get_service_node *client* updates

Updates the internal callers of get_service_nodes to properly deal with
the new request format/fields.

Note that this also introduces some significant changes to the
`print_sn` output:

- contributor formats are more compact (one line per contributor), show
  reserved amounts (if != contributed amouont), and show the stake %.
- reworded "Operator Cut (% of Fee Reward)" to "Operator Fee"
- checkpoint/pulse vote format is completely overhauled to list voted
  and missed heights separately.
- pulse votes now show the pulse round for non-zero round results.
- timestamp checks renamed to Quorumnet tests
- qnet & timesync results now just print the number of successes/fails
  rather than a list of true/false values.
This commit is contained in:
Jason Rhinelander 2021-08-06 15:49:11 -03:00 committed by Thomas Winget
parent ebc8bc79e5
commit 9a0e23ca05
2 changed files with 208 additions and 204 deletions

View file

@ -530,20 +530,19 @@ bool rpc_command_executor::show_status() {
return false;
my_sn_key = std::move(res.service_node_pubkey);
GET_SERVICE_NODES::request sn_req{};
GET_SERVICE_NODES::response sn_res{};
if (invoke<GET_SERVICE_NODES>(std::move(sn_req), sn_res, "") && sn_res.service_node_states.size() == 1)
auto &entry = sn_res.service_node_states.front();
my_sn_registered = true;
my_sn_staked = entry.total_contributed >= entry.staking_requirement;
my_sn_active =;
my_decomm_remaining = entry.earned_downtime_blocks;
my_sn_last_uptime = entry.last_uptime_proof;
my_reason_all = entry.last_decommission_reason_consensus_all;
my_reason_any = entry.last_decommission_reason_consensus_any;
auto maybe_sns = try_running([&] { return invoke<GET_SERVICE_NODES>(json{{"service_node_pubkeys", json::array({my_sn_key})}}); }, "Failed to retrieve service node info");
if (maybe_sns) {
if (auto it = maybe_sns->find("service_node_states"); it != maybe_sns->end() && it->is_array() && it->size() > 0) {
auto& state = it->front();
my_sn_registered = true;
my_sn_staked = state["total_contributed"].get<uint64_t>() >= state["staking_requirement"].get<uint64_t>();
my_sn_active = state["active"].get<bool>();
my_decomm_remaining = state["earned_downtime_blocks"].get<uint64_t>();
my_sn_last_uptime = state["last_uptime_proof"].get<uint64_t>();
my_reason_all = state["last_decommission_reason_consensus_all"].get<uint16_t>();
my_reason_any = state["last_decommission_reason_consensus_any"].get<uint16_t>();
@ -1230,7 +1229,7 @@ bool rpc_command_executor::print_bans()
tools::msg_writer() << i->host << " banned for " << i->seconds << " seconds";
tools::msg_writer() << "No IPs are banned";
return true;
@ -1558,143 +1557,119 @@ static std::string to_string_rounded(double d, int precision) {
return ss.str();
static void print_vote_history(std::ostringstream &stream, std::vector<service_nodes::participation_entry> const &votes)
if (votes.empty())
stream << "(Awaiting votes from service node)";
// NOTE: Votes were stored in a ring buffer and copied naïvely into the vote
// array so they may be out of order. Find the smallest entry (by height) and
// print starting from that entry.
