Mikunj e7727f628f More features and fixes

Increased default window size.
Fixed transaction text overlapping on a small screen

More changes.

Replaced icons.
Added loki icon to the top menu bar.
Added small margin to copy button in show private key modal.

Hid back and next button in welcome screen. Users must now click the language to go to the next screen.

Randomise remote nodes when configuring from the welcome screen.

Added viewing QR code from receive
Added QR copying

Made mac icon a bit smaller

Updated links and added loki project to copyright
check data dir exists

Updated service node page.
Moved staking into its own component.

Check remote node before booting up daemon.
Update restoration start date.
Made network types in GUI match those returned from lokid (main -> mainnet, staging -> stagenet, test -> testnet).
Removed unaccessible remote nodes.

Separate data and wallet directories.

Updated created page layout

Don't ask user for a password if it's not set.
Show a dialog to the user if they don't set a password.

Show staking transaction.

Added option to import file from old gui.

Added saving transaction notes straight from send.
Fix updated tx notes not showing in transactions

Clean up transfer code

Minor fixes

Show user error if a wallet failed to import.
bug fixes
2019-03-20 16:21:16 +11:00

207 lines
6.1 KiB

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copyright: "Copyright © 2018-2019 Loki Project, 2018 Ryo Currency Project",
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