2022-05-27 12:55:48 -03:00

303 lines
20 KiB

#pragma once
#include "crypto/crypto.h"
#include "cryptonote_config.h"
#include "oxen_economy.h"
#include "service_node_voting.h"
#include <chrono>
namespace service_nodes {
inline constexpr size_t PULSE_QUORUM_ENTROPY_LAG = 21; // How many blocks back from the tip of the Blockchain to source entropy for the Pulse quorums.
inline constexpr auto PULSE_ROUND_TIME = 60s;
inline constexpr auto PULSE_WAIT_FOR_HANDSHAKES_DURATION = 10s;
inline constexpr auto PULSE_WAIT_FOR_BLOCK_TEMPLATE_DURATION = 10s;
inline constexpr auto PULSE_WAIT_FOR_RANDOM_VALUE_HASH_DURATION = 10s;
inline constexpr auto PULSE_WAIT_FOR_RANDOM_VALUE_DURATION = 10s;
inline constexpr auto PULSE_WAIT_FOR_SIGNED_BLOCK_DURATION = 10s;
inline constexpr size_t PULSE_QUORUM_NUM_VALIDATORS = 11;
inline constexpr size_t PULSE_BLOCK_REQUIRED_SIGNATURES = 7; // A block must have exactly N signatures to be considered properly
inline constexpr auto PULSE_MIN_TARGET_BLOCK_TIME = cryptonote::TARGET_BLOCK_TIME - 30s;
inline constexpr auto PULSE_MAX_TARGET_BLOCK_TIME = cryptonote::TARGET_BLOCK_TIME + 30s;
inline constexpr size_t PULSE_QUORUM_SIZE = PULSE_QUORUM_NUM_VALIDATORS + 1 /*Leader*/;
static_assert(PULSE_ROUND_TIME >=
static_assert(PULSE_QUORUM_ENTROPY_LAG >= PULSE_QUORUM_SIZE, "We need to pull atleast PULSE_QUORUM_SIZE number of blocks from the Blockchain, we can't if the amount of blocks to go back from the tip of the Blockchain is less than the blocks we need.");
constexpr size_t pulse_min_service_nodes(cryptonote::network_type nettype)
return (nettype == cryptonote::network_type::MAINNET) ? 50 : PULSE_QUORUM_SIZE;
static_assert(pulse_min_service_nodes(cryptonote::network_type::MAINNET) >= PULSE_QUORUM_SIZE);
static_assert(pulse_min_service_nodes(cryptonote::network_type::TESTNET) >= PULSE_QUORUM_SIZE);
constexpr uint16_t pulse_validator_bit_mask()
uint16_t result = 0;
for (size_t validator_index = 0; validator_index < PULSE_QUORUM_NUM_VALIDATORS; validator_index++)
result |= 1 << validator_index;
return result;
// Service node decommissioning: as service nodes stay up they earn "credits" (measured in blocks)
// towards a future outage. A new service node starts out with INITIAL_CREDIT, and then builds up
// CREDIT_PER_DAY for each day the service node remains active up to a maximum of
// If a service node stops sending uptime proofs, a quorum will consider whether the service node
// has built up enough credits (at least MINIMUM): if so, instead of submitting a deregistration,
// it instead submits a decommission. This removes the service node from the list of active
// service nodes both for rewards and for any active network duties. If the service node comes
// back online (i.e. starts sending the required performance proofs again) before the credits run
// out then a quorum will reinstate the service node using a recommission transaction, which adds
// the service node back to the bottom of the service node reward list, and resets its accumulated
// credits to RECOMMISSION_CREDIT (see below). If it does not come back online within the
// required number of blocks (i.e. the accumulated credit at the point of decommissioning) then a
// quorum will send a permanent deregistration transaction to the network, starting a 30-day
// deregistration count down. (Note that it is possible for a server to slightly exceed its
// decommission time: the first quorum test after the credit expires determines whether the server
// gets recommissioned or decommissioned).
inline constexpr int64_t DECOMMISSION_CREDIT_PER_DAY = cryptonote::BLOCKS_PER_DAY / 30;
inline constexpr int64_t DECOMMISSION_INITIAL_CREDIT = cryptonote::BLOCKS_PER_HOUR * 2;
inline constexpr int64_t DECOMMISSION_MAX_CREDIT = cryptonote::BLOCKS_PER_DAY * 2;
inline constexpr int64_t DECOMMISSION_MINIMUM = cryptonote::BLOCKS_PER_HOUR * 2;
static_assert(DECOMMISSION_INITIAL_CREDIT <= DECOMMISSION_MAX_CREDIT, "Initial registration decommission credit cannot be larger than the maximum decommission credit");
// This determines how many credits a node gets when being recommissioned after being
// decommissioned. It gets passed two values: the credit at the time the node was decomissioned,
// and the number of blocks the decommission lasted. Note that it is possible for decomm_blocks
// to be *larger* than credit_at_decomm: in particularl
// The default, starting in Loki 8, subtracts two blocks for every block you were decomissioned,
// or returns 0 if that value would be negative. So, for example, if you had 1000 blocks of
// credit and got decomissioned for 100 blocks, you will be recommissioned with 800 blocks of
// credit. If you got decomissioned for 500 or more you will be recommissioned with 0 blocks of
// credit.