auto it = std::min_element(votes.begin(), votes.end(), [](const auto &a, const auto &b) { return a.height < b.height; });
size_t offset = std::distance(votes.begin(), it);
for (size_t i = 0; i < votes.size(); i++)
if (i > 0) stream << ", ";
const auto& entry = votes[(offset + i) % votes.size()];
stream << "[" << entry.height;
if (entry.is_pulse and entry.pulse.round > 0)
// For a typical pulse round just [1234,yes]. For a backup round: [1234+3,yes]
stream << "+" << +entry.pulse.round;
stream << "," << (entry.voted ? "yes" : "NO") << "]";
template <typename E, typename EPrinter>
void print_votes(std::ostream& o, const json& elem, const std::string& key, EPrinter eprint) {
std::vector<E> voted, missed;
if (auto it = elem.find(key); it != elem.end()) {
if (voted.empty() && missed.empty())
o << "(Awaiting votes from service node)";
else {
o << voted.size() << " voted";
if (!voted.empty())
o << " [" << tools::join_transform(" ", voted, eprint) << "]";
if (missed.empty())
o << ", none missed.";
o << ", " << missed.size() << " MISSED VOTES [" << tools::join_transform(" ", missed, eprint) << "]";
template <class participationEntry>
static void print_participation_history(std::ostringstream &stream, std::vector<participationEntry> const &votes)
if (votes.empty())
stream << "(Awaiting timesync data from service node)";
for (size_t i = 0; i < votes.size(); i++)
if (i > 0) stream << ", ";
stream << "["<< (votes[i].pass() ? "yes" : "NO") << "]";
static void append_printable_service_node_list_entry(cryptonote::network_type nettype, bool detailed_view, uint64_t blockchain_height, uint64_t entry_index, GET_SERVICE_NODES::response::entry const &entry, std::string &buffer)
static void append_printable_service_node_list_entry(cryptonote::network_type nettype, bool detailed_view, uint64_t blockchain_height, uint64_t entry_index, const json& entry, std::string& buffer)
const char indent1[] = " ";
const char indent2[] = " ";
const char indent3[] = " ";
bool is_registered = entry.total_contributed >= entry.staking_requirement;
bool is_funded = entry["funded"].get<bool>();
std::ostringstream stream;
// Print Funding Status
stream << indent1 << "[" << entry_index << "] " << "Service Node: " << entry.service_node_pubkey << " ";
stream << "v" << tools::join(".", entry.service_node_version) << "\n";
stream << indent1 << "[" << entry_index << "] " << "Service Node: " << entry["service_node_pubkey"].get<std::string_view>() << " ";
if (auto e = entry.find("service_node_version"); e != entry.end())
stream << "v" << tools::join(".", entry["service_node_version"].get<std::vector<int>>()) << "\n";
stream << "v(unknown)\n";
if (detailed_view)
stream << indent2 << "Total Contributed/Staking Requirement: " << cryptonote::print_money(entry.total_contributed) << "/" << cryptonote::print_money(entry.staking_requirement) << "\n";
stream << indent2 << "Total Reserved: " << cryptonote::print_money(entry.total_reserved) << "\n";
stream << indent2 << "Total Contributed/Staking Requirement: " << cryptonote::print_money(entry["total_contributed"].get<uint64_t>())
<< "/" << cryptonote::print_money(entry["staking_requirement"].get<uint64_t>()) << "\n";
if (auto it = entry.find("total_reserved"); it != entry.end())
stream << indent2 << "Total Reserved: " << cryptonote::print_money(it->get<uint64_t>()) << "\n";
// Print expiry information
uint64_t const now = time(nullptr);
uint64_t expiry_height = 0;
if (entry.registration_hf_version >= cryptonote::network_version_11_infinite_staking)
expiry_height = entry.requested_unlock_height;
else if (entry.registration_hf_version >= cryptonote::network_version_10_bulletproofs)
expiry_height = entry.registration_height + service_nodes::staking_num_lock_blocks(nettype);
