// Copyright (c) 2018, The Loki Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include #include "ringct/rctSigs.h" #include "wallet/wallet2.h" #include "cryptonote_tx_utils.h" #include "cryptonote_basic/tx_extra.h" #include "common/int-util.h" #include "common/scoped_message_writer.h" #include "common/i18n.h" #include "quorum_cop.h" #include "common/exp2.h" #include "service_node_list.h" #undef LOKI_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY #define LOKI_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY "service_nodes" namespace service_nodes { service_node_list::service_node_list(cryptonote::Blockchain& blockchain) : m_blockchain(blockchain), m_hooks_registered(false), m_height(0), m_db(nullptr) { } void service_node_list::register_hooks(service_nodes::quorum_cop &quorum_cop) { if (!m_hooks_registered) { m_hooks_registered = true; m_blockchain.hook_block_added(*this); m_blockchain.hook_blockchain_detached(*this); m_blockchain.hook_init(*this); m_blockchain.hook_validate_miner_tx(*this); // NOTE: There is an implicit dependency on service node lists hooks m_blockchain.hook_init(quorum_cop); m_blockchain.hook_block_added(quorum_cop); m_blockchain.hook_blockchain_detached(quorum_cop); } } void service_node_list::init() { uint64_t current_height = m_blockchain.get_current_blockchain_height(); bool loaded = load(); if (loaded && m_height == current_height) return; if (!loaded || m_height > current_height) clear(true); LOG_PRINT_L0("Recalculating service nodes list, scanning blockchain from height " << m_height); LOG_PRINT_L0("This may take some time..."); while (m_height < current_height) { std::list> blocks; if (!m_blockchain.get_blocks(m_height, 1000, blocks)) { LOG_ERROR("Unable to initialize service nodes list"); return; } for (const auto& block_pair : blocks) { const cryptonote::block& block = block_pair.second; std::list txs; std::list missed_txs; if (!m_blockchain.get_transactions(block.tx_hashes, txs, missed_txs)) { LOG_ERROR("Unable to get transactions for block " << block.hash); return; } block_added_generic(block, txs); } } } std::vector service_node_list::get_service_nodes_pubkeys() const { std::vector result; for (const auto& iter : m_service_nodes_infos) if (iter.second.is_fully_funded()) result.push_back(iter.first); std::sort(result.begin(), result.end(), [](const crypto::public_key &a, const crypto::public_key &b) { return memcmp(reinterpret_cast(&a), reinterpret_cast(&b), sizeof(a)) < 0; }); return result; } const std::shared_ptr service_node_list::get_quorum_state(uint64_t height) const { std::shared_ptr result; const auto &it = m_quorum_states.find(height); if (it == m_quorum_states.end()) { // TODO(loki): Not being able to find the quorum is going to be a fatal error. } else { result = it->second; } return result; } std::vector service_node_list::get_service_node_list_state(const std::vector &service_node_pubkeys) const { std::vector result; if (service_node_pubkeys.empty()) { result.reserve(m_service_nodes_infos.size()); for (const auto &it : m_service_nodes_infos) { service_node_pubkey_info entry = {}; entry.pubkey = it.first; entry.info = it.second; result.push_back(entry); } } else { result.reserve(service_node_pubkeys.size()); for (const auto &it : service_node_pubkeys) { const auto &find_it = m_service_nodes_infos.find(it); if (find_it == m_service_nodes_infos.end()) continue; service_node_pubkey_info entry = {}; entry.pubkey = (*find_it).first; entry.info = (*find_it).second; result.push_back(entry); } } return result; } bool service_node_list::is_service_node(const crypto::public_key& pubkey) const { return m_service_nodes_infos.find(pubkey) != m_service_nodes_infos.end(); } bool service_node_list::contribution_tx_output_has_correct_unlock_time(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, size_t i, uint64_t block_height) const { uint64_t unlock_time = tx.unlock_time; if (tx.version >= cryptonote::transaction::version_3_per_output_unlock_times) unlock_time = tx.output_unlock_times[i]; return unlock_time < CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER && unlock_time >= block_height + get_staking_requirement_lock_blocks(m_blockchain.nettype()); } bool service_node_list::reg_tx_extract_fields(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, std::vector& addresses, uint64_t& portions_for_operator, std::vector& portions, uint64_t& expiration_timestamp, crypto::public_key& service_node_key, crypto::signature& signature, crypto::public_key& tx_pub_key) const { cryptonote::tx_extra_service_node_register registration; if (!get_service_node_register_from_tx_extra(tx.extra, registration)) return false; if (!cryptonote::get_service_node_pubkey_from_tx_extra(tx.extra, service_node_key)) return false; addresses.clear(); addresses.reserve(registration.m_public_spend_keys.