Jason Rhinelander 8090ee3481 Move randomness into new common/random.h
This adds a thread-local, pre-seeded rng at `tools::rng` (to avoid the
multiple places we are creating + seeding such an RNG currently).

This also moves the portable uniform value and generic shuffle code
there as well as neither function is specific to service nodes and this
seems a logical place for them.
2019-11-27 14:07:52 -04:00

321 lines
12 KiB

#include "service_node_swarm.h"
#include "common/random.h"
#define LOKI_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY "service_nodes"
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
#define prod_static
#define prod_static static
namespace service_nodes
static uint64_t get_new_swarm_id(const swarm_snode_map_t &swarm_to_snodes)
// UINT64_MAX is reserved for unassigned swarms
constexpr uint64_t MAX_ID = UINT64_MAX - 1;
if (swarm_to_snodes.empty()) return 0;
if (swarm_to_snodes.size() == 1) return MAX_ID / 2;
std::vector<swarm_id_t> all_ids;
for (const auto& entry : swarm_to_snodes) {
std::sort(all_ids.begin(), all_ids.end());
uint64_t max_dist = 0;
// The new swarm that is the farthest from its right neighbour
uint64_t best_idx = 0;
for (auto idx = 0u; idx < all_ids.size() - 1; ++idx)
const uint64_t dist = all_ids[idx+1] - all_ids[idx];
if (dist > max_dist)
max_dist = dist;
best_idx = idx;
// Handle the special case involving the gap between the
// rightmost and the leftmost swarm due to wrapping.
// Note that we are adding 1 as we treat 0 and MAX_ID as *one* apart
const uint64_t dist = MAX_ID - all_ids.back() + all_ids.front() + 1;
if (dist > max_dist)
max_dist = dist;
best_idx = all_ids.size() - 1;
const uint64_t diff = max_dist / 2; /// how much to add to an existing id
const uint64_t to_max = MAX_ID - all_ids[best_idx]; /// how much we can add not overflow
if (diff > to_max)
return diff - to_max - 1; // again, assuming MAX_ID + 1 = 0
return all_ids[best_idx] + diff;
/// The excess is calculated as the total number of snodes above MIN_SWARM_SIZE across all swarms
prod_static size_t calc_excess(const swarm_snode_map_t &swarm_to_snodes)
const size_t excess = std::accumulate(swarm_to_snodes.begin(),
[](size_t result, const swarm_snode_map_t::value_type &pair) {
const ssize_t margin = pair.second.size() - EXCESS_BASE;
return result + std::max(margin, ssize_t(0));
LOG_PRINT_L2("Calculated excess: " << excess);
return excess;
/// Calculate threshold above which the excess should create a new swarm.
/// The threshold should be such that
/// 1. there is enough excess to create a new swarm of size NEW_SWARM_SIZE AND
/// 2. there is enough excess to leave IDEAL_SWARM_MARGIN excess in the existing swarms
prod_static size_t calc_threshold(const swarm_snode_map_t &swarm_to_snodes)
const size_t threshold = NEW_SWARM_SIZE + (swarm_to_snodes.size() * IDEAL_SWARM_MARGIN);
LOG_PRINT_L2("Calculated threshold: " << threshold);
return threshold;
prod_static const excess_pool_snode& pick_from_excess_pool(const std::vector<excess_pool_snode>& excess_pool, std::mt19937_64 &mt)
/// Select random snode
const auto idx = tools::uniform_distribution_portable(mt, excess_pool.size());
return excess_pool.at(idx);
prod_static void remove_excess_snode_from_swarm(const excess_pool_snode& excess_snode, swarm_snode_map_t &swarm_to_snodes)
auto &swarm_sn_vec = swarm_to_snodes.at(excess_snode.swarm_id);
swarm_sn_vec.erase(std::remove(swarm_sn_vec.begin(), swarm_sn_vec.end(), excess_snode.public_key), swarm_sn_vec.end());
prod_static void get_excess_pool(size_t threshold, const swarm_snode_map_t& swarm_to_snodes, std::vector<excess_pool_snode>& pool_snodes, size_t& excess)
/// Create a pool of all the service nodes belonging
/// to the swarms that have excess. That way we naturally
/// make the chances of picking a swarm proportionate to the
/// swarm size.