expiry_height = entry.registration_height + service_nodes::staking_num_lock_blocks(nettype);
auto expiry_height = entry["requested_unlock_height"].get<uint64_t>();
stream << indent2 << "Registration: Hardfork Version: " << entry.registration_hf_version << "; Height: " << entry.registration_height << "; Expiry: ";
stream << indent2 << "Registration: Hardfork Version: " << entry["registration_hf_version"].get<int>()
<< "; Height: " << entry["registration_height"].get<uint64_t>()
<< "; Expiry: ";
if (expiry_height == service_nodes::KEY_IMAGE_AWAITING_UNLOCK_HEIGHT)
stream << "Staking Infinitely (stake unlock not requested)\n";
uint64_t delta_height = (blockchain_height >= expiry_height) ? 0 : expiry_height - blockchain_height;
uint64_t delta_height = (blockchain_height >= expiry_height) ? 0 : expiry_height - blockchain_height;
uint64_t expiry_epoch_time = now + (delta_height * tools::to_seconds(TARGET_BLOCK_TIME));
stream << expiry_height << " (in " << delta_height << ") blocks\n";
stream << indent2 << "Expiry Date (estimated): " << get_date_time(expiry_epoch_time) << " (" << get_human_time_ago(expiry_epoch_time, now) << ")\n";
if (detailed_view && is_registered) // Print reward status
if (detailed_view && is_funded) // Print reward status
stream << indent2 << "Last Reward (Or Penalty) At (Height/TX Index): " << entry.last_reward_block_height << "/" << entry.last_reward_transaction_index << "\n";
stream << indent2 << "Last Reward (Or Penalty) At (Height/TX Index): " << entry["last_reward_block_height"].get<uint64_t>() << "/" << entry["last_reward_transaction_index"].get<uint64_t>() << "\n";
if (detailed_view) // Print operator information
stream << indent2 << "Operator Cut (\% Of Reward): " << to_string_rounded((entry.portions_for_operator / (double)STAKING_PORTIONS) * 100.0, 2) << "%\n";
stream << indent2 << "Operator Address: " << entry.operator_address << "\n";
stream << indent2 << "Operator Fee: " << to_string_rounded(entry["operator_fee"].get<int>() / 1000., 3) << "%\n";
stream << indent2 << "Operator Address: " << entry["operator_address"].get<std::string_view>() << "\n";
if (is_registered) // Print service node tests
if (is_funded) // Print service node tests
epee::console_colors uptime_proof_color = (entry.last_uptime_proof == 0) ? epee::console_color_red : epee::console_color_green;
auto proof_time = entry.value("last_uptime_proof", uint64_t{0});
epee::console_colors uptime_proof_color = proof_time ? epee::console_color_red : epee::console_color_green;
stream << indent2;
if (entry.last_uptime_proof == 0)
stream << "Last Uptime Proof Received: (Awaiting confirmation from network)";
stream << "Last Uptime Proof Received: " << get_human_time_ago(entry.last_uptime_proof, time(nullptr));
stream << indent2 << "Last Uptime Proof Received: " <<
(proof_time == 0 ? "(Awaiting confirmation from network)" :
get_human_time_ago(proof_time, time(nullptr)));
// NOTE: Node Identification
stream << "\n";
stream << indent2 << "IP Address & Ports: ";
if (entry.public_ip == "")
if (entry.value("public_ip", ""s) == "")
stream << "(Awaiting confirmation from network)";
stream << entry.public_ip << " :" << entry.storage_port << " (storage https), :" << entry.storage_lmq_port
<< " (storage omq), :" << entry.quorumnet_port << " (quorumnet)";
stream << entry["public_ip"].get<std::string_view>() << " :" << entry["storage_port"].get<uint16_t>() << " (storage https), :"
<< entry["storage_lmq_port"].get<uint16_t>() << " (storage omq), :" << entry["quorumnet_port"].get<uint16_t>() << " (quorumnet)";
stream << "\n";
if (detailed_view)
if (detailed_view) {
auto ed_pk = entry.value("pubkey_ed25519", ""sv);
stream << indent2 << "Auxiliary Public Keys:\n"
