
124 lines
4.3 KiB

#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#include <wallet3/db/walletdb.hpp>
#include <sqlitedb/database.hpp>
TEST_CASE("DB Schema", "[wallet,db]")
wallet::WalletDB db{fs::path(":memory:"), ""};
SECTION("db schema creation succeeds")
// will not throw if schema is already set up
SECTION("Insert and fetch block")
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(db.prepared_exec("INSERT INTO blocks VALUES(?,?,?,?);", 42, 0, "Adams", 0));
std::string hash;
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(hash = db.prepared_get<std::string>("SELECT hash FROM blocks WHERE height = 42"));
REQUIRE(hash == "Adams");
SECTION("Insert and fetch transaction")
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(db.prepared_exec("INSERT INTO blocks VALUES(?,?,?,?);", 0, 0, "foo", 0));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(db.prepared_exec("INSERT INTO transactions VALUES(?,?,?);", 42, 0, "footx"));
std::tuple<std::string, int> res;
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(res = db.prepared_get<std::string, int>("SELECT hash,block FROM transactions WHERE id = 42"));
const auto& [hash,block] = res;
REQUIRE(hash == "footx");
REQUIRE(block == 0);
SECTION("Insert and fetch key image")
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(db.prepared_exec("INSERT INTO key_images VALUES(?,?);", 0, "key_image"));
std::string image;
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(image = db.prepared_get<std::string>("SELECT key_image FROM key_images WHERE id = 0"));
REQUIRE(image == "key_image");
// key image is unique
REQUIRE_THROWS(db.prepared_exec("INSERT INTO key_images VALUES(?,?);", 0, "key_image"));
TEST_CASE("DB Triggers", "[wallet,db]")
wallet::WalletDB db{fs::path(":memory:"), ""};
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(db.prepared_exec("INSERT INTO blocks VALUES(?,?,?,?);", 0, 0, "foo", 0));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(db.prepared_exec("INSERT INTO transactions VALUES(?,?,?);", 0, 0, "footx"));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(db.prepared_exec("INSERT INTO key_images VALUES(?,?);", 0, "key_image"));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(db.prepared_exec("INSERT INTO outputs VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);",
0, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, "out_key", "rct_mask", 0, 0, 0));
SECTION("Confirm output insert triggers")
REQUIRE(db.prepared_get<int64_t>("SELECT amount FROM outputs WHERE id = 0") == 42);
REQUIRE(db.overall_balance() == 42);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(db.prepared_exec("INSERT INTO blocks VALUES(?,?,?,?);", 1, 0, "bar", 0));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(db.prepared_exec("INSERT INTO transactions VALUES(?,?,?);", 1, 1, "bartx"));
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(db.prepared_exec("INSERT INTO spends VALUES(?,?,?,?);", 0, 0, 1, 1));
SECTION("Confirm spend insert triggers")
REQUIRE(db.overall_balance() == 0);
REQUIRE(db.prepared_get<int64_t>("SELECT spent_height FROM outputs WHERE key_image = 0") == 1);
REQUIRE(db.prepared_get<int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transactions;") == 2);
// should cascade and remove the transactions with block = 1 inserted above
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(db.prepared_exec("DELETE FROM blocks WHERE height = 1"));
SECTION("Output spend removal trigger")
REQUIRE(db.prepared_get<int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transactions;") == 1);
// balance should be 42, and the spend should be removed.
// existing output's spend height should be back to 0.
REQUIRE(db.prepared_get<int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM spends;") == 0);
REQUIRE(db.overall_balance() == 42);
REQUIRE(db.prepared_get<int64_t>("SELECT spent_height FROM outputs WHERE key_image = 0") == 0);
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(db.prepared_exec("DELETE FROM blocks WHERE height = 0"));
SECTION("Output removal trigger")
REQUIRE(db.prepared_get<int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transactions;") == 0);
// balance should be 0, and the output should be removed.
// key image should be removed as nothing references it.
REQUIRE(db.prepared_get<int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM outputs;") == 0);
REQUIRE(db.overall_balance() == 0);
REQUIRE(db.prepared_get<int64_t>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM key_images;") == 0);
// SQLiteCpp could throw on a bad query, so make sure the exception caught
// is the one we expect.
REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(db.prepared_get<std::string>("SELECT hash FROM blocks WHERE id = 0"),
Catch::Matchers::Contains("got no rows"));