
2633 lines
124 KiB

/// @file
/// @author rfree (current maintainer/user in monero.cc project - most of code is from CryptoNote)
/// @brief This is the original cryptonote protocol network-events handler, modified by us
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020, The Loki Project
// Copyright (c) 2014-2019, The Monero Project
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
// permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
// conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
// of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
// materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be
// used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
// prior written permission.
// Parts of this file are originally copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Cryptonote developers
// (may contain code and/or modifications by other developers)
// developer rfree: this code is caller of our new network code, and is modded; e.g. for rate limiting
#include <boost/uuid/uuid_io.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/nil_generator.hpp>
#include <list>
#include <ctime>
#include <chrono>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include "cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.h"
#include "common/string_util.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_format_utils.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/hardfork.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/verification_context.h"
#include "cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.h"
#include "cryptonote_core/tx_pool.h"
#include "epee/net/network_throttle-detail.hpp"
#include "common/pruning.h"
#include "common/random.h"
#include "common/lock.h"
#include "common/util.h"
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <fmt/color.h>
namespace cryptonote
static auto logcat = log::Cat("net.cn");
constexpr size_t BLOCK_QUEUE_NSPANS_THRESHOLD = 10; // chunks of N blocks
constexpr size_t BLOCK_QUEUE_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 100*1024*1024; // bytes, i.e. 100 MB
constexpr auto IDLE_PEER_KICK_TIME = 10min;
constexpr auto PASSIVE_PEER_KICK_TIME = 1min;
constexpr auto DROP_ON_SYNC_WEDGE_THRESHOLD = 30s;
using seconds_f = std::chrono::duration<double>;
template<class t_core>
t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::t_cryptonote_protocol_handler(t_core& rcore, bool offline):m_core(rcore),
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::init(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm)
m_sync_timer = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
m_last_add_end_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
m_sync_spans_downloaded = 0;
m_sync_old_spans_downloaded = 0;
m_sync_bad_spans_downloaded = 0;
m_sync_download_chain_size = 0;
m_sync_download_objects_size = 0;
m_block_download_max_size = command_line::get_arg(vm, cryptonote::arg_block_download_max_size);
return true;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::deinit()
return true;
template<class t_core>
void t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::set_p2p_endpoint(nodetool::i_p2p_endpoint<connection_context>* p2p)
m_p2p = p2p;
m_p2p = &m_p2p_stub;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::on_callback(cryptonote_connection_context& context)
log::debug(logcat, "callback fired");
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES_CC( context.m_callback_request_count > 0, false, "false callback fired, but context.m_callback_request_count=" << context.m_callback_request_count);
if(context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing)
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "-->>NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN: m_block_ids.size()={}", r.block_ids.size());
post_notify<NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN>(r, context);
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "requesting chain", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
else if(context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby)
context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing;
if (context.m_need_blink_sync)
auto curr_height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height();
auto my_blink_hashes = m_core.get_pool().get_blink_checksums();
const uint64_t immutable_height = m_core.get_blockchain_storage().get_immutable_height();
// Delete any irrelevant heights > 0 (the mempool) and <= the immutable height
context.m_blink_state.erase(context.m_blink_state.lower_bound(1), context.m_blink_state.lower_bound(immutable_height + 1));
// We can't validate blinks yet if we are syncing and haven't synced enough blocks to look
// up the blink quorum. Set a cutoff at current height plus 10 because blink quorums are
// defined by 35 and 30 blocks ago, so even if we are 10 blocks behind the blink quorum will
// still be 20-25 blocks old which means we can form it and it is likely to be checkpointed.
const uint64_t future_height_limit = curr_height + 10;
// m_blink_state: HEIGHT => {CHECKSUM, NEEDED}
for (auto &i : context.m_blink_state)
if (!i.second.second) continue;
if (i.first > future_height_limit) continue;
// We thought we needed it when we last got some data; check whether we still do:
auto my_it = my_blink_hashes.find(i.first);
if (my_it == my_blink_hashes.end() || i.second.first != my_it->second)
i.second.second = false; // checksum is now equal, don't need it anymore
context.m_need_blink_sync = false;
if (!r.heights.empty())
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "-->>NOTIFY_REQUEST_BLOCK_BLINKS: requesting blink tx lists for {} blocks", r.heights.size());
post_notify<NOTIFY_REQUEST_BLOCK_BLINKS>(r, context);
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "requesting block blinks", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
return true;
template<class t_core>
void t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::log_connections()
std::stringstream ss;
double down_sum = 0.0;
double down_curr_sum = 0.0;
double up_sum = 0.0;
double up_curr_sum = 0.0;
ss << std::setw(30) << std::left << "Remote Host"
<< std::setw(20) << "Peer id"
<< std::setw(30) << "Recv/Sent (inactive,sec)"
<< std::setw(25) << "State"
<< std::setw(20) << "Livetime(sec)"
<< std::setw(12) << "Down (kB/s)"
<< std::setw(14) << "Down(now)"
<< std::setw(10) << "Up (kB/s)"
<< std::setw(13) << "Up(now)"
<< "\n";
m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](const connection_context& cntxt, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id)
bool local_ip = cntxt.m_remote_address.is_local();
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
seconds_f connection_time{now - cntxt.m_started};
ss << std::setw(30) << std::left << std::string(cntxt.m_is_income ? " [INC]":"[OUT]") +
<< std::setw(20) << "{:016x}"_format(peer_id)
<< std::setw(30) << std::to_string(cntxt.m_recv_cnt) + "(" + std::to_string(tools::to_seconds(now - cntxt.m_last_recv)) + ")" +
"/" + std::to_string(cntxt.m_send_cnt) + "(" + std::to_string(tools::to_seconds(now - cntxt.m_last_send)) + ")"
<< std::setw(25) << get_protocol_state_string(cntxt.m_state)
<< std::setw(20) << std::to_string(tools::to_seconds(connection_time))
<< std::setw(12) << std::fixed << (connection_time < 1s ? 0.0 : cntxt.m_recv_cnt / connection_time.count() / 1024)
<< std::setw(14) << std::fixed << cntxt.m_current_speed_down / 1024
<< std::setw(10) << std::fixed << (connection_time < 1s ? 0.0 : cntxt.m_send_cnt / connection_time.count() / 1024)
<< std::setw(13) << std::fixed << cntxt.m_current_speed_up / 1024
<< (local_ip ? "[LAN]" : "")
<< std::left << (cntxt.m_remote_address.is_loopback() ? "[LOCALHOST]" : "") //
<< "\n";
if (connection_time >= 1s)
down_sum += (cntxt.m_recv_cnt / connection_time.count() / 1024);
up_sum += (cntxt.m_send_cnt / connection_time.count() / 1024);
down_curr_sum += (cntxt.m_current_speed_down / 1024);
up_curr_sum += (cntxt.m_current_speed_up / 1024);
return true;
ss << "\n"
<< std::setw(125) << " "
<< std::setw(12) << down_sum
<< std::setw(14) << down_curr_sum
<< std::setw(10) << up_sum
<< std::setw(13) << up_curr_sum
<< "\n";
log::warning(logcat, "Connections:\n{}", ss.str());
// Returns a list of connection_info objects describing each open p2p connection
template<class t_core>
std::list<connection_info> t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_connections()
std::list<connection_info> connections;
m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](const connection_context& cntxt, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id)
connection_info cnx;
auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
cnx.incoming = cntxt.m_is_income ? true : false;
cnx.address = cntxt.m_remote_address.str();
cnx.host = cntxt.m_remote_address.host_str();
cnx.ip = "";
cnx.port = "";
if (cntxt.m_remote_address.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address::get_type_id())
cnx.ip = cnx.host;
cnx.port = std::to_string(cntxt.m_remote_address.as<epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>().port());
cnx.peer_id = "{:016x}"_format(peer_id);
cnx.live_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - cntxt.m_started);
cnx.recv_idle_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - std::max(cntxt.m_started, cntxt.m_last_recv));
cnx.send_idle_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - std::max(cntxt.m_started, cntxt.m_last_send));
cnx.recv_count = cntxt.m_recv_cnt;
cnx.send_count = cntxt.m_send_cnt;
cnx.state = get_protocol_state_string(cntxt.m_state);
cnx.localhost = cntxt.m_remote_address.is_loopback();
cnx.local_ip = cntxt.m_remote_address.is_local();
seconds_f connection_time{std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - cntxt.m_started};
if (connection_time < 1s)
cnx.avg_download = 0;
cnx.avg_upload = 0;
cnx.avg_download = cntxt.m_recv_cnt / connection_time.count();
cnx.avg_upload = cntxt.m_send_cnt / connection_time.count();
cnx.current_download = cntxt.m_current_speed_down;
cnx.current_upload = cntxt.m_current_speed_up;
cnx.connection_id = tools::type_to_hex(cntxt.m_connection_id);
cnx.height = cntxt.m_remote_blockchain_height;
cnx.pruning_seed = cntxt.m_pruning_seed;
cnx.address_type = (uint8_t)cntxt.m_remote_address.get_type_id();
return true;
return connections;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::process_payload_sync_data(CORE_SYNC_DATA&& hshd, cryptonote_connection_context& context, bool is_initial)
if(context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_before_handshake && !is_initial)
return true;
if(context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing)
return true;
// if the peer advertises a top block version, reject if it's not what it should be
if (hshd.current_height > 0)
auto nettype = m_core.get_nettype();
const auto version = get_network_version(nettype, hshd.current_height - 1);
if (version != hshd.top_version)
if (version < hshd.top_version && version == get_network_version(nettype, m_core.get_current_blockchain_height()))
log::warning(logcat, fg(fmt::terminal_color::red), "{} peer claims higher version than we think ({} for {} instead of {}) 0 we may be forked from the network and a software upgrade may be needed", context, (unsigned)hshd.top_version, (hshd.current_height - 1), (unsigned)version);
return false;
// reject weird pruning schemes
if (hshd.pruning_seed)
const uint32_t log_stripes = tools::get_pruning_log_stripes(hshd.pruning_seed);
if (log_stripes != PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES || tools::get_pruning_stripe(hshd.pruning_seed) > (1u << log_stripes))
log::warning(logcat, "{} peer claim unexpected pruning seed {}, disconnecting", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(hshd.pruning_seed));
return false;
context.m_remote_blockchain_height = hshd.current_height;
context.m_pruning_seed = hshd.pruning_seed;
context.m_pruning_seed = tools::make_pruning_seed(1 + (context.m_remote_address.as<epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>().ip()) % (1 << PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES), PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES);
log::info(logcat, "{}{}, seed address {}", context, "New connection posing as pruning seed ", epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), &context.m_pruning_seed);
// No chain synchronization over hidden networks (tor, i2p, etc.)