<< indent3 << (entry.pubkey_ed25519.empty() ? "(not yet received)" : entry.pubkey_ed25519) << " (Ed25519)\n"
<< indent3 << (entry.pubkey_ed25519.empty() ? "(not yet received)" : oxenmq::to_base32z(oxenmq::from_hex(entry.pubkey_ed25519)) + ".snode") << " (Lokinet)\n"
<< indent3 << (entry.pubkey_x25519.empty() ? "(not yet received)" : entry.pubkey_x25519) << " (X25519)\n";
<< indent3 << (ed_pk.empty() ? "(not yet received)"sv : ed_pk) << " (Ed25519)\n"
<< indent3 << (ed_pk.empty() ? "(not yet received)"s : oxenmq::to_base32z(oxenmq::from_hex(ed_pk)) + ".snode") << " (Lokinet)\n"
<< indent3 << entry.value("pubkey_x25519", "(not yet received)"sv) << " (X25519)\n";
// NOTE: Storage Server Test
auto print_reachable = [&stream, &now] (bool reachable, auto first_unreachable, auto last_unreachable, auto last_reachable) {
auto print_reachable = [&stream, &now] (const json& j, const std::string& prefix) {
auto first_unreachable = j.value<time_t>(prefix + "_first_unreachable", 0),
last_unreachable = j.value<time_t>(prefix + "_last_unreachable", 0),
last_reachable = j.value<time_t>(prefix + "_last_reachable", 0);
if (first_unreachable == 0) {
if (last_reachable == 0)
stream << "Not yet tested";
@ -1706,7 +1681,7 @@ static void append_printable_service_node_list_entry(cryptonote::network_type ne
} else {
stream << "NO";
if (!reachable)
if (!j.value(prefix+"_reachable", false))
stream << " - FAILING!";
stream << " (last tested " << get_human_time_ago(last_unreachable, now)
<< "; failing since " << get_human_time_ago(first_unreachable, now);
@ -1717,69 +1692,105 @@ static void append_printable_service_node_list_entry(cryptonote::network_type ne
stream << '\n';
stream << indent2 << "Storage Server Reachable: ";
print_reachable(entry.storage_server_reachable, entry.storage_server_first_unreachable, entry.storage_server_last_unreachable, entry.storage_server_last_reachable);
print_reachable(entry, "storage_server");
stream << indent2 << "Lokinet Reachable: ";
print_reachable(entry.lokinet_reachable, entry.lokinet_first_unreachable, entry.lokinet_last_unreachable, entry.lokinet_last_reachable);
print_reachable(entry, "lokinet");
// NOTE: Component Versions
auto show_component_version = [] (const json& j, std::string_view name) {
if (!j.is_array() || j.front().get<int>() == 0)
return "("s + std::string{name} + " ping not yet received)"s;
return tools::join(".", j.get<std::array<int, 3>>());
stream << indent2 << "Storage Server / Lokinet Router versions: "
<< ((entry.storage_server_version[0] == 0 && entry.storage_server_version[1] == 0 && entry.storage_server_version[2] == 0) ? "(Storage server ping not yet received) " : tools::join(".", entry.storage_server_version)) << " / " << ((entry.lokinet_version[0] == 0 && entry.lokinet_version[1] == 0 && entry.lokinet_version[2] == 0) ? "(Lokinet ping not yet received)" : tools::join(".", entry.lokinet_version)) << "\n";
<< show_component_version(entry["storage_server_version"], "Storage Server")
<< " / "
<< show_component_version(entry["storage_server_version"], "Lokinet")
<< "\n";
// NOTE: Print Voting History
stream << indent2 << "Checkpoints [Height,Voted]: ";
print_vote_history(stream, entry.checkpoint_participation);
stream << indent2 << "Checkpoints votes: ";
print_votes<uint64_t>(stream, entry, "checkpoint_votes", [](uint64_t height) { return height; });
stream << "\n" << indent2 << "Pulse [Height,Voted]: ";
print_vote_history(stream, entry.pulse_participation);
stream << '\n' << indent2 << "Pulse blocks: ";
print_votes<std::pair<uint64_t, uint8_t>>(stream, entry, "pulse_votes",
[](const auto& val) { return tools::int_to_string(val.first) + (val.second ? " " + tools::int_to_string(val.second) : ""); });
stream << "\n" << indent2 << "Timestamps [in_sync]: ";
