
352 lines
14 KiB

"welcome" : "WELCOME\nTO OXEN WALLET",
"first_wallet_text" : "Awesome wallet\nfor Oxen",
"please_make_selection" : "Please make selection below to\ncreate or recover your wallet.",
"create_new" : "Create new",
"restore_wallet" : "Restore wallet",
"accounts" : "Accounts",
"edit" : "Edit",
"account" : "Account",
"add" : "Add",
"address_book" : "Address Book",
"contact" : "Contact",
"please_select" : "Please select:",
"cancel" : "Cancel",
"ok" : "OK",
"contact_name" : "Contact Name",
"reset" : "Reset",
"save" : "Save",
"remove_contact" : "Remove Contact",
"remove_contact_confirm" : "Are you sure that you want to remove the selected contact?",
"authenticated" : "Authenticated",
"authentication" : "Authentication",
"failed_authentication" : "Failed authentication. {state_error}",
"@failed_authentication" : { "placeholders": { "state_error": {} } },
"wallet_menu" : "Menu",
"blocks_remaining" : "{status} Blocks Remaining",
"@blocks_remaining" : { "placeholders": { "status": {} } },
"please_try_to_connect_to_another_node" : "Please try to connect to another node",
"oxen_hidden" : "OXEN Hidden",
"oxen_available_balance" : "OXEN Available Balance",
"oxen_full_balance" : "OXEN Full Balance",
"oxen_pending_rewards" : "OXEN Pending Rewards",
"next_payout_height" : "Next payout: block {height}",
"@next_payout_height": { "placeholders": { "height": {} } },
"send" : "Send",
"receive" : "Receive",
"transactions" : "Transactions",
"incoming" : "Incoming",
"outgoing" : "Outgoing",
"transactions_by_date" : "Transactions by date",
"filters" : "Filters",
"today" : "Today",
"yesterday" : "Yesterday",
"received" : "Received",
"sent" : "Sent",
"amount" : "Amount: {amount}",
"@amount" : { "placeholders": { "amount": {} } },
"fee" : "Fee: {fee}",
"@fee" : { "placeholders": { "fee": {} } },
"stake" : "Stake",
"pending" : " (pending)",
"rescan" : "Rescan",
"reconnect" : "Reconnect",
"wallets" : "Wallets",
"show_seed" : "Show seed",
"show_keys" : "Show keys",
"address_book_menu" : "Address book",
"reconnection" : "Reconnection",
"reconnect_alert_text" : "Are you sure to reconnect?",
"reload_fiat": "Reload Fiat data",
"clear" : "Clear",
"error" : "Error",
"copied_to_clipboard" : "Copied to Clipboard",
"fetching" : "Fetching",
"id" : "ID: ",
"status" : "Status: ",
"confirm" : "Confirm",
"confirm_sending" : "Confirm sending",
"confirm_stake" : "Confirm stake",
"sending" : "Sending",
"transaction_sent" : "Transaction sent!",
"send_oxen" : "Send OXEN",
"faq" : "FAQ",
"changelog" : "Changelog",
"enter_your_pin" : "Enter your PIN",
"loading_your_wallet" : "Loading your wallet",
"new_wallet" : "New Wallet",
"wallet_name" : "Wallet name",
"continue_text" : "Continue",
"remove_wallet_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?",
"dangerzone_remove_wallet_warning": "If you have not saved your seed phrase then any funds sent to this wallet will be lost forever!",
"node_new" : "New Node",
"node_address" : "Node Address",
"node_port" : "Node port",
"login" : "Login",
"password" : "Password",
"nodes" : "Nodes",
"node_reset_settings_title" : "Reset settings",
"nodes_list_reset_to_default_message" : "Are you sure that you want to reset settings to default?",
"change_current_node" : "Are you sure to change current node to {node}?",
"@change_current_node" : { "placeholders": { "node": {} }},
"change" : "Change",
"remove_node" : "Remove node",
"remove_node_message" : "Are you sure that you want to remove selected node?",
"remove" : "Remove",
"delete" : "Delete",
"use_n_digit_pin" : "Switch to {n}-digit PIN",
"@use_n_digit_pin" : { "placeholders": { "n": {} }},
"share_address" : "Share address",
"receive_amount" : "Amount",
"subaddresses" : "Subaddresses",
"restore_restore_wallet" : "Restore Wallet",
"restore_title_from_seed_keys" : "Restore from seed/keys",
"restore_description_from_seed_keys" : "Get back your wallet from seed/keys that you've saved to secure place",
"restore_next" : "Next",
"restore_title_from_backup" : "Restore from a back-up file",
"restore_description_from_backup" : "You can restore the whole Oxen Wallet app from your back-up file",
"restore_seed_keys_restore" : "Seed/Keys Restore",
"restore_title_from_seed" : "Restore from seed",
"restore_description_from_seed" : "Restore your wallet from the 25 word combination code",
"restore_title_from_keys" : "Restore from keys",
"restore_description_from_keys" : "Restore your wallet from generated keystrokes saved from your private keys",