if(context.m_remote_address.get_zone() != epee::net_utils::zone::public_)
context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal;
return true;
auto curr_height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height();
context.m_need_blink_sync = false;
// Check for any blink txes being advertised that we don't know about
if (is_hard_fork_at_least(m_core.get_nettype(), feature::BLINK, curr_height))
if (hshd.blink_blocks.size() != hshd.blink_hash.size())
log::warning(logcat, "{} peer sent illegal mismatched blink heights/hashes; disconnecting", context);
return false;
else if (hshd.blink_blocks.size() > 1000)
log::warning(logcat, "{} peer sent too many post-checkpoint blink blocks; disconnecting", context);
return false;
// Peer sends us HEIGHT -> HASH pairs, where the HASH is the xor'ed tx hashes of all blink
// txes mined at the given HEIGHT. If the HASH is different than our hash for the same height
// *and* different than the last height the peer sent then we will request the blink txes for
// that height.
const uint64_t immutable_height = m_core.get_blockchain_storage().get_immutable_height();
// Delete any irrelevant heights > 0 (the mempool) and <= the immutable height
context.m_blink_state.erase(context.m_blink_state.lower_bound(1), context.m_blink_state.lower_bound(immutable_height + 1));
auto our_blink_hashes = m_core.get_pool().get_blink_checksums();
uint64_t last_height;
log::debug(logcat, "Peer sent {} blink hashes", hshd.blink_blocks.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < hshd.blink_blocks.size(); i++) {
auto &height = hshd.blink_blocks[i];
if (i == 0 || height > last_height)
last_height = height;
else {
log::warning(logcat, "{} peer sent blink tx heights out of order, which is not valid; disconnecting", context);
return false;
if (height > 0 && (height < immutable_height || height >= curr_height))
// We're either past the immutable height (in which case we don't care about the blink
// signatures), or we don't know about the advertised block yet (we'll get the blink info
// when we get the block). Skip it but don't disconnect because this isn't invalid.
auto &hash = hshd.blink_hash[i];
auto it = our_blink_hashes.find(height);
if (it != our_blink_hashes.end() && it->second == hash)
{ // Matches our hash already, great
auto ctx_it = context.m_blink_state.lower_bound(height);
if (ctx_it == context.m_blink_state.end() || ctx_it->first != height) // Height not found in peer context
context.m_blink_state.emplace_hint(ctx_it, height, std::make_pair(hash, true));
else if (ctx_it->second.first != hash) // Hash changed, update and request
ctx_it->second.first = hash;
ctx_it->second.second = true;
context.m_need_blink_sync = true;
if (context.m_need_blink_sync)
log::debug(logcat, "{}Need to synchronized blink signatures", context);
uint64_t target = m_core.get_target_blockchain_height();
if (target == 0)
target = curr_height;
bool have_block = m_core.have_block(hshd.top_id);
if (!have_block && hshd.current_height > target)
/* As I don't know if accessing hshd from core could be a good practice,
I prefer pushing target height to the core at the same time it is pushed to the user.
Nz. */
int64_t diff = static_cast<int64_t>(hshd.current_height) - static_cast<int64_t>(curr_height);
uint64_t abs_diff = std::abs(diff);
uint64_t max_block_height = std::max(hshd.current_height, curr_height);
std::string sync_msg = "{}Sync data returned a new top block candidate: {} -> {} [Your node is {} blocks ({} {})]\nSYNCHRONIZATION started"_format(
context, curr_height, hshd.current_height, abs_diff, tools::get_human_readable_timespan(abs_diff*TARGET_BLOCK_TIME), (0 <= diff ? "behind" : "ahead"));
if (is_initial)
log::info(globallogcat, fg(fmt::terminal_color::cyan), sync_msg);
log::debug(globallogcat, sync_msg);
m_period_start_time = m_sync_start_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
m_sync_start_height = curr_height;
if (hshd.current_height >= curr_height + 5) // don't switch to unsafe mode just for a few blocks
if (m_core.get_target_blockchain_height() == 0) // only when sync starts
m_sync_timer = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
m_last_add_end_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
m_sync_spans_downloaded = 0;
m_sync_old_spans_downloaded = 0;
m_sync_bad_spans_downloaded = 0;
m_sync_download_chain_size = 0;
m_sync_download_objects_size = 0;
if (m_no_sync)
context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal;
return true;
context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal;
if(is_initial && hshd.current_height >= target && target == m_core.get_current_blockchain_height())
context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing;
if (context.m_need_blink_sync || context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing)
log::debug(logcat, "{}Remote blockchain height: {}, id: {}", context, hshd.current_height, hshd.top_id);
//let the socket to send response to handshake, but request callback, to let send request data after response
log::debug(logcat, "requesting callback");
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "requesting callback", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
return true;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_payload_sync_data(CORE_SYNC_DATA& hshd)
std::tie(hshd.current_height, hshd.top_id) = m_core.get_blockchain_top();
hshd.top_version = get_network_version(m_core.get_nettype(), hshd.current_height);
hshd.cumulative_difficulty = m_core.get_block_cumulative_difficulty(hshd.current_height);
hshd.current_height +=1;
hshd.pruning_seed = m_core.get_blockchain_pruning_seed();
auto our_blink_hashes = m_core.get_pool().get_blink_checksums();
for (auto &h : our_blink_hashes)
return true;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_payload_sync_data(std::string& data)
epee::serialization::store_t_to_binary(hsd, data);
return true;
template<class t_core>
int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_notify_new_fluffy_block(int command, NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context)
crypto::hash hash;
cryptonote::block b;
bool ret = cryptonote::parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(arg.b.block, b, &hash);
if (ret)
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "Received NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK {} (height {}, {} txes)", hash, arg.current_blockchain_height, arg.b.txs.size());
if(context.m_state != cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal)
return 1;
if(!is_synchronized() || m_no_sync) // can happen if a peer connection goes to normal but another thread still hasn't finished adding queued blocks
log::debug(logcat, "{}Received new block while syncing, ignored", context);
return 1;
block new_block;
if(parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(arg.b.block, new_block))
// This is a second notification, we must have asked for some missing tx
// What we asked for != to what we received ..
if(context.m_requested_objects.size() != arg.b.txs.size())
log::error(logcat, "NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK -> request/response mismatch, block = {}, requested = {}, received = {}, dropping connection", tools::type_to_hex(get_blob_hash(arg.b.block)), context.m_requested_objects.size(), new_block.tx_hashes.size());
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
std::vector<std::string> have_tx;
// Instead of requesting missing transactions by hash like BTC,
// we do it by index (thanks to a suggestion from moneromooo) because
// we're way cooler .. and also because they're smaller than hashes.
// Also, remember to pepper some whitespace changes around to bother
// moneromooo ... only because I <3 him.
std::vector<uint64_t> need_tx_indices;
transaction tx;
crypto::hash tx_hash;
for(auto& tx_blob: arg.b.txs)
if(parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(tx_blob, tx))
if(!get_transaction_hash(tx, tx_hash))
log::info(logcat, "NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK: get_transaction_hash failed, dropping connection");
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
log::info(logcat, "NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK: get_transaction_hash failed, exception thrown, dropping connection");
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
// hijacking m_requested objects in connection context to patch up
// a possible DOS vector pointed out by @monero-moo where peers keep
// sending (0...n-1) transactions.
// If requested objects is not empty, then we must have asked for
// some missing transacionts, make sure that they're all there.
// Can I safely re-use this field? I think so, but someone check me!
auto req_tx_it = context.m_requested_objects.find(tx_hash);
if(req_tx_it == context.m_requested_objects.end())
log::error(logcat, "Peer sent wrong transaction (NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK): transaction with id = {} wasn't requested, dropping connection", tx_hash);
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
// we might already have the tx that the peer
// sent in our pool, so don't verify again..
log::debug(logcat, "Incoming tx {} not in pool, adding", tx_hash);
cryptonote::tx_verification_context tvc{};
if(!m_core.handle_incoming_tx(tx_blob, tvc, tx_pool_options::from_block()) || tvc.m_verifivation_failed)
log::info(logcat, "Block verification failed: transaction verification failed, dropping connection");
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
// future todo:
// tx should only not be added to pool if verification failed, but
// maybe in the future could not be added for other reasons
// according to monero-moo so keep track of these separately ..
log::error(logcat, "sent wrong tx: failed to parse and validate transaction: {}, dropping connection", oxenc::to_hex(tx_blob));
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
// The initial size equality check could have been fooled if the sender
// gave us the number of transactions we asked for, but not the right
// ones. This check make sure the transactions we asked for were the
// ones we received.
log::error(logcat, "NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK: peer sent the number of transaction requested, but not the actual transactions requested, context.m_requested_objects.size() = {}, dropping connection", context.m_requested_objects.size());
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
size_t tx_idx = 0;
for(auto& tx_hash: new_block.tx_hashes)
std::string txblob;
if(m_core.get_pool().get_transaction(tx_hash, txblob))
std::vector<crypto::hash> tx_ids;
std::vector<transaction> txes;
std::unordered_set<crypto::hash> missing;
if (m_core.get_transactions(tx_ids, txes, &missing) && missing.empty())
if (txes.size() == 1)
log::error(logcat, "1 tx requested, none not found, but {} returned", txes.size());
return 1;
log::debug(logcat, "Tx {} not found in pool", tx_hash);
if(!need_tx_indices.empty()) // drats, we don't have everything..
