
395 lines
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local default_deps_nocxx = [
local default_deps = ['g++'] + default_deps_nocxx; // g++ sometimes needs replacement
local gtest_filter = '-AddressFromURL.Failure:DNSResolver.DNSSEC*';
local docker_base = 'registry.oxen.rocks/lokinet-ci-';
2021-10-18 18:48:49 +02:00
local submodules_commands = ['git fetch --tags', 'git submodule update --init --recursive --depth=1 --jobs=4'];
local submodules = {
name: 'submodules',
image: 'drone/git',
commands: submodules_commands,
local apt_get_quiet = 'apt-get -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -q';
local cmake_options(opts) = std.join(' ', [' -D' + o + '=' + (if opts[o] then 'ON' else 'OFF') for o in std.objectFields(opts)]) + ' ';
// Regular build on a debian-like system:
local debian_pipeline(name,
werror=false, // FIXME
test_oxend=true, // Simple oxend offline startup test
run_tests=false, // Runs full test suite
2022-08-31 19:07:11 +02:00
allow_fail=false) = {
kind: 'pipeline',
type: 'docker',
name: name,
platform: { arch: arch },
steps: [
name: 'build',
image: image,
pull: 'always',
[if allow_fail then 'failure']: 'ignore',
environment: { SSH_KEY: { from_secret: 'SSH_KEY' }, GTEST_FILTER: gtest_filter },
commands: [
'echo "Building on ${DRONE_STAGE_MACHINE}"',
apt_get_quiet + ' update',
apt_get_quiet + ' install -y eatmydata',
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' dist-upgrade -y',
2022-08-31 19:07:11 +02:00
] + (
if kitware_cmake_distro != '' then
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' install --no-install-recommends -y curl ca-certificates',
'curl https://apt.kitware.com/keys/kitware-archive-latest.asc | gpg --dearmor - >/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/kitware.gpg',
'echo deb https://apt.kitware.com/ubuntu/ ' + kitware_cmake_distro + ' main >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/kitware.list',
apt_get_quiet + ' update',
] else []
) + [
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' install -y --no-install-recommends cmake git ninja-build ccache '
+ (if test_oxend then 'gdb ' else '') + std.join(' ', deps),
'mkdir build',
'cd build',
'cmake .. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fdiagnostics-color=always -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=' + build_type + ' ' +
'-DLOCAL_MIRROR=https://builds.lokinet.dev/deps '
+ cmake_options({ USE_LTO: lto, WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS: werror, BUILD_TESTS: build_tests || run_tests })
+ cmake_extra,
] + (
if arch == 'arm64' && jobs > 1 then
// The wallet code is too bloated to be compiled at -j2 with only 4GB ram, so do
// the huge bloated jobs at -j1 and the rest at -j2
['ninja -j1 rpc wallet -v', 'ninja -j2 daemon -v', 'ninja -j1 wallet_rpc_server -v', 'ninja -j2 -v']
['ninja -j' + jobs + ' -v']
) + (
if test_oxend then [
'(sleep 3; echo "status\ndiff\nexit") | TERM=xterm ../utils/build_scripts/drone-gdb.sh ./bin/oxend --offline --data-dir=startuptest',
] else []
) + (
if run_tests then [
'mkdir -v -p $$HOME/.oxen',
'GTEST_COLOR=1 ctest --output-on-failure -j' + jobs,
] else []
) + extra_cmds,
] + extra_steps,
2020-10-24 20:35:08 +02:00
local clang(version, lto=false) = debian_pipeline(
'Debian sid/clang-' + version + ' (amd64)',
docker_base + 'debian-sid-clang',
deps=['clang-' + version] + default_deps_nocxx,
cmake_extra='-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-' + version + ' -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-' + version + ' ',
// Macos build
local mac_builder(name,
