require("dotenv").config(); const { notarize } = require("electron-notarize"); /* Pre-requisites: 1. Generate an app specific password 2. Add SIGNING_APPLE_ID, SIGNING_APP_PASSWORD, SIGNING_TEAM_ID to .env file in the root directory (where quasar.conf.js is located) */ /* Notarizing: */ const log = msg => console.log(`\n${msg}`); const isEmpty = v => !v || v.length === 0; exports.default = async function notarizing(context) { const { electronPlatformName, appOutDir } = context; if (electronPlatformName !== "darwin") { return; } log("Notarizing mac application"); const appName = context.packager.appInfo.productFilename; const { SIGNING_APPLE_ID, SIGNING_APP_PASSWORD, SIGNING_TEAM_ID } = process.env; if (isEmpty(SIGNING_APPLE_ID) || isEmpty(SIGNING_APP_PASSWORD)) { log( "SIGNING_APPLE_ID or SIGNING_APP_PASSWORD not set.\nTerminating noratization." ); return; } const options = { tool: "notarytool", appPath: `${appOutDir}/${appName}.app`, appleId: SIGNING_APPLE_ID, appleIdPassword: SIGNING_APP_PASSWORD }; if (!isEmpty(SIGNING_TEAM_ID)) options.teamId = SIGNING_TEAM_ID; return notarize(options); };