Add methods for unpadded base64 construction

The iterator has them; this adds wrapper methods to access them when not
using the iterator directly.
This commit is contained in:
Jason Rhinelander 2021-10-01 18:53:05 -03:00
parent ee1d69f333
commit 9a8adb5bfd
2 changed files with 36 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -77,9 +77,10 @@ static_assert(b64_lut.from_b64('/') == 63 && b64_lut.from_b64('7') == 59 && b64_
} // namespace detail
/// Returns the number of characters required to encode a base64 string from the given number of bytes.
inline constexpr size_t to_base64_size(size_t byte_size) {
// bytes*4/3, rounded up to the next multiple of 4
return (byte_size + 2) / 3 * 4;
inline constexpr size_t to_base64_size(size_t byte_size, bool padded = true) {
return padded
? (byte_size + 2) / 3 * 4 // bytes*4/3, rounded up to the next multiple of 4
: (byte_size * 4 + 2) / 3; // ⌈bytes*4/3⌉
/// Returns the (maximum) number of bytes required to decode a base64 string of the given size.
/// Note that this may overallocate by 1-2 bytes if the size includes 1-2 padding chars.
@ -165,13 +166,14 @@ public:
/// Returns the final value of out (i.e. the iterator positioned just after the last written base64
/// character).
template <typename InputIt, typename OutputIt>
OutputIt to_base64(InputIt begin, InputIt end, OutputIt out) {
OutputIt to_base64(InputIt begin, InputIt end, OutputIt out, bool padded = true) {
static_assert(sizeof(decltype(*begin)) == 1, "to_base64 requires chars/bytes");
auto it = base64_encoder{begin, end};
auto it = base64_encoder{begin, end, padded};
return std::copy(it, it.end(), out);
/// Creates and returns a base64 string from an iterator pair of a character sequence
/// Creates and returns a base64 string from an iterator pair of a character sequence. The
/// resulting string will have '=' padding, if appropriate.
template <typename It>
std::string to_base64(It begin, It end) {
std::string base64;
@ -183,11 +185,31 @@ std::string to_base64(It begin, It end) {
return base64;
/// Creates a base64 string from an iterable, std::string-like object
/// Creates and returns a base64 string from an iterator pair of a character sequence. The
/// resulting string will not be padded.
template <typename It>
std::string to_base64_unpadded(It begin, It end) {
std::string base64;
if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<std::random_access_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits<It>::iterator_category>) {
using std::distance;
base64.reserve(to_base64_size(distance(begin, end), false));
to_base64(begin, end, std::back_inserter(base64), false);
return base64;
/// Creates a base64 string from an iterable, std::string-like object. The string will have '='
/// padding, if appropriate.
template <typename CharT>
std::string to_base64(std::basic_string_view<CharT> s) { return to_base64(s.begin(), s.end()); }
inline std::string to_base64(std::string_view s) { return to_base64<>(s); }
/// Creates a base64 string from an iterable, std::string-like object. The string will not be
/// padded.
template <typename CharT>
std::string to_base64_unpadded(std::basic_string_view<CharT> s) { return to_base64_unpadded(s.begin(), s.end()); }
inline std::string to_base64_unpadded(std::string_view s) { return to_base64_unpadded<>(s); }
/// Returns true if the range is a base64 encoded value; we allow (but do not require) '=' padding,
/// but only at the end, only 1 or 2, and only if it pads out the total to a multiple of 4.
/// Otherwise the string must contain only valid base64 characters, and must not have a length of

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@ -186,6 +186,13 @@ TEST_CASE("base64 encoding/decoding", "[encoding][decoding][base64]") {
REQUIRE( oxenmq::to_base64("abcde") == "YWJjZGU=" );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::to_base64("abcdef") == "YWJjZGVm" );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::to_base64_unpadded("a") == "YQ" );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::to_base64_unpadded("ab") == "YWI" );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::to_base64_unpadded("abc") == "YWJj" );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::to_base64_unpadded("abcd") == "YWJjZA" );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::to_base64_unpadded("abcde") == "YWJjZGU" );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::to_base64_unpadded("abcdef") == "YWJjZGVm" );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::to_base64("\0\0\0\xff"s) == "AAAA/w==" );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::to_base64("\0\0\0\xff\xff"s) == "AAAA//8=" );
REQUIRE( oxenmq::to_base64("\0\0\0\xff\xff\xff"s) == "AAAA////" );