stage->bitset));
case pulse::message_type::handshake_bitset:
auto &quorum = context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.data;
auto &bitset = quorum[msg.quorum_position];
if (bitset) return;
bitset = msg.handshakes.validator_bitset;
case pulse::message_type::block_template:
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
if (stage->msgs_received == 1)
cryptonote::block block = {};
if (!cryptonote::t_serializable_object_from_blob(block, msg.block_template.blob))
MTRACE(log_prefix(context) << "Received unparsable pulse block template blob");
if (block.pulse.round != context.prepare_for_round.round)
MTRACE(log_prefix(context) << "Received pulse block template specifying different round " << +block.pulse.round
<< ", expected " << +context.prepare_for_round.round);
if (block.pulse.validator_bitset != context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.best_bitset)
auto block_bitset = bitset_view16(block.pulse.validator_bitset);
auto our_bitset = bitset_view16(context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.best_bitset);
MTRACE(log_prefix(context) << "Received pulse block template specifying different validator handshake bitsets " << block_bitset << ", expected " << our_bitset);
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
context.transient.wait_for_block_template.block = std::move(block);
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
case pulse::message_type::random_value_hash:
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auto &quorum = context.transient.random_value_hashes.wait.data;
auto &value = quorum[msg.quorum_position];
if (value) return;
value = msg.random_value_hash.hash;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
case pulse::message_type::random_value:
auto &quorum = context.transient.random_value.wait.data;
auto &value = quorum[msg.quorum_position];
if (value) return;
if (auto const &hash = context.transient.random_value_hashes.wait.data[msg.quorum_position]; hash)
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
auto derived = crypto::cn_fast_hash(msg.random_value.value.data, sizeof(msg.random_value.value.data));
if (derived != *hash)
MTRACE(log_prefix(context) << "Dropping " << msg_source_string(context, msg)
<< ". Rederived random value hash " << derived << " does not match original hash "
<< *hash);
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
value = msg.random_value.value;
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
case pulse::message_type::signed_block:
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
// Delayed signature verification because signature contents relies on us
// have the Pulse data from the final stage
if (!msg_signature_check(msg, context.prepare_for_round.quorum))
MDEBUG(log_prefix(context) << "Dropping " << msg_source_string(context, msg) << ". Sender's final block template signature does not match ours");
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
// Signature already verified in msg_signature_check(...)
auto &quorum = context.transient.signed_block.wait.data;
auto &signature = quorum[msg.quorum_position];
if (signature) return;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
signature = msg.signature;
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
stage->bitset |= validator_bit;
if (quorumnet_state)
cryptonote::quorumnet_pulse_relay_message_to_quorum(quorumnet_state, msg, context.prepare_for_round.quorum, context.prepare_for_round.participant == sn_type::producer);
Pulse progresses via a state-machine that is iterated through job submissions
to 1 dedicated Pulse thread, started by LMQ.
Iterating the state-machine is done by a periodic invocation of
pulse::main(...) and messages received via Quorumnet for Pulse, which are
queued in the thread's job queue.
Using 1 dedicated thread via LMQ avoids any synchronization required in the
user code when implementing Pulse.
Skip control flow graph for textual description of stages.
| Wait For Next Block |<--------+-------+
+---------------------+ | |
| | |
+-[Blocks for round acquired]--+ No |
| | |
| Yes | |
| | |
+---------------------+ | |
+---->| Prepare For Round | | |
| +---------------------+ | |
| | | |
| [Enough SN's for Pulse]---------+ No |
| | |
| Yes |
| | |
No +-----[Participating in Quorum?] |
| | |
| | Yes |
| | |
| +---------------------+ |
| | Wait For Round | |
| +---------------------+ |
| | |
| [Block Height Changed?]-----------------+ Yes
| |
| | No
| |
| [Validator?]------------------+ No (We are Block Producer)
| | |
| | Yes |
| | |
| +---------------------+ |
| | Submit Handshakes | |
| +---------------------+ |
| | +-----------------+
Yes +-----[Quorumnet Comm Failure] |
| | |
| | Yes |
| | |
| +---------------------+ |
| | Wait For Handshakes | |
| +---------------------+ |
| | |
| +-------------------------+ |
| | Submit Handshake Bitset | |
| +-------------------------+ |
| | |
Yes +-----[Quorumnet Comm Failure] |
| | |
| | No |
| | |
| +----------------------------+ |
| | Wait For Handshake Bitsets |<-----------------+
| +----------------------------+
| |
Yes +-----[Insufficient Bitsets]
| |
| | No
| |
| +-----------------------+
| | Submit Block Template |
| +-----------------------+
| |
No +-----[Block Producer Passes SN List Checks]
| Yes
| Wait For Block Template |
| TODO(loki): TBD
Wait For Next Block:
- Checks for the next block in the blockchain to arrive. If it hasn't
arrived yet, return to the caller.
