Jason Rhinelander 8e39c84e70 Add a virtual destructor to http_server_base
Clang warns about http_server having a non-virtual destructor; we aren't
actually doing anything that would cause problems, but the warning is
legit and a correct thing to fix.
2021-04-19 01:22:50 -03:00

94 lines
3.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include <uWebSockets/App.h>
#include <future>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "epee/storages/portable_storage.h"
#include "common/password.h"
#include "version.h"
namespace cryptonote::rpc {
using namespace std::literals;
using HttpRequest = uWS::HttpRequest;
using HttpResponse = uWS::HttpResponse<false/*SSL*/>;
using http_response_code = std::pair<int, std::string_view>;
// Base class for common RPC server functionality used by both core rpc http server and
// wallet_rpc_server.
class http_server_base {
std::string get_remote_address(HttpResponse& res);
/// Checks for required authentication, if enabled. If authentication fails, sets a "failed"
/// response and returns false; if authentication isn't required or passes, returns true (and
/// doesn't touch the response).
bool check_auth(HttpRequest& req, HttpResponse& res);
// Sends an error response and finalizes the response. If body is empty, uses the default error
// response text.
void error_response(
HttpResponse& res,
http_response_code code,
std::optional<std::string_view> body = std::nullopt) const;
// Similar to the above, but for JSON RPC requests: we send "200 OK" at the HTTP layer; the
// error code and message gets encoded in JSON inside the response body.
void jsonrpc_error_response(
HttpResponse& res,
int code,
std::string message,
std::optional<epee::serialization::storage_entry> = std::nullopt) const;
// Posts a callback to the uWebSockets thread loop controlling this connection; all writes must
// be done from that thread, and so this method is provided to defer a callback from another
// thread into that one. The function should have signature `void ()`.
template <typename Func>
void loop_defer(Func&& f) {
const std::string& server_header() { return m_server_header; }
bool closing() const { return m_closing; }
static constexpr http_response_code
HTTP_OK{200, "OK"sv},
HTTP_BAD_REQUEST{400, "Bad Request"sv},
HTTP_FORBIDDEN{403, "Forbidden"sv},
HTTP_NOT_FOUND{404, "Not Found"sv},
HTTP_ERROR{500, "Internal Server Error"sv},
HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE{503, "Service Unavailable"sv};
virtual ~http_server_base() = default;
virtual void create_rpc_endpoints(uWS::App& http) = 0;
/// handles cors headers by adding any needed headers to the given vector
void handle_cors(HttpRequest& req, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& extra_headers);
// The uWebSockets event loop pointer (so that we can inject a callback to shut it down)
uWS::Loop* m_loop{nullptr};
// The socket(s) we are listening on
std::vector<us_listen_socket_t*> m_listen_socks;
// The thread in which the uWebSockets event listener is running
std::thread m_rpc_thread;
// An optional required login for this HTTP RPC interface
std::optional<tools::login> m_login;
// Cached string we send for the Server header
std::string m_server_header = "Loki RPC HTTP/" + std::string{OXEN_VERSION_STR};
// Access-Control-Allow-Origin header values; if one of these match the incoming Origin header
// we return it in the ACAO header; otherwise (or if this is empty) we omit the header entirely.
std::unordered_set<std::string> m_cors;
// Will be set to true when we're trying to shut down which closes any connections as we reply
// to them. Should only be read/write from inside the uWS loop.
bool m_closing = false;
// If true then always reply with 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *' to allow anything.
bool m_cors_any = false;