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#include "lokimq.h"
#include "lokimq-internal.h"
#include "hex.h"
namespace lokimq {
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const ConnectionID& conn) {
if (!conn.pk.empty())
return o << (conn.sn() ? "SN " : "non-SN authenticated remote ") << to_hex(conn.pk);
return o << "unauthenticated remote [" << conn.id << "]";
namespace {
void add_pollitem(std::vector<zmq::pollitem_t>& pollitems, zmq::socket_t& sock) {
auto &p = pollitems.back();
p.socket = static_cast<void *>(sock);
p.fd = 0;
p.events = ZMQ_POLLIN;
} // anonymous namespace
void LokiMQ::rebuild_pollitems() {
add_pollitem(pollitems, command);
add_pollitem(pollitems, workers_socket);
add_pollitem(pollitems, zap_auth);
for (auto& s : connections)
add_pollitem(pollitems, s);
pollitems_stale = false;
void LokiMQ::setup_outgoing_socket(zmq::socket_t& socket, string_view remote_pubkey) {
if (!remote_pubkey.empty()) {
socket.setsockopt(ZMQ_CURVE_SERVERKEY, remote_pubkey.data(), remote_pubkey.size());
socket.setsockopt(ZMQ_CURVE_PUBLICKEY, pubkey.data(), pubkey.size());
socket.setsockopt(ZMQ_CURVE_SECRETKEY, privkey.data(), privkey.size());
socket.setsockopt(ZMQ_HANDSHAKE_IVL, (int) HANDSHAKE_TIME.count());
socket.setsockopt<int64_t>(ZMQ_MAXMSGSIZE, MAX_MSG_SIZE);
std::string routing_id;
routing_id += 'L'; // Prefix because routing id's starting with \0 are reserved by zmq (and our pubkey might start with \0)
routing_id.append(pubkey.begin(), pubkey.end());
socket.setsockopt(ZMQ_ROUTING_ID, routing_id.data(), routing_id.size());
// else let ZMQ pick a random one
std::pair<zmq::socket_t *, std::string>
LokiMQ::proxy_connect_sn(string_view remote, string_view connect_hint, bool optional, bool incoming_only, bool outgoing_only, std::chrono::milliseconds keep_alive) {
ConnectionID remote_cid{remote};
auto its = peers.equal_range(remote_cid);
peer_info* peer = nullptr;
for (auto it = its.first; it != its.second; ++it) {
if (incoming_only && it->second.route.empty())
continue; // outgoing connection but we were asked to only use incoming connections
if (outgoing_only && !it->second.route.empty())
peer = &it->second;
if (peer) {
LMQ_TRACE("proxy asked to connect to ", to_hex(remote), "; reusing existing connection");
if (peer->route.empty() /* == outgoing*/) {
if (peer->idle_expiry < keep_alive) {
LMQ_LOG(debug, "updating existing outgoing peer connection idle expiry time from ",
peer->idle_expiry.count(), "ms to ", keep_alive.count(), "ms");
peer->idle_expiry = keep_alive;
return {&connections[peer->conn_index], peer->route};
} else if (optional || incoming_only) {
LMQ_LOG(debug, "proxy asked for optional or incoming connection, but no appropriate connection exists so aborting connection attempt");
return {nullptr, ""s};
// No connection so establish a new one
LMQ_LOG(debug, "proxy establishing new outbound connection to ", to_hex(remote));
std::string addr;
bool to_self = false && remote == pubkey; // FIXME; need to use a separate listening socket for this, otherwise we can't easily
// tell it wasn't from a remote.
if (to_self) {
// special inproc connection if self that doesn't need any external connection
addr = SN_ADDR_SELF;
} else {
addr = std::string{connect_hint};
if (addr.empty())
addr = sn_lookup(remote);
LMQ_LOG(debug, "using connection hint ", connect_hint);
if (addr.empty()) {
LMQ_LOG(error, "peer lookup failed for ", to_hex(remote));
return {nullptr, ""s};
LMQ_LOG(debug, to_hex(pubkey), " (me) connecting to ", addr, " to reach ", to_hex(remote));
zmq::socket_t socket{context, zmq::socket_type::dealer};
setup_outgoing_socket(socket, remote);
try {
} catch (const zmq::error_t& e) {
// Note that this failure cases indicates something serious went wrong that means zmq isn't
// even going to try connecting (for example an unparseable remote address).
