
325 lines
17 KiB

#include "crypto/crypto.h"
#include "cryptonote_config.h"
#include "epee/span.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/tx_extra.h"
#include "common/fs.h"
#include <lokimq/hex.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
struct sqlite3;
struct sqlite3_stmt;
namespace cryptonote
struct checkpoint_t;
struct block;
class transaction;
struct account_address;
struct tx_extra_oxen_name_system;
class Blockchain;
}; // namespace cryptonote
namespace lns
constexpr size_t WALLET_NAME_MAX = 97; // mainnet addresses are 95 but testnet/devnet are 97
constexpr size_t WALLET_ACCOUNT_BINARY_LENGTH = 2 * sizeof(crypto::public_key);
constexpr size_t LOKINET_DOMAIN_NAME_MAX = 63 + 5; // DNS components name must be at most 63 (+ 5 for .oxen); this limit applies if there is at least one hyphen (and thus includes punycode)
constexpr size_t LOKINET_DOMAIN_NAME_MAX_NOHYPHEN = 32 + 5; // If the name does not contain a - then we restrict it to 32 characters so that it cannot be (and is obviously not) an encoded .oxen address (52 characters)
constexpr size_t LOKINET_ADDRESS_BINARY_LENGTH = sizeof(crypto::ed25519_public_key);
constexpr size_t SESSION_DISPLAY_NAME_MAX = 64;
constexpr size_t SESSION_PUBLIC_KEY_BINARY_LENGTH = 1 + sizeof(crypto::ed25519_public_key); // Session keys at prefixed with 0x05 + ed25519 key
constexpr size_t NAME_HASH_SIZE = sizeof(crypto::hash);
constexpr size_t NAME_HASH_SIZE_B64_MIN = (4*NAME_HASH_SIZE + 2) / 3; // No padding
constexpr size_t NAME_HASH_SIZE_B64_MAX = (NAME_HASH_SIZE + 2) / 3 * 4; // With padding
constexpr size_t SODIUM_ENCRYPTION_EXTRA_BYTES = 40; // crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_ABYTES (16) + crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_NPUBBYTES (24), but we don't include sodium here
struct mapping_value
std::array<uint8_t, BUFFER_SIZE> buffer;
bool encrypted;
size_t len;
std::string to_string() const { return std::string{to_view()}; }
std::string_view to_view() const { return {reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer.data()), len}; }
std::string to_readable_value(cryptonote::network_type nettype, mapping_type type) const;
// View the buffer as a encrypted value & nonce pair (the nonce is the last 24 bytes). For older
// session values the nonce will be all 0 bytes *if* the encrypted value is not the proper length
// for an including-the-nonce value. For newer session and all others the nonce is always
// present.
std::pair<std::basic_string_view<unsigned char>, std::basic_string_view<unsigned char>> value_nonce(mapping_type type) const;
bool operator==(mapping_value const &other) const { return encrypted == other.encrypted && other.to_view() == to_view(); }
bool operator==(std::string_view other) const { return other == to_view(); }
// Encrypts the mapping value in-place given the name, suitable for storing into the LNS DB. Only
// basic overflow validation is attempted, values should be pre-validated in the validate*
// functions.
// name - the lower-case ascii string of the record
// name_hash - pointer to a pre-computed name hash, if available. If nullptr then the hash is
// computed as needed.
// deprecated_heavy - if true use the deprecated argon2 hashing for the encryption key; this
// argument is required for hf15, but shouldn't be used afterwards (except for testing purposes).
// Return true if encryption was successful, after which *this will now contain the encrypted value.
// If the value is *already* encrypted this fails via assert (in debug compilation) or returns
// false.
// Note that, because encryption uses a random nonce, encrypting the same plaintext value multiple
// times will result in different encrypted strings.
bool encrypt(std::string_view name, const crypto::hash* name_hash = nullptr, bool deprecated_heavy = false);
// Decrypts the mapping value given the name and mapping type. If the name hash is pre-computed
// it can be passed in. As with encrypt(), name must be already lower-case.
