Cache get_coinbase_tx_sum-from-0 result

This caches the result of a get_coinbase_tx_sum to H-30 (if the last
request started from 0 and retrieved up to at least H-30).  This makes
get_coinbase_tx_sum calls to get the full chain values massively faster
for all but the first call.

The "first call" is kind of tricky, though, because it can take a couple
minutes, during which if we get multiple calls (e.g. from the block
explorer) we might get multiple threads trying to create the cache all
at once, and *each* of those takes minutes (and chew up an admin rpc
thread).  So this commit also blocks out other threads from getting a
cacheable result while the cache is being built; instead those calls get
a null optional back.

Once the cache is built, requests start returning pretty much instantly
(on my desktop system with the blockchain data cached in RAM I process
around 5k blocks per second).
This commit is contained in:
Jason Rhinelander 2020-08-13 16:40:54 -03:00
parent 0a49ce5a51
commit 95fe5f4533
3 changed files with 120 additions and 18 deletions

View file

@ -1672,20 +1672,88 @@ namespace cryptonote
return m_mempool.check_for_key_images(key_im, spent);
std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t> core::get_coinbase_tx_sum(const uint64_t start_offset, const size_t count)
std::optional<std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t>> core::get_coinbase_tx_sum(uint64_t start_offset, size_t count)
uint64_t emission_amount = 0;
uint64_t total_fee_amount = 0;
uint64_t burnt_loki = 0;
if (count)
const uint64_t end = start_offset + count - 1;
m_blockchain_storage.for_blocks_range(start_offset, end,
[this, &emission_amount, &total_fee_amount, &burnt_loki](uint64_t, const crypto::hash& hash, const block& b){
std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t> result{0, 0, 0};
if (count == 0)
return result;
auto& [emission_amount, total_fee_amount, burnt_loki] = result;
// Caching.
// Requesting this value from the beginning of the chain is very slow, so we cache it. That
// still means the first request will be slow, but that's okay. To prevent a bunch of threads
// getting backed up trying to calculate this, we lock out more than one thread building the
// cache at a time if we're requesting a large number of block values at once. Any other thread
// requesting will get a nullopt back.
constexpr uint64_t CACHE_LAG = 30; // We cache the values up to this many blocks ago; we lag so that we don't have to worry about small reorgs
constexpr uint64_t CACHE_EXCLUSIVE = 1000; // If we need to load more than this, we block out other threads
// Check if we have a cacheable from-the-beginning result
uint64_t cache_to = 0;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point cache_build_started;
if (start_offset == 0) {
uint64_t height = m_blockchain_storage.get_current_blockchain_height();
if (count > height) count = height;
cache_to = height - std::min(CACHE_LAG, height);
std::shared_lock lock{m_coinbase_cache.mutex};
if (count >= m_coinbase_cache.height) {
emission_amount = m_coinbase_cache.emissions;
total_fee_amount = m_coinbase_cache.fees;
burnt_loki = m_coinbase_cache.burnt;
start_offset = m_coinbase_cache.height;
count -= m_coinbase_cache.height;
// else don't change anything; we need a subset of blocks that ends before the cache.
if (cache_to <= m_coinbase_cache.height)
cache_to = 0; // Cache doesn't need updating
// If we're loading a lot then acquire an exclusive lock, recheck our variables, and block out
// other threads until we're done. (We don't do this if we're only loading a few because even
// if we have some competing cache updates they don't hurt anything).
if (cache_to > 0 && count > CACHE_EXCLUSIVE) {
std::unique_lock lock{m_coinbase_cache.mutex};
if (m_coinbase_cache.building)
return std::nullopt; // Another thread is already updating the cache
if (m_coinbase_cache.height > start_offset) {
// Someone else updated the cache while we were acquiring the unique lock, so update our variables
if (m_coinbase_cache.height >= start_offset + count) {
// The cache is now *beyond* us, which means we can't use it, so reset start/count back
// to what they were originally.
count += start_offset;
start_offset = 0;
cache_to = 0;
} else {
// The cache is updated and we can still use it, so update our variables.
emission_amount = m_coinbase_cache.emissions;
total_fee_amount = m_coinbase_cache.fees;
burnt_loki = m_coinbase_cache.burnt;
count -= m_coinbase_cache.height - start_offset;
start_offset = m_coinbase_cache.height;
if (cache_to > 0 && count > CACHE_EXCLUSIVE) {
cache_build_started = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
m_coinbase_cache.building = true; // Block out other threads until we're done
MINFO("Starting slow cache build request for get_coinbase_tx_sum(" << start_offset << ", " << count << ")");
const uint64_t end = start_offset + count - 1;
m_blockchain_storage.for_blocks_range(start_offset, end,
[this, &cache_to, &result, &cache_build_started](uint64_t height, const crypto::hash& hash, const block& b){
auto& [emission_amount, total_fee_amount, burnt_loki] = result;
std::vector<transaction> txs;
std::vector<crypto::hash> missed_txs;
uint64_t coinbase_amount = get_outs_money_amount(b.miner_tx);
this->get_transactions(b.tx_hashes, txs, missed_txs);
get_transactions(b.tx_hashes, txs, missed_txs);
uint64_t tx_fee_amount = 0;
for(const auto& tx: txs)
@ -1695,14 +1763,28 @@ namespace cryptonote
burnt_loki += get_burned_amount_from_tx_extra(tx.extra);
emission_amount += coinbase_amount - tx_fee_amount;
total_fee_amount += tx_fee_amount;
if (cache_to && cache_to == height)
std::unique_lock lock{m_coinbase_cache.mutex};
m_coinbase_cache.height = height;
m_coinbase_cache.emissions = emission_amount;
m_coinbase_cache.fees = total_fee_amount;
m_coinbase_cache.burnt = burnt_loki;
if (m_coinbase_cache.building)
m_coinbase_cache.building = false;
MINFO("Finishing cache build for get_coinbase_tx_sum in " <<
std::chrono::duration<double>{std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - cache_build_started}.count() << "s");
cache_to = 0;
return true;
return std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t>(emission_amount, total_fee_amount, burnt_loki);
return result;
bool core::check_tx_inputs_keyimages_diff(const transaction& tx) const