- Retrieves the blockchain metadata for starting a Pulse Round including the
Genesis Pulse Block for the base timestamp and the top block hash and
height for signatures.
- // TODO(loki): After the Genesis Pulse Block is checkpointed, we can
// remove it from the event loop. Right now we recheck every block incase
// of (the very unlikely event) reorgs that might change the block at the
// hardfork.
- The next block timestamp is determined by
G.Timestamp + (height * TARGET_BLOCK_TIME)
Where 'G' is the base Pulse genesis block, i.e. the hardforking block
activating Pulse (HF16).
In case of the Service Node network failing, i.e. (pulse round > 255) or
insufficient Service Nodes for Pulse, mining is re-activated and accepted
as the next block in the blockchain.
// TODO(loki): Activating mining on (Pulse Round > 255) needs to be
// implemented.
Prepare For Round:
- Generate data for executing the round such as the Quorum and stage
durations depending on the round Pulse is at by comparing the clock with
the ideal block timestamp.
- The state machine *always* reverts to 'Prepare For Round' when any
subsequent stage fails, except in the cases where Pulse can not proceed
because of an insufficient Service Node network.
Wait For Round:
- Checks clock against the next expected Pulse timestamps has elapsed,
otherwise returns to caller.
- If we are a validator we 'Submit Handshakes' with other Validators
If we are a block producer we skip to 'Wait For Handshake Bitset' and
await the final handshake bitsets from all the Validators
Submit Handshakes:
- Block Validators handshake to confirm participation in the round and collect other handshakes.
Wait For Handshakes Then Submit Bitset:
- Validators will each individually collect handshakes and build up a
bitset of validators perceived to be participating.
- When all handshakes are received we send our bitset and progress to
'Wait For Handshake Bitsets'
Wait For Handshake Bitset:
- Validators will each individually collect the handshake bitsets similar
to Wait For Handshakes.
- Upon receipt, the most common agreed upon bitset is used to lock in
participation for the round. The round proceeds if more than 60% of the
validators are participating, the round fails otherwise and reverts to
'Prepare For Round'.
- If we are a validator we go to 'Wait For Block Template'
- If we are a block producer we go to 'Submit Block Template'
Submit Block Template:
- Block producer signs the block template with the validator bitset and
pulse round applied to the block and sends it the Validators
Wait For Block Template:
- TODO(loki): TBD
round_state goto_preparing_for_next_round(round_context &context)
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
context.prepare_for_round.queue_for_next_round = true;
return round_state::prepare_for_round;
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
round_state wait_for_next_block(uint64_t hf16_height, round_context &context, cryptonote::Blockchain const &blockchain)
// NOTE: If already processing pulse for height, wait for next height
uint64_t curr_height = blockchain.get_current_blockchain_height(true /*lock*/);
if (context.wait_for_next_block.height == curr_height)
for (static uint64_t last_height = 0; last_height != curr_height; last_height = curr_height)
MDEBUG(log_prefix(context) << "Network is currently producing block " << curr_height << ", waiting until next block");
return round_state::wait_for_next_block;
uint64_t top_height = curr_height - 1;
crypto::hash top_hash = blockchain.get_block_id_by_height(top_height);
if (top_hash == crypto::null_hash)
for (static uint64_t last_height = 0; last_height != top_height; last_height = top_height)
MERROR(log_prefix(context) << "Block hash for height " << top_height << " does not exist!");
return round_state::wait_for_next_block;
cryptonote::block top_block = {};
if (bool orphan = false;
!blockchain.get_block_by_hash(top_hash, top_block, &orphan) || orphan)
for (static uint64_t last_height = 0; last_height != top_height; last_height = top_height)
MERROR(log_prefix(context) << "Failed to query previous block in blockchain at height " << top_height);
return round_state::wait_for_next_block;
// NOTE: Query Pulse Genesis
// TODO(loki): After HF16 genesis block is checkpointed, move this out of the loop/hardcode this as it can't change.