// request non-mempool txs
log::debug(logcat, "We are missing {} txes for this fluffy block", need_tx_indices.size());
for (auto txidx: need_tx_indices)
log::debug(logcat, " tx {}", new_block.tx_hashes[txidx]);
NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX::request missing_tx_req;
missing_tx_req.block_hash = get_block_hash(new_block);
missing_tx_req.current_blockchain_height = arg.current_blockchain_height;
missing_tx_req.missing_tx_indices = std::move(need_tx_indices);
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "-->>NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX: missing_tx_indices.size()={}", missing_tx_req.missing_tx_indices.size());
post_notify<NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX>(missing_tx_req, context);
else // whoo-hoo we've got em all ..
log::debug(logcat, "We have all needed txes for this fluffy block");
block_complete_entry b = {};
b.block = arg.b.block;
b.txs = have_tx;
std::vector<block_complete_entry> blocks;
std::vector<block> pblocks;
if (!m_core.prepare_handle_incoming_blocks(blocks, pblocks))
log::warning(logcat, "Failure in prepare_handle_incoming_blocks");
return 1;
block_verification_context bvc{};
m_core.handle_incoming_block(arg.b.block, pblocks.empty() ? NULL : &pblocks[0], bvc, nullptr /*checkpoint*/); // got block from handle_notify_new_block
if (!m_core.cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks(true))
log::warning(logcat, "Failure in cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks");
return 1;
if( bvc.m_verifivation_failed )
log::warning(logcat, "Block verification failed, dropping connection");
drop_connection(context, true, false);
return 1;
if( bvc.m_added_to_main_chain )
//TODO: Add here announce protocol usage
NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK::request reg_arg{};
reg_arg.current_blockchain_height = arg.current_blockchain_height;
reg_arg.b = b;
relay_block(reg_arg, context);
else if( bvc.m_marked_as_orphaned )
context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing;
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "-->>NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN: m_block_ids.size()={}", r.block_ids.size());
post_notify<NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN>(r, context);
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "requesting chain", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
log::error(logcat, "sent wrong block: failed to parse and validate block: {}, dropping connection", oxenc::to_hex(arg.b.block));
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
return 1;
template<class t_core>
int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_uptime_proof(int command, NOTIFY_UPTIME_PROOF::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context)
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "Received NOTIFY_UPTIME_PROOF");
// NOTE: Don't relay your own uptime proof, otherwise we have the following situation
// Node1 sends uptime ->
// Node2 receives uptime and relays it back to Node1 for acknowledgement ->
// Node1 receives it, handle_uptime_proof returns true to acknowledge, Node1 tries to resend to the same peers again
// Instead, if we receive our own uptime proof, then acknowledge but don't
// send on. If the we are missing an uptime proof it will have been
// submitted automatically by the daemon itself instead of
// using my own proof relayed by other nodes.
bool my_uptime_proof_confirmation = false;
if (m_core.handle_uptime_proof(arg, my_uptime_proof_confirmation))
if (!my_uptime_proof_confirmation)
// NOTE: The default exclude context contains the peer who sent us this
// uptime proof, we want to ensure we relay it back so they know that the
// peer they relayed to received their uptime and confirm it, so send in an
// empty context so we don't omit the source peer from the relay back.
cryptonote_connection_context empty_context = {};
relay_uptime_proof(arg, empty_context);
return 1;
template<class t_core>
int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_btencoded_uptime_proof(int command, NOTIFY_BTENCODED_UPTIME_PROOF::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context)
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "Received NOTIFY_BTENCODED_UPTIME_PROOF");
// NOTE: Don't relay your own uptime proof, otherwise we have the following situation
// Node1 sends uptime ->
// Node2 receives uptime and relays it back to Node1 for acknowledgement ->
// Node1 receives it, handle_uptime_proof returns true to acknowledge, Node1 tries to resend to the same peers again
// Instead, if we receive our own uptime proof, then acknowledge but don't
// send on. If the we are missing an uptime proof it will have been
// submitted automatically by the daemon itself instead of
// using my own proof relayed by other nodes.
bool my_uptime_proof_confirmation = false;
if (m_core.handle_btencoded_uptime_proof(arg, my_uptime_proof_confirmation))
if (!my_uptime_proof_confirmation)
// NOTE: The default exclude context contains the peer who sent us this
// uptime proof, we want to ensure we relay it back so they know that the
// peer they relayed to received their uptime and confirm it, so send in an
// empty context so we don't omit the source peer from the relay back.
cryptonote_connection_context empty_context = {};
relay_btencoded_uptime_proof(arg, empty_context);
return 1;
template<class t_core>
int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_notify_new_service_node_vote(int command, NOTIFY_NEW_SERVICE_NODE_VOTE::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context)
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "Received NOTIFY_NEW_SERVICE_NODE_VOTE ({} txes)", arg.votes.size());
if(context.m_state != cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal)
return 1;
if(!is_synchronized() || m_no_sync)
log::debug(logcat, "{}Received new service node vote while syncing, ignored", context);
return 1;
for(auto it = arg.votes.begin(); it != arg.votes.end();)
cryptonote::vote_verification_context vvc = {};
m_core.add_service_node_vote(*it, vvc);
if (vvc.m_verification_failed)
log::info(logcat, "Vote type: {}, verification failed, dropping connection", it->type);
drop_connection(context, false /*add_fail*/, false /*flush_all_spans i.e. delete cached block data from this peer*/);
return 1;
if (vvc.m_added_to_pool)
it = arg.votes.erase(it);
if (arg.votes.size())
relay_service_node_votes(arg, context);
return 1;
template<class t_core>
int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_request_fluffy_missing_tx(int command, NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context)
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "Received NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX ({} txes), block hash {}", arg.missing_tx_indices.size(), arg.block_hash);
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, block>> local_blocks;
std::vector<std::string> local_txs;
block b;
if (!m_core.get_block_by_hash(arg.block_hash, b))
log::error(logcat, "failed to find block: {}, dropping connection", arg.block_hash);
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
std::vector<crypto::hash> txids;
NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK::request fluffy_response;
fluffy_response.b.block = t_serializable_object_to_blob(b);
fluffy_response.current_blockchain_height = arg.current_blockchain_height;
// NOTE: Dupe index check
std::unordered_set<uint64_t> requested_index_set;
requested_index_set.reserve(16); // typical maximum number of txs per block
for (uint64_t requested_index : arg.missing_tx_indices)
if (!requested_index_set.insert(requested_index).second)
log::error(logcat, "Failed to handle request NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX, request is asking for the same tx index more than once, tx index = {}, block tx count {}, block_height = {}, dropping connection", requested_index, b.tx_hashes.size(), arg.current_blockchain_height);
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
for(auto& tx_idx: arg.missing_tx_indices)
if(tx_idx < b.tx_hashes.size())
log::debug(logcat, " tx {}", b.tx_hashes[tx_idx]);
log::error(logcat, "Failed to handle request NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX, request is asking for a tx whose index is out of bounds, tx index = {}, block tx count {}, block_height = {}, dropping connection ", tx_idx, b.tx_hashes.size(), arg.current_blockchain_height);
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
std::vector<cryptonote::transaction> txs;
std::unordered_set<crypto::hash> missed;
if (!m_core.get_transactions(txids, txs, &missed))
log::error(logcat, "Failed to handle request NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX, failed to get requested transactions");
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
if (!missed.empty() || txs.size() != txids.size())
log::error(logcat, "Failed to handle request NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX, {} requested transactions not found, dropping connection", missed.size());
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
for(auto& tx: txs)
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "-->>NOTIFY_RESPONSE_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX: txs.size()={}, rsp.current_blockchain_height={}", fluffy_response.b.txs.size(), fluffy_response.current_blockchain_height);
post_notify<NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK>(fluffy_response, context);
return 1;
template<class t_core>
int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_notify_new_transactions(int command, NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context)
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "Received NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS ({} txes w/ {} blinks)", arg.txs.size(), arg.blinks.size());
for (const auto &blob: arg.txs)
cryptonote::transaction tx;
crypto::hash hash;
bool ret = cryptonote::parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(blob, tx, hash);
if (ret)
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "Including transaction {}", hash);
if(context.m_state != cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal)
return 1;
// while syncing, core will lock for a long time, so we ignore those txes as they aren't really
// needed anyway, and avoid a long block before replying. (Not for .requested though: in that
// case we specifically asked for these txes).
bool syncing = !is_synchronized();
if((syncing && !arg.requested) || m_no_sync)
log::debug(logcat, "{}Received new tx while syncing, ignored", context);
return 1;
bool bad_blinks = false;
auto parsed_blinks = m_core.parse_incoming_blinks(arg.blinks);
auto &blinks = parsed_blinks.first;
std::unordered_set<crypto::hash> blink_approved;
for (auto &b : blinks)
if (b->approved())
bad_blinks = true;
bool all_okay;
auto lock = m_core.incoming_tx_lock();
const auto txpool_opts = tx_pool_options::from_peer();
auto parsed_txs = m_core.parse_incoming_txs(arg.txs, txpool_opts);
for (auto &txi : parsed_txs)
if (blink_approved.count(txi.tx_hash))
txi.approved_blink = true;
uint64_t blink_rollback_height = 0;
all_okay = m_core.handle_parsed_txs(parsed_txs, txpool_opts, &blink_rollback_height);
// Even if !all_okay (which means we want to drop the connection) we may still have added some
// incoming txs and so still need to finish handling/relaying them
std::vector<std::string> newtxs;
auto &unknown_txs = parsed_blinks.second;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arg.txs.size(); ++i)
if (parsed_txs[i].tvc.m_should_be_relayed)
if (parsed_txs[i].tvc.m_added_to_pool || parsed_txs[i].already_have)
arg.txs = std::move(newtxs);
// Attempt to add any blinks signatures we received, but with unknown txs removed (where unknown
// means previously unknown and didn't just get added to the mempool). (Don't bother worrying
// about approved because add_blinks() already does that).
blinks.erase(std::remove_if(blinks.begin(), blinks.end(), [&](const auto &b) { return unknown_txs.count(b->get_txhash()) > 0; }), blinks.end());
if (blink_rollback_height > 0)
log::debug(logcat, "after handling parsed txes we need to rollback to height: {}", blink_rollback_height);
// We need to clear back to and including block at height blink_rollback_height (so that the
// new blockchain "height", i.e. of current top_block_height+1, is blink_rollback_height).