werror=false, // FIXME
allow_fail=false) = {
kind: 'pipeline',
type: 'exec',
name: name,
platform: { os: 'darwin', arch: 'amd64' },
steps: [
{ name: 'submodules', commands: submodules_commands },
name: 'build',
environment: { SSH_KEY: { from_secret: 'SSH_KEY' }, GTEST_FILTER: gtest_filter },
commands: [
// If you don't do this then the C compiler doesn't have an include path containing
// basic system headers. WTF apple:
'export SDKROOT="$(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path)"',
'mkdir build',
'cd build',
'cmake .. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fcolor-diagnostics -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=' + build_type + ' ' +
Overhaul and fix crypto::{public_key,ec_point,etc.} types - Remove implicit `operator bool` from ec_point/public_key/etc. which was causing all sorts of implicit conversion mess and bugs. - Change ec_point/public_key/etc. to use a `std::array<unsigned char, 32>` (via a base type) rather than a C-array of char that has to be reinterpret_cast<>'ed all over the place. - Add methods to ec_point/public_key/etc. that make it work more like a container of bytes (`.data()`, `.size()`, `operator[]`, `begin()`, `end()`). - Make a generic `crypto::null<T>` that is a constexpr all-0 `T`, rather than the mishmash `crypto::null_hash`, crypto::null_pkey, crypto::hash::null(), and so on. - Replace three metric tons of `crypto::hash blahblah = crypto::null_hash;` with the much simpler `crypto::hash blahblah{};`, because there's no need to make a copy of a null hash in all these cases. (Likewise for a few other null_whatevers). - Remove a whole bunch of `if (blahblah == crypto::null_hash)` and `if (blahblah != crypto::null_hash)` with the more concise `if (!blahblah)` and `if (blahblah)` (which are fine via the newly *explicit* bool conversion operators). - `crypto::signature` becomes a 64-byte container (as above) but with `c()` and `r()` to get the c() and r() data pointers. (Previously `.c` and `.r` were `ec_scalar`s). - Delete with great prejudice CRYPTO_MAKE_COMPARABLE and CRYPTO_MAKE_HASHABLE and all the other utter trash in `crypto/generic-ops.h`. - De-inline functions in very common crypto/*.h files so that they don't have to get compiled 300 times. - Remove the disgusting include-a-C-header-inside-a-C++-namespace garbage from some crypto headers trying to be both a C and *different* C++ header at once. - Remove the toxic, disgusting, shameful `operator&` on ec_scalar, etc. that replace `&x` with `reinterpret_cast x into an unsigned char*`. This was pure toxic waste. - changed some `<<` outputs to fmt - Random other small changes encountered while fixing everything that cascaded out of the above changes.
2022-10-15 03:22:44 +02:00
'-DLOCAL_MIRROR=https://builds.lokinet.dev/deps -DUSE_LTO=' + (if lto then 'ON ' else 'OFF ') +
(if werror then '-DWARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=ON ' else '') +
(if build_tests || run_tests then '-DBUILD_TESTS=ON ' else '') +
'ninja -j' + jobs + ' -v',
] + (
if run_tests then [
'mkdir -v -p $$HOME/.oxen',
'GTEST_COLOR=1 ctest --output-on-failure -j' + jobs,
] else []
) + extra_cmds,
] + extra_steps,
local static_check_and_upload = [
'ninja strip_binaries',
'ninja create_tarxz',
local static_build_deps = [
2020-10-27 03:16:49 +01:00
local android_build_steps(android_abi, android_platform=21, jobs=6, cmake_extra='') = [
'mkdir build-' + android_abi,
'cd build-' + android_abi,
'cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fdiagnostics-color=always -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-fdiagnostics-color=always ' +