// Returns true if decryption was successful, after which *this will now contain the decrypted value.
// If the value is *already* decrypted this fails via assert (in debug compilation) or returns
// false.
bool decrypt(std::string_view name, mapping_type type, const crypto::hash* name_hash = nullptr);
// Makes a copy of *this, calls encrypt() on it, and returns it. Unlike encrypt(), this call
// leaves `*this` unencrypted and instead returns an encrypted copy.
mapping_value make_encrypted(std::string_view name, const crypto::hash* name_hash = nullptr, bool deprecated_heavy = false) const;
// Makes a copy of *this, calls decrypt() on it, and returns it. Unlike decrypt(), this call
// leaves `*this` encrypted and instead returns an decrypted copy.
mapping_value make_decrypted(std::string_view name, const crypto::hash* name_hash = nullptr) const;
// Validate a human readable mapping value representation in 'value' and write the binary form into 'blob'.
// value: if type is session, 66 character hex string of an ed25519 public key (with 05 prefix)
// lokinet, 52 character base32z string of an ed25519 public key
// wallet, the wallet public address string
// blob: (optional) if function returns true, validate will load the binary data into blob (ready for encryption via encrypt())
static bool validate(cryptonote::network_type nettype, mapping_type type, std::string_view value, mapping_value *blob = nullptr, std::string *reason = nullptr);
// blob: (optional) if function returns true then the value will be loaded into the given
// mapping_value, ready for decryption via decrypt().
static bool validate_encrypted(mapping_type type, std::string_view value, mapping_value *blob = nullptr, std::string *reason = nullptr);
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, mapping_value const &v) { return os << lokimq::to_hex(v.to_view()); }
inline std::string_view mapping_type_str(mapping_type type)
case mapping_type::lokinet: return "lokinet"sv; // general type stored in the database; 1 year when in a purchase tx
case mapping_type::lokinet_2years: return "lokinet_2years"sv; // Only used in a buy tx, not in the DB
case mapping_type::lokinet_5years: return "lokinet_5years"sv; // "
case mapping_type::lokinet_10years: return "lokinet_10years"sv; // "
case mapping_type::session: return "session"sv;
case mapping_type::wallet: return "wallet"sv;
default: assert(false); return "xx_unhandled_type"sv;
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, mapping_type type) { return os << mapping_type_str(type); }
constexpr bool mapping_type_allowed(uint8_t hf_version, mapping_type type) {
return (type == mapping_type::session && hf_version >= cryptonote::network_version_15_lns)
|| (is_lokinet_type(type) && hf_version >= cryptonote::network_version_16_pulse);
// Returns all mapping types supported for lookup as of the given hardfork. (Note that this does
// not return the dedicated length types such as mapping_type::lokinet_5years as those are only
// relevant within a LNS buy tx).
std::vector<mapping_type> all_mapping_types(uint8_t hf_version);
sqlite3 *init_oxen_name_system(const fs::path& file_path, bool read_only);
/// Returns the integer value used in the database and in RPC lookup calls for the given mapping
/// type. In particularly this maps all mapping_type::lokinet_Xyears values to the underlying value
/// of mapping_type::lokinet.
constexpr uint16_t db_mapping_type(lns::mapping_type type) {
if (is_lokinet_type(type))
return static_cast<uint16_t>(mapping_type::lokinet);
return static_cast<uint16_t>(type);
// Returns the length of the given mapping type, in blocks, or std::nullopt if the mapping type never expires.
std::optional<uint64_t> expiry_blocks(cryptonote::network_type nettype, mapping_type type);
// Returns *the* proper representation of a name_hash for querying the database, which is 44 base64
// characters (43 significant chars + a padding '='). External input values should always get
// converted to bytes and then back to base64 through this function (even if initially provided in
// base64) to ensure the correct exact representation. Input must be exactly 32 bytes (a
// std::runtime_error is raised if this is not the case).
