// Copyright (c) 2014-2019, The Monero Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Parts of this file are originally copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Cryptonote developers #pragma once #include #include #include #include "serialization/variant.h" #include "serialization/vector.h" #include "serialization/binary_archive.h" #include "serialization/json_archive.h" #include "serialization/crypto.h" #include "epee/serialization/keyvalue_serialization.h" // eepe named serialization #include "cryptonote_config.h" #include "crypto/crypto.h" #include "crypto/hash.h" #include "ringct/rctTypes.h" #include "device/device.hpp" #include "txtypes.h" namespace service_nodes { struct quorum_signature { uint16_t voter_index; char padding[6] = {0}; crypto::signature signature; quorum_signature() = default; quorum_signature(uint16_t voter_index, crypto::signature const &signature) : voter_index(voter_index), signature(signature) {} BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() FIELD(voter_index) FIELD(signature) END_SERIALIZE() }; }; namespace cryptonote { /* outputs */ struct txout_to_script { std::vector keys; std::vector script; BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() FIELD(keys) FIELD(script) END_SERIALIZE() }; struct txout_to_scripthash { crypto::hash hash; }; struct txout_to_key { txout_to_key() = default; txout_to_key(const crypto::public_key &_key) : key(_key) { } crypto::public_key key; }; /* inputs */ struct txin_gen { size_t height; BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() VARINT_FIELD(height) END_SERIALIZE() }; struct txin_to_script { crypto::hash prev; size_t prevout; std::vector sigset; BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() FIELD(prev) VARINT_FIELD(prevout) FIELD(sigset) END_SERIALIZE() }; struct txin_to_scripthash { crypto::hash prev; size_t prevout; txout_to_script script; std::vector sigset; BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() FIELD(prev) VARINT_FIELD(prevout) FIELD(script) FIELD(sigset) END_SERIALIZE() }; struct txin_to_key { uint64_t amount; std::vector key_offsets; crypto::key_image k_image; // double spending protection BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() VARINT_FIELD(amount) FIELD(key_offsets) FIELD(k_image) END_SERIALIZE() }; using txin_v = std::variant; using txout_target_v = std::variant; //typedef std::pair out_t; struct tx_out { uint64_t amount; txout_target_v target; BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() VARINT_FIELD(amount) FIELD(target) END_SERIALIZE() }; // Blink quorum statuses. Note that the underlying numeric values is used in the RPC. `none` is // only used in places like the RPC where we return a value even if not a blink at all. enum class blink_result { none = 0, rejected, accepted, timeout }; class transaction_prefix { public: static char const* version_to_string(txversion v); static char const* type_to_string(txtype type); static constexpr txversion get_min_version_for_hf(uint8_t hf_version); static txversion get_max_version_for_hf(uint8_t hf_version); static constexpr txtype get_max_type_for_hf (uint8_t hf_version); // tx information txversion version; txtype type; bool is_transfer() const { return type == txtype::standard || type == txtype::stake || type == txtype::oxen_name_system; } // not used after version 2, but remains for compatibility uint64_t unlock_time; //number of block (or time), used as a limitation like: spend this tx not early then block/time std::vector vin; std::vector vout; std::vector extra; std::vector output_unlock_times; BEGIN_SERIALIZE() ENUM_FIELD(version, version >= txversion::v1 && version < txversion::_count); if (version >= txversion::v3_per_output_unlock_times) { FIELD(output_unlock_times) if (version == txversion::v3_per_output_unlock_times) { bool is_state_change = type == txtype::state_change; FIELD(is_state_change) type = is_state_change ? txtype::state_change : txtype::standard; } } VARINT_FIELD(unlock_time) FIELD(vin) FIELD(vout) if (version >= txversion::v3_per_output_unlock_times && vout.size() != output_unlock_times.size()) throw std::invalid_argument{"v3 tx without correct unlock times"}; FIELD(extra) if (version >= txversion::v4_tx_types) ENUM_FIELD_N("type", type, type < txtype::_count); END_SERIALIZE() transaction_prefix() { set_null(); } void set_null(); // This function is inlined because device_ledger code needs to call it, but doesn't link // against cryptonote_basic. uint64_t get_unlock_time(size_t out_index) const { if (version >= txversion::v3_per_output_unlock_times) { if (out_index >= output_unlock_times.size()) { LOG_ERROR("Tried to get unlock time of a v3 transaction with missing output unlock time"); return unlock_time; } return output_unlock_times[out_index]; } return unlock_time; } }; class transaction final : public transaction_prefix { private: // hash cache mutable std::atomic hash_valid; mutable std::atomic blob_size_valid; public: std::vector> signatures; //count signatures always the same as inputs count rct::rctSig