View file

@ -795,9 +795,20 @@ namespace cryptonote
* @brief get the sum of coinbase tx amounts between blocks
* @return the number of blocks to sync in one go
* @param start_offset the height to start counting from
* @param count the number of blocks to include
* When requesting from the beginning of the chain (i.e. with `start_offset=0` and count >=
* current height) the first thread to call this will take a very long time; during this
* initial calculation any other threads that attempt to make a similar request will fail
* immediately (getting back std::nullopt) until the first thread to calculate it has finished,
* after which we use the cached value and only calculate for the last few blocks.
* @return optional tuple of: coin emissions, total fees, and total burned coins in the
* requested range. The optional value will be empty only if requesting the full chain *and*
* another thread is already calculating it.
std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t> get_coinbase_tx_sum(const uint64_t start_offset, const size_t count);
std::optional<std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t>> get_coinbase_tx_sum(uint64_t start_offset, size_t count);
* @brief get the network type we're on
@ -1212,6 +1223,11 @@ namespace cryptonote
std::shared_ptr<tools::Notify> m_block_rate_notify;
struct {
std::shared_mutex mutex;
bool building = false;
uint64_t height = 0, emissions = 0, fees = 0, burnt = 0;
} m_coinbase_cache;

View file

@ -2187,8 +2187,12 @@ namespace cryptonote { namespace rpc {
GET_COINBASE_TX_SUM::response res{};
std::tie(res.emission_amount, res.fee_amount, res.burn_amount) = m_core.get_coinbase_tx_sum(req.height, req.count);
res.status = STATUS_OK;
if (auto sums = m_core.get_coinbase_tx_sum(req.height, req.count)) {
std::tie(res.emission_amount, res.fee_amount, res.burn_amount) = *sums;
res.status = STATUS_OK;
} else {
res.status = STATUS_BUSY; // some other request is already calculating it
return res;