// Before Loki 8 (when this configuration was added) recomissioning would always reset your credit
// to 0, which is what happens if this function always returns 0.
inline constexpr int64_t RECOMMISSION_CREDIT(int64_t credit_at_decomm, int64_t decomm_blocks) {
return std::max<int64_t>(0, credit_at_decomm - 2*decomm_blocks);
// Some sanity checks on the recommission credit value:
"Max recommission credit should not be higher than DECOMMISSION_MAX_CREDIT");
// These are by no means exhaustive, but will at least catch simple mistakes
"Recommission credit should be (weakly) decreasing in the length of decommissioning");
"Recommission credit should be (weakly) increasing in initial credit blocks");
// This one actually could be supported (i.e. you can have negative credit and half to crawl out
// of that hole), but the current code is entirely untested as to whether or not that actually
// works.
RECOMMISSION_CREDIT(DECOMMISSION_MAX_CREDIT, 2*DECOMMISSION_MAX_CREDIT) >= 0, // delayed recommission that overhangs your time
"Recommission credit should not be negative");
inline constexpr uint64_t CHECKPOINT_NUM_CHECKPOINTS_FOR_CHAIN_FINALITY = 2; // Number of consecutive checkpoints before, blocks preceeding the N checkpoints are locked in
inline constexpr uint64_t CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL = 4; // Checkpoint every 4 blocks and prune when too old except if (height % CHECKPOINT_STORE_PERSISTENTLY_INTERVAL == 0)
inline constexpr uint64_t CHECKPOINT_STORE_PERSISTENTLY_INTERVAL = 60; // Persistently store the checkpoints at these intervals
inline constexpr uint64_t CHECKPOINT_VOTE_LIFETIME = CHECKPOINT_STORE_PERSISTENTLY_INTERVAL; // Keep the last 60 blocks worth of votes
inline constexpr int16_t QUORUM_VOTE_CHECK_COUNT = 8;
inline constexpr int16_t PULSE_MAX_MISSABLE_VOTES = 4;
inline constexpr int16_t CHECKPOINT_MAX_MISSABLE_VOTES = 4;
inline constexpr int16_t TIMESTAMP_MAX_MISSABLE_VOTES = 4;
inline constexpr int16_t TIMESYNC_MAX_UNSYNCED_VOTES = 4;
"The maximum number of votes a service node can miss cannot be greater than the amount of checkpoint "
"quorums they must participate in before we check if they should be deregistered or not.");
inline constexpr int BLINK_QUORUM_INTERVAL = 5; // We generate a new sub-quorum every N blocks (two consecutive quorums are needed for a blink signature)
inline constexpr int BLINK_QUORUM_LAG = 7 * BLINK_QUORUM_INTERVAL; // The lag (which must be a multiple of BLINK_QUORUM_INTERVAL) in determining the base blink quorum height
inline constexpr int BLINK_EXPIRY_BUFFER = BLINK_QUORUM_LAG + 10; // We don't select any SNs that have a scheduled unlock within this many blocks (measured from the lagged height)
static_assert(BLINK_QUORUM_LAG % BLINK_QUORUM_INTERVAL == 0, "BLINK_QUORUM_LAG must be an integral multiple of BLINK_QUORUM_INTERVAL");
static_assert(BLINK_EXPIRY_BUFFER > BLINK_QUORUM_LAG + BLINK_QUORUM_INTERVAL, "BLINK_EXPIRY_BUFFER is too short to cover a blink quorum height range");
// State change quorums are in charge of policing the network by changing the state of a service
// node on the network: temporary decommissioning, recommissioning, and permanent deregistration.