rct_signatures; // hash cache mutable crypto::hash hash; mutable size_t blob_size; bool pruned; std::atomic unprunable_size; std::atomic prefix_size; transaction() { set_null(); } transaction(const transaction &t); transaction& operator=(const transaction& t); void set_null(); void invalidate_hashes(); bool is_hash_valid() const { return hash_valid.load(std::memory_order_acquire); } void set_hash_valid(bool v) const { hash_valid.store(v,std::memory_order_release); } bool is_blob_size_valid() const { return blob_size_valid.load(std::memory_order_acquire); } void set_blob_size_valid(bool v) const { blob_size_valid.store(v,std::memory_order_release); } void set_hash(const crypto::hash &h) { hash = h; set_hash_valid(true); } void set_blob_size(size_t sz) { blob_size = sz; set_blob_size_valid(true); } BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() constexpr bool Binary = serialization::is_binary; if (Archive::is_deserializer) { set_hash_valid(false); set_blob_size_valid(false); } const unsigned int start_pos = Binary ? ar.streampos() : 0; serialization::value(ar, static_cast(*this)); if (Binary) prefix_size = ar.streampos() - start_pos; if (version == txversion::v1) { if (Binary) unprunable_size = ar.streampos() - start_pos; ar.tag("signatures"); auto arr = ar.begin_array(); if (Archive::is_deserializer) signatures.resize(vin.size()); bool signatures_expected = !signatures.empty(); if (signatures_expected && vin.size() != signatures.size()) throw std::invalid_argument{"Incorrect number of signatures"}; const size_t vin_sigs = pruned ? 0 : vin.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < vin_sigs; ++i) { size_t signature_size = get_signature_size(vin[i]); if (!signatures_expected) { if (signature_size > 0) throw std::invalid_argument{"Invalid unexpected signature"}; continue; } if (Archive::is_deserializer) signatures[i].resize(signature_size); else if (signature_size != signatures[i].size()) throw std::invalid_argument{"Invalid signature size (expected " + std::to_string(signature_size) + ", have " + std::to_string(signatures[i].size()) + ")"}; value(arr.element(), signatures[i]); } } else { if (!vin.empty()) { { ar.tag("rct_signatures"); auto obj = ar.begin_object(); rct_signatures.serialize_rctsig_base(ar, vin.size(), vout.size()); } if (Binary) unprunable_size = ar.streampos() - start_pos; if (!pruned && rct_signatures.type != rct::RCTType::Null) { ar.tag("rctsig_prunable"); auto obj = ar.begin_object(); rct_signatures.p.serialize_rctsig_prunable(ar, rct_signatures.type, vin.size(), vout.size(), vin.size() > 0 && std::holds_alternative(vin[0]) ? var::get(vin[0]).key_offsets.size() - 1 : 0); } } } if (Archive::is_deserializer) pruned = false; END_SERIALIZE() template void serialize_base(Archive& ar) { serialization::value(ar, static_cast(*this)); if (version != txversion::v1) { if (!vin.empty()) { ar.tag("rct_signatures"); auto obj = ar.begin_object(); rct_signatures.serialize_rctsig_base(ar, vin.size(), vout.size()); } } if (Archive::is_deserializer) pruned = true; } private: static size_t get_signature_size(const txin_v& tx_in); }; /************************************************************************/ /* */ /************************************************************************/ struct pulse_random_value { unsigned char data[16]; bool operator==(pulse_random_value const &other) const { return std::memcmp(data, other.data, sizeof(data)) == 0; } static constexpr bool binary_serializable = true; }; struct pulse_header { pulse_random_value random_value; uint8_t round; uint16_t validator_bitset; }; template void serialize_value(Archive& ar, pulse_header& p) { auto obj = ar.begin_object(); serialization::field(ar, "random_value", p.random_value); serialization::field(ar, "round", p.round); serialization::field(ar, "validator_bitset", p.validator_bitset); } struct block_header { uint8_t major_version = cryptonote::network_version_7; uint8_t minor_version = cryptonote::network_version_7; // now used as a voting mechanism, rather than how this particular block is built uint64_t timestamp; crypto::hash prev_id; uint32_t nonce; pulse_header pulse = {}; BEGIN_SERIALIZE() VARINT_FIELD(major_version) VARINT_FIELD(minor_version) VARINT_FIELD(timestamp) FIELD(prev_id) FIELD(nonce) if (major_version >= cryptonote::network_version_16_pulse) FIELD(pulse) END_SERIALIZE() }; struct block: public block_header { private: // hash cache mutable std::atomic hash_valid{false}; void copy_hash(const block &b) { bool v = b.is_hash_valid(); hash = b.hash; set_hash_valid(v); } public: block() = default; block(const block& b); block(block&& b); block& operator=(const block& b); block& operator=(block&& b); void invalidate_hashes() { set_hash_valid(false); } bool is_hash_valid() const; void set_hash_valid(bool v) const; transaction miner_tx; std::vector tx_hashes; // hash cache mutable crypto::hash hash; std::vector signatures; BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() if (Archive::is_deserializer) set_hash_valid(false); FIELDS(static_cast(*this)) FIELD(miner_tx) FIELD(tx_hashes) if (tx_hashes.size() > CRYPTONOTE_MAX_TX_PER_BLOCK) throw std::invalid_argument{"too many txs in block"}; if (major_version >= cryptonote::network_version_16_pulse) FIELD(signatures) END_SERIALIZE() }; /************************************************************************/ /* */ /************************************************************************/ struct account_public_address { crypto::public_key m_spend_public_key; crypto::public_key m_view_public_key; BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() FIELD(m_spend_public_key) FIELD(m_view_public_key) END_SERIALIZE() BEGIN_KV_SERIALIZE_MAP() KV_SERIALIZE_VAL_POD_AS_BLOB_FORCE(m_spend_public_key) KV_SERIALIZE_VAL_POD_AS_BLOB_FORCE(m_view_public_key) END_KV_SERIALIZE_MAP() bool operator==(const account_public_address& rhs) const { return m_spend_public_key == rhs.m_spend_public_key && m_view_public_key == rhs.m_view_public_key; } bool operator!=(const account_public_address& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } }; inline constexpr account_public_address null_address{}; struct keypair { crypto::public_key pub; crypto::secret_key sec; keypair() = default; // Constructs from a copied public/secret key keypair(const crypto::public_key& pub, const crypto::secret_key& sec) : pub{pub}, sec{sec} {} // Default copy and move keypair(const keypair&) = default; keypair(keypair&&) = default; keypair& operator=(const keypair&) = default; keypair& operator=(keypair&&) = default; // Constructs by generating a keypair via the given hardware device: explicit keypair(hw::device& hwdev) { hwdev.generate_keys(pub, sec); } }; using byte_and_output_fees = std::pair; //--------------------------------------------------------------- constexpr txversion transaction_prefix::get_min_version_for_hf(uint8_t hf_version) { if (hf_version >= cryptonote::network_version_7 && hf_version <= cryptonote::network_version_10_bulletproofs) return txversion::v2_ringct; return txversion::v4_tx_types; } // Used in the test suite to disable the older max version values below so that some test suite // tests can still use particular hard forks without needing to actually generate pre-v4 txes. namespace hack { inline bool test_suite_permissive_txes = false; } inline txversion transaction_prefix::get_max_version_for_hf(uint8_t hf_version) { if (!hack::test_suite_permissive_txes) { if (hf_version >= cryptonote::network_version_7 && hf_version <= cryptonote::network_version_8) return txversion::v2_ringct; if (hf_version >= cryptonote::network_version_9_service_nodes && hf_version <= cryptonote::network_version_10_bulletproofs) return txversion::v3_per_output_unlock_times; } return txversion::v4_tx_types; } constexpr txtype transaction_prefix::get_max_type_for_hf(uint8_t hf_version) { txtype result = txtype::standard; if (hf_version >= network_version_15_ons) result = txtype::oxen_name_system; else if (hf_version >= network_version_14_blink) result = txtype::stake; else if (hf_version >= network_version_11_infinite_staking) result = txtype::key_image_unlock; else if (hf_version >= network_version_9_service_nodes) result = txtype::state_change; return result; } inline const char* transaction_prefix::version_to_string(txversion v) { switch(v) { case txversion::v1: return "1"; case txversion::v2_ringct: return "2_ringct"; case txversion::v3_per_output_unlock_times: return "3_per_output_unlock_times"; case txversion::v4_tx_types: return "4_tx_types"; default: assert(false); return "xx_unhandled_version"; } } inline const char* transaction_prefix::type_to_string(txtype type) { switch(type) { case txtype::standard: return "standard"; case txtype::state_change: return "state_change"; case txtype::key_image_unlock: return "key_image_unlock"; case txtype::stake: return "stake"; case txtype::oxen_name_system: return "oxen_name_system"; default: assert(false); return "xx_unhandled_type"; } } inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, txtype t) { return os << transaction::type_to_string(t); } inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, txversion v) { return os << transaction::version_to_string(v); } } namespace std { template <> struct hash { std::size_t operator()(const cryptonote::account_public_address& addr) const { // https://stackoverflow.com/a/17017281 size_t res = 17; res = res * 31 + hash()(addr.m_spend_public_key); res = res * 31 + hash()(addr.m_view_public_key); return res; } }; } BLOB_SERIALIZER(cryptonote::txout_to_key); BLOB_SERIALIZER(cryptonote::txout_to_scripthash); VARIANT_TAG(cryptonote::txin_gen, "gen", 0xff); VARIANT_TAG(cryptonote::txin_to_script, "script", 0x0); VARIANT_TAG(cryptonote::txin_to_scripthash, "scripthash", 0x1); VARIANT_TAG(cryptonote::txin_to_key, "key", 0x2); VARIANT_TAG(cryptonote::txout_to_script, "script", 0x0); VARIANT_TAG(cryptonote::txout_to_scripthash, "scripthash", 0x1); VARIANT_TAG(cryptonote::txout_to_key, "key", 0x2); VARIANT_TAG(cryptonote::transaction, "tx", 0xcc); VARIANT_TAG(cryptonote::block, "block", 0xbb);