
406 lines
18 KiB

#include "keyring.hpp"
#include "wallet2½.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cryptonote_core/cryptonote_tx_utils.h>
#include <cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_basic.h>
#include <cryptonote_basic/txtypes.h>
#include <cryptonote_basic/account.h>
#include <device/device.hpp>
#include <common/apply_permutation.h>
#include <common/hex.h>
namespace wallet
cryptonote::account_public_address addr{spend_public_key, view_public_key};
return get_account_address_as_str(nettype, false, addr);
Keyring::generate_tx_key(cryptonote::hf hf_version)
// TODO sean make sure this is zero
crypto::secret_key tx_key{};
if (!key_device.open_tx(tx_key, cryptonote::transaction::get_max_version_for_hf(hf_version), cryptonote::txtype::standard))
throw std::runtime_error("Could not generate transaction secret key");
return tx_key;
Keyring::secret_tx_key_to_public_tx_key(const crypto::secret_key a)
// TODO sean make sure this is zero
rct::key aG{};
if (!key_device.scalarmultBase(aG, rct::sk2rct(a)))
throw std::runtime_error("Could not convert secret tx key to public tx key");
return rct::rct2pk(aG);
// Derivation Key = View Private Key * Transaction Pubkey = bR
Keyring::generate_key_derivation(const crypto::public_key& tx_pubkey) const
return crypto::generate_key_derivation(tx_pubkey, view_private_key);
Keyring::generate_key_derivations(const std::vector<crypto::public_key>& tx_pubkeys) const
std::vector<crypto::key_derivation> derivations;
for (const auto& key : tx_pubkeys)
return derivations;
const crypto::key_derivation& derivation,
const crypto::public_key& output_key,
uint64_t output_index)
crypto::public_key ret;
// bool return here is pretty meaningless, but allocate it anyway to not discard its existence
// entirely
bool r = key_device.derive_subaddress_public_key(output_key, derivation, output_index, ret);
return ret;
const crypto::key_derivation& derivation,
const crypto::public_key& output_key,
uint64_t output_index)
auto candidate_key = output_spend_key(derivation, output_key, output_index);
// TODO: handle checking against subaddresses
if (candidate_key == spend_public_key)
return cryptonote::subaddress_index{0, 0};
return std::nullopt;
const crypto::key_derivation& derivation,
const crypto::public_key& output_key,
uint64_t output_index,
const cryptonote::subaddress_index& sub_index)
// TODO: subaddress support, for now throw if not main address
if (not sub_index.is_zero())
throw std::invalid_argument("Subaddresses not yet supported in wallet3");
auto output_private_key = derive_transaction_secret_key(derivation, output_index);
crypto::public_key output_pubkey_computed;
key_device.secret_key_to_public_key(output_private_key, output_pubkey_computed);
// confirm derived output public key matches the output key in the transaction
if (output_key != output_pubkey_computed)
throw std::invalid_argument("Output public key does not match derived output key.");
crypto::key_image ret;
key_device.generate_key_image(output_key, output_private_key, ret);
return ret;
// TODO: replace later when removing wallet2½ layer
std::pair<uint64_t, rct::key>
const rct::rctSig& rv,
const crypto::key_derivation& derivation,
unsigned int i)
rct::key mask{};
auto amount = wallet25::output_amount(rv, derivation, i, mask, key_device);
return {amount, std::move(mask)};
// This gets called for every output in the transaction, there is some complication for how the
// key gets generated for change address because the derivation is a*R or some simpler calc i guess
// set the bool for this_dst_is_change_addr to false and optional null for the actual thingo
Keyring::generate_output_ephemeral_keys(const crypto::secret_key& tx_key, const cryptonote::tx_destination_entry& dst_entr, const size_t output_index, std::vector<rct::key>& amount_keys)
crypto::public_key out_eph_public_key;
cryptonote::account_keys sender_account_keys{};
sender_account_keys.m_view_secret_key = view_private_key;
const auto tx_key_pub = secret_tx_key_to_public_tx_key(tx_key);
bool this_dst_is_change_addr = false;
//std::optional<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> change_addr = std::nullopt;
bool need_additional_txkeys = false;
std::vector<crypto::secret_key> additional_tx_keys{};
std::vector<crypto::public_key> additional_tx_public_keys{};
static_cast<uint16_t>(cryptonote::txversion::v4_tx_types), // size_t -> should be 4?