inline constexpr size_t STATE_CHANGE_NTH_OF_THE_NETWORK_TO_TEST = 100;
inline constexpr size_t STATE_CHANGE_MIN_NODES_TO_TEST = 50;
inline constexpr uint64_t VOTE_LIFETIME = cryptonote::BLOCKS_PER_HOUR * 2;
inline constexpr size_t STATE_CHANGE_MIN_VOTES_TO_CHANGE_STATE = 7;
inline constexpr size_t STATE_CHANGE_QUORUM_SIZE = 10;
inline constexpr size_t CHECKPOINT_QUORUM_SIZE = 20;
inline constexpr size_t CHECKPOINT_MIN_VOTES = 13;
inline constexpr int BLINK_SUBQUORUM_SIZE = 10;
inline constexpr int BLINK_MIN_VOTES = 7;
static_assert(STATE_CHANGE_MIN_VOTES_TO_CHANGE_STATE <= STATE_CHANGE_QUORUM_SIZE, "The number of votes required to kick can't exceed the actual quorum size, otherwise we never kick.");
static_assert(CHECKPOINT_MIN_VOTES <= CHECKPOINT_QUORUM_SIZE, "The number of votes required to add a checkpoint can't exceed the actual quorum size, otherwise we never add checkpoints.");
static_assert(BLINK_MIN_VOTES <= BLINK_SUBQUORUM_SIZE, "The number of votes required can't exceed the actual blink subquorum size, otherwise we never approve.");
static_assert(BLINK_MIN_VOTES > BLINK_SUBQUORUM_SIZE / 2, "Blink approvals must require a majority of quorum members to prevent conflicting, signed blinks.");
// NOTE: We can reorg up to last 2 checkpoints + the number of extra blocks before the next checkpoint is set
inline constexpr uint64_t REORG_SAFETY_BUFFER_BLOCKS_PRE_HF12 = 20;
static_assert(REORG_SAFETY_BUFFER_BLOCKS_POST_HF12 < VOTE_LIFETIME, "Safety buffer should always be less than the vote lifetime");
static_assert(REORG_SAFETY_BUFFER_BLOCKS_PRE_HF12 < VOTE_LIFETIME, "Safety buffer should always be less than the vote lifetime");
inline constexpr auto IP_CHANGE_WINDOW = 24h; // How far back an obligations quorum looks for multiple IPs (unless the following buffer is more recent)
inline constexpr auto IP_CHANGE_BUFFER = 2h; // After we bump a SN for an IP change we don't bump again for changes within this time period
inline constexpr size_t MAX_SWARM_SIZE = 10;
// We never create a new swarm unless there are SWARM_BUFFER extra nodes
// available in the queue.
inline constexpr size_t SWARM_BUFFER = 5;
// if a swarm has strictly less nodes than this, it is considered unhealthy
// and nearby swarms will mirror it's data. It will disappear, and is already considered gone.
inline constexpr size_t MIN_SWARM_SIZE = 5;
inline constexpr size_t IDEAL_SWARM_MARGIN = 2;
inline constexpr size_t EXCESS_BASE = MIN_SWARM_SIZE;
inline constexpr size_t NEW_SWARM_SIZE = IDEAL_SWARM_SIZE;
// The lower swarm percentile that will be randomly filled with new service nodes
inline constexpr size_t FILL_SWARM_LOWER_PERCENTILE = 25;
// Redistribute snodes from decommissioned swarms to the smallest swarms
// The upper swarm percentile that will be randomly selected during stealing
inline constexpr size_t STEALING_SWARM_UPPER_PERCENTILE = 75;
inline constexpr uint64_t KEY_IMAGE_AWAITING_UNLOCK_HEIGHT = 0;
// If we get an incoming vote of state change tx that is outside the acceptable range by this many
// blocks then ignore it but don't trigger a connection drop; the sending side could be a couple
// blocks out of sync and sending something that it thinks is legit.
inline constexpr uint64_t VOTE_OR_TX_VERIFY_HEIGHT_BUFFER = 5;
inline constexpr std::array<uint16_t, 3> MIN_STORAGE_SERVER_VERSION{{2, 3, 0}};
inline constexpr std::array<uint16_t, 3> MIN_LOKINET_VERSION{{0, 9, 9}};
// The minimum accepted version number, broadcasted by Service Nodes via uptime proofs for each hardfork
struct proof_version
std::pair<cryptonote::hf, uint8_t> hardfork_revision;
std::array<uint16_t, 3> oxend;
std::array<uint16_t, 3> lokinet;
std::array<uint16_t, 3> storage_server;
inline constexpr std::array MIN_UPTIME_PROOF_VERSIONS = {
proof_version{{cryptonote::hf::hf19_reward_batching, 0}, {10,0,0}, {0,9,9}, {2,3,0}},
proof_version{{cryptonote::hf::hf18, 1}, {9,2,0}, {0,9,5}, {2,2,0}},
proof_version{{cryptonote::hf::hf18, 0}, {9,1,0}, {0,9,0}, {2,1,0}},
using swarm_id_t = uint64_t;
inline constexpr swarm_id_t UNASSIGNED_SWARM_ID = UINT64_MAX;
constexpr size_t min_votes_for_quorum_type(quorum_type q) {
q == quorum_type::obligations ? STATE_CHANGE_MIN_VOTES_TO_CHANGE_STATE :
q == quorum_type::checkpointing ? CHECKPOINT_MIN_VOTES :
q == quorum_type::blink ? BLINK_MIN_VOTES :
constexpr quorum_type max_quorum_type_for_hf(cryptonote::hf version)
version <= cryptonote::hf::hf12_checkpointing ? quorum_type::obligations :
version < cryptonote::hf::hf14_blink ? quorum_type::checkpointing :
version < cryptonote::hf::hf16_pulse ? quorum_type::blink :
constexpr uint64_t staking_num_lock_blocks(cryptonote::network_type nettype)
switch (nettype)
case cryptonote::network_type::FAKECHAIN: return 30;
case cryptonote::network_type::TESTNET: return cryptonote::BLOCKS_PER_DAY * 2;
default: return cryptonote::BLOCKS_PER_DAY * 30;
//If a nodes timestamp varies by this amount of seconds they will be considered out of sync
inline constexpr uint8_t THRESHOLD_SECONDS_OUT_OF_SYNC = 30;
//If the below percentage of service nodes are out of sync we will consider our clock out of sync
inline constexpr uint8_t MAXIMUM_EXTERNAL_OUT_OF_SYNC = 80;
// The SN operator must contribute at least 25% of the node's requirement, expressed as portions
// (for pre-HF19 registrations).
