
621 lines
24 KiB

#include "http_server.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <exception>
#include <oxenc/variant.h>
#include "common/command_line.h"
#include "common/string_util.h"
#include "cryptonote_config.h"
#include "cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.h"
#include "epee/net/jsonrpc_structs.h"
#include "rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h"
#include "rpc/common/rpc_args.h"
#include "version.h"
namespace cryptonote::rpc {
static auto logcat = log::Cat("daemon.rpc");
const command_line::arg_descriptor<std::vector<std::string>> http_server::arg_rpc_public{
"Specifies an IP:PORT to listen on for public (restricted) RPC requests; can be specified multiple times."
const command_line::arg_descriptor<std::vector<std::string>, false, true, 2> http_server::arg_rpc_admin{
"Specifies an IP:PORT to listen on for admin (unrestricted) RPC requests; can be specified multiple times. Specify \"none\" to disable.",
{"" + std::to_string(config::RPC_DEFAULT_PORT), "[::1]:" + std::to_string(config::RPC_DEFAULT_PORT)},
{{ &cryptonote::arg_testnet_on, &cryptonote::arg_devnet_on }},
[](std::array<bool, 2> testnet_devnet, bool defaulted, std::vector<std::string> val) {
auto& [testnet, devnet] = testnet_devnet;
if (defaulted && (testnet || devnet)) {
auto port = std::to_string(testnet ? config::testnet::RPC_DEFAULT_PORT : config::devnet::RPC_DEFAULT_PORT);
val = {"" + port, "[::1]:" + port};
return val;
const command_line::arg_descriptor<uint16_t> http_server::arg_rpc_bind_port = {
"Port for RPC server; deprecated, use --rpc-public or --rpc-admin instead.",
const command_line::arg_descriptor<uint16_t> http_server::arg_rpc_restricted_bind_port = {
, "Port for restricted RPC server; deprecated, use --rpc-public instead"
, 0
const command_line::arg_descriptor<bool> http_server::arg_restricted_rpc = {
, "Deprecated, use --rpc-public instead"
, false
// This option doesn't do anything anymore, but keep it here for now in case people added it to
// config files/startup flags.
const command_line::arg_descriptor<bool> http_server::arg_public_node = {
, "Deprecated; use --rpc-public option instead"
, false
namespace { void long_poll_trigger(cryptonote::tx_memory_pool&); }
void http_server::init_options(boost::program_options::options_description& desc, boost::program_options::options_description& hidden)
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_rpc_public);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_rpc_admin);
command_line::add_arg(hidden, arg_rpc_bind_port);
command_line::add_arg(hidden, arg_rpc_restricted_bind_port);
command_line::add_arg(hidden, arg_restricted_rpc);
command_line::add_arg(hidden, arg_public_node);
cryptonote::long_poll_trigger = long_poll_trigger;
core_rpc_server& server,
rpc_args rpc_config,
bool restricted,
std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, uint16_t, bool>> bind)
: m_server{server}, m_restricted{restricted}
// uWS is designed to work from a single thread, which is good (we pull off the requests and
// then stick them into the LMQ job queue to be scheduled along with other jobs). But as a
// consequence, we need to create everything inside that thread. We *also* need to get the
// (thread local) event loop pointer back from the thread so that we can shut it down later
// (injecting a callback into it is one of the few thread-safe things we can do across threads).
// Things we need in the owning thread, fulfilled from the http thread:
// - the uWS::Loop* for the event loop thread (which is thread_local). We can get this during
// thread startup, after the thread does basic initialization.
std::promise<uWS::Loop*> loop_promise;
auto loop_future = loop_promise.get_future();
// - the us_listen_socket_t* on which the server is listening. We can't get this until we
// actually start listening, so wait until `start()` for it. (We also double-purpose it to
// send back an exception if one fires during startup).
std::promise<std::vector<us_listen_socket_t*>> startup_success_promise;
m_startup_success = startup_success_promise.get_future();
// Things we need to send from the owning thread to the event loop thread:
// - a signal when the thread should bind to the port and start the event loop (when we call
// start()).
