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synced 2023-12-14 02:22:56 +01:00
(Merged from various earlier blink test commits) These tests spin up a network of nodes, mining, registering service nodes, then send blink txes in various ways across them testing that blinks work as expected and that various potential scenarios blink is designed to protect against are actually prevented. The tests use python to spool up nodes and wallets, and require python3 with pytest and requests installed. Tests can be run manually with: cd tests/network_tests pytest-3 or with moderately and much more verbose output of operations with: pytest-3 -v # Shows individual test cases pytest-3 -vv # Same, but also spews tons of output on failures pytest-3 -svv # Show the verbose output live (even on success) It gets added to the default testing suite (assume the python requisites are installed), though in very non-verbose form.
356 lines
13 KiB
356 lines
13 KiB
import sys
import random
import requests
import subprocess
import time
# On linux we can pick a random 127.x.y.z IP which is highly likely to not have anything listening
# on it (so we make bind conflicts highly unlikely). On most other OSes we have to listen on
# instead, so we pick a random starting port instead to try to minimize bind conflicts.
('127.' + '.'.join(str(random.randint(1, 254)) for _ in range(3)), 1100)
if sys.platform == 'linux' else
('', random.randint(5000, 20000)))
def next_port():
global NEXT_PORT
port = NEXT_PORT
return port
class ProcessExited(RuntimeError):
class TransferFailed(RuntimeError):
def __init__(self, message, json):
self.message = message
self.json = json
class RPCDaemon:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.proc = None
self.terminated = False
def __del__(self):
def terminate(self, repeat=False):
"""Sends a TERM signal if one hasn't already been sent (or even if it has, with
repeat=True). Does not wait for exit."""
if self.proc and (repeat or not self.terminated):
self.terminated = True
def start(self):
if self.proc and self.proc.poll() is None:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot start process that is already running!")
self.proc = subprocess.Popen(self.arguments(),
stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
self.terminated = False
def stop(self):
"""Tries stopping with a term at first, then a kill if the term hasn't worked after 10s"""
if self.proc:
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
print("{} took more than 10s to exit, killing it".format(self.name))
self.proc = None
def arguments(self):
"""Returns the startup arguments; default is just self.args, but subclasses can override."""
return self.args
def json_rpc(self, method, params=None, *, timeout=10):
"""Sends a json_rpc request to the rpc port. Returns the response object."""
if not self.proc:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot make rpc request before calling start()")
json = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "0",
"method": method,
if params:
json["params"] = params
return requests.post('http://{}:{}/json_rpc'.format(self.listen_ip, self.rpc_port), json=json, timeout=timeout)
def rpc(self, path, params=None, *, timeout=10):
"""Sends a non-json_rpc rpc request to the rpc port at path `path`, e.g. /get_info. Returns the response object."""
if not self.proc:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot make rpc request before calling start()")
return requests.post('http://{}:{}{}'.format(self.listen_ip, self.rpc_port, path), json=params, timeout=timeout)
def wait_for_json_rpc(self, method, params=None, *, timeout=10):
"""Calls `json_rpc', sleeping if it fails for up time `timeout' seconds. Returns the
response if it succeeds, raises the last exception if timeout is reached. If the process
exit, raises a RuntimeError"""
until = time.time() + timeout
now = time.time()
while now < until:
exit_status = self.proc.poll()
if exit_status is not None:
raise ProcessExited("{} exited ({}) while waiting for an RPC response".format(self.name, exit_status))
timeout = until - now
return self.json_rpc(method, params, timeout=timeout)
if time.time() + .25 >= until:
now = time.time()
if now >= until:
class Daemon(RPCDaemon):
base_args = ('--dev-allow-local-ips', '--fixed-difficulty=1', '--regtest', '--non-interactive', '--rpc-ssl=disabled')
def __init__(self, *,
listen_ip=None, p2p_port=None, rpc_port=None, zmq_port=None, qnet_port=None, ss_port=None,
self.rpc_port = rpc_port or next_port()
if name is None:
name = 'lokid@{}'.format(self.rpc_port)
self.listen_ip = listen_ip or LISTEN_IP
self.p2p_port = p2p_port or next_port()
self.zmq_port = zmq_port or next_port()
self.qnet_port = qnet_port or next_port()
self.ss_port = ss_port or next_port()
self.peers = []
self.args = [lokid] + list(self.__class__.base_args)
self.args += (
'--data-dir={}/loki-{}-{}'.format(datadir or '.', self.listen_ip, self.rpc_port),
'--log-file=loki.log'.format(self.listen_ip, self.p2p_port),
for d in peers:
if service_node:
self.args += (
def arguments(self):
return self.args + [
'--add-exclusive-node={}:{}'.format(node.listen_ip, node.p2p_port) for node in self.peers]
def ready(self):
"""Waits for the daemon to get ready, i.e. for it to start returning something to a
`get_info` rpc request. Calls start() if it hasn't already been called."""
if not self.proc:
def add_peer(self, node):
"""Adds a peer. Must be called before starting."""
if self.proc:
raise RuntimeError("add_peer needs to be called before start()")
def remove_peer(self, node):
"""Removes a peer. Must be called before starting."""
