// Copyright (c) 2014-2019, The Monero Project // Copyright (c) 2018, The Loki Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "cryptonote_core/service_node_rules.h" #include "checkpoints/checkpoints.h" #include "string_tools.h" #include "blockchain_db.h" #include "cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_format_utils.h" #include "profile_tools.h" #include "ringct/rctOps.h" #include "common/hex.h" #include "lmdb/db_lmdb.h" #undef LOKI_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY #define LOKI_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY "blockchain.db" namespace cryptonote { const command_line::arg_descriptor arg_db_sync_mode = { "db-sync-mode" , "Specify sync option, using format [safe|fast|fastest]:[sync|async]:[[blocks]|[bytes]]." , "fast:async:250000000bytes" }; const command_line::arg_descriptor arg_db_salvage = { "db-salvage" , "Try to salvage a blockchain database if it seems corrupted" , false }; BlockchainDB *new_db() { return new BlockchainLMDB(); } void BlockchainDB::init_options(boost::program_options::options_description& desc) { command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_db_sync_mode); command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_db_salvage); } void BlockchainDB::pop_block() { block blk; std::vector txs; pop_block(blk, txs); } void BlockchainDB::add_transaction(const crypto::hash& blk_hash, const std::pair& txp, const crypto::hash* tx_hash_ptr, const crypto::hash* tx_prunable_hash_ptr) { const transaction &tx = txp.first; bool miner_tx = false; crypto::hash tx_hash, tx_prunable_hash; if (!tx_hash_ptr) { // should only need to compute hash for miner transactions tx_hash = get_transaction_hash(tx); LOG_PRINT_L3("null tx_hash_ptr - needed to compute: " << tx_hash); } else { tx_hash = *tx_hash_ptr; } bool has_blacklisted_outputs = false; if (tx.version >= cryptonote::txversion::v2_ringct) { if (!tx_prunable_hash_ptr) tx_prunable_hash = get_transaction_prunable_hash(tx, &txp.second); else tx_prunable_hash = *tx_prunable_hash_ptr; crypto::secret_key secret_tx_key; cryptonote::account_public_address address; if (get_tx_secret_key_from_tx_extra(tx.extra, secret_tx_key) && get_service_node_contributor_from_tx_extra(tx.extra, address)) has_blacklisted_outputs = true; } for (const txin_v& tx_input : tx.vin) { if (std::holds_alternative(tx_input)) { add_spent_key(var::get(tx_input).k_image); } else if (std::holds_alternative(tx_input)) { /* nothing to do here */ miner_tx = true; } else { LOG_PRINT_L1("Unsupported input type, removing key images and aborting transaction addition"); for (const txin_v& tx_input : tx.vin) { if (std::holds_alternative(tx_input)) { remove_spent_key(var::get(tx_input).k_image); } } return; } } uint64_t tx_id = add_transaction_data(blk_hash, txp, tx_hash, tx_prunable_hash); std::vector amount_output_indices(tx.vout.size()); // iterate tx.vout using indices instead of C++11 foreach syntax because // we need the index for (uint64_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i) { uint64_t unlock_time = 0; if (tx.version >= cryptonote::txversion::v3_per_output_unlock_times) { unlock_time = tx.output_unlock_times[i]; } else { unlock_time = tx.unlock_time; } // miner v2 txes have their coinbase output in one single out to save space, // and we store them as rct outputs with an identity mask if (miner_tx && tx.version >= cryptonote::txversion::v2_ringct) { cryptonote::tx_out vout = tx.vout[i]; const rct::key commitment = rct::zeroCommit(vout.amount); vout.amount = 0; amount_output_indices[i] = add_output(tx_hash, vout, i, unlock_time, &commitment); } else { amount_output_indices[i] = add_output(tx_hash, tx.vout[i], i, unlock_time, tx.version >= cryptonote::txversion::v2_ringct ? &tx.rct_signatures.outPk[i].mask : NULL); } } if (has_blacklisted_outputs) add_output_blacklist(amount_output_indices); add_tx_amount_output_indices(tx_id, amount_output_indices); } uint64_t BlockchainDB::add_block( const std::pair& blck , size_t block_weight , uint64_t long_term_block_weight , const