auto &blockchain = m_core.get_blockchain_storage();
auto locks = tools::unique_locks(blockchain, m_core.get_pool());
uint64_t height = blockchain.get_current_blockchain_height(),
immutable = blockchain.get_immutable_height();
if (immutable >= blink_rollback_height)
log::warning(logcat, "blink rollback specified a block at or before the immutable height; we can only roll back to the immutable height.");
blink_rollback_height = immutable + 1;
if (blink_rollback_height < height)
log::debug(logcat, "Nothing to roll back");
// If this is a response to a request for txes that we sent (.requested) then don't relay this
// on to our peers because they probably already have it: we just missed it somehow.
if(arg.txs.size() && !arg.requested)
//TODO: add announce usage here
relay_transactions(arg, context);
// If we're still syncing (which implies this was a requested tx list) then it's quite possible
// we got sent some mempool or future block blinks that we can't handle yet, which is fine (and
// so don't drop the connection).
if (!syncing && (!all_okay || bad_blinks))
log::debug(logcat, "{} verification(s) failed, dropping connection", (!all_okay && bad_blinks ? "Tx and Blink" : !all_okay ? "Tx" : "Blink"));
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
template<class t_core>
int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_request_get_blocks(int command, NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_BLOCKS::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context)
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "Received NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_BLOCKS ({} blocks)", arg.blocks.size());
log::error(logcat, "Requested blocks count is too big ({}) expected not more than {}", arg.blocks.size(), CURRENCY_PROTOCOL_MAX_OBJECT_REQUEST_COUNT);
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
if(!m_core.get_blockchain_storage().handle_get_blocks(arg, rsp))
log::error(logcat, "failed to handle request NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_BLOCKS, dropping connection");
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "-->>NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_BLOCKS: blocks.size()={}, rsp.m_current_blockchain_height={}, missed_ids.size()={}", rsp.blocks.size(), rsp.current_blockchain_height, rsp.missed_ids.size());
post_notify<NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_BLOCKS>(rsp, context);
return 1;
template<class t_core>
int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_response_get_blocks(int command, NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_BLOCKS::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context)
log::debug(logcat, "Received NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_BLOCKS ({} blocks)", arg.blocks.size());
log::debug(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "received blocks", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
auto request_time = *context.m_last_request_time;
// calculate size of request
size_t blocks_size = 0, others_size = 0;
for (const auto &element : arg.blocks) {
blocks_size += element.block.size();
for (const auto &tx : element.txs)
blocks_size += tx.size();
others_size += element.checkpoint.size();
for (const auto &blink : element.blinks)
others_size += sizeof(blink.tx_hash) + sizeof(blink.height) + blink.quorum.size() + blink.position.size() + blink.signature.size() * sizeof(crypto::signature);
size_t size = blocks_size + others_size;
for (const auto &element : arg.missed_ids)
size += element.size();
size += sizeof(arg.current_blockchain_height);
std::lock_guard lock{m_buffer_mutex};
m_sync_download_objects_size += size;
log::debug(logcat, "{} downloaded {} bytes worth of blocks", context, size);
if(context.m_last_response_height > arg.current_blockchain_height)
log::error(logcat, "sent wrong NOTIFY_GET_BLOCKS: arg.m_current_blockchain_height={} < m_last_response_height={}, dropping connection", arg.current_blockchain_height, context.m_last_response_height);
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
context.m_remote_blockchain_height = arg.current_blockchain_height;
if (context.m_remote_blockchain_height > m_core.get_target_blockchain_height())
std::vector<crypto::hash> block_hashes;
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
uint64_t start_height = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
cryptonote::block b;
for(const block_complete_entry& block_entry: arg.blocks)
if (m_stopping)
return 1;
crypto::hash block_hash;
if(!parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(block_entry.block, b, block_hash))
log::error(logcat, "sent wrong block: failed to parse and validate block: {}, dropping connection", oxenc::to_hex(block_entry.block));
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
if (b.miner_tx.vin.size() != 1 || !std::holds_alternative<txin_gen>(b.miner_tx.vin.front()))
log::error(logcat, "sent wrong block: block: miner tx does not have exactly one txin_gen input {}, dropping connection", oxenc::to_hex(block_entry.block));
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
if (start_height == std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max())
start_height = var::get<txin_gen>(b.miner_tx.vin[0]).height;
auto req_it = context.m_requested_objects.find(block_hash);
if(req_it == context.m_requested_objects.end())
log::error(logcat, "sent wrong NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_BLOCKS: block with id={} wasn't requested, dropping connection", tools::type_to_hex(get_blob_hash(block_entry.block)));
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
if(b.tx_hashes.size() != block_entry.txs.size())
log::error(logcat, "sent wrong NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_BLOCKS: block with id={}, tx_hashes.size()= {} mismatch with block_complete_entry.m_txs.size()= {}, dropping connection", tools::type_to_hex(get_blob_hash(block_entry.block)), b.tx_hashes.size(), block_entry.txs.size());
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
log::error(logcat, "{}returned not all requested objects (context.m_requested_objects.size()={}), dropping connection", context, context.m_requested_objects.size());
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
log::debug(globallogcat, fg(fmt::terminal_color::yellow), "{} Got NEW BLOCKS inside of {}: size: {}, blocks: {} - {} (pruning seed {})", context, __FUNCTION__, arg.blocks.size(), start_height, (start_height + arg.blocks.size() - 1), epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed));
// add that new span to the block queue
seconds_f dt = now - request_time;
const double rate = size / dt.count();
log::debug(logcat, "{} adding span: {} at height {}, {} seconds, {} kB/s, size now {} MB", context, arg.blocks.size(), start_height, dt.count(), (rate/1024), (m_block_queue.get_data_size() + blocks_size) / 1048576.f);
m_block_queue.add_blocks(start_height, arg.blocks, context.m_connection_id, rate, blocks_size);
const crypto::hash last_block_hash = cryptonote::get_block_hash(b);
context.m_last_known_hash = last_block_hash;
if (!m_core.get_test_drop_download() || !m_core.get_test_drop_download_height()) { // DISCARD BLOCKS for testing
return 1;
return 1;
// Get an estimate for the remaining sync time from given current to target blockchain height, in seconds
template<class t_core>
uint64_t t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_estimated_remaining_sync_seconds(uint64_t current_blockchain_height, uint64_t target_blockchain_height)
// The average sync speed varies so much, even averaged over quite long time periods like 10 minutes,
// that using some sliding window would be difficult to implement without often leading to bad estimates.
// The simplest strategy - always average sync speed over the maximum available interval i.e. since sync
// started at all (from "m_sync_start_time" and "m_sync_start_height") - gives already useful results
// and seems to be quite robust. Some quite special cases like "Internet connection suddenly becoming
// much faster after syncing already a long time, and staying fast" are not well supported however.
if (target_blockchain_height <= current_blockchain_height)
// Syncing stuck, or other special circumstance: Avoid errors, simply give back 0
return 0;
auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
seconds_f sync_time = now - m_sync_start_time;
cryptonote::network_type nettype = m_core.get_nettype();
// Don't simply use remaining number of blocks for the estimate but "sync weight" as provided by
// "cumulative_block_sync_weight" which knows about strongly varying Monero mainnet block sizes
uint64_t synced_weight = tools::cumulative_block_sync_weight(nettype, m_sync_start_height, current_blockchain_height - m_sync_start_height);
uint64_t remaining_weight = tools::cumulative_block_sync_weight(nettype, current_blockchain_height, target_blockchain_height - current_blockchain_height);
return (uint64_t)((sync_time.count() / synced_weight) * remaining_weight);
// Return a textual remaining sync time estimate, or the empty string if waiting period not yet over
template<class t_core>
std::string t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_periodic_sync_estimate(uint64_t current_blockchain_height, uint64_t target_blockchain_height)
std::string text;
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto period_sync_time = now - m_period_start_time;
if (period_sync_time > 30s)
// Period is over, time to report another estimate
uint64_t remaining_seconds = get_estimated_remaining_sync_seconds(current_blockchain_height, target_blockchain_height);
text = tools::get_human_readable_timespan(std::chrono::seconds(remaining_seconds));
// Start the new period
m_period_start_time = now;
return text;
template<class t_core>
int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::try_add_next_blocks(cryptonote_connection_context& context)
bool force_next_span = false;
// We try to lock the sync lock. If we can, it means no other thread is
// currently adding blocks, so we do that for as long as we can from the
// block queue. Then, we go back to download.
const std::unique_lock sync{m_sync_lock, std::try_to_lock};
if (!sync)
log::debug(logcat, "{}Failed to lock m_sync_lock, going back to download", context);
goto skip;
log::debug(logcat, "{} lock m_sync_lock, adding blocks to chain...", context);
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "adding blocks", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
bool starting = true;
if (!starting) m_last_add_end_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
while (1)
const uint64_t previous_height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height();
uint64_t start_height;
std::vector<cryptonote::block_complete_entry> blocks;
boost::uuids::uuid span_connection_id;
if (!m_block_queue.get_next_span(start_height, blocks, span_connection_id))
log::debug(logcat, "{} no next span found, going back to download", context);
if (blocks.empty())
log::error(logcat, "{}Next span has no blocks", context);
m_block_queue.remove_spans(span_connection_id, start_height);
log::debug(logcat, "{} next span in the queue has blocks {}-{}, we need {}", context, start_height, (start_height + blocks.size() - 1), previous_height);
block new_block;
crypto::hash last_block_hash;
if (!parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(blocks.back().block, new_block, last_block_hash))
log::error(logcat, "{}Failed to parse block, but it should already have been parsed", context);
m_block_queue.remove_spans(span_connection_id, start_height);
if (m_core.have_block(last_block_hash))
const uint64_t subchain_height = start_height + blocks.size();
log::debug(logcat, "{}{} - {}, blockchain height {}", context, "These are old blocks, ignoring: blocks ", start_height, (subchain_height-1), m_core.get_current_blockchain_height());
m_block_queue.remove_spans(span_connection_id, start_height);
if (!parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(blocks.front().block, new_block))
log::error(logcat, "{}Failed to parse block, but it should already have been parsed", context);
m_block_queue.remove_spans(span_connection_id, start_height);
bool parent_known = m_core.have_block(new_block.prev_id);
if (!parent_known)
// it could be:
// - later in the current chain
// - later in an alt chain
// - orphan
// if it was requested, then it'll be resolved later, otherwise it's an orphan
bool parent_requested = m_block_queue.requested(new_block.prev_id);
if (!parent_requested)
// we might be able to ask for that block directly, as we now can request out of order,
// otherwise we continue out of order, unless this block is the one we need, in which
// case we request block hashes, though it might be safer to disconnect ?