if self.proc:
raise RuntimeError("remove_peer needs to be called before start()")
def mine_blocks(self, num_blocks, wallet, *, slow=True):
a = wallet.address()
self.rpc('/start_mining', {
"miner_address": a,
"threads_count": 1,
"num_blocks": num_blocks,
"slow_mining": slow
def height(self):
return self.rpc("/get_height").json()["height"]
def txpool_hashes(self):
return [x['id_hash'] for x in self.rpc("/get_transaction_pool").json()['transactions']]
def ping(self, *, storage=True, lokinet=True):
"""Sends fake storage server and lokinet pings to the running lokid"""
if storage:
self.json_rpc("storage_server_ping", { "version_major": 1, "version_minor": 0, "version_patch": 9 })
if lokinet:
self.json_rpc("lokinet_ping", { "version": [0,6,0] })
def p2p_resync(self):
"""Triggers a p2p resync to happen soon (i.e. at the next p2p idle loop)."""
class Wallet(RPCDaemon):
base_args = ('--disable-rpc-login', '--non-interactive', '--password','', '--regtest', '--rpc-ssl=disabled', '--daemon-ssl=disabled')
def __init__(
self.listen_ip = listen_ip or LISTEN_IP
self.rpc_port = rpc_port or next_port()
self.node = node
self.name = name or 'wallet@{}'.format(self.rpc_port)
self.walletdir = '{}/wallet-{}-{}'.format(datadir or '.', self.listen_ip, self.rpc_port)
self.args = [rpc_wallet] + list(self.__class__.base_args)
self.args += (
'--daemon-address={}:{}'.format(node.listen_ip, node.rpc_port),
self.wallet_address = None
def ready(self, wallet="wallet", existing=False):
"""Makes the wallet ready, waiting for it to start up and create a new wallet (or load an
existing one, if `existing`) within the rpc wallet. Calls `start()` first if it hasn't
already been called. Does *not* explicitly refresh."""
if not self.proc:
self.wallet_filename = wallet
if existing:
r = self.wait_for_json_rpc("open_wallet", {"filename": wallet, "password": ""})
r = self.wait_for_json_rpc("create_wallet", {"filename": wallet, "password": "", "language": "English"})
if 'result' not in r.json():
raise RuntimeError("Cannot open or create wallet: {}".format(r['error'] if 'error' in r else 'Unexpected response: {}'.format(r)))
def refresh(self):
return self.json_rpc('refresh')
def address(self):
if not self.wallet_address:
self.wallet_address = self.json_rpc("get_address").json()["result"]["address"]
return self.wallet_address
def new_wallet(self):
self.wallet_address = None
r = self.wait_for_json_rpc("close_wallet")
if 'result' not in r.json():
raise RuntimeError("Cannot close current wallet: {}".format(r['error'] if 'error' in r else 'Unexpected response: {}'.format(r)))
if not hasattr(self, 'wallet_suffix'):
self.wallet_suffix = 2
self.wallet_suffix += 1
r = self.wait_for_json_rpc("create_wallet", {"filename": "{}_{}".format(self.wallet_filename, self.wallet_suffix), "password": "", "language": "English"})
if 'result' not in r.json():
raise RuntimeError("Cannot create wallet: {}".format(r['error'] if 'error' in r else 'Unexpected response: {}'.format(r)))
def balances(self, refresh=False):
"""Returns (total, unlocked) balances. Can optionally refresh first."""
if refresh:
b = self.json_rpc("get_balance").json()['result']
return (b['balance'], b['unlocked_balance'])
def transfer(self, to, amount=None, *, priority=None, blink=False, sweep=False):
"""Attempts a transfer. Throws TransferFailed if it gets rejected by the daemon, otherwise
returns the 'result' key."""
if blink and priority:
raise RuntimeError("Wallet.transfer: priority and blink are mutually exclusive")
elif priority is None:
priority = 0
if sweep and not amount:
r = self.json_rpc("sweep_all", {"address": to.address(), "priority": priority, "blink": blink})
elif amount and not sweep:
r = self.json_rpc("transfer_split", {"destinations": [{"address": to.address(), "amount": amount}], "priority": priority, "blink": blink})
raise RuntimeError("Wallet.transfer: either `sweep` or `amount` must be given")
r = r.json()
if 'error' in r:
raise TransferFailed("Transfer failed: {}".format(r['error']['message']), r)
return r['result']
def find_transfers(self, txids, in_=True, pool=True, out=True, pending=False, failed=False):
transfers = self.json_rpc('get_transfers', {'in':in_, 'pool':pool, 'out':out, 'pending':pending, 'failed':failed }).json()['result']
def find_tx(txid):
for type_, txs in transfers.items():
for tx in txs:
if tx['txid'] == txid:
return tx
return [find_tx(txid) for txid in txids]
def register_sn(self, sn):
r = sn.json_rpc("get_service_node_registration_cmd", {
"operator_cut": "100",
"contributions": [{"address": self.address(), "amount": 100000000000}],
"staking_requirement": 100000000000
if 'error' in r:
raise RuntimeError("Registration cmd generation failed: {}".format(r['error']['message']))
cmd = r['result']['registration_cmd']
r = self.json_rpc("register_service_node", {"register_service_node_str": cmd}).json()
if 'error' in r:
raise RuntimeError("Failed to submit service node registration tx: {}".format(r['error']['message']))