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < registration.m_public_spend_keys.size(); i++) addresses.push_back(cryptonote::account_public_address{ registration.m_public_spend_keys[i], registration.m_public_view_keys[i] }); portions_for_operator = registration.m_portions_for_operator; portions = registration.m_portions; expiration_timestamp = registration.m_expiration_timestamp; signature = registration.m_service_node_signature; tx_pub_key = cryptonote::get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(tx.extra); return true; } uint64_t service_node_list::get_reg_tx_staking_output_contribution(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, int i, crypto::key_derivation derivation, hw::device& hwdev) const { if (tx.vout[i].target.type() != typeid(cryptonote::txout_to_key)) { return 0; } rct::key mask; uint64_t money_transferred = 0; crypto::secret_key scalar1; hwdev.derivation_to_scalar(derivation, i, scalar1); try { switch (tx.rct_signatures.type) { case rct::RCTTypeSimple: case rct::RCTTypeSimpleBulletproof: money_transferred = rct::decodeRctSimple(tx.rct_signatures, rct::sk2rct(scalar1), i, mask, hwdev); break; case rct::RCTTypeFull: case rct::RCTTypeFullBulletproof: money_transferred = rct::decodeRct(tx.rct_signatures, rct::sk2rct(scalar1), i, mask, hwdev); break; default: LOG_PRINT_L0("Unsupported rct type: " << tx.rct_signatures.type); return 0; } } catch (const std::exception &e) { LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to decode input " << i); return 0; } return money_transferred; } void service_node_list::process_deregistration_tx(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t block_height) { if (!tx.is_deregister_tx()) return; cryptonote::tx_extra_service_node_deregister deregister; if (!cryptonote::get_service_node_deregister_from_tx_extra(tx.extra, deregister)) { LOG_ERROR("Transaction deregister did not have deregister data in tx extra, possibly corrupt tx in blockchain"); return; } const std::shared_ptr state = get_quorum_state(deregister.block_height); if (!state) { // TODO(loki): Not being able to find a quorum is fatal! We want better caching abilities. LOG_ERROR("Quorum state for height: " << deregister.block_height << ", was not stored by the daemon"); return; } if (deregister.service_node_index >= state->nodes_to_test.size()) { LOG_ERROR("Service node index to vote off has become invalid, quorum rules have changed without a hardfork."); return; } const crypto::public_key& key = state->nodes_to_test[deregister.service_node_index]; auto iter = m_service_nodes_infos.find(key); if (iter == m_service_nodes_infos.end()) return; LOG_PRINT_L1("Deregistration for service node: " << key); m_rollback_events.push_back(std::unique_ptr(new rollback_change(block_height, key, iter->second))); m_service_nodes_infos.erase(iter); } bool check_service_node_portions(const std::vector& portions) { uint64_t portions_left = STAKING_PORTIONS; for (const auto portion : portions) { const uint64_t min_portions = std::min(portions_left, MIN_PORTIONS); if (portion < min_portions || portion > portions_left) return false; portions_left -= portion; } return true; } bool service_node_list::is_registration_tx(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t block_timestamp, uint64_t block_height, uint32_t index, crypto::public_key& key, service_node_info& info) const { crypto::public_key tx_pub_key, service_node_key; std::vector service_node_addresses; std::vector service_node_portions; uint64_t portions_for_operator; uint64_t expiration_timestamp; crypto::signature signature; if (!reg_tx_extract_fields(tx, service_node_addresses, portions_for_operator, service_node_portions, expiration_timestamp, service_node_key, signature, tx_pub_key)) return false; if (service_node_portions.size() != service_node_addresses.size() || service_node_portions.empty()) return false; // check the portions if (!check_service_node_portions(service_node_portions)) return false; if (portions_for_operator > STAKING_PORTIONS) return false; // check the signature is all good crypto::hash hash; if (!get_registration_hash(service_node_addresses, portions_for_operator, service_node_portions, expiration_timestamp, hash)) return