m_rpc_thread = std::thread{[this, rpc_config=std::move(rpc_config), bind=std::move(bind)] (
std::promise<uWS::Loop*> loop_promise,
std::future<bool> startup_future,
std::promise<std::vector<us_listen_socket_t*>> startup_success) {
uWS::App http;
try {
} catch (...) {
if (!startup_future.get())
// False means cancel, i.e. we got destroyed/shutdown without start() being called
m_login = rpc_config.login;
m_cors = {rpc_config.access_control_origins.begin(), rpc_config.access_control_origins.end()};
std::vector<us_listen_socket_t*> listening;
try {
bool required_bind_failed = false;
for (const auto& [addr, port, required] : bind)
http.listen(addr, port, [&listening, req=required, &required_bind_failed](us_listen_socket_t* sock) {
if (sock) listening.push_back(sock);
else if (req) required_bind_failed = true;
if (listening.empty() || required_bind_failed) {
std::ostringstream error;
error << "RPC HTTP server failed to bind; ";
if (listening.empty()) error << "no valid bind address(es) given";
error << "tried to bind to:";
for (const auto& [addr, port, required] : bind)
error << ' ' << addr << ':' << port;
throw std::runtime_error(error.str());
} catch (...) {
}, std::move(loop_promise), m_startup_promise.get_future(), std::move(startup_success_promise)};
m_loop = loop_future.get();
void http_server::create_rpc_endpoints(uWS::App& http)
auto access_denied = [this](HttpResponse* res, HttpRequest* req) {
log::info(logcat, "Forbidden HTTP request for restricted endpoint {} {}", req->getMethod(), req->getUrl());
error_response(*res, HTTP_FORBIDDEN);
//note: rpc_commands is a pseudo-global in core_rpc_server.h
for (auto& [name, call] : rpc_commands) {
if (call->is_legacy || call->is_binary) {
if (!call->is_public && m_restricted)
http.any("/" + name, access_denied);
http.any("/" + name, [this, &call=*call](HttpResponse* res, HttpRequest* req) {
if (m_login && !check_auth(*req, *res))
handle_base_request(*res, *req, call);
http.post("/json_rpc", [this](HttpResponse* res, HttpRequest* req) {
if (m_login && !check_auth(*req, *res))
handle_json_rpc_request(*res, *req);
// Fallback to send a 404 for anything else:
http.any("/*", [this](HttpResponse* res, HttpRequest* req) {
if (m_login && !check_auth(*req, *res))
log::info(logcat, "Invalid HTTP request for {} {}", req->getMethod(), req->getUrl());
error_response(*res, HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
namespace {
struct call_data {
http_server& http;
core_rpc_server& core_rpc;
HttpResponse& res;
std::string uri;
const rpc_command* call{nullptr};
rpc_request request{};
bool aborted{false};
bool replied{false};
bool jsonrpc{false};
nlohmann::json jsonrpc_id{nullptr};
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> extra_headers; // Extra headers to send
// If we have to drop the request because we are overloaded we want to reply with an error (so
// that we close the connection instead of leaking it and leaving it hanging). We don't do
// this, of course, if the request got aborted and replied to.
~call_data() {
if (replied || aborted) return;
http.loop_defer([&http=http, &res=res, jsonrpc=jsonrpc] {
if (jsonrpc)
http.jsonrpc_error_response(res, -32003, "Server busy, try again later", nullptr);
http.error_response(res, http_server::HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Server busy, try again later");
call_data(const call_data&) = delete;
call_data(call_data&&) = delete;
call_data& operator=(const call_data&) = delete;
call_data& operator=(call_data&&) = delete;
// Wrappers around .http.jsonrpc_error_response and .http.error_response that do nothing if the
// request is already replied to, and otherwise set `replied` and forward everything passed in
// to http.<method>(...).