print_participation_history(stream, entry.timestamp_participation);
auto print_pass_fail = [&stream, &entry](const std::string& key) {
std::pair<int, int> val;
auto& [success, fail] = val;
if (auto it = entry.find(key); it != entry.end())
stream << "\n" << indent2 << "Timesync [responded]: ";
print_participation_history(stream, entry.timesync_status);
if (!success && !fail)
stream << "(Awaiting test data)";
else {
stream << success << " passes, ";
if (fail)
stream << fail << " FAILURES";
stream << "no failures";
stream << '\n' << indent2 << "Quorumnet tests: ";
stream << '\n' << indent2 << "Timesync tests: ";
stream << '\n';
stream << "\n";
if (detailed_view) // Print contributors
for (size_t j = 0; j < entry.contributors.size(); ++j)
auto n_contributors = entry["contributors"].size();
stream << indent2 << "Contributors (" << n_contributors << "):\n";
for (auto& contributor : entry["contributors"])
const auto& contributor = entry.contributors[j];
stream << indent2 << "[" << j << "] Contributor: " << contributor.address << "\n";
stream << indent3 << "Amount / Reserved: " << cryptonote::print_money(contributor.amount) << "/" << cryptonote::print_money(contributor.reserved) << "\n";
stream << indent3 << contributor["address"].get<std::string_view>();
auto amount = contributor["amount"].get<uint64_t>();
auto reserved = contributor.value("reserved", amount);
stream << " (" << cryptonote::print_money(amount, true);
if (reserved != amount)
stream << " / " << cryptonote::print_money(reserved, true);
if (!is_funded || n_contributors > 1) {
auto required = entry["staking_requirement"].get<uint64_t>();
stream << " = " << std::round(reserved / (double) required * 10000.) / 100. << "%";
stream << ")\n";
// NOTE: Overall status
if ( {
if (entry["active"].get<bool>()) {
stream << indent2 << "Current Status: ACTIVE\n";
stream << indent2 << "Downtime Credits: " << entry.earned_downtime_blocks << " blocks"
<< " (about " << to_string_rounded(entry.earned_downtime_blocks / (double) BLOCKS_EXPECTED_IN_HOURS(1), 2) << " hours)";
if (entry.earned_downtime_blocks < service_nodes::DECOMMISSION_MINIMUM)
auto downtime = entry["earned_downtime_blocks"].get<uint64_t>();
stream << indent2 << "Downtime Credits: " << downtime << " blocks"
<< " (about " << to_string_rounded(downtime / (double) BLOCKS_EXPECTED_IN_HOURS(1), 2) << " hours)";
if (downtime < service_nodes::DECOMMISSION_MINIMUM)
stream << " (Note: " << service_nodes::DECOMMISSION_MINIMUM << " blocks required to enable deregistration delay)";
} else if (is_registered) {
} else if (is_funded) {
stream << indent2 << "Current Status: DECOMMISSIONED" ;
if (entry.last_decommission_reason_consensus_all || entry.last_decommission_reason_consensus_any)
auto reason_all = entry["last_decommission_reason_consensus_all"].get<uint16_t>();
auto reason_any = entry["last_decommission_reason_consensus_any"].get<uint16_t>();
if (reason_any)
stream << " - ";
if (auto reasons = cryptonote::readable_reasons(entry.last_decommission_reason_consensus_all); !reasons.empty())
if (auto reasons = cryptonote::readable_reasons(reason_all); !reasons.empty())
stream << tools::join(", ", reasons);
// Add any "any" reasons that aren't in all with a (some) qualifier
if (auto reasons = cryptonote::readable_reasons(entry.last_decommission_reason_consensus_any & ~entry.last_decommission_reason_consensus_all); !reasons.empty()) {
if (auto reasons = cryptonote::readable_reasons(reason_any & ~reason_all); !reasons.empty()) {
for (auto& r : reasons)
r += "(some)";
stream << (entry.last_decommission_reason_consensus_all ? ", " : "") << tools::join(", ", reasons);
stream << (reason_all ? ", " : "") << tools::join(", ", reasons);
stream << "\n";