false; if (!crypto::check_key(service_node_key) || !crypto::check_signature(hash, service_node_key, signature)) return false; if (expiration_timestamp < block_timestamp) return false; // check the initial contribution exists info.staking_requirement = get_staking_requirement(m_blockchain.nettype(), block_height); cryptonote::account_public_address address; uint64_t transferred = 0; if (!get_contribution(tx, block_height, address, transferred)) return false; if (transferred < info.staking_requirement / MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONTRIBUTORS) return false; int is_this_a_new_address = 0; if (std::find(service_node_addresses.begin(), service_node_addresses.end(), address) == service_node_addresses.end()) is_this_a_new_address = 1; if (service_node_addresses.size() + is_this_a_new_address > MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONTRIBUTORS) return false; // don't actually process this contribution now, do it when we fall through later. key = service_node_key; info.operator_address = service_node_addresses[0]; info.portions_for_operator = portions_for_operator; info.registration_height = block_height; info.last_reward_block_height = block_height; info.last_reward_transaction_index = index; info.total_contributed = 0; info.total_reserved = 0; info.contributors.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < service_node_addresses.size(); i++) { // Check for duplicates auto iter = std::find(service_node_addresses.begin(), service_node_addresses.begin() + i, service_node_addresses[i]); if (iter != service_node_addresses.begin() + i) return false; uint64_t hi, lo, resulthi, resultlo; lo = mul128(info.staking_requirement, service_node_portions[i], &hi); div128_64(hi, lo, STAKING_PORTIONS, &resulthi, &resultlo); info.contributors.push_back(service_node_info::contribution(resultlo, service_node_addresses[i])); info.total_reserved += resultlo; } return true; } void service_node_list::process_registration_tx(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t block_timestamp, uint64_t block_height, uint32_t index) { crypto::public_key key; service_node_info info; if (!is_registration_tx(tx, block_timestamp, block_height, index, key, info)) return; auto iter = m_service_nodes_infos.find(key); if (iter != m_service_nodes_infos.end()) return; LOG_PRINT_L1("New service node registered: " << key << " at block height: " << block_height); m_rollback_events.push_back(std::unique_ptr(new rollback_new(block_height, key))); m_service_nodes_infos[key] = info; } bool service_node_list::get_contribution(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t block_height, cryptonote::account_public_address& address, uint64_t& transferred) const { crypto::secret_key tx_key; if (!cryptonote::get_service_node_contributor_from_tx_extra(tx.extra, address)) return false; if (!cryptonote::get_tx_secret_key_from_tx_extra(tx.extra, tx_key)) return false; crypto::key_derivation derivation; if (!crypto::generate_key_derivation(address.m_view_public_key, tx_key, derivation)) return false; hw::device& hwdev = hw::get_device("default"); transferred = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); i++) if (contribution_tx_output_has_correct_unlock_time(tx, i, block_height)) transferred += get_reg_tx_staking_output_contribution(tx, i, derivation, hwdev); return true; } void service_node_list::process_contribution_tx(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t block_height, uint32_t index) { crypto::public_key pubkey; cryptonote::account_public_address address; uint64_t transferred; if (!cryptonote::get_service_node_pubkey_from_tx_extra(tx.extra, pubkey)) return; if (!get_contribution(tx, block_height, address, transferred)) return; auto iter = m_service_nodes_infos.find(pubkey); if (iter == m_service_nodes_infos.end()) return; service_node_info& info = iter->second; if (info.is_fully_funded()) return; auto& contributors = info.contributors; // Only create a new contributor if they stake at least a quarter // and if we don't already have the maximum auto contrib_iter = std::find_if(contributors.begin(), contributors.end(), [&address](const service_node_info::contribution& contributor) { return contributor.address == address; }); if (contrib_iter == contributors.end()) { if (contributors.size() >= MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONTRIBUTORS || transferred < info.get_min_contribution()) return; } m_rollback_events.push_back(std::unique_ptr(new