std::string name_hash_bytes_to_base64(std::string_view bytes);
// Similar to the above, but takes a value as any of:
// - 32 bytes
// - 64 hex characters
// - 43 or 44 base64 characters (decoded value must be exactly 32 bytes)
// Returns a string of the canonical base64-encoded value *if* the input was valid, std::nullopt
// otherwise.
std::optional<std::string> name_hash_input_to_base64(std::string_view input);
bool validate_lns_name(mapping_type type, std::string name, std::string *reason = nullptr);
generic_signature make_ed25519_signature(crypto::hash const &hash, crypto::ed25519_secret_key const &skey);
generic_owner make_monero_owner(cryptonote::account_public_address const &owner, bool is_subaddress);
generic_owner make_ed25519_owner(crypto::ed25519_public_key const &pkey);
bool parse_owner_to_generic_owner(cryptonote::network_type nettype, std::string_view owner, generic_owner &key, std::string *reason);
std::string tx_extra_signature(std::string_view value, generic_owner const *owner, generic_owner const *backup_owner, crypto::hash const &prev_txid);
enum struct lns_tx_type { lookup, buy, update, renew };
// Converts a human readable case-insensitive string denoting the mapping type into a value suitable for storing into the LNS DB.
// Currently accepts "session" or "lokinet" for lookups, buys, updates, and renewals; for buys and renewals also accepts "lokinet_Ny[ear]" for N=2,5,10
// Lookups are implied by none of buy/update/renew.
// mapping_type: (optional) if function returns true, the uint16_t value of the 'type' will be set
bool validate_mapping_type(std::string_view type, uint8_t hf_version, lns_tx_type txtype, mapping_type *mapping_type, std::string *reason);
// Hashes an LNS name. The name must already be lower-case (but this is only checked in debug builds).
crypto::hash name_to_hash(std::string_view name, const std::optional<crypto::hash>& key = std::nullopt); // Takes a human readable name and hashes it. Takes an optional value to use as a key to produce a keyed hash.
std::string name_to_base64_hash(std::string_view name); // Takes a human readable name, hashes it and returns a base64 representation of the hash, suitable for storage into the LNS DB.
struct owner_record
operator bool() const { return loaded; }
bool loaded;
int64_t id;
generic_owner address;
struct settings_record
operator bool() const { return loaded; }
bool loaded;
uint64_t top_height;
crypto::hash top_hash;
int version;
struct mapping_record
// NOTE: We keep expired entries in the DB indefinitely because we need to
// keep all LNS entries indefinitely to support large blockchain detachments.
// A mapping_record forms a linked list of TXID's which allows us to revert
// the LNS DB to any arbitrary height at a small additional storage cost.
// return: if the record exists and hasn't expired.
bool active(uint64_t blockchain_height) const;
operator bool() const { return loaded; }
bool loaded;
int64_t id;
mapping_type type;
std::string name_hash; // name hashed and represented in base64 encoding
mapping_value encrypted_value;
uint64_t register_height;
std::optional<uint64_t> expiration_height;
uint64_t update_height;
crypto::hash txid;
crypto::hash prev_txid;
int64_t owner_id;
int64_t backup_owner_id;
generic_owner owner;
generic_owner backup_owner;
struct name_system_db;
class sql_compiled_statement final
/// The name_system_db upon which this object operates
name_system_db& nsdb;
/// The stored, owned statement
sqlite3_stmt* statement = nullptr;
/// Constructor; takes a reference to the name_system_db.
explicit sql_compiled_statement(name_system_db& nsdb) : nsdb{nsdb} {}
/// Non-copyable (because we own an internal sqlite3 statement handle)
sql_compiled_statement(const sql_compiled_statement&) = delete;
sql_compiled_statement& operator=(const sql_compiled_statement&) = delete;
/// Move construction; ownership of the internal statement handle, if present, is transferred to
/// the new object.
sql_compiled_statement(sql_compiled_statement&& from) : nsdb{from.nsdb}, statement{from.statement} { from.statement = nullptr; }
/// Move copying. The referenced name_system_db must be the same. Ownership of the internal
/// statement handle is transferred. If the target already has a statement handle then it is
/// destroyed.