if (start_height > previous_height)
if (should_drop_connection(context, get_next_needed_pruning_stripe().first))
log::debug(logcat, "{}Got block with unknown parent which was not requested, but peer does not have that block - dropping connection", context);
if (!context.m_is_income)
drop_connection(context, false, true);
return 1;
log::debug(logcat, "{}Got block with unknown parent which was not requested, but peer does not have that block - back to download", context);
goto skip;
// this can happen if a connection was sicced onto a late span, if it did not have those blocks,
// since we don't know that at the sic time
log::error(logcat, "Got block with unknown parent which was not requested - querying block hashes");
m_block_queue.remove_spans(span_connection_id, start_height);
context.m_last_response_height = 0;
goto skip;
// parent was requested, so we wait for it to be retrieved
log::debug(logcat, "{} parent was requested, we'll get back to it", context);
const auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
if (starting)
starting = false;
auto elapsed = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - m_last_add_end_time;
log::debug(logcat, "Restarting adding block after idle for {} seconds", tools::friendly_duration(elapsed));
std::vector<block> pblocks;
if (!m_core.prepare_handle_incoming_blocks(blocks, pblocks))
log::error(logcat, "Failure in prepare_handle_incoming_blocks");
return 1;
bool remove_spans = false;
if (!m_core.cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks())
log::warning(logcat, "Failure in cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks");
// in case the peer had dropped beforehand, remove the span anyway so other threads can wake up and get it
if (remove_spans)
m_block_queue.remove_spans(span_connection_id, start_height);
if (!pblocks.empty() && pblocks.size() != blocks.size())
log::error(logcat, "Internal error: blocks.size() != block_entry.txs.size()");
return 1;
auto block_process_time_full = 0ns;
auto transactions_process_time_full = 0ns;
size_t num_txs = 0, blockidx = 0;
for(const block_complete_entry& block_entry: blocks)
if (m_stopping)
return 1;
// process transactions
auto transactions_process_start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
num_txs += block_entry.txs.size();
auto parsed_txs = m_core.handle_incoming_txs(block_entry.txs, tx_pool_options::from_block());
for (size_t i = 0; i < parsed_txs.size(); ++i)
if (parsed_txs[i].tvc.m_verifivation_failed)
if (!m_p2p->for_connection(span_connection_id, [&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id)->bool{
cryptonote::transaction tx;
parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(block_entry.txs[i], tx); // must succeed if we got here
log::error(logcat, "transaction verification failed on NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_BLOCKS, tx_id = {}, dropping connection", tools::type_to_hex(cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(tx)));
drop_connection(context, false, true);
return 1;
log::error(logcat, "span connection id not found");
remove_spans = true;
return 1;
transactions_process_time_full += std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - transactions_process_start;
// NOTE: Checkpoint parsing
checkpoint_t checkpoint_allocated_on_stack_;
checkpoint_t *checkpoint = nullptr;
if (block_entry.checkpoint.size())
// TODO(doyle): It's wasteful to have to parse the checkpoint to
// figure out the height when at some point during the syncing
// step we know exactly what height the block entries are for
if (!t_serializable_object_from_blob(checkpoint_allocated_on_stack_, block_entry.checkpoint))
log::error(logcat, "Checkpoint blob available but failed to parse");
return false;
checkpoint = &checkpoint_allocated_on_stack_;
// process block
auto block_process_start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
block_verification_context bvc{};
m_core.handle_incoming_block(block_entry.block, pblocks.empty() ? NULL : &pblocks[blockidx], bvc, checkpoint, false); // <--- process block
if (bvc.m_verifivation_failed || bvc.m_marked_as_orphaned)
if (!m_p2p->for_connection(span_connection_id, [&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id)->bool{
std::string const err_msg =
? "Block verification failed, dropping connection"
: "Block received at sync phase was marked as orphaned, dropping connection";
log::info(logcat, err_msg);
drop_connection(context, true, true);
return 1;
log::error(logcat, "span connection id not found");
remove_spans = true;
return 1;
block_process_time_full += std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - block_process_start;
} // each download block
remove_spans = true;
log::debug(logcat, "{}Block process time ({} blocks, {} txs): {} ({}/{})",
tools::friendly_duration(block_process_time_full + transactions_process_time_full),
const uint64_t current_blockchain_height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height();
if (current_blockchain_height > previous_height)
const uint64_t target_blockchain_height = m_core.get_target_blockchain_height();
seconds_f dt = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start;
std::string progress_message = "";
if (current_blockchain_height < target_blockchain_height)
uint64_t completion_percent = (current_blockchain_height * 100 / target_blockchain_height);
if (completion_percent == 100) // never show 100% if not actually up to date
completion_percent = 99;
progress_message = " (" + std::to_string(completion_percent) + "%, "
+ std::to_string(target_blockchain_height - current_blockchain_height) + " left";
std::string time_message = get_periodic_sync_estimate(current_blockchain_height, target_blockchain_height);
if (!time_message.empty())
uint64_t total_blocks_to_sync = target_blockchain_height - m_sync_start_height;
uint64_t total_blocks_synced = current_blockchain_height - m_sync_start_height;
progress_message += ", " + std::to_string(total_blocks_synced * 100 / total_blocks_to_sync) + "% of total synced";
progress_message += ", estimated " + time_message + " left";
progress_message += ")";
const uint32_t previous_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(previous_height, target_blockchain_height, PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES);
const uint32_t current_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(current_blockchain_height, target_blockchain_height, PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES);
std::string timing_message = "";
timing_message = std::string(" (") + std::to_string(dt.count()) + " sec, "
+ std::to_string((current_blockchain_height - previous_height) / dt.count())
+ " blocks/sec), " + std::to_string(m_block_queue.get_data_size() / 1048576.f) + " MB queued in "
+ std::to_string(m_block_queue.get_num_filled_spans()) + " spans, stripe "
+ std::to_string(previous_stripe) + " -> " + std::to_string(current_stripe);
if (OXEN_LOG_ENABLED(debug))
timing_message += std::string(": ") + m_block_queue.get_overview(current_blockchain_height);
log::info(logcat, fg(fmt::terminal_color::yellow), "Synced {}/{} {} {}", current_blockchain_height, target_blockchain_height, progress_message, timing_message);
if (previous_stripe != current_stripe)
notify_new_stripe(context, current_stripe);
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "stopping adding blocks", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
if (should_download_next_span(context, false))
force_next_span = true;
else if (should_drop_connection(context, get_next_needed_pruning_stripe().first))
if (!context.m_is_income)
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
if (!request_missing_objects(context, true, force_next_span))
log::error(logcat, "Failed to request missing objects, dropping connection");
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
return 1;
template<class t_core>
void t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::notify_new_stripe(cryptonote_connection_context& cntxt, uint32_t stripe)
m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id)->bool
if (cntxt.m_connection_id == context.m_connection_id)
return true;
if (context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal)
const uint32_t peer_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(context.m_pruning_seed);
if (stripe && peer_stripe && peer_stripe != stripe)
return true;
context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing;
log::debug(logcat, "requesting callback");
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "requesting callback", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
return true;
// Tells the other end to send us the given txes (typically with attached blink data) as if they
// are new transactions.