this_dst_is_change_addr, // bool -> found change. Return parameter?
sender_account_keys, // cryptonote::account_keys -> only uses view key i believe
tx_key_pub, // crypto::public_key -> public key of the transaction
tx_key, // crypto::secret_key -> secret key of the transaction
dst_entr, // cryptonote::tx_destination_entry -> data of the transaction
std::nullopt, // std::optional<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> -> it will check if the data is the change because the one time address is different
output_index, // position the output is in the transaction, concatenated to generate consistently
need_additional_txkeys, // bool -> what are additional_txkeys ffs
additional_tx_keys, // std::vector<crypto::secret_key> more additional tx keys, this time secret keys
additional_tx_public_keys, // std::vector<crypto::public_key> public keys of additional keys. Return parameter?
amount_keys, // std::vector<rct::key> keys that committing to the amount. Device APPENDS to the vector, is essentially a return parameter
out_eph_public_key); // crypto::public_key -> Return parameter
return out_eph_public_key;
Keyring::generate_change_address_ephemeral_keys(const crypto::secret_key& tx_key, const cryptonote::tx_destination_entry& dst_entr, const size_t output_index, std::vector<rct::key>& amount_keys)
crypto::public_key out_eph_public_key;
cryptonote::account_keys sender_account_keys{};
sender_account_keys.m_view_secret_key = view_private_key;
const auto tx_key_pub = secret_tx_key_to_public_tx_key(tx_key);
bool this_dst_is_change_addr = true;
bool need_additional_txkeys = false;
std::vector<crypto::secret_key> additional_tx_keys{};
std::vector<crypto::public_key> additional_tx_public_keys{};
static_cast<uint16_t>(cryptonote::txversion::v4_tx_types), // size_t -> should be 4?
this_dst_is_change_addr, // bool -> found change. Return parameter?
sender_account_keys, // cryptonote::account_keys -> only uses view key i believe
tx_key_pub, // crypto::public_key -> public key of the transaction
tx_key, // crypto::secret_key -> secret key of the transaction
dst_entr, // cryptonote::tx_destination_entry -> data of the transaction
dst_entr, // std::optional<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> -> it will check if the data is the change because the one time address is different
output_index, // position the output is in the transaction, concatenated to generate consistently
need_additional_txkeys, // bool -> what are additional_txkeys ffs
additional_tx_keys, // std::vector<crypto::secret_key> more additional tx keys, this time secret keys
additional_tx_public_keys, // std::vector<crypto::public_key> public keys of additional keys. Return parameter?
amount_keys, // std::vector<rct::key> keys that committing to the amount. Device APPENDS to the vector, is essentially a return parameter
out_eph_public_key); // crypto::public_key -> Return parameter
return out_eph_public_key;
// This is called over a transaction input to produce the secret key that can spend an outputs funds.
// The key derivation is usually produced from calling generate_key_derivation().