crypto::hash genesis_hash = blockchain.get_block_id_by_height(hf16_height - 1);
cryptonote::block genesis_block = {};
if (bool orphaned = false; !blockchain.get_block_by_hash(genesis_hash, genesis_block, &orphaned) || orphaned)
for (static bool once = true; once; once = !once)
MERROR(log_prefix(context) << "Failed to query the genesis block for Pulse at height " << hf16_height - 1);
return round_state::wait_for_next_block;
// NOTE: Block Timing
uint64_t const delta_height = context.wait_for_next_block.height - cryptonote::get_block_height(genesis_block);
#if 1
auto genesis_timestamp = pulse::time_point(std::chrono::seconds(genesis_block.timestamp));
pulse::time_point ideal_timestamp = genesis_timestamp + (TARGET_BLOCK_TIME * delta_height);
pulse::time_point prev_timestamp = pulse::time_point(std::chrono::seconds(top_block.timestamp));
context.wait_for_next_block.round_0_start_time =
prev_timestamp + service_nodes::PULSE_MIN_TARGET_BLOCK_TIME,
prev_timestamp + service_nodes::PULSE_MAX_TARGET_BLOCK_TIME);
#else // NOTE: Debug, make next block start relatively soon
pulse::time_point prev_timestamp = pulse::time_point(std::chrono::seconds(top_block.timestamp));
context.wait_for_next_block.round_0_start_time = prev_timestamp + service_nodes::PULSE_ROUND_TIME;
context.wait_for_next_block.height = curr_height;
context.wait_for_next_block.top_hash = top_hash;
context.wait_for_next_block.top_block_timestamp = top_block.timestamp;
context.prepare_for_round = {};
return round_state::prepare_for_round;
round_state prepare_for_round(round_context &context, service_nodes::service_node_keys const &key, cryptonote::Blockchain const &blockchain)
// Clear memory
context.transient = {};
cryptonote::pulse_random_value &old_random_value = context.transient.random_value.send.data;
auto &old_random_values_array = context.transient.random_value.wait.data;
memwipe(old_random_value.data, sizeof(old_random_value));
memwipe(old_random_values_array.data(), old_random_values_array.size() * sizeof(old_random_values_array[0]));
if (context.prepare_for_round.queue_for_next_round)
// Set when an intermediate Pulse stage has failed and we wait on the
// next round to occur.
context.prepare_for_round.queue_for_next_round = false;
context.prepare_for_round.round++; //TODO: Overflow check
// Also check if the blockchain has changed, in which case we stop and
// restart Pulse stages.
if (context.wait_for_next_block.height != blockchain.get_current_blockchain_height(true /*lock*/))
return round_state::wait_for_next_block;
// NOTE: Check Current Round
auto now = pulse::clock::now();
auto const time_since_block = now <= context.wait_for_next_block.round_0_start_time ? std::chrono::seconds(0) : (now - context.wait_for_next_block.round_0_start_time);
size_t round_usize = time_since_block / service_nodes::PULSE_ROUND_TIME;
uint8_t curr_round = static_cast<uint8_t>(round_usize); // TODO: Overflow check
if (curr_round > context.prepare_for_round.round)
context.prepare_for_round.round = curr_round;
using namespace service_nodes;
context.prepare_for_round.start_time = context.wait_for_next_block.round_0_start_time + (context.prepare_for_round.round * PULSE_ROUND_TIME);
context.transient.send_and_wait_for_handshakes.stage.end_time = context.prepare_for_round.start_time + PULSE_WAIT_FOR_HANDSHAKES_DURATION;
context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.stage.end_time = context.transient.send_and_wait_for_handshakes.stage.end_time + PULSE_WAIT_FOR_OTHER_VALIDATOR_HANDSHAKES_DURATION;
context.transient.wait_for_block_template.stage.end_time = context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.stage.end_time + PULSE_WAIT_FOR_BLOCK_TEMPLATE_DURATION;
context.transient.random_value_hashes.wait.stage.end_time = context.transient.wait_for_block_template.stage.end_time + PULSE_WAIT_FOR_RANDOM_VALUE_HASH_DURATION;
context.transient.random_value.wait.stage.end_time = context.transient.random_value_hashes.wait.stage.end_time + PULSE_WAIT_FOR_RANDOM_VALUE_DURATION;
context.transient.signed_block.wait.stage.end_time = context.transient.random_value.wait.stage.end_time + PULSE_WAIT_FOR_SIGNED_BLOCK_DURATION;
context.prepare_for_round.quorum =
context.wait_for_next_block.height + 1,
if (!service_nodes::verify_pulse_quorum_sizes(context.prepare_for_round.quorum))
MINFO(log_prefix(context) << "Insufficient Service Nodes to execute Pulse on height " << context.wait_for_next_block.height << ", we require a PoW miner block. Sleeping until next block.");
return round_state::wait_for_next_block;
// NOTE: Quorum participation
if (key.pub == context.prepare_for_round.quorum.workers[0])
// NOTE: Producer doesn't send handshakes, they only collect the
// handshake bitsets from the other validators to determine who to
// lock in for this round in the block template.