stream << indent2 << "Remaining Decommission Time Until DEREGISTRATION: " << entry.earned_downtime_blocks << " blocks";
stream << indent2 << "Remaining Decommission Time Until DEREGISTRATION: " << entry["earned_downtime_blocks"].get<uint64_t>() << " blocks";
} else {
stream << indent2 << "Current Status: awaiting contributions\n";
@ -1788,30 +1799,29 @@ static void append_printable_service_node_list_entry(cryptonote::network_type ne
bool rpc_command_executor::print_sn(const std::vector<std::string> &args)
bool rpc_command_executor::print_sn(const std::vector<std::string> &args, bool self)
GET_SERVICE_NODES::request req{};
GET_SERVICE_NODES::response res{};
std::vector<std::string> pubkeys;
bool detailed_view = false;
for (auto& arg : args)
if (arg == "+json")
req.include_json = true;
tools::fail_msg_writer() << "+json is no longer supported";
else if (arg == "+detail")
detailed_view = true;
else if (self) {
tools::fail_msg_writer() << "print_sn_status takes no pubkey arguments";
return false;
} else
auto maybe_info = try_running([this] { return invoke<GET_INFO>(std::nullopt); }, "Failed to retrieve node info");
auto maybe_info = try_running([this] { return invoke<GET_INFO>(); }, "Failed to retrieve node info");
if (!maybe_info)
return false;
auto& info = *maybe_info;
if (!invoke<GET_SERVICE_NODES>(std::move(req), res, "Failed to retrieve service node data"))
return false;
cryptonote::network_type nettype =
info.value("mainnet", false) ? cryptonote::MAINNET :
info.value("devnet", false) ? cryptonote::DEVNET :
@ -1819,80 +1829,86 @@ bool rpc_command_executor::print_sn(const std::vector<std::string> &args)
uint64_t curr_height = info["height"].get<uint64_t>();
std::vector<const GET_SERVICE_NODES::response::entry*> unregistered;
std::vector<const GET_SERVICE_NODES::response::entry*> registered;
std::vector<json> awaiting;
std::vector<json> registered;
for (auto &entry : res.service_node_states)
if (entry.total_contributed == entry.staking_requirement)
std::string my_sn_pk;
if (!self) {
auto maybe_sns = try_running([&] { return invoke<GET_SERVICE_NODES>(json{{"service_node_pubkeys", pubkeys}}); },
"Failed to retrieve service node data");
if (!maybe_sns)
return false;
for (auto &entry : (*maybe_sns)["service_node_states"])
if (entry["total_contributed"].get<uint64_t>() == entry["staking_requirement"].get<uint64_t>())
} else {
auto maybe_sn = try_running([&] { return invoke<GET_SERVICE_NODE_STATUS>(); },
"Failed to retrieve service node status");
if (!maybe_sn)
return false;
auto& sn = (*maybe_sn)["service_node_state"];
my_sn_pk = sn["service_node_pubkey"];
if (sn.find("registration_height") != sn.end()) {
if (sn["total_contributed"].get<uint64_t>() == sn["staking_requirement"].get<uint64_t>())
std::sort(unregistered.begin(), unregistered.end(), [](auto *a, auto *b) {
uint64_t a_remaining = a->staking_requirement - a->total_reserved;
uint64_t b_remaining = b->staking_requirement - b->total_reserved;
if (awaiting.size() == 0 && registered.size() == 0)
if (pubkeys.size() > 0)
tools::msg_writer() << "No service node is currently known on the network: " << tools::join(", ", pubkeys);
else if (self)
tools::msg_writer() << "Service node " << my_sn_pk << " is not currently registered on the network";
tools::msg_writer() << "No service nodes are currently known on the network";
return true;
std::sort(awaiting.begin(), awaiting.end(), [](const json& a, const json& b) {
auto a_res = a.find("total_reserved");
auto b_res = b.find("total_reserved");
uint64_t total_a = (a_res == a.end() ? a["total_contributed"] : *a_res).get<uint64_t>();
uint64_t total_b = (b_res == b.end() ? b["total_contributed"] : *b_res).get<uint64_t>();
uint64_t a_remaining = a["staking_requirement"].get<uint64_t>() - total_a;