// computes Hs(a*R || idx) + b
// TODO: subaddress support
Keyring::derive_transaction_secret_key(const crypto::key_derivation& key_derivation, const size_t output_index)
crypto::secret_key output_secret_key;
key_device.derive_secret_key(key_derivation, output_index, spend_private_key, output_secret_key);
return output_secret_key;
Keyring::get_transaction_prefix_hash(const cryptonote::transaction_prefix& tx)
crypto::hash h{};
key_device.get_transaction_prefix_hash(tx, h);
return h;
Keyring::sign_transaction(PendingTransaction& ptx)
auto hf_version = cryptonote::hf::hf19_reward_batching;
auto tx_key = generate_tx_key(hf_version);
rct::ctkeyV inSk;
rct::keyV dest_keys;
rct::ctkeyM mixRing(ptx.chosen_outputs.size());
uint64_t amount_in = 0, amount_out = 0;
std::vector<uint64_t> inamounts, outamounts;
std::vector<unsigned int> index;
// Sort the inputs by their key image
// TODO: is this *required*?
std::vector<size_t> ins_order(ptx.chosen_outputs.size());
for (size_t n = 0; n < ptx.chosen_outputs.size(); ++n)
ins_order[n] = n;
std::sort(ins_order.begin(), ins_order.end(), [&](const size_t i0, const size_t i1) {
const crypto::key_image& img0 = ptx.chosen_outputs[i0].key_image;
const crypto::key_image& img1 = ptx.chosen_outputs[i1].key_image;
return memcmp(&img0, &img1, sizeof(img0)) > 0;
tools::apply_permutation(ins_order, [&] (size_t i0, size_t i1) {
std::swap(ptx.chosen_outputs[i0], ptx.chosen_outputs[i1]);
std::swap(ptx.decoys[i0], ptx.decoys[i1]);
// Loop over inputs for the transaction to build the VIN array (Amount = 0, keyimage, array of offsets for ring)
// and collect all the transaction private keys so we can spend our outputs in this transaction.
int i = 0;
for(auto& src_entr: ptx.chosen_outputs)
// This takes the source outputs public transaction and combines it with our secret view key
// to make a key derivation. This derivation can be used evaluate an output on the
// blockchain to see if it is ours to spend. We already know its ours because the wallet
// has collected them at an earlier point in time. Now we combine this derivation
// with the output index and our secret spend key to generate
// the actual transaction secret key which we can use to spend the output.
crypto::secret_key output_secret_key = derive_transaction_secret_key(src_entr.derivation, src_entr.output_index);
crypto::public_key computed_output_pubkey{};
if (!key_device.secret_key_to_public_key(output_secret_key, computed_output_pubkey)
or (computed_output_pubkey != src_entr.key))
throw std::runtime_error("computed output secret key wrong, pubkey mismatch");
// There is a input secret keys structure (inSk) that gets passed to the ringct library/module and it is
// essentially an array of our output secret keys. It also needs to know the mask which is
// another random number used to hide the amounts in our pederson commitments.
rct::ctkey ctkey;
ctkey.dest = rct::sk2rct(output_secret_key);
ctkey.mask = src_entr.rct_mask;
// Bookkeeping structures keeping track of how much $$ we are putting into the transaction
amount_in += src_entr.amount;
// Create the VIN structure of the transaction. This will just be a simple JSON without any crypto magic that
// shows the key images and a now redundant amount field which always says zero. We generated the key images
// when first scanning the outputs so we can just copy it straight from the database
cryptonote::txin_to_key input_to_key;
input_to_key.amount = src_entr.amount;
input_to_key.k_image = key_image(src_entr.derivation, src_entr.key, src_entr.output_index, src_entr.subaddress_index);
if (input_to_key.k_image != src_entr.key_image)
throw std::runtime_error("computed key_image wrong");
// The outputs array in the VIN structure lists all the global indexs of the ring decoys,
// it uses offsets relative to the first output to save space on chain, so they need
// to be converted from absolute to relative afterwards using the utility function.
// At this point we also push the public keys of the decoys into our mixRing struct which will get
// passed to the ringct module which it actually will use to generate a ring signature.
