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#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <charconv>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
namespace oxenmq {
using namespace std::literals;
class bt_dict_producer;
2021-09-07 07:00:09 +02:00
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED) && __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 101500
/// Really simplistic version of std::to_chars on Apple, because Apple doesn't allow `std::to_chars`
/// to be used if targetting anything before macOS 10.15. The buffer must have at least 20 chars of
/// space (for int types up to 64-bit); we return a pointer one past the last char written.
template <typename IntType>
char* apple_to_chars10(char* buf, IntType val) {
static_assert(std::is_integral_v<IntType> && sizeof(IntType) <= 64);
if constexpr (std::is_signed_v<IntType>) {
if (val < 0) {
buf[0] = '-';
return apple_to_chars10(buf+1, static_cast<std::make_unsigned_t<IntType>>(-val));
// write it to the buffer in reverse (because we don't know how many chars we'll need yet, but
// writing in reverse will figure that out).
char* pos = buf;
do {
*pos++ = '0' + static_cast<char>(val % 10);
val /= 10;
} while (val > 0);
// Reverse the digits into the right order
int swaps = (pos - buf) / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < swaps; i++)
std::swap(buf[i], pos[-1 - i]);
return pos;
/// Class that allows you to build a bt-encoded list manually, without copying or allocating memory.
/// This is essentially the reverse of bt_list_consumer: where it lets you stream-parse a buffer,
/// this class lets you build directly into a buffer that you own.
/// Out-of-buffer-space errors throw
class bt_list_producer {
friend class bt_dict_producer;
// Our pointers to the next write position and the past-the-end pointer of the buffer.
using buf_span = std::pair<char*, char*>;
// Our data is a begin/end pointer pair for the root list, or a pointer to our parent if a
// sublist.
std::variant<buf_span, bt_list_producer*, bt_dict_producer*> data;
// Reference to the write buffer; this is simply a reference to the value inside `data` for the
// root element, and a pointer to the root's value for sublists/subdicts.
buf_span& buffer;
// True indicates we have an open child list/dict
bool has_child = false;
// The range that contains this currently serialized value; `from` equals wherever the `l` was
// written that started this list and `to` is one past the `e` that ends it. Note that `to`
// will always be ahead of `buf_span.first` because we always write the `e`s to close open lists
// but these `e`s don't advance the write position (they will be overwritten if we append).
const char* const from;
const char* to;
// Sublist constructors
bt_list_producer(bt_list_producer* parent, std::string_view prefix = "l"sv);
bt_list_producer(bt_dict_producer* parent, std::string_view prefix = "l"sv);
// Does the actual appending to the buffer, and throwing if we'd overrun. If advance is false
// then we append without moving the buffer pointer (primarily when we append intermediate `e`s
// that we will overwrite if more data is added). This means that the next write will overwrite
// whatever was previously written by an `advance=false` call.
void buffer_append(std::string_view d, bool advance = true);
// Appends the 'e's into the buffer to close off open sublists/dicts *without* advancing the
// buffer position; we do this after each append so that the buffer always contains valid
// encoded data, even while we are still appending to it, and so that appending something raises
// a length_error if appending it would not leave enough space for the required e's to close the
// open list(s)/dict(s).
void append_intermediate_ends(size_t count = 1);
// Writes an integer to the given buffer; returns the one-past-the-data pointer. Up to 20 bytes
// will be written and must be available in buf. Used for both string and integer
// serialization.
template <typename IntType>
char* write_integer(IntType val, char* buf) {
static_assert(sizeof(IntType) <= 64);
2021-09-07 07:00:09 +02:00
auto [ptr, ec] = std::to_chars(buf, buf+20, val);
assert(ec == std::errc());
return ptr;
2021-09-07 07:00:09 +02:00
// Hate apple.
return apple_to_chars10(buf, val);
// Serializes an integer value and appends it to the output buffer. Does not call
// append_intermediate_ends().
template <typename IntType, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<IntType>, int> = 0>
void append_impl(IntType val) {
char buf[22]; // 'i' + base10 representation + 'e'
buf[0] = 'i';
auto* ptr = write_integer(val, buf+1);
*ptr++ = 'e';
buffer_append({buf, static_cast<size_t>(ptr-buf)});
// Appends a string value, but does not call append_intermediate_ends()
void append_impl(std::string_view s);
bt_list_producer() = delete;
bt_list_producer(const bt_list_producer&) = delete;
bt_list_producer& operator=(const bt_list_producer&) = delete;
bt_list_producer& operator=(bt_list_producer&&) = delete;
bt_list_producer(bt_list_producer&& other);
/// Constructs a list producer that writes into the range [begin, end). If a write would go
/// beyond the end of the buffer an exception is raised. Note that this will happen during
/// construction if the given buffer is not large enough to contain the `le` encoding of an
/// empty list.
bt_list_producer(char* begin, char* end);
/// Constructs a list producer that writes into the range [begin, begin+size). If a write would
/// go beyond the end of the buffer an exception is raised.
bt_list_producer(char* begin, size_t len) : bt_list_producer{begin, begin + len} {}
/// Returns a string_view into the currently serialized data buffer. Note that the returned
/// view includes the `e` list end serialization markers which will be overwritten if the list
/// (or an active sublist/subdict) is appended to.
std::string_view view() const {
return {from, static_cast<size_t>(to-from)};
/// Returns the end position in the buffer.