context.prepare_for_round.participant = sn_type::producer;
context.prepare_for_round.node_name = "W[0]";
for (size_t index = 0; index < context.prepare_for_round.quorum.validators.size(); index++)
auto const &validator_key = context.prepare_for_round.quorum.validators[index];
if (validator_key == key.pub)
context.prepare_for_round.participant = sn_type::validator;
context.prepare_for_round.my_quorum_position = index;
context.prepare_for_round.node_name = "V[" + std::to_string(context.prepare_for_round.my_quorum_position) + "]";
if (context.prepare_for_round.participant == sn_type::none)
MDEBUG(log_prefix(context) << "We are not a pulse validator. Waiting for next pulse round or block.");
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
return goto_preparing_for_next_round(context);
return round_state::wait_for_round;
round_state wait_for_round(round_context &context, cryptonote::Blockchain const &blockchain)
if (context.wait_for_next_block.height != blockchain.get_current_blockchain_height(true /*lock*/))
MDEBUG(log_prefix(context) << "Block height changed whilst waiting for round " << +context.prepare_for_round.round << ", restarting Pulse stages");
return round_state::wait_for_next_block;
auto start_time = context.prepare_for_round.start_time;
if (auto now = pulse::clock::now(); now < start_time)
for (static uint64_t last_height = 0; last_height != context.wait_for_next_block.height; last_height = context.wait_for_next_block.height)
MINFO(log_prefix(context) << "Waiting for Pulse round " << +context.prepare_for_round.round << " to start in " << tools::get_human_readable_timespan(start_time - now));
return round_state::wait_for_round;
if (context.prepare_for_round.participant == sn_type::validator)
MINFO(log_prefix(context) << "We are a pulse validator, sending handshake bit to quorum and collecting other validator handshakes.");
return round_state::send_and_wait_for_handshakes;
MINFO(log_prefix(context) << "We are the block producer for height " << context.wait_for_next_block.height << " in round " << +context.prepare_for_round.round << ", awaiting validator handshake bitsets.");
return round_state::wait_for_handshake_bitsets;
round_state send_and_wait_for_handshakes(round_context &context, void *quorumnet_state, service_nodes::service_node_keys const &key)
// NOTE: Send
assert(context.prepare_for_round.participant == sn_type::validator);
if (!context.transient.send_and_wait_for_handshakes.sent)
context.transient.send_and_wait_for_handshakes.sent = true;
relay_validator_handshake_bit_or_bitset(context, quorumnet_state, key, false /*sending_bitset*/);
catch (std::exception const &e)
MERROR(log_prefix(context) << "Attempting to invoke and send a Pulse participation handshake unexpectedly failed. " << e.what());
return goto_preparing_for_next_round(context);
// NOTE: Wait
handle_messages_received_early_for(context.transient.send_and_wait_for_handshakes.stage, quorumnet_state);
pulse_wait_stage const &stage = context.transient.send_and_wait_for_handshakes.stage;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
auto const &quorum = context.transient.send_and_wait_for_handshakes.data;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
bool const timed_out = pulse::clock::now() >= stage.end_time;
bool const all_handshakes = stage.msgs_received == quorum.size();
assert(context.prepare_for_round.participant == sn_type::validator);
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
assert(context.prepare_for_round.my_quorum_position < quorum.size());
if (all_handshakes || timed_out)
bool missing_handshakes = timed_out && !all_handshakes;
MINFO(log_prefix(context) << "Collected validator handshakes " << bitset_view16(stage.bitset) << (missing_handshakes ? ", we timed out and some handshakes were not seen! " : ". ") << "Sending handshake bitset and collecting other validator bitsets.");
return round_state::send_handshake_bitsets;
return round_state::send_and_wait_for_handshakes;