template<class t_core>
int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_request_get_txs(int command, NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_TXS::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context)
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "Received NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_TXS ({} txs)", arg.txs.size());
log::error(logcat, "Requested txs count is too big ({}) expected not mroe than {}", arg.txs.size(), CURRENCY_PROTOCOL_MAX_TXS_REQUEST_COUNT);
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
rsp.requested = true;
if(!m_core.get_blockchain_storage().handle_get_txs(arg, rsp))
log::error(logcat, "failed to handle request NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_TXS, dropping connection");
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "-->>NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS: requested=true, txs[{}], blinks[{}]", rsp.txs.size(), rsp.blinks.size());
post_notify<NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS>(rsp, context);
return 1;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::on_idle()
m_idle_peer_kicker.do_call([this] { return kick_idle_peers(); });
m_standby_checker.do_call([this] { return check_standby_peers(); });
m_sync_search_checker.do_call([this] { return update_sync_search(); });
return m_core.on_idle();
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::kick_idle_peers()
log::trace(logcat, "Checking for idle peers...");
m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id)->bool
if (context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing && context.m_last_request_time)
const auto dt = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - *context.m_last_request_time;
log::info(logcat, "{} kicking idle peer, last update {} seconds ago", context, seconds_f{dt}.count());
log::debug(logcat, "requesting callback");
context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby; // we'll go back to adding, then (if we can't), download
return true;
return true;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::update_sync_search()
const uint64_t target = m_core.get_target_blockchain_height();
const uint64_t height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height();
if (target > height) // if we're not synced yet, don't do it
return true;
log::trace(logcat, "Checking for outgoing syncing peers...");
unsigned n_syncing = 0, n_synced = 0;
boost::uuids::uuid last_synced_peer_id(boost::uuids::nil_uuid());
m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id)->bool
if (!peer_id || context.m_is_income) // only consider connected outgoing peers
return true;
if (context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing)
if (context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal)
if (!context.m_anchor)
last_synced_peer_id = context.m_connection_id;
return true;
log::trace(logcat, "{} syncing, {} synced", n_syncing, n_synced);
// if we're at max out peers, and not enough are syncing
if (n_synced + n_syncing >= m_max_out_peers && n_syncing < p2p::DEFAULT_SYNC_SEARCH_CONNECTIONS_COUNT && last_synced_peer_id != boost::uuids::nil_uuid())
if (!m_p2p->for_connection(last_synced_peer_id, [&](cryptonote_connection_context& ctx, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id)->bool{
log::debug(logcat, "{}dropping synced peer, {} syncing, {} synced", ctx, n_syncing, n_synced);
drop_connection(ctx, false, false);
return true;
log::debug(logcat, "Failed to find peer we wanted to drop");
return true;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::check_standby_peers()
m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id)->bool
if (context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby)
log::debug(logcat, "requesting callback");
return true;
return true;
template<class t_core>
int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_request_chain(int command, NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context)
log::debug(logcat, "Received NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN ({} blocks)", arg.block_ids.size());
if(!m_core.find_blockchain_supplement(arg.block_ids, r))
log::error(logcat, "Failed to handle NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN.");
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
log::debug(logcat, "-->>NOTIFY_RESPONSE_CHAIN_ENTRY: m_start_height={}, m_total_height={}, m_block_ids.size()={}", r.start_height, r.total_height, r.m_block_ids.size());
post_notify<NOTIFY_RESPONSE_CHAIN_ENTRY>(r, context);
return 1;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::should_download_next_span(cryptonote_connection_context& context, bool standby)
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point request_time;
boost::uuids::uuid connection_id;
std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> span;
bool filled;
const uint64_t blockchain_height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height();
if (context.m_remote_blockchain_height <= blockchain_height)
return false;
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
const bool has_next_block = tools::has_unpruned_block(blockchain_height, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, context.m_pruning_seed);
if (has_next_block)
if (!m_block_queue.has_next_span(blockchain_height, filled, request_time, connection_id))
log::debug(logcat, "{} we should download it as no peer reserved it", context);
return true;
if (!filled)
const auto dt = now - request_time;
log::debug(logcat, "{} we should download it as it's not been received yet after {}", context, seconds_f{dt}.count());
return true;
// in standby, be ready to double download early since we're idling anyway
// let the fastest peer trigger first
long threshold;
const double dl_speed = context.m_max_speed_down;
if (standby && dt >= REQUEST_NEXT_SCHEDULED_SPAN_THRESHOLD_STANDBY && dl_speed > 0)
bool download = false;
if (m_p2p->for_connection(connection_id, [&](cryptonote_connection_context& ctx, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id)->bool{
const auto last_activity = std::min(now - ctx.m_last_recv, dt);
const bool stalled = last_activity > LAST_ACTIVITY_STALL_THRESHOLD;
if (stalled)
log::debug(logcat, "{} we should download it as the downloading peer is stalling for {} seconds", context, seconds_f{last_activity}.count());
download = true;
return true;
// estimate the standby peer can give us 80% of its max speed
// and let it download if that speed is > N times as fast as the current one
// so that at times goes without the download being done, a retry becomes easier
const float max_multiplier = 10.f;
const float min_multiplier = 1.25f;
float multiplier = max_multiplier;
multiplier = max_multiplier - (
(max_multiplier - min_multiplier)
multiplier = std::min(max_multiplier, std::max(min_multiplier, multiplier));
if (dl_speed * .8f > ctx.m_current_speed_down * multiplier)
log::debug(logcat, "{} we should download it as we are substantially faster ({} vs {}, multiplier {} after {} seconds)", context, dl_speed, ctx.m_current_speed_down, multiplier, seconds_f{dt}.count());
download = true;
return true;
return true;
if (download)
return true;
log::warning(logcat, "{} we should download it as the downloading peer is unexpectedly not known to us", context);
return true;
return false;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::should_drop_connection(cryptonote_connection_context& context, uint32_t next_stripe)
if (context.m_anchor)
log::debug(logcat, "{}This is an anchor peer, not dropping", context);
return false;
if (context.m_pruning_seed == 0)
log::debug(logcat, "{}This peer is not striped, not dropping", context);
return false;
const uint32_t peer_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(context.m_pruning_seed);
if (next_stripe == peer_stripe)
log::debug(logcat, "{}This peer has needed stripe {}, not dropping", context, peer_stripe);
return false;
if (!context.m_needed_objects.empty())
const uint64_t next_available_block_height = context.m_last_response_height - context.m_needed_objects.size() + 1;
if (tools::has_unpruned_block(next_available_block_height, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, context.m_pruning_seed))
log::debug(logcat, "{}This peer has unpruned next block at height {}, not dropping", context, next_available_block_height);
return false;
if (next_stripe > 0)
unsigned int n_out_peers = 0, n_peers_on_next_stripe = 0;
m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& ctx, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id)->bool{
if (!ctx.m_is_income)
if (ctx.m_state >= cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing && tools::get_pruning_stripe(ctx.m_pruning_seed) == next_stripe)
return true;
const uint32_t distance = (peer_stripe + (1<<PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES) - next_stripe) % (1<<PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES);
if ((n_out_peers >= m_max_out_peers && n_peers_on_next_stripe == 0) || (distance > 1 && n_peers_on_next_stripe <= 2) || distance > 2)
log::debug(logcat, "{}we want seed {}, and either {} is at max out peers ({}) or distance {} from {} to {} is too large and we have only {} peers on next seed, dropping connection to make space", context, next_stripe, n_out_peers, m_max_out_peers, distance, next_stripe, peer_stripe, n_peers_on_next_stripe);
return true;
log::debug(logcat, "{}End of checks, not dropping", context);
return false;
template<class t_core>
void t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::skip_unneeded_hashes(cryptonote_connection_context& context, bool check_block_queue) const
// take out blocks we already have
size_t skip = 0;
while (skip < context.m_needed_objects.size() && (m_core.have_block(context.m_needed_objects[skip]) || (check_block_queue && m_block_queue.have(context.m_needed_objects[skip]))))
// if we're popping the last hash, record it so we can ask again from that hash,
// this prevents never being able to progress on peers we get old hash lists from
if (skip + 1 == context.m_needed_objects.size())
context.m_last_known_hash = context.m_needed_objects[skip];
if (skip > 0)
log::debug(logcat, "{}skipping {}/{} blocks", context, skip, context.m_needed_objects.size());
context.m_needed_objects = std::vector<crypto::hash>(context.m_needed_objects.begin() + skip, context.m_needed_objects.end());
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::request_missing_objects(cryptonote_connection_context& context, bool check_having_blocks, bool force_next_span)
// flush stale spans
std::set<boost::uuids::uuid> live_connections;
m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id)->bool{
return true;
// if we don't need to get next span, and the block queue is full enough, wait a bit
bool start_from_current_chain = false;
if (!force_next_span)
size_t nspans = m_block_queue.get_num_filled_spans();
size_t size = m_block_queue.get_data_size();
const uint64_t bc_height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height();
const auto next_needed_pruning_stripe = get_next_needed_pruning_stripe();
const uint32_t add_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(bc_height, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES);
const uint32_t peer_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(context.m_pruning_seed);
const size_t block_queue_size_threshold = m_block_download_max_size ? m_block_download_max_size : BLOCK_QUEUE_SIZE_THRESHOLD;
bool queue_proceed = nspans < BLOCK_QUEUE_NSPANS_THRESHOLD || size < block_queue_size_threshold;
// get rid of blocks we already requested, or already have
skip_unneeded_hashes(context, true);
uint64_t next_needed_height = m_block_queue.get_next_needed_height(bc_height);
uint64_t next_block_height;
if (context.m_needed_objects.empty())
next_block_height = next_needed_height;
next_block_height = context.m_last_response_height - context.m_needed_objects.size() + 1;
bool stripe_proceed_main = (add_stripe == 0 || peer_stripe == 0 || add_stripe == peer_stripe) && (next_block_height < bc_height + BLOCK_QUEUE_FORCE_DOWNLOAD_NEAR_BLOCKS || next_needed_height < bc_height + BLOCK_QUEUE_FORCE_DOWNLOAD_NEAR_BLOCKS);
bool stripe_proceed_secondary = tools::has_unpruned_block(next_block_height, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, context.m_pruning_seed);
bool proceed = stripe_proceed_main || (queue_proceed && stripe_proceed_secondary);
if (!stripe_proceed_main && !stripe_proceed_secondary && should_drop_connection(context, tools::get_pruning_stripe(next_block_height, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES)))
if (!context.m_is_income)