uint64_t b_remaining = b["staking_requirement"].get<uint64_t>() - total_b;
if (b_remaining == a_remaining)
return b->portions_for_operator < a->portions_for_operator;
return b["portions_for_operator"].get<uint64_t>() < a["portions_for_operator"].get<uint64_t>();
return b_remaining < a_remaining;
std::sort(registered.begin(), registered.end(), [](auto *a, auto *b) {
return std::make_tuple(a->last_reward_block_height, a->last_reward_transaction_index, a->service_node_pubkey)
< std::make_tuple(b->last_reward_block_height, b->last_reward_transaction_index, b->service_node_pubkey);
std::sort(registered.begin(), registered.end(), [](const json& a, const json& b) {
return std::make_tuple(a["last_reward_block_height"].get<uint64_t>(), a["last_reward_transaction_index"].get<uint64_t>(), a["service_node_pubkey"].get<std::string_view>())
< std::make_tuple(b["last_reward_block_height"].get<uint64_t>(), b["last_reward_transaction_index"].get<uint64_t>(), b["service_node_pubkey"].get<std::string_view>());
if (req.include_json)
std::cout << res.as_json << std::endl;
return true;
if (unregistered.size() == 0 && registered.size() == 0)
if (req.service_node_pubkeys.size() > 0)
int str_size = 0;
for (const std::string &arg : req.service_node_pubkeys) str_size += (arg.size() + 2);
std::string buffer;
for (size_t i = 0; i < req.service_node_pubkeys.size(); ++i)
if (i < req.service_node_pubkeys.size() - 1) buffer.append(", ");
tools::msg_writer() << "No service node is currently known on the network: " << buffer;
tools::msg_writer() << "No service node is currently known on the network";
return true;
std::string unregistered_print_data;
std::string awaiting_print_data;
std::string registered_print_data;
for (size_t i = 0; i < unregistered.size(); i++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < awaiting.size(); i++)
if (i) unregistered_print_data.append("\n");
append_printable_service_node_list_entry(nettype, detailed_view, curr_height, i, *unregistered[i], unregistered_print_data);
if (i > 0) awaiting_print_data += '\n';
append_printable_service_node_list_entry(nettype, detailed_view, curr_height, i, awaiting[i], awaiting_print_data);
for (size_t i = 0; i < registered.size(); i++)
if (i) registered_print_data.append("\n");
append_printable_service_node_list_entry(nettype, detailed_view, curr_height, i, *registered[i], registered_print_data);
if (i > 0) registered_print_data += '\n';
append_printable_service_node_list_entry(nettype, detailed_view, curr_height, i, registered[i], registered_print_data);
if (unregistered.size() > 0)
tools::msg_writer() << "Service Node Unregistered State [" << unregistered.size() << "]\n" << unregistered_print_data;
if (awaiting.size() > 0)
tools::msg_writer() << "Service Node Awaiting State [" << awaiting.size() << "]\n" << awaiting_print_data;
if (registered.size() > 0)
tools::msg_writer() << "Service Node Registration State [" << registered.size() << "]\n" << registered_print_data;
@ -1913,19 +1929,7 @@ bool rpc_command_executor::flush_cache(bool bad_txs, bool bad_blocks)
bool rpc_command_executor::print_sn_status(std::vector<std::string> args)
if (args.size() > 1)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << "Unexpected arguments";
return false;
GET_SERVICE_KEYS::response res{};
if (!invoke<GET_SERVICE_KEYS>({}, res, "Failed to retrieve service node keys"))
return false;
return print_sn(args);
return print_sn(std::move(args), true);
bool rpc_command_executor::print_sr(uint64_t height)

View file

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ public:
bool prepare_registration(bool force_registration=false);
bool print_sn(const std::vector<std::string> &args);
bool print_sn(const std::vector<std::string> &args, bool self = false);
bool prune_blockchain();