"restore_wallet_name" : "Wallet name",
"restore_address" : "Address",
"restore_view_key_private" : "View key (private)",
"restore_spend_key_private" : "Spend key (private)",
"restore_recover" : "Restore",
"restore_wallet_restore_description" : "Wallet restore description",
"seed_title" : "Seed",
"seed_share" : "Share seed",
"copy" : "Copy",
"seed_language_choose" : "Please choose seed language",
"seed_language_next" : "Next",
"seed_language_english" : "English",
"seed_language_chinese" : "Chinese",
"seed_language_dutch" : "Dutch",
"seed_language_german" : "German",
"seed_language_japanese" : "Japanese",
"seed_language_portuguese" : "Portuguese",
"seed_language_russian" : "Russian",
"seed_language_spanish" : "Spanish",
"seed_language_french" : "French",
"seed_language_italian" : "Italian",
"send_title" : "Send Oxen",
"send_your_wallet" : "Your wallet",
"send_oxen_address" : "Oxen address",
"all" : "ALL",
"send_error_currency" : "Currency can only contain numbers",
"send_estimated_fee" : "Estimated fee:",
"send_priority" : "Currently the fee is set at {transactionPriority} priority.\nTransaction priority can be adjusted in the settings",
"@send_priority" : { "placeholders": { "transactionPriority": {} }},
"send_creating_transaction" : "Creating transaction",
"title_stakes": "Stakes",
"title_new_stake": "New Stake",
"your_contributions" : "Your Contributions",
"start_staking" : "Start staking",
"stake_more" : "Stake more",
"nothing_staked" : "Nothing staked yet",
"service_node_key": "Service Node Key",
"stake_oxen": "Stake Oxen",
"title_confirm_unlock_stake": "Unlock Stake",
"body_confirm_unlock_stake": "Do you really want to unlock your stake from {serviceNodeKey}?",
"@body_confirm_unlock_stake" : { "placeholders": { "serviceNodeKey": {} }},
"unlock_stake_requested": "Stake unlock requested",
"unable_unlock_stake": "Unable to unlock stake",
"settings_title" : "Settings",
"settings_nodes" : "Nodes",
"settings_current_node" : "Current node",
"settings_wallets" : "Wallets",
"settings_show_full": "Show full balance",
"settings_show_available": "Show available balance",
"settings_show_pending": "Show pending SN rewards",
"settings_full_incl_pending": "Include pending rewards in full balance",
"settings_balance_detail": "Decimals",
"settings_currency" : "Currency",
"settings_fee_priority" : "Fee priority",
"settings_save_recipient_address" : "Save recipient address",
"settings_personal" : "Personal",
"settings_change_pin" : "Change PIN",
"settings_change_language" : "Change language",
"settings_allow_biometric_authentication" : "Allow biometric authentication",
"settings_dark_mode" : "Dark mode",
"settings_transactions" : "Transactions",
"settings_display_on_dashboard_list" : "Display on dashboard list",
"settings_all" : "ALL",
"settings_none" : "None",
"settings_support" : "Support",
"settings_terms_and_conditions" : "Terms and conditions",
"settings_enable_fiat_currency": "Enable Fiat Currency conversion",
"pin_is_incorrect" : "PIN is incorrect",
"amount_detail_ultra": "9 - Ultra",
"amount_detail_none": "0 - None",
"amount_detail_detailed": "4 - Detailed",
"amount_detail_normal": "2 - Normal",
"setup_pin" : "Setup PIN",
"enter_your_pin_again" : "Enter your PIN again",
"setup_successful" : "Your PIN has been set up successfully!",
"wallet_keys" : "Wallet keys",
"view_key_private" : "View key (private)",
"view_key_public" : "View key (public)",
"spend_key_private" : "Spend key (private)",
"spend_key_public" : "Spend key (public)",
"copied_key_to_clipboard" : "Copied {key} to Clipboard",
"@copied_key_to_clipboard" : { "placeholders": { "key": {} }},
"new_subaddress_title" : "New subaddress",
"new_subaddress_label_name" : "Label name",
"new_subaddress_create" : "Create",
"subaddress_title" : "Subaddress list",
"transaction_details_title" : "Transaction Details",
"transaction_details_transaction_id" : "Transaction ID",
"transaction_details_date" : "Date",
"transaction_details_height" : "Height",
"transaction_details_amount" : "Amount",
"transaction_details_fee" : "Fee",
"transaction_details_stake" : "Stake",
"transaction_details_copied" : "{title} copied to Clipboard",
"@transaction_details_copied" : { "placeholders": { "title": {} }},
"transaction_details_recipient_address" : "Recipient address",
"wallet_list_title" : "Oxen Wallet",
"wallet_list_create_new_wallet" : "Create New Wallet",
"wallet_list_restore_wallet" : "Restore Wallet",
