Drop tagged thread init function; add synchronization dance

The init function doesn't seem all that useful and makes the interface a
bit more complicated, so drop it.

Also addresses a race condition that can happen with tagged thread
startup when the proxy tries to talk to a tagged thread but the tagged
thread hasn't connected yet (which then aborts the proxy because it
assumes workers are always routable).
This commit is contained in:
Jason Rhinelander 2020-06-05 14:06:34 -03:00
parent 8caab97355
commit ae8dd27cdd
5 changed files with 76 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -146,10 +146,7 @@ TaggedThreadID LokiMQ::add_tagged_thread(std::string name, std::function<void()>
run.worker_routing_id = "t" + std::to_string(run.worker_id);
LMQ_TRACE("Created new tagged thread ", name, " with routing id ", run.worker_routing_id);
run.worker_thread = std::thread{[this, id=run.worker_id, name, init=std::move(init), start=std::move(start)] {
if (init) init();
return worker_thread(id, name, std::move(start));
run.worker_thread = std::thread{&LokiMQ::worker_thread, this, run.worker_id, name, std::move(start)};
return TaggedThreadID{static_cast<int>(run.worker_id)};

View File

@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ public:
* \returns a TaggedThreadID object that can be passed to job(), batch(), or add_timer() to
* direct the task to the tagged thread.
TaggedThreadID add_tagged_thread(std::string name, std::function<void()> init = nullptr, std::function<void()> start = nullptr);
TaggedThreadID add_tagged_thread(std::string name, std::function<void()> start = nullptr);
* Sets the number of worker threads reserved for batch jobs. If not explicitly called then

View File

@ -397,14 +397,35 @@ void LokiMQ::proxy_loop() {
throw zmq::error_t{};
// Tell any tagged workers to go ahead with startup:
for (auto& w : tagged_workers) {
LMQ_LOG(debug, "Telling tagged thread worker ", std::get<run_info>(w).worker_routing_id, " to finish startup");
route_control(workers_socket, std::get<run_info>(w).worker_routing_id, "START");
std::vector<zmq::message_t> parts;
// Wait for tagged worker threads to get ready and connect to us (we get a "STARTING" message)
// and send them back a "START" to let them know to go ahead with startup. We need this
// synchronization dance to guarantee that the workers are routable before we can proceed.
if (!tagged_workers.empty()) {
LMQ_LOG(debug, "Waiting for tagged workers");
std::unordered_set<std::string_view> waiting_on;
for (auto& w : tagged_workers)
for (; !waiting_on.empty(); parts.clear()) {
recv_message_parts(workers_socket, parts);
if (parts.size() != 2 || view(parts[1]) != "STARTING"sv) {
LMQ_LOG(error, "Received invalid message on worker socket while waiting for tagged thread startup");
LMQ_LOG(debug, "Received STARTING message from ", view(parts[0]));
if (auto it = waiting_on.find(view(parts[0])); it != waiting_on.end())
LMQ_LOG(error, "Received STARTING message from unknown worker ", view(parts[0]));
for (auto&w : tagged_workers) {
LMQ_LOG(debug, "Telling tagged thread worker ", std::get<run_info>(w).worker_routing_id, " to finish startup");
route_control(workers_socket, std::get<run_info>(w).worker_routing_id, "START");
while (true) {
std::chrono::milliseconds poll_timeout;
if (max_workers == 0) { // Will be 0 only if we are quitting