round_state send_handshake_bitsets(round_context &context, void *quorumnet_state, service_nodes::service_node_keys const &key)
relay_validator_handshake_bit_or_bitset(context, quorumnet_state, key, true /*sending_bitset*/);
return round_state::wait_for_handshake_bitsets;
catch(std::exception const &e)
MERROR(log_prefix(context) << "Attempting to invoke and send a Pulse validator bitset unexpectedly failed. " << e.what());
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
return goto_preparing_for_next_round(context);
round_state wait_for_handshake_bitsets(round_context &context, void *quorumnet_state, service_nodes::service_node_keys const &key)
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
handle_messages_received_early_for(context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.stage, quorumnet_state);
pulse_wait_stage const &stage = context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.stage;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
auto const &quorum = context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.data;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
bool const timed_out = pulse::clock::now() >= stage.end_time;
bool const all_bitsets = stage.msgs_received == quorum.size();
if (timed_out || all_bitsets)
bool missing_bitsets = timed_out && !all_bitsets;
MDEBUG(log_prefix(context) << "Collected " << stage.msgs_received << "/" << quorum.size() << " handshake bitsets"
<< (missing_bitsets ? ", we timed out and some bitsets were not seen!" : ""));
std::map<uint16_t, int> most_common_bitset;
uint16_t best_bitset = 0;
size_t count = 0;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
for (size_t quorum_index = 0; quorum_index < quorum.size(); quorum_index++)
auto &bitset = quorum[quorum_index];
if (bitset)
uint16_t num = ++most_common_bitset[*bitset];
if (num > count)
best_bitset = *bitset;
count = num;
MTRACE(log_prefix(context) << "Collected from V[" << quorum_index << "], handshake bitset " << bitset_view16(*bitset));
if (count < service_nodes::PULSE_BLOCK_REQUIRED_SIGNATURES || best_bitset == 0)
// Less than the threshold of the validators can't come to agreement about
// which validators are online, we wait until the next round.
if (best_bitset == 0)
MDEBUG(log_prefix(context) << count << "/" << quorum.size() << " validators did not send any handshake bitset or sent an empty handshake bitset");
MDEBUG(log_prefix(context) << "We heard back from less than " << service_nodes::PULSE_BLOCK_REQUIRED_SIGNATURES << " of the validators ("
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
<< count << "/" << quorum.size() << ", waiting for next round.");
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
return goto_preparing_for_next_round(context);
context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.best_bitset = best_bitset;
context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.best_count = count;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
MINFO(log_prefix(context) << count << "/" << quorum.size()
<< " validators agreed on the participating nodes in the quorum " << bitset_view16(best_bitset)
<< (context.prepare_for_round.participant == sn_type::producer
? ""
: ". Awaiting block template from block producer"));
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
if (context.prepare_for_round.participant == sn_type::producer)
return round_state::send_block_template;
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
return round_state::wait_for_block_template;
return round_state::wait_for_handshake_bitsets;
round_state send_block_template(round_context &context, void *quorumnet_state, service_nodes::service_node_keys const &key, cryptonote::Blockchain &blockchain)
assert(context.prepare_for_round.participant == sn_type::producer);
std::vector<service_nodes::service_node_pubkey_info> list_state = blockchain.get_service_node_list().get_service_node_list_state({key.pub});
// Invariants
// TODO(doyle): These checks can be done earlier?