const char* end() const { return to; }
/// Appends an element containing binary string data
void append(std::string_view data);
bt_list_producer& operator+=(std::string_view data) { append(data); return *this; }
/// Appends an integer
template <typename IntType, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<IntType>, int> = 0>
void append(IntType i) {
if (has_child) throw std::logic_error{"Cannot append to list when a sublist is active"};
template <typename IntType, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<IntType>, int> = 0>
bt_list_producer& operator+=(IntType i) { append(i); return *this; }
/// Appends elements from the range [from, to) to the list. This does *not* append the elements
/// as a sublist: for that you should use something like: `l.append_list().append(from, to);`
template <typename ForwardIt>
void append(ForwardIt from, ForwardIt to) {
if (has_child) throw std::logic_error{"Cannot append to list when a sublist is active"};
while (from != to)
/// Appends a sublist to this list. Returns a new bt_list_producer that references the parent
/// list. The parent cannot be added to until the sublist is destroyed. This is meant to be
/// used via RAII:
/// buf data[16];
/// bt_list_producer list{data, sizeof(data)};
/// {
/// auto sublist = list.append_list();
/// sublist.append(42);
/// }
/// list.append(1);
/// // `data` now contains: `lli42eei1ee`
/// If doing more complex lifetime management, take care not to allow the child instance to
/// outlive the parent.
bt_list_producer append_list();
/// Appends a dict to this list. Returns a new bt_dict_producer that references the parent
/// list. The parent cannot be added to until the subdict is destroyed. This is meant to be
/// used via RAII (see append_list() for details).
/// If doing more complex lifetime management, take care not to allow the child instance to
/// outlive the parent.
bt_dict_producer append_dict();
/// Class that allows you to build a bt-encoded dict manually, without copying or allocating memory.
/// This is essentially the reverse of bt_dict_consumer: where it lets you stream-parse a buffer,
/// this class lets you build directly into a buffer that you own.
/// Note that bt-encoded dicts *must* be produced in (ASCII) ascending key order, but that this is
/// only tracked/enforced for non-release builds (i.e. without -DNDEBUG).
class bt_dict_producer : bt_list_producer {
friend class bt_list_producer;
// Subdict constructors
bt_dict_producer(bt_list_producer* parent);
bt_dict_producer(bt_dict_producer* parent);
// Checks a just-written key string to make sure it is monotonically increasing from the last
// key. Does nothing in a release build.
#ifdef NDEBUG
constexpr void check_incrementing_key(size_t) const {}
// String view into the buffer where we wrote the previous key.
std::string_view last_key;
void check_incrementing_key(size_t size);
// Construction is identical to bt_list_producer
using bt_list_producer::bt_list_producer;
/// Returns a string_view into the currently serialized data buffer. Note that the returned
/// view includes the `e` dict end serialization markers which will be overwritten if the dict
/// (or an active sublist/subdict) is appended to.
std::string_view view() const { return bt_list_producer::view(); }
/// Appends a key-value pair with a string or integer value. The key must be > the last key
/// added, but this is only enforced (with an assertion) in debug builds.
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<T, std::string_view> || std::is_integral_v<T>, int> = 0>
void append(std::string_view key, const T& value) {
if (has_child) throw std::logic_error{"Cannot append to list when a sublist is active"};
/// Appends pairs from the range [from, to) to the dict. Elements must have a .first
/// convertible to a string_view, and a .second that is either string view convertible or an
/// integer. This does *not* append the elements as a subdict: for that you should use
/// something like: `l.append_dict().append(key, from, to);`
/// Also note that the range *must* be sorted by keys, which means either using an ordered
/// container (e.g. std::map) or a manually ordered container (such as a vector or list of
/// pairs). unordered_map, however, is not acceptable.
template <typename ForwardIt, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible_v<ForwardIt, std::string_view>, int> = 0>
void append(ForwardIt from, ForwardIt to) {
if (has_child) throw std::logic_error{"Cannot append to list when a sublist is active"};
using KeyType = std::remove_cv_t<std::decay_t<decltype(from->first)>>;
using ValType = std::decay_t<decltype(from->second)>;
static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<decltype(from->first), std::string_view>);
static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<ValType, std::string_view> || std::is_integral_v<ValType>);
using BadUnorderedMap = std::unordered_map<KeyType, ValType>;
static_assert(!( // Disallow unordered_map iterators because they are not going to be ordered.
std::is_same_v<typename BadUnorderedMap::iterator, ForwardIt> ||
std::is_same_v<typename BadUnorderedMap::const_iterator, ForwardIt>));
while (from != to) {
2021-09-07 21:26:45 +02:00
const auto& [k, v] = *from++;
/// Appends a sub-dict value to this dict with the given key. Returns a new bt_dict_producer
/// that references the parent dict. The parent cannot be added to until the subdict is
/// destroyed. Key must be (ascii-comparison) larger than the previous key.
/// This is meant to be used via RAII:
/// buf data[32];
/// bt_dict_producer dict{data, sizeof(data)};
/// {
/// auto subdict = dict.begin_dict("myKey");
/// subdict.append("x", 42);
/// }
/// dict.append("y", "");
/// // `data` now contains: `d5:myKeyd1:xi42ee1:y0:e`
/// If doing more complex lifetime management, take care not to allow the child instance to
/// outlive the parent.
bt_dict_producer append_dict(std::string_view key);
/// Appends a list to this dict with the given key (which must be ascii-larger than the previous
/// key). Returns a new bt_list_producer that references the parent dict. The parent cannot be
/// added to until the sublist is destroyed.
/// This is meant to be used via RAII (see append_dict() for details).
/// If doing more complex lifetime management, take care not to allow the child instance to
/// outlive the parent.
bt_list_producer append_list(std::string_view key);
} // namespace oxenmq