View File

@ -5,6 +5,41 @@
namespace lokimq {
namespace {
// Waits for a specific command or "QUIT" on the given socket. Returns true if the command was
// received. If "QUIT" was received, replies with "QUITTING" on the socket and closes it, then
// returns false.
[[gnu::always_inline]] inline
bool worker_wait_for(LokiMQ& lmq, zmq::socket_t& sock, std::vector<zmq::message_t>& parts, const std::string_view worker_id, const std::string_view expect) {
while (true) {
lmq.log(LogLevel::debug, __FILE__, __LINE__, "worker ", worker_id, " waiting for ", expect);
recv_message_parts(sock, parts);
if (parts.size() != 1) {
lmq.log(LogLevel::error, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Internal error: worker ", worker_id, " received invalid ", parts.size(), "-part control msg");
auto command = view(parts[0]);
if (command == expect) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
lmq.log(LogLevel::trace, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Worker ", worker_id, " received waited-for ", expect, " command");
return true;
} else if (command == "QUIT"sv) {
lmq.log(LogLevel::debug, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Worker ", worker_id, " received QUIT command, shutting down");
detail::send_control(sock, "QUITTING");
sock.setsockopt<int>(ZMQ_LINGER, 1000);
return false;
} else {
lmq.log(LogLevel::error, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Internal error: worker ", worker_id, " received invalid command: `", command, "'");
void LokiMQ::worker_thread(unsigned int index, std::optional<std::string> tagged, std::function<void()> start) {
std::string routing_id = (tagged ? "t" : "w") + std::to_string(index); // for routing
std::string_view worker_id{tagged ? *tagged : routing_id}; // for debug
@ -23,6 +58,8 @@ void LokiMQ::worker_thread(unsigned int index, std::optional<std::string> tagged
sock.setsockopt(ZMQ_ROUTING_ID, routing_id.data(), routing_id.size());
LMQ_LOG(debug, "New worker thread ", worker_id, " (", routing_id, ") started");
if (tagged)
detail::send_control(sock, "STARTING");
Message message{*this, 0, AuthLevel::none, ""s};
std::vector<zmq::message_t> parts;
@ -36,28 +73,9 @@ void LokiMQ::worker_thread(unsigned int index, std::optional<std::string> tagged
waiting_for_command = true;
while (true) {
LMQ_TRACE("tagged worker ", worker_id, " waiting for startup signal");
recv_message_parts(sock, parts);
if (parts.size() != 1) {
LMQ_LOG(error, "Internal error: worker ", worker_id, " received invalid ", parts.size(), "-part startup msg");
auto command = view(parts[0]);
if (command == "START"sv) {
LMQ_LOG(debug, "Tagged worker ", worker_id, " received start signal, starting up");
if (start) start();
} else if (command == "QUIT"sv) {
LMQ_LOG(debug, "Tagged worker ", worker_id, " shutting down");
detail::send_control(sock, "QUITTING");
sock.setsockopt<int>(ZMQ_LINGER, 1000);
} else {
LMQ_LOG(error, "Internal error: worker ", worker_id, " received invalid command: `", command, "'");
if (!worker_wait_for(*this, sock, parts, worker_id, "START"sv))
if (start) start();
} else {
// Otherwise for a regular worker we can only be started by an active main proxy thread
// which will have preloaded our first job so we can start off right away.
@ -68,28 +86,9 @@ void LokiMQ::worker_thread(unsigned int index, std::optional<std::string> tagged
run_info& run = tagged ? std::get<run_info>(tagged_workers[index - 1]) : workers[index];
while (true) {
while (waiting_for_command) {
LMQ_TRACE("worker ", worker_id, " waiting for command");
recv_message_parts(sock, parts);
if (parts.size() != 1) {
LMQ_LOG(error, "Internal error: worker ", worker_id, " received invalid ", parts.size(), "-part worker instruction");
auto command = view(parts[0]);
if (command == "RUN"sv) {
LMQ_LOG(debug, "worker ", worker_id, " running ", run.is_batch_job ? "batch"s : "command " + run.command);
waiting_for_command = false;
} else if (command == "QUIT"sv) {
LMQ_LOG(debug, "worker ", worker_id, " shutting down");
detail::send_control(sock, "QUITTING");
sock.setsockopt<int>(ZMQ_LINGER, 1000);
if (waiting_for_command) {
if (!worker_wait_for(*this, sock, parts, worker_id, "RUN"sv))
} else {
LMQ_LOG(error, "Internal error: worker ", worker_id, " received invalid command: `", command, "'");
try {

View File

@ -2,17 +2,16 @@
#include "common.h"
#include <future>
TEST_CASE("tagged thread init and start functions", "[tagged][init]") {
TEST_CASE("tagged thread start functions", "[tagged][start]") {
lokimq::LokiMQ lmq{get_logger(""), LogLevel::trace};
auto t_abc = lmq.add_tagged_thread("abc");
std::atomic<bool> init_called = false, initghi_called = false, start_called = false;
auto t_def = lmq.add_tagged_thread("def", [&] { init_called = true; });
auto t_ghi = lmq.add_tagged_thread("def", [&] { initghi_called = true; }, [&] { start_called = false; });
std::atomic<bool> start_called = false;
auto t_def = lmq.add_tagged_thread("def", [&] { start_called = true; });
wait_for([&] { return init_called.load() && initghi_called.load(); });
auto lock = catch_lock();
REQUIRE_FALSE( start_called );
@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ TEST_CASE("tagged thread init and start functions", "[tagged][init]") {
wait_for([&] { return start_called.load(); });
auto lock = catch_lock();
REQUIRE_FALSE( start_called );
REQUIRE( start_called );