rollback_change(block_height, pubkey, info))); if (contrib_iter == contributors.end()) { contributors.push_back(service_node_info::contribution(0, address)); contrib_iter = --contributors.end(); } service_node_info::contribution& contributor = *contrib_iter; // In this action, we cannot // increase total_reserved so much that it is >= staking_requirement uint64_t can_increase_reserved_by = info.staking_requirement - info.total_reserved; uint64_t max_amount = contributor.reserved + can_increase_reserved_by; transferred = std::min(max_amount - contributor.amount, transferred); contributor.amount += transferred; info.total_contributed += transferred; if (contributor.amount > contributor.reserved) { info.total_reserved += contributor.amount - contributor.reserved; contributor.reserved = contributor.amount; } iter->second.last_reward_block_height = block_height; iter->second.last_reward_transaction_index = index; LOG_PRINT_L1("Contribution of " << transferred << " received for service node " << pubkey); return; } void service_node_list::block_added(const cryptonote::block& block, const std::vector& txs) { block_added_generic(block, txs); store(); } template void service_node_list::block_added_generic(const cryptonote::block& block, const T& txs) { uint64_t block_height = cryptonote::get_block_height(block); int hard_fork_version = m_blockchain.get_hard_fork_version(block_height); assert(m_height == block_height); m_height++; if (hard_fork_version < 9) return; { const size_t ROLLBACK_EVENT_EXPIRATION_BLOCKS = 30; uint64_t cull_height = (block_height < ROLLBACK_EVENT_EXPIRATION_BLOCKS) ? block_height : block_height - ROLLBACK_EVENT_EXPIRATION_BLOCKS; while (!m_rollback_events.empty() && m_rollback_events.front()->m_block_height < cull_height) { m_rollback_events.pop_front(); } m_rollback_events.push_front(std::unique_ptr(new prevent_rollback(cull_height))); } for (const crypto::public_key& pubkey : get_expired_nodes(block_height)) { auto i = m_service_nodes_infos.find(pubkey); if (i != m_service_nodes_infos.end()) { m_rollback_events.push_back(std::unique_ptr(new rollback_change(block_height, pubkey, i->second))); m_service_nodes_infos.erase(i); } // Service nodes may expire early if they double staked by accident, so // expiration doesn't mean the node is in the list. } crypto::public_key winner_pubkey = cryptonote::get_service_node_winner_from_tx_extra(block.miner_tx.extra); if (m_service_nodes_infos.count(winner_pubkey) == 1) { m_rollback_events.push_back( std::unique_ptr( new rollback_change(block_height, winner_pubkey, m_service_nodes_infos[winner_pubkey]) ) ); // set the winner as though it was re-registering at transaction index=UINT32_MAX for this block m_service_nodes_infos[winner_pubkey].last_reward_block_height = block_height; m_service_nodes_infos[winner_pubkey].last_reward_transaction_index = UINT32_MAX; } uint32_t index = 0; for (const cryptonote::transaction& tx : txs) { crypto::public_key key; service_node_info info; cryptonote::account_public_address address; process_registration_tx(tx, block.timestamp, block_height, index); process_contribution_tx(tx, block_height, index); process_deregistration_tx(tx, block_height); index++; } const size_t QUORUM_LIFETIME = (6 * loki::service_node_deregister::DEREGISTER_LIFETIME_BY_HEIGHT); // save six times the quorum lifetime, to be sure. also to help with debugging. const size_t cache_state_from_height = (block_height < QUORUM_LIFETIME) ? 0 : block_height - QUORUM_LIFETIME; store_quorum_state_from_rewards_list(block_height); while (!m_quorum_states.empty() && m_quorum_states.begin()->first < cache_state_from_height) { m_quorum_states.erase(m_quorum_states.begin()); } } void service_node_list::blockchain_detached(uint64_t height) { while (!m_rollback_events.empty() && m_rollback_events.back()->m_block_height >= height) { if (!m_rollback_events.back()->apply(m_service_nodes_infos)) { init(); break; } m_rollback_events.pop_back(); } while (!m_quorum_states.empty() && (--m_quorum_states.end())->first >= height) { m_quorum_states.erase(--m_quorum_states.end()); } m_height = height; store(); } std::vector service_node_list::get_expired_nodes(uint64_t block_height) const { std::vector expired_nodes; const uint64_t lock_blocks = get_staking_requirement_lock_blocks(m_blockchain.nettype()); if (block_height < lock_blocks) return expired_nodes; const uint64_t expired_nodes_block_height = block_height - lock_blocks; std::list> blocks; if (!m_blockchain.get_blocks(expired_nodes_block_height, 1, blocks)) { LOG_ERROR("Unable to get historical blocks"); return expired_nodes; } const cryptonote::block& block = blocks.begin()->second; std::list txs; std::list missed_txs; if (!m_blockchain.get_transactions(block.tx_hashes, txs, missed_txs)) { LOG_ERROR("Unable to get transactions for block " << block.hash); return expired_nodes; } uint32_t index = 0; for (const cryptonote::transaction& tx : txs) { crypto::public_key key; service_node_info info; if (is_registration_tx(tx, block.timestamp, expired_nodes_block_height, index, key, info)) { expired_nodes.push_back(key); } index++; } return expired_nodes; } std::vector> service_node_list::get_winner_addresses_and_portions(const crypto::hash& prev_id) const { crypto::public_key key = select_winner(prev_id); if (key == crypto::null_pkey) return { std::make_pair(null_address, STAKING_PORTIONS) }; std::vector> winners; const service_node_info& info = m_service_nodes_infos.at(key); const uint64_t remaining_portions = STAKING_PORTIONS - info.portions_for_operator; // Add contributors and their portions to winners. for (const auto& contributor : info.contributors) { uint64_t hi, lo, resulthi, resultlo; lo = mul128(contributor.amount, remaining_portions, &hi); div128_64(hi, lo, info.staking_requirement, &resulthi, &resultlo); if (contributor.address == info.operator_address) resultlo += info.portions_for_operator; winners.push_back(std::make_pair(contributor.address, resultlo)); } return winners; } crypto::public_key service_node_list::select_winner(const crypto::hash& prev_id) const { auto oldest_waiting = std::pair(std::numeric_limits::max(), std::numeric_limits::max()); crypto::public_key key = crypto::null_pkey; for (const auto& info : m_service_nodes_infos) if (info.second.is_fully_funded()) { auto waiting_since = std::make_pair(info.second.last_reward_block_height, info.second.last_reward_transaction_index); if (waiting_since < oldest_waiting) { oldest_waiting = waiting_since; key = info.first; } } return key; } /// validates the miner TX for the next block // bool service_node_list::validate_miner_tx(const crypto::hash& prev_id, const cryptonote::transaction& miner_tx, uint64_t height, int hard_fork_version, uint64_t base_reward) { if (hard_fork_version < 9) return true; uint64_t total_service_node_reward = cryptonote::get_service_node_reward(height, base_reward, hard_fork_version); crypto::public_key winner = select_winner(prev_id); crypto::public_key check_winner_pubkey = cryptonote::get_service_node_winner_from_tx_extra(miner_tx.extra); if (check_winner_pubkey != winner) return false; const std::vector> addresses_and_portions = get_winner_addresses_and_portions(prev_id); if (miner_tx.vout.size() - 1 < addresses_and_portions.size()) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < addresses_and_portions.size(); i++) { size_t vout_index = miner_tx.vout.size() - 1 /* governance */ - addresses_and_portions.size() + i; uint64_t reward = cryptonote::get_portion_of_reward(addresses_and_portions[i].second, total_service_node_reward); if (miner_tx.vout[vout_index].amount != reward) { MERROR("Service node reward amount incorrect. Should be " << cryptonote::print_money(reward) << ", is: " << cryptonote::print_money(miner_tx.vout[vout_index].amount)); return false; } if (miner_tx.vout[vout_index].target.type() != typeid(cryptonote::txout_to_key)) { MERROR("Service node output target type should be txout_to_key"); return false; } crypto::key_derivation derivation = AUTO_VAL_INIT(derivation);; crypto::public_key out_eph_public_key = AUTO_VAL_INIT(out_eph_public_key); cryptonote::keypair gov_key = cryptonote::get_deterministic_keypair_from_height(height); bool r = crypto::generate_key_derivation(addresses_and_portions[i].first.m_view_public_key, gov_key.sec, derivation); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "while creating outs: failed to generate_key_derivation(" << addresses_and_portions[i].first.m_view_public_key << ", " << gov_key.sec << ")"); r = crypto::derive_public_key(derivation, vout_index, addresses_and_portions[i].first.m_spend_public_key, out_eph_public_key); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "while creating outs: failed to derive_public_key(" << derivation << ", " << vout_index << ", "<< addresses_and_portions[i].first.m_spend_public_key << ")"); if (boost::get(miner_tx.vout[vout_index].target).key != out_eph_public_key) { MERROR("Invalid service node reward output"); return