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#pragma once
namespace wallet
struct GeneralWalletConfig
std::string nettype = "testnet"; // What network the wallet is operating on ("mainnet" | "testnet" | "devnet")
std::string datadir = "oxen-wallet"; // Directory to store data (Database files, websocket file, logs)
bool append_network_type_to_datadir = true; // If you specify a datadir do you want the wallet to save into subdirs for testnet
uint32_t subaddress_lookahead_major = 50; // The wallet will generate a number of accounts based on this figure
uint32_t subaddress_lookahead_minor = 200; // The wallet will generate a number of addresses for each account based on this figure
struct LoggingConfig
std::string level = "info";
bool save_logs_in_subdirectory = true; // e.g ~/.oxen-wallet/testnet/logs/wallet_logs.txt vs ~/.oxen-wallet/testnet/wallet_logs.txt
std::string logdir = "logs"; // Directory to store log data
std::string log_filename = "wallet_logs.txt"; // name for logs
size_t log_file_size_limit = 1024 * 1024 * 50; // 50MiB
size_t extra_files = 1;
bool rotate_on_open = true; // wallet will create a new log file every time its opened
struct DaemonCommsConfig
std::string address; // The remote url of the daemon.
std::string proxy; // Optional proxy to use for connection. E.g. socks4a://hostname:port for a SOCKS proxy.
bool trusted; // When true, allow the usage of commands that may compromise privacy
std::string ssl_private_key_path; // HTTPS client authentication: path to private key. Must use an address starting with https://
std::string ssl_certificate_path; // HTTPS client authentication: path to certificate. Must use an address starting with https://
std::string ssl_ca_file; // Path to CA bundle to use for HTTPS server certificate verification instead of system CA. Requires an https:// address.
bool ssl_allow_any_cert; // Make HTTPS insecure: disable HTTPS certificate verification when using an https:// address.
namespace rpc
struct Config
std::string sockname = "wallet.sock";
struct Config
GeneralWalletConfig general;
LoggingConfig logging;
DaemonCommsConfig daemon;
wallet::rpc::Config omq_rpc;