Jason Rhinelander 13409ad00e
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2023-04-13 17:15:12 -03:00

121 lines
5.7 KiB

#include "omq_server.h"
#include <oxenc/variant.h>
#include <oxenmq/auth.h>
#include <oxenmq/oxenmq.h>
#include <wallet3/config/config.hpp>
#include "commands.h"
#include "request_handler.h"
// TODO: get logging working in wallet3 and remove this
#include <iostream>
namespace {
// OMQ RPC responses consist of [CODE, DATA] for code we (partially) mimic HTTP error codes: 200
// means success, anything else means failure. (We don't have codes for Forbidden or Not Found
// because those happen at the OMQ protocol layer).
constexpr std::string_view OMQ_OK{"200"sv}, OMQ_BAD_REQUEST{"400"sv}, OMQ_ERROR{"500"sv};
} // anonymous namespace
namespace wallet::rpc {
using namespace cryptonote::rpc;
using oxenmq::AuthLevel;
void OmqServer::set_omq(std::shared_ptr<oxenmq::OxenMQ> omq_in, wallet::rpc::Config config) {
omq = omq_in;
omq->listen_plain("ipc://"s + config.sockname);
// TODO: parametrize auth
"rpc", AuthLevel::none, 0 /*no reserved threads*/, 100 /*max queued requests*/);
// TODO: actually make restricted category require auth
"restricted", AuthLevel::none, 0 /*no reserved threads*/, 100 /*max queued requests*/);
// TODO: admin commands for wallet RPC?
// omq->add_category("admin", oxenmq::AuthLevel::admin, 1 /* one reserved admin command thread
// */);
for (auto& cmd : rpc_commands) {
cmd.second->is_restricted ? "restricted" : "rpc",
[name = std::string_view{cmd.first}, &call = *cmd.second, this](
oxenmq::Message& m) {
if (m.data.size() > 1)
"Bad request: RPC commands must have at most one data part "
"(received " +
std::to_string(m.data.size()) + ")");
rpc_request request{};
request.context.admin = m.access.auth >= AuthLevel::admin;
request.context.source = rpc_source::omq;
request.context.remote = m.remote;
if (!m.data.empty())
request.body = m.data[0];
try {
auto result = var::visit(
[](auto&& v) -> std::string {
using T = decltype(v);
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<oxenc::bt_value&&, T>)
return bt_serialize(std::move(v));
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<nlohmann::json&&, T>)
return v.dump();
else {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::string&&, T>);
return std::move(v);
call.invoke(std::move(request), request_handler));
m.send_reply(OMQ_OK, std::move(result));
} catch (const parse_error& e) {
// This isn't really WARNable as it's the client fault; log at info level
// instead.
// TODO: for various parsing errors there are still some stupid forced
// ERROR-level warnings that get generated deep inside epee, for example
// when passing a string or number instead of a JSON object. If you want to
// find some, `grep number2 epee` (for real).
std::cout << "OMQ RPC request '"
<< (call.is_restricted ? "restricted." : "rpc.") << name
<< "' called with invalid/unparseable data: " << e.what() << "\n";
m.send_reply(OMQ_BAD_REQUEST, "Unable to parse request: "s + e.what());
} catch (const rpc_error& e) {
std::cout << "OMQ RPC request '"
<< (call.is_restricted ? "restricted." : "rpc.") << name
<< "' failed with: " << e.what() << "\n";
m.send_reply(OMQ_ERROR, e.what());
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cout << "OMQ RPC request '"
<< (call.is_restricted ? "restricted." : "rpc.") << name
<< "' "
"raised an exception: "
<< e.what() << "\n";
} catch (...) {
std::cout << "OMQ RPC request '"
<< (call.is_restricted ? "restricted." : "rpc.") << name
<< "' "
"raised an unknown exception"
<< "\n";
// Don't include the exception message in case it contains something that we
// don't want go back to the user. If we want to support it eventually we could
// add some sort of `rpc::user_visible_exception` that carries a message to send
// back to the user.
m.send_reply(OMQ_ERROR, "An exception occured while processing your request");
} // namespace wallet::rpc