template <typename... T>
auto jsonrpc_error_response(T&&... args) {
if (replied || aborted) return;
replied = true;
return http.jsonrpc_error_response(std::forward<T>(args)...);
template <typename... T>
auto error_response(T&&... args) {
if (replied || aborted) return;
replied = true;
return http.error_response(std::forward<T>(args)...);
// Queues a response for the HTTP thread to handle
void queue_response(std::shared_ptr<call_data> data, std::string body)
auto& http = data->http;
data->replied = true;
http.loop_defer([data=std::move(data), body=std::move(body)] {
if (data->aborted)
data->res.cork([data=std::move(data), body=std::move(body)] {
auto& res = data->res;
res.writeHeader("Server", data->http.server_header());
res.writeHeader("Content-Type", data->call->is_binary ? "application/octet-stream"sv : "application/json"sv);
if (data->http.closing()) res.writeHeader("Connection", "close");
for (const auto& [name, value] : data->extra_headers)
res.writeHeader(name, value);
if (data->http.closing()) res.close();
void invoke_txpool_hashes_bin(std::shared_ptr<call_data> data);
// Invokes the actual RPC request; this is called (via oxenmq) from some random LMQ worker thread,
// which means we can't just write our reply; instead we have to post it to the uWS loop.
void invoke_rpc(std::shared_ptr<call_data> dataptr)
auto& data = *dataptr;
if (data.aborted) return;
// Replace the default tx pool hashes callback with our own (which adds long poll support):
if (std::string_view{data.uri}.substr(1) == rpc::GET_TRANSACTION_POOL_HASHES_BIN::names()[0])
return invoke_txpool_hashes_bin(std::move(dataptr));
const bool time_logging = OXEN_LOG_ENABLED(debug);
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point start;
if (time_logging)
start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
int json_error = -32603;
std::string json_message = "Internal error";
std::string http_message;
std::string result;
try {
auto r = data.call->invoke(std::move(data.request), data.core_rpc);
if (data.jsonrpc)
result = nlohmann::json{{"jsonrpc", "2.0"}, {"id", data.jsonrpc_id}, {"result", var::get<nlohmann::json>(std::move(r))}}.dump();
else if (auto* json = std::get_if<nlohmann::json>(&r))
result = json->dump();
result = var::get<std::string>(std::move(r));
// And throw if we get back a bt_value because we don't accept that at all
json_error = 0;
} catch (const parse_error& e) {
// This isn't really WARNable as it's the client fault; log at info level instead.
log::info(logcat, "HTTP RPC request '{}' called with invalid/unparseable data: {}", data.uri, e.what());
json_error = -32602;
http_message = "Unable to parse request: "s + e.what();
json_message = "Invalid params";
} catch (const rpc_error& e) {
log::warning(logcat, "HTTP RPC request '{}' failed with: {}", data.uri, e.what());
json_error = e.code;
json_message = e.message;
http_message = e.message;
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
log::warning(logcat, "HTTP RPC request '{}' raised an exception: {}", data.uri, e.what());
} catch (...) {
log::warning(logcat, "HTTP RPC request '{}' raised an unknown exception", data.uri);
if (json_error != 0) {
data.http.loop_defer([data=std::move(dataptr), json_error, msg=std::move(data.jsonrpc ? json_message : http_message)] {
if (data->jsonrpc)
data->jsonrpc_error_response(data->res, json_error, msg, data->jsonrpc_id);
data->error_response(data->res, http_server::HTTP_ERROR, msg.empty() ? std::nullopt : std::make_optional<std::string_view>(msg));
std::string call_duration;
if (time_logging)
call_duration = " in " + tools::friendly_duration(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start);
log::info(logcat, "HTTP RPC {} [{}] OK ({} bytes){}", data.uri, data.request.context.remote, result.size(), call_duration);
queue_response(std::move(dataptr), std::move(result));
std::string pool_hashes_response(std::vector<crypto::hash>&& pool_hashes) {
res.tx_hashes = std::move(pool_hashes);
res.status = STATUS_OK;
std::string response;
epee::serialization::store_t_to_binary(res, response);
return response;
std::list<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<call_data>, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point>> long_pollers;
std::mutex long_poll_mutex;
// HTTP-only long-polling support for the transaction pool hashes command
void invoke_txpool_hashes_bin(std::shared_ptr<call_data> data) {
std::string_view body;
if (auto body_sv = data->request.body_view())
body = *body_sv;
throw parse_error{"Internal error: got unexpected request body type"};
if (!epee::serialization::load_t_from_binary(req, body))
throw parse_error{"Failed to parse binary data parameters"};
std::vector<crypto::hash> pool_hashes;
data->core_rpc.get_core().get_pool().get_transaction_hashes(pool_hashes, data->request.context.admin, req.blinked_txs_only /*include_only_blinked*/);
if (req.long_poll)
crypto::hash checksum{};
for (const auto& h : pool_hashes) checksum ^= h;
if (req.tx_pool_checksum == checksum) {
// Hashes match, which means we need to defer this request until later.