if (list_state.empty())
MWARNING(log_prefix(context) << "Block producer (us) is not available on the service node list, waiting until next round");
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
return goto_preparing_for_next_round(context);
std::shared_ptr<const service_nodes::service_node_info> info = list_state[0].info;
if (!info->is_active())
MWARNING(log_prefix(context) << "Block producer (us) is not an active service node, waiting until next round");
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
return goto_preparing_for_next_round(context);
// Block
// TODO(doyle): Round and validator bitset should go into the create_next_pulse_block_template arguments
cryptonote::block block = {};
uint64_t expected_reward = 0;
service_nodes::payout block_producer_payouts = service_nodes::service_node_info_to_payout(key.pub, *info);
blockchain.create_next_pulse_block_template(block, block_producer_payouts, context.wait_for_next_block.height, expected_reward);
block.pulse.round = context.prepare_for_round.round;
block.pulse.validator_bitset = context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.best_bitset;
// Message
pulse::message msg = msg_init_from_context(context);
msg.type = pulse::message_type::block_template;
msg.block_template.blob = cryptonote::t_serializable_object_to_blob(block);
crypto::generate_signature(msg_signature_hash(context, msg), key.pub, key.key, msg.signature);
// Send
MINFO(log_prefix(context) << "Validators are handshaken and ready, sending block template from producer (us) to validators.\n" << cryptonote::obj_to_json_str(block));
cryptonote::quorumnet_pulse_relay_message_to_quorum(quorumnet_state, msg, context.prepare_for_round.quorum, true /*block_producer*/);
return goto_preparing_for_next_round(context);
round_state wait_for_block_template(round_context &context, void *quorumnet_state, service_nodes::service_node_keys const &key, cryptonote::Blockchain &blockchain)
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
handle_messages_received_early_for(context.transient.wait_for_block_template.stage, quorumnet_state);
pulse_wait_stage const &stage = context.transient.wait_for_block_template.stage;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
assert(context.prepare_for_round.participant == sn_type::validator);
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
bool timed_out = pulse::clock::now() >= context.transient.wait_for_block_template.stage.end_time;
if (timed_out || context.transient.wait_for_block_template.stage.msgs_received == 1)
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
if (context.transient.wait_for_block_template.stage.msgs_received == 1)
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
cryptonote::block const &block = context.transient.wait_for_block_template.block;
MINFO(log_prefix(context) << "Valid block received: " << cryptonote::obj_to_json_str(context.transient.wait_for_block_template.block));
// Generate my random value and its hash
crypto::generate_random_bytes_thread_safe(sizeof(context.transient.random_value.send.data), context.transient.random_value.send.data.data);
context.transient.random_value_hashes.send.data = crypto::cn_fast_hash(&context.transient.random_value.send.data, sizeof(context.transient.random_value.send.data));
return round_state::send_and_wait_for_random_value_hashes;
MINFO(log_prefix(context) << "Timed out, block template was not received");
return goto_preparing_for_next_round(context);
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
return round_state::wait_for_block_template;
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
round_state send_and_wait_for_random_value_hashes(round_context &context, void *quorumnet_state, service_nodes::service_node_keys const &key)
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
assert(context.prepare_for_round.participant == sn_type::validator);
// NOTE: Send
if (context.transient.random_value_hashes.send.one_time_only())
// Message
pulse::message msg = msg_init_from_context(context);
msg.type = pulse::message_type::random_value_hash;
msg.random_value_hash.hash = context.transient.random_value_hashes.send.data;
crypto::generate_signature(msg_signature_hash(context, msg), key.pub, key.key, msg.signature);
handle_message(quorumnet_state, msg); // Add our own. We receive our own msg for the first time which also triggers us to relay.