return false; // drop outgoing connections
log::debug(logcat, "{}proceed {} (queue {}, stripe {}/{}), {}-{} needed, bc add stripe {}, we have {}), bc_height {}", context, proceed, queue_proceed, stripe_proceed_main, stripe_proceed_secondary, next_needed_pruning_stripe.first, next_needed_pruning_stripe.second, add_stripe, peer_stripe, bc_height);
log::debug(logcat, "{} - next_block_height {}, seed {}, next_needed_height {}", context, next_block_height, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), next_needed_height);
log::debug(logcat, "{} - last_response_height {}, m_needed_objects size {}", context, context.m_last_response_height, context.m_needed_objects.size());
// if we're waiting for next span, try to get it before unblocking threads below,
// or a runaway downloading of future spans might happen
if (stripe_proceed_main && should_download_next_span(context, true))
log::debug(logcat, "{} we should try for that next span too, we think we could get it faster, resuming", context);
force_next_span = true;
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "resuming", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
if (proceed)
if (context.m_state != cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby)
log::debug(logcat, "{}{} and {}, resuming", context, "Block queue is ", nspans, size);
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "resuming", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
// this one triggers if all threads are in standby, which should not happen,
// but happened at least once, so we unblock at least one thread if so
std::unique_lock sync{m_sync_lock, std::try_to_lock};
if (sync)
bool filled = false;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point time;
boost::uuids::uuid connection_id;
if (m_block_queue.has_next_span(m_core.get_current_blockchain_height(), filled, time, connection_id) && filled)
log::debug(logcat, "{}No other thread is adding blocks, and next span needed is ready, resuming", context);
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "resuming", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby;
return true;
// if this has gone on for too long, drop incoming connection to guard against some wedge state
if (!context.m_is_income)
auto ns = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - m_last_add_end_time;
log::debug(logcat, "{}Block addition seems to have wedged, dropping connection", context);
return false;
if (context.m_state != cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby)
if (!queue_proceed)
log::debug(logcat, "{}{} and {}, pausing", context, "Block queue is ", nspans, size);
else if (!stripe_proceed_main && !stripe_proceed_secondary)
log::debug(logcat, "{}We do not have the stripe required to download another block, pausing", context);
context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby;
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "pausing", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
return true;
} while(0);
context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing;
log::debug(logcat, "{} request_missing_objects: check {}, force_next_span {}, m_needed_objects {} lrh {}, chain {}, pruning seed {}", context, check_having_blocks, force_next_span, context.m_needed_objects.size(), context.m_last_response_height, m_core.get_current_blockchain_height(), epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed));
if(context.m_needed_objects.size() || force_next_span)
//we know objects that we need, request this objects
bool is_next = false;
size_t count = 0;
const size_t count_limit = m_core.get_block_sync_size(m_core.get_current_blockchain_height());
std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> span = std::make_pair(0, 0);
if (force_next_span)
if (span.second == 0)
std::vector<crypto::hash> hashes;
boost::uuids::uuid span_connection_id;
span = m_block_queue.get_next_span_if_scheduled(hashes, span_connection_id);
if (span.second > 0)
is_next = true;
for (const auto &hash: hashes)
if (span.second == 0)
log::debug(logcat, "{} span size is 0", context);
if (context.m_last_response_height + 1 < context.m_needed_objects.size())
log::error(logcat, "{} ERROR: inconsistent context: lrh {}, nos {}", context, context.m_last_response_height, context.m_needed_objects.size());
context.m_last_response_height = 0;
goto skip;
skip_unneeded_hashes(context, false);
const uint64_t first_block_height = context.m_last_response_height - context.m_needed_objects.size() + 1;
span = m_block_queue.reserve_span(first_block_height, context.m_last_response_height, count_limit, context.m_connection_id, context.m_pruning_seed, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, context.m_needed_objects);
log::debug(logcat, "{} span from {}: {}/{}", context, first_block_height, span.first, span.second);
if (span.second > 0)
const uint32_t stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(span.first, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES);
if (context.m_pruning_seed && stripe != tools::get_pruning_stripe(context.m_pruning_seed))
log::debug(logcat, "{} starting early on next seed ({} with stripe {}, context seed {})", context, span.first, stripe, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed));
if (span.second == 0 && !force_next_span)
log::debug(logcat, "{} still no span reserved, we may be in the corner case of next span scheduled and everything else scheduled/filled", context);
std::vector<crypto::hash> hashes;
boost::uuids::uuid span_connection_id;
span = m_block_queue.get_next_span_if_scheduled(hashes, span_connection_id);
if (span.second > 0 && !tools::has_unpruned_block(span.first, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, context.m_pruning_seed))
span = std::make_pair(0, 0);
if (span.second > 0)
is_next = true;
for (const auto &hash: hashes)
// that's atrocious O(n) wise, but this is rare
auto i = std::find(context.m_needed_objects.begin(), context.m_needed_objects.end(), hash);
if (i != context.m_needed_objects.end())
log::debug(logcat, "{} span: {}/{} ({} - {})", context, span.first, span.second, span.first, (span.first + span.second - 1));
if (span.second > 0)
if (!is_next)
const uint64_t first_context_block_height = context.m_last_response_height - context.m_needed_objects.size() + 1;
uint64_t skip = span.first - first_context_block_height;
if (skip > context.m_needed_objects.size())
log::error(logcat, "ERROR: skip {}, m_needed_objects {}, first_context_block_height{}", skip, context.m_needed_objects.size(), first_context_block_height);
return false;
if (skip > 0)
context.m_needed_objects = std::vector<crypto::hash>(context.m_needed_objects.begin() + skip, context.m_needed_objects.end());
if (context.m_needed_objects.size() < span.second)
log::error(logcat, "ERROR: span {}/{}, m_needed_objects {}", span.first, span.second, context.m_needed_objects.size());
return false;
for (size_t n = 0; n < span.second; ++n)
context.m_needed_objects = std::vector<crypto::hash>(context.m_needed_objects.begin() + span.second, context.m_needed_objects.end());
context.m_last_request_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "-->>NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_OBJECTS: blocks.size()={}, requested blocks count={} / {} from {}, first hash {}", req.blocks.size(), count, count_limit, span.first, req.blocks.front());
post_notify<NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_BLOCKS>(req, context);
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "requesting objects", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
return true;
// if we're still around, we might be at a point where the peer is pruned, so we could either
// drop it to make space for other peers, or ask for a span further down the line
const uint32_t next_stripe = get_next_needed_pruning_stripe().first;
const uint32_t peer_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(context.m_pruning_seed);
if (next_stripe && peer_stripe && next_stripe != peer_stripe)
// at this point, we have to either close the connection, or start getting blocks past the
// current point, or become dormant
log::debug(logcat, "{}this peer is pruned at seed {}, next stripe needed is {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), next_stripe);
if (!context.m_is_income)
if (should_drop_connection(context, next_stripe))
return false; // drop outgoing connections
// we'll get back stuck waiting for the go ahead
context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal;
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "Nothing to do for now, switching to normal state", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
return true;
// we might have been called from the "received chain entry" handler, and end up
// here because we can't use any of those blocks (maybe because all of them are
// actually already requested). In this case, if we can add blocks instead, do so
if (m_core.get_current_blockchain_height() < m_core.get_target_blockchain_height())
const std::unique_lock sync{m_sync_lock, std::try_to_lock};
if (sync)
uint64_t start_height;
std::vector<cryptonote::block_complete_entry> blocks;
boost::uuids::uuid span_connection_id;
bool filled = false;
if (m_block_queue.get_next_span(start_height, blocks, span_connection_id, filled) && filled)
log::debug(logcat, "{}No other thread is adding blocks, resuming", context);
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "will try to add blocks next", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby;
return true;
if(context.m_last_response_height < context.m_remote_blockchain_height-1)
{//we have to fetch more objects ids, request blockchain entry
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(!r.block_ids.empty(), false, "Short chain history is empty");
if (!start_from_current_chain)
// we'll want to start off from where we are on that peer, which may not be added yet
if (context.m_last_known_hash && r.block_ids.front() != context.m_last_known_hash)
context.m_last_request_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "-->>NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN: m_block_ids.size()={}, start_from_current_chain {}", r.block_ids.size(), start_from_current_chain);
post_notify<NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN>(r, context);
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "requesting chain", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(context.m_last_response_height == context.m_remote_blockchain_height-1
&& !context.m_needed_objects.size()
&& !context.m_requested_objects.size(), false, "request_missing_blocks final condition failed!"
<< "\r\nm_last_response_height=" << context.m_last_response_height
<< "\r\nm_remote_blockchain_height=" << context.m_remote_blockchain_height
<< "\r\nm_needed_objects.size()=" << context.m_needed_objects.size()
<< "\r\nm_requested_objects.size()=" << context.m_requested_objects.size()
<< "\r\non connection [" << epee::net_utils::print_connection_context_short(context)<< "]");
context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal;
if (context.m_remote_blockchain_height >= m_core.get_target_blockchain_height())
if (m_core.get_current_blockchain_height() >= m_core.get_target_blockchain_height())
log::info(globallogcat, fg(fmt::terminal_color::green), "SYNCHRONIZED OK");
log::info(logcat, "{} we've reached this peer's blockchain height", context);
return true;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::on_connection_synchronized()
bool val_expected = false;
uint64_t current_blockchain_height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height();
if(!m_core.get_blockchain_storage().is_within_compiled_block_hash_area(current_blockchain_height) && m_synchronized.compare_exchange_strong(val_expected, true))
if ((current_blockchain_height > m_sync_start_height) && (m_sync_spans_downloaded > 0))
uint64_t synced_blocks = current_blockchain_height - m_sync_start_height;
// Report only after syncing an "interesting" number of blocks:
if (synced_blocks > 20)
auto synced_seconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - m_sync_start_time);
if (synced_seconds == 0s)
synced_seconds = 1s;
float blocks_per_second = synced_blocks / (float)synced_seconds.count();
log::info(logcat, fg(fmt::terminal_color::yellow), "Synced {} blocks in {} ({} blocks per second)", synced_blocks, tools::get_human_readable_timespan(synced_seconds), blocks_per_second);
log::info(logcat, fg(fmt::terminal_color::yellow), R"(
You are now synchronized with the network. You may now start oxen-wallet-cli.
Use the "help" command to see the list of available commands.