sql_compiled_statement& operator=(sql_compiled_statement&& from);
/// Destroys the internal sqlite3 statement on destruction
/// Attempts to prepare the given statement. MERRORs and returns false on failure. If the object
/// already has a prepare statement then it is finalized first.
bool compile(std::string_view query, bool optimise_for_multiple_usage = true);
/// Returns true if the object owns a prepared statement
explicit operator bool() const { return statement != nullptr; }
struct name_system_db
bool init (cryptonote::Blockchain const *blockchain, cryptonote::network_type nettype, sqlite3 *db);
bool add_block (const cryptonote::block& block, const std::vector<cryptonote::transaction>& txs);
cryptonote::network_type network_type() const { return nettype; }
uint64_t height () const { return last_processed_height; }
// Signifies the blockchain has reorganized commences the rollback and pruning procedures.
void block_detach (cryptonote::Blockchain const &blockchain, uint64_t new_blockchain_height);
bool save_owner (generic_owner const &owner, int64_t *row_id);
bool save_mapping (crypto::hash const &tx_hash, cryptonote::tx_extra_oxen_name_system const &src, uint64_t height, std::optional<uint64_t> expiration_height, int64_t owner_id, std::optional<int64_t> backup_owner_id);
bool save_settings (uint64_t top_height, crypto::hash const &top_hash, int version);
// Delete all mappings that are registered on height or newer followed by deleting all owners no longer referenced in the DB
bool prune_db(uint64_t height);
owner_record get_owner_by_key (generic_owner const &owner);
owner_record get_owner_by_id (int64_t owner_id);
// The get_mapping* methods can return any mapping, or only active mappings: for only active
// mappings, pass in the blockchain height. If you omit it (or explicitly pass std::nullopt) then
// you will get the latest mappingsvalues regardless of whether expired or not they are expired.
mapping_record get_mapping (mapping_type type, std::string_view name_base64_hash, std::optional<uint64_t> blockchain_height = std::nullopt);
std::vector<mapping_record> get_mappings (std::vector<mapping_type> const &types, std::string_view name_base64_hash, std::optional<uint64_t> blockchain_height = std::nullopt);
std::vector<mapping_record> get_mappings_by_owner (generic_owner const &key, std::optional<uint64_t> blockchain_height = std::nullopt);
std::vector<mapping_record> get_mappings_by_owners(std::vector<generic_owner> const &keys, std::optional<uint64_t> blockchain_height = std::nullopt);
settings_record get_settings ();
// Resolves a mapping of the given type and name hash. Returns a null optional if the value was
// not found or expired, otherwise returns the encrypted value.
std::optional<mapping_value> resolve(mapping_type type, std::string_view name_hash_b64, uint64_t blockchain_height);
// Validates an LNS transaction. If the function returns true then entry will be populated with
// the LNS details. On a false return, `reason` is instead populated with the failure reason.
bool validate_lns_tx(uint8_t hf_version, uint64_t blockchain_height, cryptonote::transaction const &tx, cryptonote::tx_extra_oxen_name_system &entry, std::string *reason);
// Destructor; closes the sqlite3 database if one is open
sqlite3 *db = nullptr;
bool transaction_begun = false;
cryptonote::network_type nettype;
uint64_t last_processed_height = 0;
crypto::hash last_processed_hash = crypto::null_hash;
sql_compiled_statement save_owner_sql{*this};
sql_compiled_statement save_mapping_sql{*this};
sql_compiled_statement save_settings_sql{*this};
sql_compiled_statement get_owner_by_key_sql{*this};
sql_compiled_statement get_owner_by_id_sql{*this};
sql_compiled_statement get_mapping_sql{*this};
sql_compiled_statement resolve_sql{*this};
sql_compiled_statement get_settings_sql{*this};
sql_compiled_statement prune_mappings_sql{*this};
sql_compiled_statement prune_owners_sql{*this};
sql_compiled_statement get_mappings_by_owner_sql{*this};
sql_compiled_statement get_mappings_on_height_and_newer_sql{*this};
}; // namespace service_nodes