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
// NOTE: Wait
handle_messages_received_early_for(context.transient.random_value_hashes.wait.stage, quorumnet_state);
pulse_wait_stage const &stage = context.transient.random_value_hashes.wait.stage;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
auto const &quorum = context.transient.random_value_hashes.wait.data;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
bool const timed_out = pulse::clock::now() >= stage.end_time;
bool const all_hashes = stage.msgs_received == context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.best_count;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
if (timed_out || all_hashes)
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
if (!enforce_validator_participation_and_timeouts(context, stage, timed_out, all_hashes))
return goto_preparing_for_next_round(context);
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
MINFO(log_prefix(context) << "Received " << stage.msgs_received << " random value hashes from " << bitset_view16(stage.bitset) << (timed_out ? ". We timed out and some hashes are missing" : ""));
return round_state::send_and_wait_for_random_value;
return round_state::send_and_wait_for_random_value_hashes;
round_state send_and_wait_for_random_value(round_context &context, void *quorumnet_state, service_nodes::service_node_keys const &key)
// NOTE: Send
assert(context.prepare_for_round.participant == sn_type::validator);
if (context.transient.random_value.send.one_time_only())
// Message
pulse::message msg = msg_init_from_context(context);
msg.type = pulse::message_type::random_value;
msg.random_value.value = context.transient.random_value.send.data;
crypto::generate_signature(msg_signature_hash(context, msg), key.pub, key.key, msg.signature);
handle_message(quorumnet_state, msg); // Add our own. We receive our own msg for the first time which also triggers us to relay.
// NOTE: Wait
handle_messages_received_early_for(context.transient.random_value.wait.stage, quorumnet_state);
pulse_wait_stage const &stage = context.transient.random_value.wait.stage;
auto const &quorum = context.transient.random_value.wait.data;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
bool const timed_out = pulse::clock::now() >= stage.end_time;
bool const all_values = stage.msgs_received == context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.best_count;
if (timed_out || all_values)
if (!enforce_validator_participation_and_timeouts(context, stage, timed_out, all_values))
return goto_preparing_for_next_round(context);
// Generate Final Random Value
crypto::hash final_hash = {};
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
for (size_t index = 0; index < quorum.size(); index++)
if (auto &random_value = quorum[index]; random_value)
epee::wipeable_string string = lokimq::to_hex(tools::view_guts(random_value->data));
#if defined(NDEBUG)
// Mask the random value generated incase someone is snooping logs
// trying to derive the Service Node rng seed.
for (int i = 2; i < static_cast<int>(string.size()) - 2; i++)
string.data()[i] = '.';
MDEBUG(log_prefix(context) << "Final random value seeding with V[" << index << "] " << string.view());
auto buf = tools::memcpy_le(final_hash.data, random_value->data);
final_hash = crypto::cn_fast_hash(buf.data(), buf.size());
2020-08-13 13:09:04 +02:00
cryptonote::block &block = context.transient.wait_for_block_template.block;
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
cryptonote::pulse_random_value &final_random_value = block.pulse.random_value;
std::memcpy(final_random_value.data, final_hash.data, sizeof(final_random_value.data));
MINFO(log_prefix(context) << "Block final random value " << lokimq::to_hex(tools::view_guts(final_random_value.data)) << " generated from validators " << bitset_view16(stage.bitset));
context.transient.signed_block.send.data = std::move(block);
block = {};
return round_state::send_and_wait_for_signed_blocks;
return round_state::send_and_wait_for_random_value;
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
round_state send_and_wait_for_signed_blocks(round_context &context, void *quorumnet_state, service_nodes::service_node_keys const &key, cryptonote::core &core)
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
assert(context.prepare_for_round.participant == sn_type::validator);
// NOTE: Send
if (context.transient.signed_block.send.one_time_only())
// Message
pulse::message msg = msg_init_from_context(context);
msg.type = pulse::message_type::signed_block;
crypto::generate_signature(msg_signature_hash(context, msg), key.pub, key.key, msg.signature);
handle_message(quorumnet_state, msg); // Add our own. We receive our own msg for the first time which also triggers us to relay.
// NOTE: Wait
handle_messages_received_early_for(context.transient.signed_block.wait.stage, quorumnet_state);
pulse_wait_stage const &stage = context.transient.signed_block.wait.stage;
auto const &quorum = context.transient.signed_block.wait.data;
2020-08-13 10:38:04 +02:00
bool const timed_out = pulse::clock::now() >= stage.end_time;
bool const enough = stage.msgs_received >= context.transient.wait_for_handshake_bitsets.best_count;
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
if (timed_out || enough)
if (!enforce_validator_participation_and_timeouts(context, stage, timed_out, enough))
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
return goto_preparing_for_next_round(context);
// Select signatures randomly so we don't always just take the first N required signatures.