LMQ_LOG(error, "Outgoing connection to ", addr, " failed: ", e.what());
return {nullptr, ""s};
peer_info p{};
p.service_node = true;
p.pubkey = std::string{remote};
p.conn_index = connections.size();
p.idle_expiry = keep_alive;
peers.emplace(std::move(remote_cid), std::move(p));
pollitems_stale = true;
return {&connections.back(), ""s};
std::pair<zmq::socket_t *, std::string> LokiMQ::proxy_connect_sn(bt_dict_consumer data) {
string_view hint, remote_pk;
std::chrono::milliseconds keep_alive;
bool optional = false, incoming_only = false, outgoing_only = false;
// Alphabetical order
if (data.skip_until("hint"))
hint = data.consume_string();
if (data.skip_until("incoming"))
incoming_only = data.consume_integer<bool>();
if (data.skip_until("keep_alive"))
keep_alive = std::chrono::milliseconds{data.consume_integer<uint64_t>()};
if (data.skip_until("optional"))
optional = data.consume_integer<bool>();
if (data.skip_until("outgoing_only"))
outgoing_only = data.consume_integer<bool>();
if (!data.skip_until("pubkey"))
throw std::runtime_error("Internal error: Invalid proxy_connect_sn command; pubkey missing");
remote_pk = data.consume_string();
return proxy_connect_sn(remote_pk, hint, optional, incoming_only, outgoing_only, keep_alive);
template <typename Container, typename AccessIndex>
void update_connection_indices(Container& c, size_t index, AccessIndex get_index) {
for (auto it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); ) {
size_t& i = get_index(*it);
if (index == i) {
it = c.erase(it);
if (i > index)
/// Closes outgoing connections and removes all references. Note that this will invalidate
/// iterators on the various connection containers - if you don't want that, delete it first so that
/// the container won't contain the element being deleted.
void LokiMQ::proxy_close_connection(size_t index, std::chrono::milliseconds linger) {
connections[index].setsockopt<int>(ZMQ_LINGER, linger > 0ms ? linger.count() : 0);
pollitems_stale = true;
connections.erase(connections.begin() + index);
LMQ_LOG(debug, "Closing conn index ", index);
update_connection_indices(peers, index,
[](auto& p) -> size_t& { return p.second.conn_index; });
update_connection_indices(pending_connects, index,
[](auto& pc) -> size_t& { return std::get<size_t>(pc); });
update_connection_indices(bind, index,
[](auto& b) -> size_t& { return b.second.index; });
update_connection_indices(incoming_conn_index, index,
[](auto& oci) -> size_t& { return oci.second; });
assert(index < conn_index_to_id.size());
conn_index_to_id.erase(conn_index_to_id.begin() + index);
void LokiMQ::proxy_expire_idle_peers() {
for (auto it = peers.begin(); it != peers.end(); ) {
auto &info = it->second;
if (info.outgoing()) {
auto idle = info.last_activity - std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
if (idle <= info.idle_expiry) {
LMQ_LOG(debug, "Closing outgoing connection to ", it->first, ": idle timeout reached");
proxy_close_connection(info.conn_index, CLOSE_LINGER);
} else {
void LokiMQ::proxy_conn_cleanup() {
LMQ_TRACE("starting proxy connections cleanup");
// Drop idle connections (if we haven't done it in a while) but *only* if we have some idle
// general workers: if we don't have any idle workers then we may still have incoming messages which
// we haven't processed yet and those messages might end up resetting the last activity time.