'-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/usr/lib/android-sdk/ndk-bundle/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake ' +
'-DANDROID_PLATFORM=' + android_platform + ' -DANDROID_ABI=' + android_abi + ' ' +
cmake_options({ MONERO_SLOW_HASH: true, WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS: false, BUILD_TESTS: false }) +
'-DLOCAL_MIRROR=https://builds.lokinet.dev/deps ' +
'-DBUILD_STATIC_DEPS=ON -DSTATIC=ON -G Ninja ' + cmake_extra,
'ninja -j' + jobs + ' -v wallet_merged',
'cd ..',
2020-10-24 20:35:08 +02:00
local gui_wallet_step(image, wine=false) = {
name: 'GUI Wallet (dev)',
platform: { arch: 'amd64' },
image: image,
pull: 'always',
environment: { SSH_KEY: { from_secret: 'SSH_KEY' } },
commands: (if wine then ['dpkg --add-architecture i386'] else []) + [
apt_get_quiet + ' update',
apt_get_quiet + ' install -y eatmydata',
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' dist-upgrade -y',
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' install -y --no-install-recommends git ssh curl ca-certificates binutils make' + (if wine then ' wine32 wine sed' else ''),
'curl -sSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | bash -',
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' update',
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' install -y nodejs',
'git clone https://github.com/loki-project/loki-electron-gui-wallet.git',
'cp -v build/bin/oxend' + (if wine then '.exe' else '') + ' loki-electron-gui-wallet/bin',
'cp -v build/bin/oxen-wallet-rpc' + (if wine then '.exe' else '') + ' loki-electron-gui-wallet/bin',
'cd loki-electron-gui-wallet',
'eatmydata npm install',
'sed -i -e \'s/^\\\\( *"version": ".*\\\\)",/\\\\\\\\1-${DRONE_COMMIT_SHA:0:8}",/\' package.json',
] + (if wine then ['sed -i -e \'s/^\\\\( *"build": "quasar.*\\\\)",/\\\\\\\\1 --target=win",/\' package.json'] else []) + [
'eatmydata npm run build',
local gui_wallet_step_darwin = {
name: 'GUI Wallet (dev)',
platform: { os: 'darwin', arch: 'amd64' },
environment: { SSH_KEY: { from_secret: 'SSH_KEY' }, CSC_IDENTITY_AUTO_DISCOVERY: 'false' },
commands: [
'git clone https://github.com/loki-project/loki-electron-gui-wallet.git',
'cp -v build/bin/{oxend,oxen-wallet-rpc} loki-electron-gui-wallet/bin',
'cd loki-electron-gui-wallet',
'sed -i -e \'s/^\\\\( *"version": ".*\\\\)",/\\\\1-${DRONE_COMMIT_SHA:0:8}",/\' package.json',
'npm install',
'npm run build',
2022-12-21 00:49:35 +01:00
// Static build to make wallet3:
name: 'Static (wallet3)',
kind: 'pipeline',
type: 'docker',
platform: { arch: 'amd64' },
steps: [{
name: 'build',
image: docker_base + 'ubuntu-lts',
pull: 'always',
environment: { SSH_KEY: { from_secret: 'SSH_KEY' } },
commands: submodules_commands + [
'apt update',
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' install -y --no-install-recommends cmake git ninja-build ccache '
+ std.join(' ', static_build_deps),
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' install --no-install-recommends -y lsb-release',
'cp contrib/deb.oxen.io.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d',
'echo deb http://deb.oxen.io $$(lsb_release -sc) main >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/oxen.list',
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' update',
'apt update',
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' install --no-install-recommends -y python3-venv python3-oxenmq',
'pip3 install --upgrade pip',
'pip3 install --upgrade build',
'pip3 install --upgrade setuptools',