// Then sort just the first N required signatures, so signatures are added
// to the block in sorted order, but were chosen randomly.
std::array<size_t, service_nodes::PULSE_QUORUM_NUM_VALIDATORS> indices = {};
size_t indices_count = 0;
// Pull out indices where we've received a signature
for (size_t index = 0; index < quorum.size(); index++)
if (quorum[index])
indices[indices_count++] = index;
// Shuffle and sort first 'N' PULSE_BLOCK_REQUIRED_SIGNATURES entries
assert(indices_count >= service_nodes::PULSE_BLOCK_REQUIRED_SIGNATURES);
tools::shuffle_portable(indices.begin(), indices.begin() + indices_count, tools::rng);
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
std::sort(indices.begin(), indices.begin() + service_nodes::PULSE_BLOCK_REQUIRED_SIGNATURES);
// Add Signatures
cryptonote::block &final_block = context.transient.signed_block.send.data;
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
for (size_t index = 0; index < service_nodes::PULSE_BLOCK_REQUIRED_SIGNATURES; index++)
uint16_t validator_index = indices[index];
auto const &signature = quorum[validator_index];
MDEBUG(log_prefix(context) << "Signature added: " << validator_index << ":" << context.prepare_for_round.quorum.validators[validator_index] << ", " << *signature);
final_block.signatures.emplace_back(validator_index, *signature);
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
// Propagate Final Block
MDEBUG(log_prefix(context) << "Final signed block constructed\n" << cryptonote::obj_to_json_str(final_block));
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
cryptonote::block_verification_context bvc = {};
2020-08-14 01:30:09 +02:00
if (!core.handle_block_found(final_block, bvc))
return goto_preparing_for_next_round(context);
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
return round_state::wait_for_next_block;
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
return round_state::send_and_wait_for_signed_blocks;
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
void pulse::main(void *quorumnet_state, cryptonote::core &core)
cryptonote::Blockchain &blockchain = core.get_blockchain_storage();
service_nodes::service_node_keys const &key = core.get_service_keys();
// NOTE: Early exit if too early
static uint64_t const hf16_height = cryptonote::HardFork::get_hardcoded_hard_fork_height(blockchain.nettype(), cryptonote::network_version_16);
if (hf16_height == cryptonote::HardFork::INVALID_HF_VERSION_HEIGHT)
for (static bool once = true; once; once = !once)
MERROR("Pulse: HF16 is not defined, pulse worker waiting");
if (uint64_t height = blockchain.get_current_blockchain_height(true /*lock*/); height < hf16_height)
for (static bool once = true; once; once = !once)
MDEBUG("Pulse: Network at block " << height << " is not ready for Pulse until block " << hf16_height << ", waiting");
for (auto last_state = round_state::null_state;
last_state != context.state || last_state == round_state::null_state;
last_state = context.state)
switch (context.state)
case round_state::null_state:
context.state = round_state::wait_for_next_block;
case round_state::wait_for_next_block:
context.state = wait_for_next_block(hf16_height, context, blockchain);
case round_state::prepare_for_round:
context.state = prepare_for_round(context, key, blockchain);
case round_state::wait_for_round:
context.state = wait_for_round(context, blockchain);
case round_state::send_and_wait_for_handshakes:
context.state = send_and_wait_for_handshakes(context, quorumnet_state, key);
case round_state::send_handshake_bitsets:
context.state = send_handshake_bitsets(context, quorumnet_state, key);
case round_state::wait_for_handshake_bitsets:
context.state = wait_for_handshake_bitsets(context, quorumnet_state, key);
case round_state::wait_for_block_template:
context.state = wait_for_block_template(context, quorumnet_state, key, blockchain);
2020-08-11 10:14:17 +02:00
case round_state::send_block_template:
context.state = send_block_template(context, quorumnet_state, key, blockchain);
case round_state::send_and_wait_for_random_value_hashes:
context.state = send_and_wait_for_random_value_hashes(context, quorumnet_state, key);
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
case round_state::send_and_wait_for_random_value:
context.state = send_and_wait_for_random_value(context, quorumnet_state, key);
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00
case round_state::send_and_wait_for_signed_blocks:
context.state = send_and_wait_for_signed_blocks(context, quorumnet_state, key, core);
2020-08-12 10:22:23 +02:00