std::lock_guard lock{long_poll_mutex};
log::trace(logcat, "Deferring long poll request from {}: long polling requested and remote's checksum matches current pool ({})", data->request.context.remote, checksum);
long_pollers.emplace_back(std::move(data), std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + GET_TRANSACTION_POOL_HASHES_BIN::long_poll_timeout);
log::trace(logcat, "Ignoring long poll request from {}: pool hash mismatch (remote: {}, local: {})", data->request.context.remote, req.tx_pool_checksum, checksum);
// Either not a long poll request or checksum didn't match
queue_response(std::move(data), pool_hashes_response(std::move(pool_hashes)));
// This get invoked (from cryptonote_core.cpp) whenever the mempool is added to. We queue
// responses for everyone currently waiting.
void long_poll_trigger(tx_memory_pool &pool) {
std::lock_guard lock{long_poll_mutex};
if (long_pollers.empty())
log::debug(logcat, "TX pool changed; sending tx pool to {} pending long poll connections", long_pollers.size());
std::optional<std::string> body_public, body_admin;
for (auto& [dataptr, expiry]: long_pollers)
auto& data = *dataptr;
auto& body = data.request.context.admin ? body_admin : body_public;
if (!body)
std::vector<crypto::hash> pool_hashes;
pool.get_transaction_hashes(pool_hashes, data.request.context.admin, true /*include_only_blinked*/);
body = pool_hashes_response(std::move(pool_hashes));
log::trace(logcat, "Sending deferred long poll pool update to {}", data.request.context.remote);
queue_response(std::move(dataptr), *body);
std::string long_poll_timeout_body;
// Called periodically to clear expired Starts up a periodic timer for checking for expired long poll requests. We run this only once
// a second because we don't really care if we time out at *precisely* 15 seconds.
void long_poll_process_timeouts() {
std::lock_guard lock{long_poll_mutex};
if (long_pollers.empty())
if (long_poll_timeout_body.empty())
epee::serialization::store_t_to_binary(res, long_poll_timeout_body);
int count = 0;
auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for (auto it = long_pollers.begin(); it != long_pollers.end(); )
if (it->second < now)
log::trace(logcat, "Sending long poll timeout to {}", it->first->request.context.remote);
queue_response(std::move(it->first), long_poll_timeout_body);
it = long_pollers.erase(it);
if (count > 0)
log::debug(logcat, "Timed out {} long poll connections", count);
log::trace(logcat, "None of {} established long poll connections reached timeout", long_pollers.size());
} // anonymous namespace
void http_server::handle_base_request(
HttpResponse& res,
HttpRequest& req,
const rpc_command& call)
std::shared_ptr<call_data> data{new call_data{*this, m_server, res, std::string{req.getUrl()}, &call}};
auto& request = data->request;
request.body = ""s;
request.context.admin = !m_restricted;
request.context.source = rpc_source::http;
request.context.remote = get_remote_address(res);
handle_cors(req, data->extra_headers);
log::trace(logcat, "Received {} {} request from {}", req.getMethod(), req.getUrl(), request.context.remote);
res.onAborted([data] { data->aborted = true; });
res.onData([data=std::move(data)](std::string_view d, bool done) mutable {
var::get<std::string>(data->request.body) += d;
if (!done)
auto& omq = data->core_rpc.get_core().get_omq();
std::string cat{data->call->is_public ? "rpc" : "admin"};
std::string cmd{"http:" + data->uri}; // Used for LMQ job logging; prefixed with http: so we can distinguish it
std::string remote{data->request.context.remote};
omq.inject_task(std::move(cat), std::move(cmd), std::move(remote), [data=std::move(data)] { invoke_rpc(std::move(data)); });
void http_server::handle_json_rpc_request(HttpResponse& res, HttpRequest& req)
std::shared_ptr<call_data> data{new call_data{*this, m_server, res, std::string{req.getUrl()}}};
data->jsonrpc = true;
auto& request = data->request;