// The decoys must be sorted by global output index in order for the relative indexing below
// to work.
std::sort(ptx.decoys[i].begin(), ptx.decoys[i].end(),
[](auto& a, auto& b){ return a.global_index < b.global_index;});
// Find where our real output ended up in the sorting
unsigned int ours = 0;
for (const auto& decoy : ptx.decoys[i])
if (decoy.key == src_entr.key)
for(const auto& decoy: ptx.decoys[i])
rct::ctkey& decoypk = mixRing[i].back();
decoypk.dest = rct::pk2rct(decoy.key);
decoypk.mask = decoy.mask;
input_to_key.key_offsets = cryptonote::absolute_output_offsets_to_relative(input_to_key.key_offsets);
auto txkey_pub = secret_tx_key_to_public_tx_key(tx_key);
cryptonote::add_tx_extra<cryptonote::tx_extra_pub_key>(ptx.tx, txkey_pub);
std::vector<rct::key> amount_keys;
i = 0;
// Loop over destinations and generate one time destination keys (Output Ephemeral Key)
for(const cryptonote::tx_destination_entry& recipient: ptx.recipients)
//amount_keys is a return parameter here, generate_output_ephemeral keys appends to the vector as it goes
crypto::public_key out_eph_public_key = generate_output_ephemeral_keys(tx_key, recipient, i, amount_keys);
cryptonote::tx_out out{};
out.amount = recipient.amount;
cryptonote::txout_to_key tk{};
tk.key = out_eph_public_key;
out.target = tk;
amount_out += recipient.amount;
// TODO sean the output should be shuffled
// TODO: extra pub keys as needed (will come into play with subaddresses)
// Generate one time destination key for change address (Output Ephemeral Key)
crypto::public_key change_out_eph_public_key = generate_change_address_ephemeral_keys(tx_key, ptx.change, i, amount_keys);
cryptonote::tx_out change_out{};
change_out.amount = ptx.change.amount;
cryptonote::txout_to_key change_tk{};
change_tk.key = change_out_eph_public_key;
change_out.target = change_tk;
amount_out += ptx.change.amount;
// Zero amounts in tx.vin and tx.vout before ringct step
for (auto& i : ptx.tx.vin)
var::get<cryptonote::txin_to_key>(i).amount = 0;
for (auto& o : ptx.tx.vout)
o.amount = 0;
crypto::hash tx_prefix_hash = get_transaction_prefix_hash(ptx.tx);
rct::ctkeyV outSk;
const rct::RCTConfig rct_config{rct::RangeProofType::PaddedBulletproof, 3/*CLSAG*/};
// This generates the bulletproofs and also the ring signature, pretty much does everything and adds
// the information for rct_signatures and rctsig_prunable to the transaction
ptx.tx.rct_signatures = rct::genRctSimple(
rct::hash2rct(tx_prefix_hash), // rct::key& message
inSk, // rct::ctkeyV inSk
dest_keys, // rct::keyV destinations
inamounts, // std::vector<xmr_amount>& inamounts
outamounts, // std::vector<xmr_amount>& outamounts
amount_in - amount_out, // xmr_amount txnFee
mixRing, // rct::ctkeyM& mixRing
amount_keys, // rct::keyV amount_keys -> Return Parameter
NULL, // std::vector<multisig_kLRki>* kLRki -> no multisig
nullptr, // rct::multisig_out* msout -> no multisig
index, // std::vector<unsigned int>& index -> array of real outputs within the mixRing keys
outSk, // rct::ctkeyV& outSk -> Return Parameter
rct_config, // rct::RCTConfig& rct_config
key_device); // hw::device& hwdev
if (not rct::verRctNonSemanticsSimple(ptx.tx.rct_signatures))
throw std::runtime_error("RCT signing went wrong -- verRctNonSemanticsSimple returned false");
cryptonote::account_keys returned_keys{};
returned_keys.m_account_address = cryptonote::account_public_address{spend_public_key, view_public_key};
returned_keys.m_spend_secret_key = spend_private_key;
returned_keys.m_view_secret_key = view_private_key;
return returned_keys;
} // namespace wallet