if (static_cast<int>(workers.size()) < general_workers) {
LMQ_TRACE("closing idle connections");
auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// FIXME - check other outgoing connections to see if they died and if so purge them
LMQ_TRACE("Timing out pending outgoing connections");
// Check any pending outgoing connections for timeout
for (auto it = pending_connects.begin(); it != pending_connects.end(); ) {
auto& pc = *it;
if (std::get<std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point>(pc) < now) {
job([cid = ConnectionID{std::get<long long>(pc)}, callback = std::move(std::get<ConnectFailure>(pc))] { callback(cid, "connection attempt timed out"); });
it = pending_connects.erase(it); // Don't let the below erase it (because it invalidates iterators)
proxy_close_connection(std::get<size_t>(pc), CLOSE_LINGER);
} else {
LMQ_TRACE("Timing out pending requests");
// Remove any expired pending requests and schedule their callback with a failure
for (auto it = pending_requests.begin(); it != pending_requests.end(); ) {
auto& callback = it->second;
if (callback.first < now) {
LMQ_LOG(debug, "pending request ", to_hex(it->first), " expired, invoking callback with failure status and removing");
job([callback = std::move(callback.second)] { callback(false, {}); });
it = pending_requests.erase(it);
} else {
LMQ_TRACE("done proxy connections cleanup");
void LokiMQ::proxy_connect_remote(bt_dict_consumer data) {
AuthLevel auth_level = AuthLevel::none;
long long conn_id = -1;
ConnectSuccess on_connect;
ConnectFailure on_failure;
std::string remote;
std::string remote_pubkey;
std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = REMOTE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;
if (data.skip_until("auth_level"))
auth_level = static_cast<AuthLevel>(data.consume_integer<std::underlying_type_t<AuthLevel>>());
if (data.skip_until("conn_id"))
conn_id = data.consume_integer<long long>();
if (data.skip_until("connect")) {
auto* ptr = reinterpret_cast<ConnectSuccess*>(data.consume_integer<uintptr_t>());
on_connect = std::move(*ptr);
delete ptr;
if (data.skip_until("failure")) {
auto* ptr = reinterpret_cast<ConnectFailure*>(data.consume_integer<uintptr_t>());
on_failure = std::move(*ptr);
delete ptr;
if (data.skip_until("pubkey")) {
remote_pubkey = data.consume_string();
assert(remote_pubkey.size() == 32 || remote_pubkey.empty());
if (data.skip_until("remote"))
remote = data.consume_string();
if (data.skip_until("timeout"))
timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds{data.consume_integer<uint64_t>()};
if (conn_id == -1 || remote.empty())
throw std::runtime_error("Internal error: CONNECT_REMOTE proxy command missing required 'conn_id' and/or 'remote' value");
LMQ_LOG(debug, "Establishing remote connection to ", remote, remote_pubkey.empty() ? " (NULL auth)" : " via CURVE expecting pubkey " + to_hex(remote_pubkey));
assert(conn_index_to_id.size() == connections.size());
zmq::socket_t sock{context, zmq::socket_type::dealer};
try {
setup_outgoing_socket(sock, remote_pubkey);
} catch (const zmq::error_t &e) {
proxy_schedule_reply_job([conn_id, on_failure=std::move(on_failure), what="connect() failed: "s+e.what()] {
on_failure(conn_id, std::move(what));
pollitems_stale = true;
LMQ_LOG(debug, "Opened new zmq socket to ", remote, ", conn_id ", conn_id, "; sending HI");
send_direct_message(connections.back(), "HI");
pending_connects.emplace_back(connections.size()-1, conn_id, std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + timeout,
std::move(on_connect), std::move(on_failure));
peer_info peer;
peer.pubkey = std::move(remote_pubkey);
peer.service_node = false;
peer.auth_level = auth_level;
peer.conn_index = connections.size() - 1;
ConnectionID conn{conn_id, peer.pubkey};
assert(connections.size() == conn_index_to_id.size());
peer.idle_expiry = 24h * 10 * 365; // "forever"
peers.emplace(std::move(conn), std::move(peer));
void LokiMQ::proxy_disconnect(bt_dict_consumer data) {
ConnectionID connid{-1};
std::chrono::milliseconds linger = 1s;
if (data.skip_until("conn_id"))
connid.id = data.consume_integer<long long>();
if (data.skip_until("linger_ms"))
linger = std::chrono::milliseconds(data.consume_integer<long long>());
if (data.skip_until("pubkey"))
connid.pk = data.consume_string();
if (connid.sn() && connid.pk.size() != 32)
throw std::runtime_error("Error: invalid disconnect of SN without a valid pubkey");
proxy_disconnect(std::move(connid), linger);
void LokiMQ::proxy_disconnect(ConnectionID conn, std::chrono::milliseconds linger) {
LMQ_TRACE("Disconnecting outgoing connection to ", conn);
auto pr = peers.equal_range(conn);
for (auto it = pr.first; it != pr.second; ++it) {
auto& peer = it->second;
if (peer.outgoing()) {
LMQ_LOG(debug, "Closing outgoing connection to ", conn);
proxy_close_connection(peer.conn_index, linger);
LMQ_LOG(warn, "Failed to disconnect ", conn, ": no such outgoing connection");