'mkdir build',
'cd build',
'cmake .. -G Ninja ' +
'ninja -j6 -v wallet3_merged',
'pip3 install ./pybind/',
'cd ..',
'cd src/wallet3/cli-wallet/',
'python3.10 -m build',
// Various debian builds
debian_pipeline('Debian sid (w/ tests) (amd64)', docker_base + 'debian-sid', lto=true, run_tests=true),
debian_pipeline('Debian sid Debug (amd64)', docker_base + 'debian-sid', build_type='Debug', cmake_extra='-DBUILD_DEBUG_UTILS=ON'),
debian_pipeline('Debian stable (i386)', docker_base + 'debian-stable/i386', cmake_extra='-DDOWNLOAD_SODIUM=ON -DARCH_ID=i386 -DARCH=i686'),
debian_pipeline('Debian buster (amd64)', docker_base + 'debian-buster', cmake_extra='-DDOWNLOAD_SODIUM=ON'),
debian_pipeline('Ubuntu LTS (amd64)', docker_base + 'ubuntu-lts'),
debian_pipeline('Ubuntu latest (amd64)', docker_base + 'ubuntu-rolling'),
// ARM builds (ARM64 and armhf)
debian_pipeline('Debian sid (ARM64)', docker_base + 'debian-sid', arch='arm64', build_tests=false),
debian_pipeline('Debian stable (armhf)',
docker_base + 'debian-stable/arm32v7',
// Static build (on bionic) which gets uploaded to builds.lokinet.dev:
'Static (bionic amd64)',
docker_base + 'ubuntu-bionic',
deps=['g++-8'] + static_build_deps,
2022-08-31 19:07:11 +02:00
// Static mingw build (on focal) which gets uploaded to builds.lokinet.dev:
'Static (win64)',
docker_base + 'debian-win32-cross',
deps=['g++', 'g++-mingw-w64-x86-64'] + static_build_deps,
cmake_extra='-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/64-bit-toolchain.cmake -DBUILD_STATIC_DEPS=ON -DARCH=x86-64',
'ninja strip_binaries',
'ninja create_zip',
/*extra_steps=[gui_wallet_step('debian:stable', wine=true)]*/
// Macos builds:
mac_builder('macOS (Static)',
cmake_extra='-DBUILD_STATIC_DEPS=ON -DARCH=core2 -DARCH_ID=amd64',
mac_builder('macOS (Release)', run_tests=true),
mac_builder('macOS (Debug)', build_type='Debug', cmake_extra='-DBUILD_DEBUG_UTILS=ON'),
2020-10-24 20:35:08 +02:00
// Android builds; we do them all in one image because the android NDK is huge
name: 'Android wallet_api',
kind: 'pipeline',
type: 'docker',
platform: { arch: 'amd64' },
steps: [
name: 'build',
image: docker_base + 'android',
environment: { SSH_KEY: { from_secret: 'SSH_KEY' } },
commands: [
2020-10-24 20:35:08 +02:00
'echo deb http://deb.debian.org/debian sid contrib >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sid-contrib.list',
apt_get_quiet + ' update',
apt_get_quiet + ' install -y eatmydata',
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' dist-upgrade -y',
'eatmydata ' + apt_get_quiet + ' install -y --no-install-recommends '
+ 'cmake g++ git ninja-build ccache tar xz-utils google-android-ndk-installer '
+ std.join(' ', static_build_deps),
+ android_build_steps('armeabi-v7a', cmake_extra='-DARCH=armv7-a -DARCH_ID=arm32')
+ android_build_steps('arm64-v8a', cmake_extra='-DARCH=armv8-a -DARCH_ID=arm64')
+ android_build_steps('x86_64', cmake_extra='-DARCH="x86-64 -msse4.2 -mpopcnt" -DARCH_ID=x86-64')
+ [
'./utils/build_scripts/drone-android-static-upload.sh armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a x86_64',
// iOS build
name: 'iOS wallet_api',
kind: 'pipeline',
type: 'exec',
platform: { os: 'darwin', arch: 'amd64' },
steps: [{
name: 'build',
environment: { SSH_KEY: { from_secret: 'SSH_KEY' } },
commands: submodules_commands + [
'mkdir -p build/{arm64,sim64}',
'cd build/arm64',
'cmake ../.. -G Ninja ' +
2022-05-02 00:51:34 +02:00
'ninja -j6 -v wallet_merged',
'cd ../sim64',
'cmake ../.. -G Ninja ' +
2022-05-02 00:51:34 +02:00
'ninja -j6 -v wallet_merged',
'cd ../..',
2022-12-21 00:49:35 +01:00