inline constexpr uint64_t MINIMUM_OPERATOR_PORTION = cryptonote::old::STAKING_PORTIONS / oxen::MAX_CONTRIBUTORS_V1;
// Small Stake prevented from unlocking stake until a certain number of blocks have passed
constexpr uint64_t SMALL_CONTRIBUTOR_UNLOCK_TIMER = cryptonote::BLOCKS_PER_DAY * 30;
constexpr uint64_t SMALL_CONTRIBUTOR_THRESHOLD = 3749;
static_assert(cryptonote::old::STAKING_PORTIONS != UINT64_MAX, "UINT64_MAX is used as the invalid value for failing to calculate the min_node_contribution");
// return: UINT64_MAX if (num_contributions > the max number of contributions), otherwise the amount in oxen atomic units
uint64_t get_min_node_contribution (cryptonote::hf version, uint64_t staking_requirement, uint64_t total_reserved, size_t num_contributions);
uint64_t get_min_node_contribution_in_portions(cryptonote::hf version, uint64_t staking_requirement, uint64_t total_reserved, size_t num_contributions);
// Gets the maximum allowed stake amount. This is used to prevent significant overstaking. The
// wallet tries to avoid this when submitting a stake, but it can still happen when competing stakes
// get submitted into the mempool -- for example, with 10k of contribution room, two contributions
// of 8k could get submitted and both would be accepted, but the second one would only count as 2k
// of stake despite locking 8k.
// Starting in HF16, we disallow a stake if it is more than MAXIMUM_ACCEPTABLE_STAKE ratio of the
// available contribution room, which allows slight overstaking but disallows larger overstakes.
uint64_t get_max_node_contribution(cryptonote::hf version, uint64_t staking_requirement, uint64_t total_reserved);
// Returns the staking requirement at the given height; since HF16 (and always on testnet/devnet)
// this is fixed, but before HF16 on mainnet this is height-dependent.
uint64_t get_staking_requirement(cryptonote::network_type nettype, uint64_t height);
// Return the (fixed) staking requirement for a hardfork. This is only valid for hardfork 16+ as
// earlier hardforks had a height-dependent staking requirement.
uint64_t get_staking_requirement(cryptonote::network_type nettype, cryptonote::hf hardfork);
uint64_t portions_to_amount(uint64_t portions, uint64_t staking_requirement);
/// Check if portions (for pre-HF19 regisrations) are sufficiently large (provided the contributions
/// are made in the specified order) and don't exceed the required amount. Note that this *always*
/// enforces a limit of 4 contributors, even when under HF19+; registrations with more spots must
/// use HF19+ registrations with amounts instead of portions.
bool check_service_node_portions(
cryptonote::hf version,
const std::vector<std::pair<cryptonote::account_public_address, uint64_t>>& portions);
/// Check service node contribution amounts, for HF19+ registrations
bool check_service_node_stakes(
cryptonote::hf hf_version,
cryptonote::network_type nettype,
uint64_t staking_requirement,
const std::vector<std::pair<cryptonote::account_public_address, uint64_t>>& stakes);
crypto::hash generate_request_stake_unlock_hash(uint32_t nonce);
uint64_t get_locked_key_image_unlock_height(cryptonote::network_type nettype, uint64_t node_register_height, uint64_t curr_height);
// Returns lowest x such that (staking_requirement * x/STAKING_PORTIONS) >= amount
uint64_t get_portions_to_make_amount(uint64_t staking_requirement, uint64_t amount, uint64_t max_portions = cryptonote::old::STAKING_PORTIONS);
std::optional<double> parse_fee_percent(std::string_view fee);
bool get_portions_from_percent_str(std::string cut_str, uint64_t& portions);