false; } } return true; } static uint64_t uniform_distribution_portable(std::mt19937_64& mersenne_twister, uint64_t n) { uint64_t secureMax = mersenne_twister.max() - mersenne_twister.max() % n; uint64_t x; do x = mersenne_twister(); while (x >= secureMax); return x / (secureMax / n); } static void loki_shuffle(std::vector& a, uint64_t seed) { if (a.size() <= 1) return; std::mt19937_64 mersenne_twister(seed); for (size_t i = 1; i < a.size(); i++) { size_t j = (size_t)uniform_distribution_portable(mersenne_twister, i+1); if (i != j) std::swap(a[i], a[j]); } } void service_node_list::store_quorum_state_from_rewards_list(uint64_t height) { const crypto::hash block_hash = m_blockchain.get_block_id_by_height(height); if (block_hash == crypto::null_hash) { MERROR("Block height: " << height << " returned null hash"); return; } std::vector full_node_list = get_service_nodes_pubkeys(); std::vector pub_keys_indexes(full_node_list.size()); { size_t index = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < full_node_list.size(); i++) { pub_keys_indexes[i] = i; } // Shuffle indexes uint64_t seed = 0; std::memcpy(&seed, block_hash.data, std::min(sizeof(seed), sizeof(block_hash.data))); loki_shuffle(pub_keys_indexes, seed); } // Assign indexes from shuffled list into quorum and list of nodes to test if (!m_quorum_states[height]) m_quorum_states[height] = std::shared_ptr(new quorum_state()); std::shared_ptr state = m_quorum_states[height]; state->clear(); { std::vector& quorum = state->quorum_nodes; { quorum.clear(); quorum.resize(std::min(full_node_list.size(), QUORUM_SIZE)); for (size_t i = 0; i < quorum.size(); i++) { size_t node_index = pub_keys_indexes[i]; const crypto::public_key &key = full_node_list[node_index]; quorum[i] = key; } } std::vector& nodes_to_test = state->nodes_to_test; { size_t num_remaining_nodes = pub_keys_indexes.size() - quorum.size(); size_t num_nodes_to_test = std::max(num_remaining_nodes/NTH_OF_THE_NETWORK_TO_TEST, std::min(MIN_NODES_TO_TEST, num_remaining_nodes)); nodes_to_test.clear(); nodes_to_test.resize(num_nodes_to_test); const int pub_keys_offset = quorum.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes_to_test.size(); i++) { size_t node_index = pub_keys_indexes[pub_keys_offset + i]; const crypto::public_key &key = full_node_list[node_index]; nodes_to_test[i] = key; } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// service_node_list::rollback_event::rollback_event(uint64_t block_height, rollback_type type) : m_block_height(block_height), type(type) { } service_node_list::rollback_change::rollback_change(uint64_t block_height, const crypto::public_key& key, const service_node_info& info) : service_node_list::rollback_event(block_height, change_type), m_key(key), m_info(info) { } bool service_node_list::rollback_change::apply(std::unordered_map& service_nodes_infos) const { service_nodes_infos[m_key] = m_info; return true; } service_node_list::rollback_new::rollback_new(uint64_t block_height, const crypto::public_key& key) : service_node_list::rollback_event(block_height, new_type), m_key(key) { } bool service_node_list::rollback_new::apply(std::unordered_map& service_nodes_infos) const { auto iter = service_nodes_infos.find(m_key); if (iter == service_nodes_infos.end()) { MERROR("Could not find service node pubkey in rollback new"); return false; } service_nodes_infos.erase(iter); return true; } service_node_list::prevent_rollback::prevent_rollback(uint64_t block_height) : service_node_list::rollback_event(block_height, prevent_type) { } bool service_node_list::prevent_rollback::apply(std::unordered_map& service_nodes_infos) const { MERROR("Unable to rollback any further!"); return false; } bool service_node_list::store() { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(m_db != nullptr, false, "Failed to store service node info, m_db == nullptr"); data_members_for_serialization data_to_store; quorum_state_for_serialization quorum; for(const auto& kv_pair : m_quorum_states) { quorum.height = kv_pair.first; quorum.state = *kv_pair.second; data_to_store.quorum_states.push_back(quorum); } node_info_for_serialization info; for (const auto& kv_pair : m_service_nodes_infos) { info.key = kv_pair.first; info.info = kv_pair.second; data_to_store.infos.push_back(info); } rollback_event_variant event; for (const auto& event_ptr : m_rollback_events) { switch (event_ptr->type) { case rollback_event::change_type: event = *reinterpret_cast(event_ptr.get()); data_to_store.events.push_back(*reinterpret_cast(event_ptr.get())); break; case