if (threshold < MIN_SWARM_SIZE)
excess = 0;
for (const auto &entry : swarm_to_snodes)
if (entry.second.size() > threshold)
excess += entry.second.size() - MIN_SWARM_SIZE;
for (const auto& sn_pk : entry.second)
pool_snodes.push_back({sn_pk, entry.first});
prod_static void create_new_swarm_from_excess(swarm_snode_map_t &swarm_to_snodes, std::mt19937_64 &mt)
const bool has_starving_swarms = std::any_of(swarm_to_snodes.begin(),
[](const swarm_snode_map_t::value_type& pair) {
return pair.second.size() < MIN_SWARM_SIZE;
if (has_starving_swarms)
std::vector<excess_pool_snode> pool_snodes;
while (calc_excess(swarm_to_snodes) >= calc_threshold(swarm_to_snodes))
LOG_PRINT_L2("New swarm creation");
std::vector<crypto::public_key> new_swarm_snodes;
while (new_swarm_snodes.size() < NEW_SWARM_SIZE)
size_t excess;
get_excess_pool(EXCESS_BASE, swarm_to_snodes, pool_snodes, excess);
if (pool_snodes.size() == 0)
MERROR("Error while getting excess pool for new swarm creation");
const auto& random_excess_snode = pick_from_excess_pool(pool_snodes, mt);
remove_excess_snode_from_swarm(random_excess_snode, swarm_to_snodes);
const auto new_swarm_id = get_new_swarm_id(swarm_to_snodes);
swarm_to_snodes.insert({new_swarm_id, std::move(new_swarm_snodes)});
LOG_PRINT_L2("Created new swarm from excess: " << new_swarm_id);
prod_static void calc_swarm_sizes(const swarm_snode_map_t &swarm_to_snodes, std::vector<swarm_size> &sorted_swarm_sizes)
for (const auto &entry : swarm_to_snodes)
sorted_swarm_sizes.push_back({entry.first, entry.second.size()});
[](const swarm_size &a, const swarm_size &b) {
return a.size < b.size;
/// Assign each snode from snode_pubkeys into the FILL_SWARM_LOWER_PERCENTILE percentile of swarms
/// and run the excess/threshold logic after each assignment to ensure new swarms are generated when required.
prod_static void assign_snodes(const std::vector<crypto::public_key> &snode_pubkeys, swarm_snode_map_t &swarm_to_snodes, std::mt19937_64 &mt, size_t percentile)
std::vector<swarm_size> sorted_swarm_sizes;
for (const auto &sn_pk : snode_pubkeys)
calc_swarm_sizes(swarm_to_snodes, sorted_swarm_sizes);
const size_t percentile_index = percentile * (sorted_swarm_sizes.size() - 1) / 100;
const size_t percentile_value = sorted_swarm_sizes.at(percentile_index).size;
/// Find last occurence of percentile_value
size_t upper_index = sorted_swarm_sizes.size() - 1;
for (size_t i = percentile_index; i < sorted_swarm_sizes.size(); ++i)
if (sorted_swarm_sizes[i].size > percentile_value)
/// Would never happen for i == 0
upper_index = i - 1;
const size_t random_idx = tools::uniform_distribution_portable(mt, upper_index + 1);
const swarm_id_t swarm_id = sorted_swarm_sizes[random_idx].swarm_id;
/// run the excess/threshold round after each additional snode
create_new_swarm_from_excess(swarm_to_snodes, mt);
void calc_swarm_changes(swarm_snode_map_t &swarm_to_snodes, uint64_t seed)
if (swarm_to_snodes.size() == 0)
// nothing to do
std::mt19937_64 mersenne_twister(seed);
std::vector<crypto::public_key> unassigned_snodes;
const auto it = swarm_to_snodes.find(UNASSIGNED_SWARM_ID);