"wallet_list_load_wallet" : "Load wallet",
"wallet_list_loading_wallet" : "Loading {wallet_name} wallet",
"@wallet_list_loading_wallet" : { "placeholders": { "wallet_name": {} }},
"wallet_list_failed_to_load" : "Failed to load {wallet_name} wallet. {error}",
"@wallet_list_failed_to_load" : { "placeholders": { "wallet_name": {}, "error": {} }},
"wallet_list_removing_wallet" : "Removing {wallet_name} wallet",
"@wallet_list_removing_wallet" : { "placeholders": { "wallet_name": {} }},
"wallet_list_failed_to_remove" : "Failed to remove {wallet_name} wallet: {error}",
"@wallet_list_failed_to_remove" : { "placeholders": { "wallet_name": {}, "error": {} }},
"widgets_address" : "Address",
"widgets_restore_from_blockheight" : "Restore from blockheight",
"widgets_restore_from_date" : "Restore from date",
"widgets_or" : "or",
"widgets_seed" : "Seed",
"router_no_route" : "No route defined for {name}",
"@router_no_route" : { "placeholders": { "name": {} }},
"error_text_empty": "Cannot be empty",
"error_text_address" : "Invalid OXEN wallet address!",
"error_text_node_address" : "Please enter a valid hostname or IP address",
"error_text_node_port" : "Node port can only contain numbers between 1 and 65535",
"error_text_payment_id" : "Payment ID can only contain from 16 to 64 chars in hex",
"error_text_oxen" : "OXEN value can't exceed available balance.\nThe number of fraction digits must be less or equal to 9",
"error_text_fiat" : "Value of amount can't exceed available balance.\nThe number of fraction digits must be less or equal to 2",
"error_text_amount" : "Amount can only contain numbers",
"error_text_keys" : "Wallet keys can only contain 64 chars in hex",
"error_text_crypto_currency" : "The number of fraction digits\nmust be less or equal to 9",
"error_text_service_node" : "A Service Node key can only contain 64 chars in hex",
"auth_store_banned_for" : "Banned for {mins} minutes",
"@auth_store_banned_for": { "placeholders": {"mins": {}}},
"auth_store_incorrect_password" : "Wrong PIN",
"wallet_restoration_store_incorrect_seed_length" : "Incorrect seed length",
"sync_status_synchronizing" : "SYNCHRONIZING ({currHeight}/{targetHeight})",
"@sync_status_synchronizing" : { "placeholders": { "currHeight": {}, "targetHeight": {} } },
"sync_status_synchronized" : "SYNCHRONIZED ({currHeight})",
"@sync_status_synchronized" : { "placeholders": { "currHeight": {} } },
"sync_status_not_connected" : "NOT CONNECTED",
"@sync_status_not_connected" : { "placeholders": { "currHeight": {} } },
"sync_status_starting_sync" : "STARTING SYNC",
"@sync_status_starting_sync" : { "placeholders": { "currHeight": {} } },
"sync_status_failed_connect" : "CONNECTION FAILED",
"@sync_status_failed_connect" : { "placeholders": { "currHeight": {} } },
"sync_status_connecting" : "CONNECTING",
"@sync_status_connecting" : { "placeholders": { "currHeight": {} } },
"sync_status_connected" : "CONNECTED",
"@sync_status_connected" : { "placeholders": { "currHeight": {} } },
"transaction_priority_slow" : "Slow",
"transaction_priority_blink": "Blink",
"change_language" : "Change language",
"change_language_to" : "Change language to {language}?",
"@change_language_to" : { "placeholders": { "language": {} }},
"change_language_system_default" : "System default",
"paste" : "Paste",
"restore_from_seed_placeholder" : "Please enter or paste your seed here",
"add_new_word" : "Add new word",
"incorrect_seed" : "The text entered is not valid.",
"invalid_seed_words" : "\nInvalid seed words: {words}.",
"@invalid_seed_words" : { "placeholders": {"words": {}}},
"biometric_auth_reason" : "Scan your fingerprint to authenticate",
"version" : "Version {currentVersion}",
"@version" : { "placeholders": { "currentVersion": {} }},
"openalias_alert_title" : "OXEN Recipient Detected",
"openalias_alert_content" : "You will be sending funds to\n{recipient_name}",
"@openalias_alert_content" : { "placeholders": { "recipient_name": {} }},
"dangerzone": "Dangerzone",
"yes_im_sure": "Yes, I'm sure!",
"never_give_your": "NEVER give your Oxen wallet {item} to ANYONE!",
"@never_give_your" : { "placeholders": { "item": {} }},
"dangerzone_warning": "NEVER input your Oxen wallet {item} into any software or website other than the OFFICIAL Oxen wallets downloaded directly from the {app_store}, the Oxen website, or the Oxen GitHub.\nAre you sure you want to access your wallet {item}?",
"@dangerzone_warning" : { "placeholders": { "item": {}, "app_store": {} }},
"keys_title": "Keys"