request.context.admin = !m_restricted;
request.context.source = rpc_source::http;
request.context.remote = get_remote_address(res);
handle_cors(req, data->extra_headers);
res.onAborted([data] { data->aborted = true; });
res.onData([buffer=""s, data, restricted=m_restricted](std::string_view d, bool done) mutable {
if (!done) {
buffer += d;
std::string_view body;
if (buffer.empty())
body = d; // bypass copying the string_view to a string
body = (buffer += d);
nlohmann::json jsonrpc;
try {
jsonrpc = nlohmann::json::parse(body);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
return data->jsonrpc_error_response(data->res, -32700, "Parse error", nullptr);
data->jsonrpc_id = std::move(jsonrpc["id"]);
const std::string* method;
try {
method = &jsonrpc["method"].get_ref<const std::string&>();
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
log::info(logcat, "Invalid JSON RPC request from {}: no 'method' in request", data->request.context.remote);
return data->jsonrpc_error_response(data->res, -32600, "Invalid Request", data->jsonrpc_id);
if (auto it = rpc_commands.find(*method);
it != rpc_commands.end() && !it->second->is_binary)
data->call = it->second.get();
else {
log::info(logcat, "Invalid JSON RPC request from {}: method '{}' is invalid", data->request.context.remote, *method);
return data->jsonrpc_error_response(data->res, -32601, "Method not found", data->jsonrpc_id);
if (restricted && !data->call->is_public)
log::warning(logcat, "Invalid JSON RPC request from {}: method '{}' is restricted", data->request.context.remote, *method);
return data->jsonrpc_error_response(data->res, 403, "Forbidden; this command is not available over public RPC", data->jsonrpc_id);
log::debug(logcat, "Incoming JSON RPC request for {} from {}", *method, data->request.context.remote);
if (auto it = jsonrpc.find("params"); it != jsonrpc.end())
data->request.body = *it;
auto& omq = data->core_rpc.get_core().get_omq();
std::string cat{data->call->is_public ? "rpc" : "admin"};
std::string cmd{"jsonrpc:" + *method}; // Used for LMQ job logging; prefixed with jsonrpc: so we can distinguish it
std::string remote{data->request.context.remote};
omq.inject_task(std::move(cat), std::move(cmd), std::move(remote), [data=std::move(data)] { invoke_rpc(std::move(data)); });
static std::unordered_set<oxenmq::OxenMQ*> timer_started;
void http_server::start()
if (m_sent_startup)
throw std::logic_error{"Cannot call http_server::start() more than once"};
auto net = m_server.nettype();
m_server_header = "oxend/"s + (m_restricted ? std::to_string(OXEN_VERSION[0]) : std::string{OXEN_VERSION_FULL})
+ (net == network_type::MAINNET ? " mainnet" : net == network_type::TESTNET ? " testnet" : net == network_type::DEVNET ? " devnet" : net == network_type::FAKECHAIN ? " fakenet" : " unknown net");
m_sent_startup = true;
m_listen_socks = m_startup_success.get();
auto& omq = m_server.get_core().get_omq();
if (timer_started.insert(&omq).second)
omq.add_timer(long_poll_process_timeouts, 1s);
void http_server::shutdown(bool join)
if (!m_rpc_thread.joinable())
if (!m_sent_shutdown)
log::trace(logcat, "initiating shutdown");
if (!m_sent_startup)
m_sent_startup = true;
else if (!m_listen_socks.empty())
loop_defer([this] {
log::trace(logcat, "closing {} listening sockets", m_listen_socks.size());
for (auto* s : m_listen_socks)
us_listen_socket_close(/*ssl=*/false, s);
m_closing = true;
// Destroy any pending long poll connections as well
log::trace(logcat, "closing pending long poll requests");
std::lock_guard lock{long_poll_mutex};
for (auto it = long_pollers.begin(); it != long_pollers.end(); )
if (&it->first->http != this)
continue; // Belongs to some other http_server instance
it->first->aborted = true;
it = long_pollers.erase(it);
m_sent_shutdown = true;
log::trace(logcat, "joining rpc thread");
if (join)
log::trace(logcat, "done shutdown");
} // namespace cryptonote::rpc