const std::chrono::duration<double> sync_time{std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - m_sync_timer};
log::info(logcat, fg(fmt::terminal_color::yellow), "Sync time: {:.1f} min, {:.1f} + {:.1f} MB downloaded, {:.2f}% old spans, {:.2f}% bad spans",
m_sync_download_objects_size / 1000.0 / 1000.0,
m_sync_download_chain_size / 1000.0 / 1000.0,
100.0 * m_sync_old_spans_downloaded / m_sync_spans_downloaded,
100.0 * m_sync_bad_spans_downloaded / m_sync_spans_downloaded);
return true;
template<class t_core>
size_t t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_synchronizing_connections_count()
size_t count = 0;
m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id)->bool{
if(context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing)
return true;
return count;
template<class t_core>
int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_response_chain_entry(int command, NOTIFY_RESPONSE_CHAIN_ENTRY::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context)
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "Received NOTIFY_RESPONSE_CHAIN_ENTRY: m_block_ids.size()={}, m_start_height={}, m_total_height={}", arg.m_block_ids.size(), arg.start_height, arg.total_height);
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "received chain", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
m_sync_download_chain_size += arg.m_block_ids.size() * sizeof(crypto::hash);
log::error(logcat, "sent empty m_block_ids, dropping connection");
drop_connection(context, true, false);
return 1;
if (arg.total_height < arg.m_block_ids.size() || arg.start_height > arg.total_height - arg.m_block_ids.size())
log::error(logcat, "sent invalid start/nblocks/height, dropping connection");
drop_connection(context, true, false);
return 1;
log::debug(logcat, "{}first block hash {}, last {}", context, arg.m_block_ids.front(), arg.m_block_ids.back());
if (arg.total_height >= MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER || arg.m_block_ids.size() >= MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER)
log::error(logcat, "sent wrong NOTIFY_RESPONSE_CHAIN_ENTRY, with total_height={} and block_ids={}", arg.total_height, arg.m_block_ids.size());
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
context.m_remote_blockchain_height = arg.total_height;
context.m_last_response_height = arg.start_height + arg.m_block_ids.size()-1;
if(context.m_last_response_height > context.m_remote_blockchain_height)
log::error(logcat, "sent wrong NOTIFY_RESPONSE_CHAIN_ENTRY, with m_total_height={}, m_start_height= {}, m_block_ids.size()={}", arg.total_height, arg.start_height, arg.m_block_ids.size());
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
uint64_t n_use_blocks = m_core.prevalidate_block_hashes(arg.start_height, arg.m_block_ids);
if (n_use_blocks + HASH_OF_HASHES_STEP <= arg.m_block_ids.size())
log::error(logcat, "Most blocks are invalid, dropping connection");
drop_connection(context, true, false);
return 1;
uint64_t added = 0;
for(auto& bl_id: arg.m_block_ids)
if (++added == n_use_blocks)
context.m_last_response_height -= arg.m_block_ids.size() - n_use_blocks;
if (!request_missing_objects(context, false))
log::error(logcat, "Failed to request missing objects, dropping connection");
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
if (arg.total_height > m_core.get_target_blockchain_height())
return 1;
template<class t_core>
int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_request_block_blinks(int command, NOTIFY_REQUEST_BLOCK_BLINKS::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context)
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "Received NOTIFY_REQUEST_BLOCK_BLINKS: heights.size()={}", arg.heights.size());
r.txs = m_core.get_pool().get_mined_blinks({arg.heights.begin(), arg.heights.end()});
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "-->>NOTIFY_RESPONSE_BLOCK_BLINKS: txs.size()={}", r.txs.size());
post_notify<NOTIFY_RESPONSE_BLOCK_BLINKS>(r, context);
return 1;
template<class t_core>
int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_response_block_blinks(int command, NOTIFY_RESPONSE_BLOCK_BLINKS::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context)
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "Received NOTIFY_RESPONSE_BLOCK_BLINKS: txs.size()={}", arg.txs.size());
if (arg.txs.empty())
log::debug(logcat, "NOTIFY_RESPONSE_BLOCKS_BLINKS included only blink txes we already knew about");
return 1;
while (!arg.txs.empty())
req.txs = std::move(arg.txs);
req.txs = {arg.txs.end() - CURRENCY_PROTOCOL_MAX_TXS_REQUEST_COUNT, arg.txs.end()};
arg.txs.resize(arg.txs.size() - CURRENCY_PROTOCOL_MAX_TXS_REQUEST_COUNT);
log::info(log::Cat("net.p2p.msg"), "-->>NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_TXS: requesting for tx & blink data, txs.size()={}", req.txs.size());
post_notify<NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_TXS>(req, context);
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "requesting missing blink txs", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
return 1;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::relay_block(NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& exclude_context)
// sort peers between fluffy ones and others
std::vector<std::pair<epee::net_utils::zone, boost::uuids::uuid>> fluffyConnections;
m_p2p->for_each_connection([&exclude_context, &fluffyConnections](connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id)
if (peer_id && exclude_context.m_connection_id != context.m_connection_id && context.m_remote_address.get_zone() == epee::net_utils::zone::public_)
fluffyConnections.push_back({context.m_remote_address.get_zone(), context.m_connection_id});
return true;
std::string fluffyBlob;
if (arg.b.txs.size())
epee::serialization::store_t_to_binary(arg, fluffyBlob);
// NOTE: We should never ideally hit this case. If we do, some developer
// at the calling site passed in the full block information
// relay_block is only meant to send the header, tx blobs should be
// requested subsequently in handle notify fluffy transactions
log::debug(logcat, "relay_block called with argument that contains TX blobs, this is the non-expected case");
NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK::request arg_without_tx_blobs = {};
arg_without_tx_blobs.current_blockchain_height = arg.current_blockchain_height;
arg_without_tx_blobs.b.block = arg.b.block;
epee::serialization::store_t_to_binary(arg_without_tx_blobs, fluffyBlob);
m_p2p->relay_notify_to_list(NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK::ID, epee::strspan<uint8_t>(fluffyBlob), std::move(fluffyConnections));
return true;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::relay_uptime_proof(NOTIFY_UPTIME_PROOF::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& exclude_context)
bool result = relay_to_synchronized_peers<NOTIFY_UPTIME_PROOF>(arg, exclude_context);
return result;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::relay_btencoded_uptime_proof(NOTIFY_BTENCODED_UPTIME_PROOF::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& exclude_context)
bool result = relay_to_synchronized_peers<NOTIFY_BTENCODED_UPTIME_PROOF>(arg, exclude_context);
return result;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::relay_service_node_votes(NOTIFY_NEW_SERVICE_NODE_VOTE::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& exclude_context)
bool result = relay_to_synchronized_peers<NOTIFY_NEW_SERVICE_NODE_VOTE>(arg, exclude_context);
if (result)
return result;
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::relay_transactions(NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& exclude_context)
// no check for success, so tell core they're relayed unconditionally and snag a copy of the
// hash so that we can look up any associated blink data we should include.
std::vector<crypto::hash> relayed_txes;
for (auto &tx_blob : arg.txs)
if (auto hash = m_core.on_transaction_relayed(tx_blob))
// Rebuild arg.blinks from blink data that we have because we don't necessarily have the same
// blink data that got sent to us (we may have additional blink info, or may have rejected some
// of the incoming blink data).
if (is_hard_fork_at_least(m_core.get_nettype(), feature::BLINK, m_core.get_current_blockchain_height()))
auto &pool = m_core.get_pool();
auto lock = pool.blink_shared_lock();
for (auto &hash : relayed_txes)
if (auto blink = pool.get_blink(hash))
auto l = blink->shared_lock();
// no check for success, so tell core they're relayed unconditionally
m_p2p->send_txs(std::move(arg.txs), exclude_context.m_remote_address.get_zone(), exclude_context.m_connection_id, m_core.pad_transactions());
return true;
template<class t_core>
std::string t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_peers_overview() const
std::ostringstream ss;
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](const connection_context &ctx, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id) {
const uint32_t stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(ctx.m_pruning_seed);
char state_char = cryptonote::get_protocol_state_char(ctx.m_state);
ss << stripe + state_char;
if (ctx.m_last_request_time)
ss << ((now - *ctx.m_last_request_time > IDLE_PEER_KICK_TIME) ? "!" : "?");
ss << " ";
return true;
return ss.str();
template<class t_core>
std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_next_needed_pruning_stripe() const
const uint64_t want_height_from_blockchain = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height();
const uint64_t want_height_from_block_queue = m_block_queue.get_next_needed_height(want_height_from_blockchain);
const uint64_t want_height = std::max(want_height_from_blockchain, want_height_from_block_queue);
uint64_t blockchain_height = m_core.get_target_blockchain_height();
// if we don't know the remote chain size yet, assume infinitely large so we get the right stripe if we're not near the tip
if (blockchain_height == 0)
blockchain_height = MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER;
const uint32_t next_pruning_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(want_height, blockchain_height, PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES);
if (next_pruning_stripe == 0)
return std::make_pair(0, 0);
// if we already have a few peers on this stripe, but none on next one, try next one
unsigned int n_next = 0, n_subsequent = 0, n_others = 0;
const uint32_t subsequent_pruning_stripe = 1 + next_pruning_stripe % (1<<PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES);
m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](const connection_context &context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id) {
if (context.m_state >= cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing)
if (context.m_pruning_seed == 0 || tools::get_pruning_stripe(context.m_pruning_seed) == next_pruning_stripe)
else if (tools::get_pruning_stripe(context.m_pruning_seed) == subsequent_pruning_stripe)
return true;
const bool use_next = (n_next > m_max_out_peers / 2 && n_subsequent <= 1) || (n_next > 2 && n_subsequent == 0);
const uint32_t ret_stripe = use_next ? subsequent_pruning_stripe: next_pruning_stripe;
const std::string po = get_peers_overview();
log::debug(logcat, "get_next_needed_pruning_stripe: want height {} ({} from blockchain, {} from block queue), stripe {} ({}/{} on it and {} on {}, {} others) -> {} (+{}), current peers {}", want_height, want_height_from_blockchain, want_height_from_block_queue, next_pruning_stripe, n_next, m_max_out_peers, n_subsequent, subsequent_pruning_stripe, n_others, ret_stripe, (ret_stripe - next_pruning_stripe + (1 << PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES)) % (1 << PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES), po);
return std::make_pair(next_pruning_stripe, ret_stripe);
template<class t_core>
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::needs_new_sync_connections() const
const uint64_t target = m_core.get_target_blockchain_height();
const uint64_t height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height();
if (target && target <= height)
return false;
size_t n_out_peers = 0;
m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& ctx, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id)->bool{
if (!ctx.m_is_income)
return true;
if (n_out_peers >= m_max_out_peers)
return false;
return true;
template<class t_core>
void t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::drop_connection(cryptonote_connection_context &context, bool add_fail, bool flush_all_spans)
log::debug(logcat, "{}dropping connection id {} (pruning seed {}), add_fail {}, flush_all_spans {}", context, boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(context.m_connection_id), epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), add_fail, flush_all_spans);
if (add_fail)
m_block_queue.flush_spans(context.m_connection_id, flush_all_spans);
// If this is the first drop_connection attempt then give the peer a second chance to sort
// itself out: it might have send an invalid block because of a blink conflict, and we want it
// to be able to get our blinks and do a rollback, but if we close instantly it might not get
// them before we close the connection and so might never learn of the problem.
if (context.m_drop_count >= 1)
log::debug(logcat, "{}{} a second chance before dropping", context, "giving connect id ", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(context.m_connection_id));
template<class t_core>
void t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::on_connection_close(cryptonote_connection_context &context)
uint64_t target = 0;
m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](const connection_context& cntxt, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id) {
if (cntxt.m_state >= cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing && cntxt.m_connection_id != context.m_connection_id)
target = std::max(target, cntxt.m_remote_blockchain_height);
return true;
const uint64_t previous_target = m_core.get_target_blockchain_height();
if (target < previous_target)
log::info(logcat, "Target height decreasing from {} to {}", previous_target, target);
if (target == 0 && context.m_state > cryptonote_connection_context::state_before_handshake && !m_stopping)
log::warning(logcat, fg(fmt::terminal_color::yellow), "oxend is now disconnected from the network");
m_block_queue.flush_spans(context.m_connection_id, false);
log::debug(logcat, "{}[{}] state: {} in state {}", context, epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed), "closed", cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state));
template<class t_core>
void t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::stop()
m_stopping = true;
} // namespace