difficulty_type& cumulative_difficulty , const uint64_t& coins_generated , const std::vector>& txs ) { const block &blk = blck.first; // sanity if (blk.tx_hashes.size() != txs.size()) throw std::runtime_error("Inconsistent tx/hashes sizes"); TIME_MEASURE_START(time1); crypto::hash blk_hash = get_block_hash(blk); TIME_MEASURE_FINISH(time1); time_blk_hash += time1; uint64_t prev_height = height(); // call out to add the transactions time1 = epee::misc_utils::get_tick_count(); uint64_t num_rct_outs = 0; add_transaction(blk_hash, std::make_pair(blk.miner_tx, tx_to_blob(blk.miner_tx))); if (blk.miner_tx.version >= cryptonote::txversion::v2_ringct) num_rct_outs += blk.miner_tx.vout.size(); int tx_i = 0; crypto::hash tx_hash = crypto::null_hash; for (const std::pair& tx : txs) { tx_hash = blk.tx_hashes[tx_i]; add_transaction(blk_hash, tx, &tx_hash); for (const auto &vout: tx.first.vout) { if (vout.amount == 0) ++num_rct_outs; } ++tx_i; } TIME_MEASURE_FINISH(time1); time_add_transaction += time1; // call out to subclass implementation to add the block & metadata time1 = epee::misc_utils::get_tick_count(); add_block(blk, block_weight, long_term_block_weight, cumulative_difficulty, coins_generated, num_rct_outs, blk_hash); TIME_MEASURE_FINISH(time1); time_add_block1 += time1; m_hardfork->add(blk, prev_height); ++num_calls; return prev_height; } void BlockchainDB::set_hard_fork(HardFork* hf) { m_hardfork = hf; } void BlockchainDB::pop_block(block& blk, std::vector& txs) { blk = get_top_block(); remove_block(); for (auto it = blk.tx_hashes.rbegin(); it != blk.tx_hashes.rend(); ++it) { auto& h = *it; cryptonote::transaction tx; if (!get_tx(h, tx) && !get_pruned_tx(h, tx)) throw DB_ERROR("Failed to get pruned or unpruned transaction from the db"); txs.push_back(std::move(tx)); remove_transaction(h); } remove_transaction(get_transaction_hash(blk.miner_tx)); } void BlockchainDB::remove_transaction(const crypto::hash& tx_hash) { transaction tx = get_pruned_tx(tx_hash); for (const txin_v& tx_input : tx.vin) { if (std::holds_alternative(tx_input)) { remove_spent_key(var::get(tx_input).k_image); } } // need tx as tx.vout has the tx outputs, and the output amounts are needed remove_transaction_data(tx_hash, tx); } block_header BlockchainDB::get_block_header(const crypto::hash& h) const { block_header b = get_block_header_from_height(get_block_height(h)); return b; } block BlockchainDB::get_block(const crypto::hash& h) const { block b = get_block_from_height(get_block_height(h)); return b; } bool BlockchainDB::get_tx(const crypto::hash& h, cryptonote::transaction &tx) const { blobdata bd; if (!get_tx_blob(h, bd)) return false; if (!parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(bd, tx)) throw DB_ERROR("Failed to parse transaction from blob retrieved from the db"); return true; } bool BlockchainDB::get_pruned_tx(const crypto::hash& h, cryptonote::transaction &tx) const { blobdata bd; if (!get_pruned_tx_blob(h, bd)) return false; if (!parse_and_validate_tx_base_from_blob(bd, tx)) throw DB_ERROR("Failed to parse transaction base from blob retrieved from the db"); return true; } transaction BlockchainDB::get_tx(const crypto::hash& h) const { transaction tx; if (!get_tx(h, tx)) throw TX_DNE("tx with hash " + tools::type_to_hex(h) + " not found in db"); return tx; } uint64_t BlockchainDB::get_output_unlock_time(const uint64_t amount, const uint64_t amount_index) const { output_data_t odata = get_output_key(amount, amount_index); return odata.unlock_time; } transaction BlockchainDB::get_pruned_tx(const crypto::hash& h) const { transaction tx; if (!get_pruned_tx(h, tx)) throw TX_DNE("pruned tx with hash " + tools::type_to_hex(h) + " not found in db"); return tx; } void BlockchainDB::reset_stats() { num_calls = 0; time_blk_hash = 0; time_tx_exists = 0; time_add_block1 = 0; time_add_transaction = 0; time_commit1 = 0; } void BlockchainDB::show_stats() { LOG_PRINT_L1("\n" << "*********************************\n" << "num_calls: " << num_calls << "\n" << "time_blk_hash: " << time_blk_hash << "ms\n" << "time_tx_exists: " << time_tx_exists << "ms\n" << "time_add_block1: " << time_add_block1 << "ms\n" << "time_add_transaction: " << time_add_transaction << "ms\n" << "time_commit1: " << time_commit1 << "ms\n" << "*********************************\n" ); } void BlockchainDB::fixup(cryptonote::network_type) { if (is_read_only()) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Database is opened read only - skipping fixup check"); return; } set_batch_transactions(true); } bool BlockchainDB::get_immutable_checkpoint(checkpoint_t *immutable_checkpoint, uint64_t block_height) const { size_t constexpr NUM_CHECKPOINTS = service_nodes::CHECKPOINT_NUM_CHECKPOINTS_FOR_CHAIN_FINALITY; static_assert(NUM_CHECKPOINTS == 2, "Expect checkpoint finality to be 2, otherwise the immutable logic needs to check for any hardcoded " "checkpoints inbetween"); std::vector checkpoints = get_checkpoints_range(block_height, 0, NUM_CHECKPOINTS); if (checkpoints.empty()) return false; checkpoint_t *checkpoint_ptr = nullptr; if (checkpoints[0].type != checkpoint_type::service_node) // checkpoint[0] is the first closest checkpoint that is <= my height { checkpoint_ptr = &checkpoints[0]; // Must be hard-coded then, always immutable } else if (checkpoints.size() == NUM_CHECKPOINTS) { // NOTE: The first checkpoint is a service node checkpoint. Go back // 1 checkpoint, which will either be another service node checkpoint or // a predefined one. checkpoint_ptr = &checkpoints[1]; } else { return false; // NOTE: Only one service node checkpoint recorded, we can override this checkpoint. } if (immutable_checkpoint) *immutable_checkpoint = std::move(*checkpoint_ptr); return true; } uint64_t BlockchainDB::get_tx_block_height(const crypto::hash &h) const { auto result = get_tx_block_heights({{h}}).front(); if (result == std::numeric_limits::max()) { std::string err = "tx_data_t with hash " + tools::type_to_hex(h) + " not found in db"; LOG_PRINT_L1(err); throw TX_DNE(std::move(err)); } return result; } bool BlockchainDB::get_alt_block_header(const crypto::hash &blkid, alt_block_data_t *data, cryptonote::block_header *header, cryptonote::blobdata *checkpoint) const { cryptonote::blobdata blob; if (!get_alt_block(blkid, data, &blob, checkpoint)) { throw BLOCK_DNE("Alt-block with hash " + tools::type_to_hex(blkid) + " not found in db"); return false; } try { serialization::binary_string_unarchiver ba{blob}; serialization::value(ba, *header); } catch(std::exception &e) { return false; } return true; } void BlockchainDB::fill_timestamps_and_difficulties_for_pow(cryptonote::network_type nettype, std::vector ×tamps, std::vector &difficulties, uint64_t chain_height, uint64_t timestamps_difficulty_height) const { constexpr uint64_t MIN_CHAIN_HEIGHT = 2; if (chain_height < MIN_CHAIN_HEIGHT) return; uint64_t const top_block_height = chain_height - 1; static const uint64_t hf16_height = HardFork::get_hardcoded_hard_fork_height(nettype, cryptonote::network_version_16_pulse); bool const before_hf16 = chain_height < hf16_height; uint64_t const block_count = DIFFICULTY_BLOCKS_COUNT(before_hf16); timestamps.reserve(block_count); difficulties.reserve(block_count); if (timestamps_difficulty_height == 0 || (chain_height - timestamps_difficulty_height) != 1 || timestamps.size() > block_count || difficulties.size() > block_count) { // Cache invalidated. timestamps.clear(); difficulties.clear(); // Fill missing timestamps/difficulties, up to one before the latest (latest is added below). uint64_t start_height = chain_height - std::min(chain_height, block_count); start_height = std::max(start_height, 1); for (uint64_t block_height = start_height; block_height < (chain_height - 1) /*skip latest block*/; block_height++) { timestamps.push_back(get_block_timestamp(block_height)); difficulties.push_back(get_block_cumulative_difficulty(block_height)); } } // Add latest timestamp/difficulty add_timestamp_and_difficulty(nettype, chain_height, timestamps, difficulties, get_block_timestamp(top_block_height), get_block_cumulative_difficulty(top_block_height)); } } // namespace cryptonote