rollback_event::new_type: event = *reinterpret_cast(event_ptr.get()); data_to_store.events.push_back(*reinterpret_cast(event_ptr.get())); break; case rollback_event::prevent_type: event = *reinterpret_cast(event_ptr.get()); data_to_store.events.push_back(*reinterpret_cast(event_ptr.get())); break; default: MERROR("On storing service node data, unknown rollback event type encountered"); return false; } } data_to_store.height = m_height; std::stringstream ss; binary_archive ba(ss); bool r = ::serialization::serialize(ba, data_to_store); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "Failed to store service node info: failed to serialize data"); std::string blob = ss.str(); m_db->block_txn_start(false/*readonly*/); m_db->set_service_node_data(blob); m_db->block_txn_stop(); return true; } bool service_node_list::load() { LOG_PRINT_L1("service_node_list::load()"); clear(false); if (!m_db) { return false; } std::stringstream ss; data_members_for_serialization data_in; std::string blob; m_db->block_txn_start(true/*readonly*/); if (!m_db->get_service_node_data(blob)) { m_db->block_txn_stop(); return false; } m_db->block_txn_stop(); ss << blob; binary_archive ba(ss); bool r = ::serialization::serialize(ba, data_in); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "Failed to parse service node data from blob"); m_height = data_in.height; for (const auto& quorum : data_in.quorum_states) { m_quorum_states[quorum.height] = std::shared_ptr(new quorum_state()); *m_quorum_states[quorum.height] = quorum.state; } for (const auto& info : data_in.infos) { m_service_nodes_infos[info.key] = info.info; } for (const auto& event : data_in.events) { if (event.type() == typeid(rollback_change)) { rollback_change *i = new rollback_change(); const rollback_change& from = boost::get(event); i->m_block_height = from.m_block_height; i->m_key = from.m_key; i->m_info = from.m_info; i->type = rollback_event::change_type; m_rollback_events.push_back(std::unique_ptr(i)); } else if (event.type() == typeid(rollback_new)) { rollback_new *i = new rollback_new(); const rollback_new& from = boost::get(event); i->m_block_height = from.m_block_height; i->m_key = from.m_key; i->type = rollback_event::new_type; m_rollback_events.push_back(std::unique_ptr(i)); } else if (event.type() == typeid(prevent_rollback)) { prevent_rollback *i = new prevent_rollback(); const prevent_rollback& from = boost::get(event); i->m_block_height = from.m_block_height; i->type = rollback_event::prevent_type; m_rollback_events.push_back(std::unique_ptr(i)); } else { MERROR("Unhandled rollback event type in restoring data to service node list."); return false; } } LOG_PRINT_L0("Service node data loaded successfully, m_height: " << m_height); LOG_PRINT_L0(m_service_nodes_infos.size() << " nodes and " << m_rollback_events.size() << " rollback events loaded."); LOG_PRINT_L1("service_node_list::load() returning success"); return true; } void service_node_list::clear(bool delete_db_entry) { m_service_nodes_infos.clear(); m_rollback_events.clear(); if (m_db && delete_db_entry) { m_db->block_txn_start(false/*readonly*/); m_db->clear_service_node_data(); m_db->block_txn_stop(); } m_quorum_states.clear(); m_height = 0; } bool convert_registration_args(cryptonote::network_type nettype, std::vector args, std::vector& addresses, std::vector& portions, uint64_t& portions_for_operator, bool& autostake) { autostake = false; if (!args.empty() && args[0] == "auto") { autostake = true; args.erase(args.begin()); } if (args.size() % 2 == 0 || args.size() < 3) { MERROR(tr("Usage: [auto]
[...]]]")); return false; } if ((args.size()-1)/ 2 > MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONTRIBUTORS) { MERROR(tr("Exceeds the maximum number of contributors, which is ") << MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONTRIBUTORS); return false; } addresses.clear(); portions.clear(); try { portions_for_operator = boost::lexical_cast(args[0]); if (portions_for_operator > STAKING_PORTIONS) { MERROR(tr("Invalid portion amount: ") << args[0] << tr(". ") << tr("Must be between 0 and ") << STAKING_PORTIONS); return false; } } catch (const std::exception &e) { MERROR(tr("Invalid portion amount: ") << args[0] << tr(". ") << tr("Must be between 0 and ") << STAKING_PORTIONS); return false; } uint64_t portions_left = STAKING_PORTIONS; for (size_t i = 1; i < args.size(); i += 2) { cryptonote::address_parse_info info; if (!cryptonote::get_account_address_from_str(info, nettype, args[i])) { MERROR(tr("failed to parse address")); return false; } if (info.has_payment_id) { MERROR(tr("can't use a payment id for staking tx")); return false; } if (info.is_subaddress) { MERROR(tr("can't use a subaddress for staking tx")); return false; } addresses.push_back(info.address); try { uint64_t num_portions = boost::lexical_cast(args[i+1]); uint64_t min_portions = std::min(portions_left, MIN_PORTIONS); if (num_portions < min_portions || num_portions > portions_left) { MERROR(tr("Invalid portion amount: ") << args[i+1] << tr(". ") << tr("The contributors must each have at least 25%, except for the last contributor which may have the remaining amount")); return false; } portions_left -= num_portions; portions.push_back(num_portions); } catch (const std::exception &e) { MERROR(tr("Invalid portion amount: ") << args[i+1] << tr(". ") << tr("The contributors must each have at least 25%, except for the last contributor which may have the remaining amount")); return false; } } return true; } bool make_registration_cmd(cryptonote::network_type nettype, const std::vector args, const crypto::public_key& service_node_pubkey, const crypto::secret_key service_node_key, std::string &cmd, bool make_friendly) { std::vector addresses; std::vector portions; uint64_t operator_portions; bool autostake; if (!convert_registration_args(nettype, args, addresses, portions, operator_portions, autostake)) { MERROR(tr("Could not convert registration args")); return false; } uint64_t exp_timestamp = time(nullptr) + (autostake ? STAKING_AUTHORIZATION_EXPIRATION_AUTOSTAKE : STAKING_AUTHORIZATION_EXPIRATION_WINDOW); crypto::hash hash; bool hashed = cryptonote::get_registration_hash(addresses, operator_portions, portions, exp_timestamp, hash); if (!hashed) { MERROR(tr("Could not make registration hash from addresses and portions")); return false; } crypto::signature signature; crypto::generate_signature(hash, service_node_pubkey, service_node_key, signature); std::stringstream stream; if (make_friendly) { stream << tr("Run this command in the wallet that will fund this registration:\n\n"); } stream << "register_service_node"; for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { stream << " " << args[i]; } stream << " " << exp_timestamp << " "; stream << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(service_node_pubkey) << " "; stream << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(signature); if (make_friendly) { stream << "\n\n"; time_t tt = exp_timestamp; struct tm tm; #ifdef WIN32 gmtime_s(&tm, &tt); #else gmtime_r(&tt, &tm); #endif char buffer[128]; strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p", &tm); stream << tr("This registration expires at ") << buffer << tr(".\n"); stream << tr("This should be in about 2 weeks, or two years for autostaking.\n"); stream << tr("If it isn't, check this computer's clock.\n"); stream << tr("Please submit your registration into the blockchain before this time or it will be invalid."); } cmd = stream.str(); return true; } uint64_t get_staking_requirement_lock_blocks(cryptonote::network_type nettype) { constexpr static uint32_t STAKING_REQUIREMENT_LOCK_BLOCKS = 30*24*30; constexpr static uint32_t STAKING_REQUIREMENT_LOCK_BLOCKS_TESTNET = 30*24*2; constexpr static uint32_t STAKING_REQUIREMENT_LOCK_BLOCKS_FAKENET = 30; switch(nettype) { case cryptonote::TESTNET: return STAKING_REQUIREMENT_LOCK_BLOCKS_TESTNET; case cryptonote::FAKECHAIN: return STAKING_REQUIREMENT_LOCK_BLOCKS_FAKENET; default: return STAKING_REQUIREMENT_LOCK_BLOCKS; } } uint64_t get_staking_requirement(cryptonote::network_type m_nettype, uint64_t height) { if (m_nettype == cryptonote::TESTNET || m_nettype == cryptonote::FAKECHAIN) return COIN * 100; uint64_t hardfork_height = m_nettype == cryptonote::MAINNET ? 101250 : 96210 /* stagenet */; if (height < hardfork_height) height = hardfork_height; uint64_t height_adjusted = height - hardfork_height; uint64_t base = 10000 * COIN; uint64_t variable = (35000.0 * COIN) / loki_exp2(height_adjusted/129600.0); uint64_t linear_up = (uint64_t)(5 * COIN * height / 2592) + 8000 * COIN; uint64_t flat = 15000 * COIN; return std::max(base + variable, height < 3628800 ? linear_up : flat); } uint64_t portions_to_amount(uint64_t portions, uint64_t staking_requirement) { uint64_t hi, lo, resulthi, resultlo; lo = mul128(staking_requirement, portions, &hi); div128_64(hi, lo, STAKING_PORTIONS, &resulthi, &resultlo); return resultlo; } }