if (it != swarm_to_snodes.end()) {
unassigned_snodes = it->second;
LOG_PRINT_L3("calc_swarm_changes. swarms: " << swarm_to_snodes.size() << ", regs: " << unassigned_snodes.size());
/// 0. Ensure there is always 1 swarm
if (swarm_to_snodes.size() == 0)
const auto new_swarm_id = get_new_swarm_id({});
swarm_to_snodes.insert({new_swarm_id, {}});
LOG_PRINT_L2("Created initial swarm " << new_swarm_id);
/// 1. Assign new registered snodes
assign_snodes(unassigned_snodes, swarm_to_snodes, mersenne_twister, FILL_SWARM_LOWER_PERCENTILE);
LOG_PRINT_L2("After assignment:");
for (const auto &entry : swarm_to_snodes)
LOG_PRINT_L2(entry.first << ": " << entry.second.size());
/// 2. *Robin Hood Round* steal snodes from wealthy swarms and give them to the poor
std::vector<swarm_size> sorted_swarm_sizes;
calc_swarm_sizes(swarm_to_snodes, sorted_swarm_sizes);
bool insufficient_excess = false;
for (const auto& swarm : sorted_swarm_sizes)
/// we have processed all the starving swarms
if (swarm.size >= MIN_SWARM_SIZE)
auto& poor_swarm_snodes = swarm_to_snodes.at(swarm.swarm_id);
const size_t percentile_index = STEALING_SWARM_UPPER_PERCENTILE * (sorted_swarm_sizes.size() - 1) / 100;
/// -1 since we will only consider swarm sizes strictly above percentile_value
size_t percentile_value = sorted_swarm_sizes.at(percentile_index).size - 1;
percentile_value = std::max(MIN_SWARM_SIZE, percentile_value);
size_t excess;
std::vector<excess_pool_snode> excess_pool;
get_excess_pool(percentile_value, swarm_to_snodes, excess_pool, excess);
/// If we can't save the swarm, don't bother continuing
const size_t deficit = MIN_SWARM_SIZE - poor_swarm_snodes.size();
insufficient_excess = (excess < deficit);
if (insufficient_excess)
const auto& excess_snode = pick_from_excess_pool(excess_pool, mersenne_twister);
remove_excess_snode_from_swarm(excess_snode, swarm_to_snodes);
/// Add public key to poor swarm
LOG_PRINT_L2("Stolen 1 snode from " << excess_snode.public_key << " and donated to " << swarm.swarm_id);
} while (poor_swarm_snodes.size() < MIN_SWARM_SIZE);
/// If there is not enough excess for the current swarm,
/// there isn't either for the next one since the swarms are sorted
if (insufficient_excess)
/// 3. New swarm creation
create_new_swarm_from_excess(swarm_to_snodes, mersenne_twister);
/// 4. If there is a swarm with less than MIN_SWARM_SIZE, decommission that swarm.
if (swarm_to_snodes.size() > 1)
while (true)
auto it = std::find_if(swarm_to_snodes.begin(),
[](const swarm_snode_map_t::value_type& pair) {
return pair.second.size() < MIN_SWARM_SIZE;
if (it == swarm_to_snodes.end())
MWARNING("swarm " << it->first << " is DECOMMISSIONED");
/// Good ol' switcheroo
std::vector<crypto::public_key> decommissioned_snodes;
std::swap(decommissioned_snodes, it->second);
/// Remove swarm from map
/// Assign snodes to the 0 percentile, i.e. the smallest swarms
assign_snodes(decommissioned_snodes, swarm_to_snodes, mersenne_twister, DECOMMISSIONED_REDISTRIBUTION_LOWER_PERCENTILE);
/// print
LOG_PRINT_L2("Swarm outputs:");
for (const auto &entry : swarm_to_snodes)
LOG_PRINT_L2(entry.first << ": " << entry.second.size());